DS2 RPG General Status Report January 2002 USS Earth The mission is rather simple. A shuttlecraft will enter the temporal distortion to retrieve a probe which apparently hasn't moved since it was trapped in the temporal distortion about a hundred years ago. Lieutenant Lisa Bnomo is the best available pilot to do the job and although she is allowed to refuse this mission, she agrees immediately. But she will be on her own. The shuttlecraft is launched and a few moments later, the craft enters the temporal distortion. The USS earth sensors can follow the shuttle, piloted by LT Bnomo but communications seem to be disrupted by the temporal distortion. It is very strange the probe's signal is received, but all communications with LT Bnomo is impossible. USS Earth scientists explain this phenomena that the probe was already sending out the signal when it was caught in the temporal distortion and the signal of the probe, received by the USS Earth is somekind of echo. Time in the temporal distortion is a little bit different than in regular space. The shuttle moves very slowly. LT Bnomo needs four hours to get to the probe, which is only two thousand meters away from the USS Earth. She needs another hour to get the probe into the shuttle's cargobay, and than another four hours to get back to the USS Earth. At first the USS Earth scientists, who cannot wait until they get their hands on the probe only find sensor logs about mapping stars and planets, but these logs stopped the moment the probe was caught by the temporal distortion. But there are two interesting coded Federation files, stored in the probe's memory very recently. USS Mandarin, Captain's Log: Stardate 55133.2 Lieutenant Garriston will fly into the temporal distortion to upload this short log into the probe's memory. Our communications array is still of line and we haven't been able to contact any Starfleet facility for almost two months. So uploading this log into the probe's memory, looked like a good idea. I didn't want to upload all ship's files, as I will not know who finds this probe and what will be done with this information. While we conduct repairs, we will maintain our speed, following the Cardassian Galor-class vessel. We cannot give up now. I don't know whether they have detected us yet, but if they did, they don't seem to care. Cardassians are not exactly exporers, so I suspect something much more is going on here than we are supposed to know. I hope Starfleet or the Federation finds this probe and reads this log. I have to go now. Take care. End Log USS Mandarin, Lieutenant Garriston's personal log: Stardate 55133.6 I have reached the probe. It took me four hours to get here. I have successfully uploaded the Captain's log and I will upload this message as well, just to say I have been able to get to the probe and now I will return to the USS Mandarin. Hi mom, I am fine. End Log USS Earth Chief of Operations, LT Harry Dankers has already found the warptrail of the USS Mandarin. There cannot be a mistake, but there is no trail of a Cardassian ship. By the looks of it, the USS Earth is only a few weeks behind the USS Mandarin. Captain Steichen sends a message to Starfleet command to report the USS Earth's findings, but a reply to this message is not expected within sixteen days. The USS earth is on course to follow the trail of the Federation starship USS Mandarin. USS Giorko While the crew of the USS Giorko tries to find evidence that there is something suspicious going on on Starbase 899, Captain Van Nieuwenhove is already in LT Kretz quarters accompanied by three Giorko security officers. As commuinications can be monitored, the Captain has send Ensign Carl Ptchiconi back to the ship to report the situation to First Officer Cambrera. Cambrera concentrates the Starbase 899 database search on the files, log entries and movements of LT Kretz. LT Kretz quarters seem to be quarters like any other quarters. There is nothing to be found, not even a secret note or a marking on the walls. The small Giorko away team knows that the death of LT Kretz will soon be found out, so the search has to be completed fast. Suddenly one of the security officers, LT Lightman reports something he has found. "Captain I believe I have something here. It is a DNA trace, but not human. My tricorder is not good enough to determine what exactly this is, but it is definitively not human DNA. I suggest we have to take a sample to the Giorko for further examination." LT Lightman has just spoken his last word and someone calls at LT Kretz door. It could be his girlfriend, it could be a detachement security officers armed and ready to shoot on sight... Onboard the USS Giorko, still in spacedock of Starbase 899, First Officer Cambrera is in command. He is an officer who takes no chances in his command, except for himself. Searching the database concerning LT Kretz, his officers have discovered that LT Kretz arrived only six weeks ago on a civilian freighter. The civilian freighter came from Ferenginar and before that the freighter came from Yonar II, a planet in Cardassian space... But Commander Cambrera takes care of his Captain as well. When he looks at the sensor displays he notices that there are some security officers at the door of LT Kretz quarters on Starbase 899. Time to get the away team back. A moment later a small group of Starbase 899 security officers bust into LT Kretz quarters, but the USS Giorko away team has already materialized on the USS Giorko. LT Lightman holds a small box, containing a sample of the unknown DNA. The DNA sample ends up in a science lab with great speed. Doctor CMDR Frank Stevens examines the sample. But Starbase 899 personnel seem to be not caring about Starfleet and the Federation, but they are not stupid. The transport of the Giorko away team hasn't been unnoticed. Although it cannot be determined from where exactly the transport has been done, Someone's head is going to roll. USS Giorko First Officer Cambrera had the transport masked and the traces are dispersed. Back on the bridge there is another surprise for Captain Van Nieuwenhove. He is contacted by Admiral Klingsor on Starbase 899 demanding what is going on. "On screen." "Captain Van Nieuwenhove. I don't think I need to introduce myself and I will be as short as possible. It seems to me that your latest actions on our starbase are strange, to say the least. You have transported from our Starbase to your own ship as you were in a great hurry. That is very unusual. Would you mind explaining what your intensions are. " Just when the Admiral stops talking Doctor CMDR Frank Stevens reports that the DNA sample is Cardassian. There is no doubt. But Captain Geert Van Nieuwenhove is not born yesterday. He tells the Admiral a lie. Without being nervous at all he tells the Admiral that he had contact with an unidentified ship that seems to have cardassian dna on it and has secret filles of starfleet in its database. He also tells the Admiral that Captain Van Nieuwenhove and his crew are under strict order not to discuss this matter and to investgate in order of starfleet command and the president himself, and so diverting the reasons of the real reason. USS Thunderbolt USS Thunderbolt security officers, Ensign Croisson and Chief Guiseppe start giving cover for LT Tomar who is pinned down in a corner and before the opponent workmen can get to him there are already three of them on the floor. Captain Mechels himself makes a encircling movement. There is no way for the workmen to escape. But they don't give up easily. They fight till the last man. But after six minutes they all lay down on the floor. To the surprise of the security force and Captain Mechels there is no respons from Starbase 519 security. Are these people deaf or what? There is no alert, nothing. And then another surprise. Although phasers were on stunn, Five of the workman did not survive. Only one is alive. But after a short investigation it is clear these workmen took some kind of poison. It seems that they didn't want to be captured. But another puzzle is that one man, who survived... After ten minutes there is still no Starbase 519 alert and no security officers have arrived. This is ver strange. Maybe that one workman can explain as he has regained consciousness. But again there is a surprise for the USS Thunderbolt security team as the man starts explaining. "I am Lieutenant Zolara, Starfleet Special Operations. I have been working under cover with these smugglers to find out what they were doing. These cases contain Latinum. It is a bribe for Admiral Andy Lantz, in command of this Starbase. There are more Starbases involved, but I am not sure which ones. I could have followed these bandits to the other Starbases, until you showed up. These bribes have to make sure the Admiral and his entire staff and crew look the other way when certain shipments arrive. I have no information yet about which shipments this is about, but as you can see, nobody showed up during this fight and there wasn't even an alert. No Starbase officer was here while we were unloading our ship. Our ship was docked and you haven't seen it with your sensors. Is that prove enough for you Captain?" Captain Mechels believes LT Zolara and is going to try to find evidence against Admiral Andy Lantz. USS Walang The archeologists assigned to the USS Walang have permission to dig up a possible structure on D458. There is time and Commander Hendriks wants to have a look if it is worth while to dig things up. If necessary she will ask for more personnel. In the mean time she orders some teams to start exploring the planet. While the USS Walang scientists on D458 have the time of their life, the away team on D457 has run into trouble. Unknown to the D457 team a creature has been watching the away team without being detected. The fourth night they away team spends on the surface of D457, the security officer, Ensign Volleville, hears some kind of strange noise while he is standing guard. Only a few minutes later Ensign Volleville contacts the USS Walang. "Ensign Vollaville on D457 to USS Walang. We have been attacked by an undetected creature, about two meters in size. Our equipment has not detected the creature. I have been attacked personally, but everyone is all right. I fired my weapon but the phaser beam went right trough the creature. I don't believe I have hurt the creature, but I seem to have scared it as it ran of in a hurry. This creature seems to have a very interesting natural stealth, and also seems to be invulnerable to our weapons. I suggest we try to capture and if possible to communicate with this creature. What are your orders Commander." USS Vertigo Day 66 02.16 Senior staff meeting on the USS Vertigo. Commodore Slater in Command of the Vertigo has decided to do something about the way the Cardassians try to infiltrate in the Federation. It seems that the Cardassians are supporting other species to attack the Federation. The Commodore's orders are to proceed into Cardassian space and try to find out what is going on. Anyone who does not agree will be dropped of the ship at the nearest Starfleet facility. Day 66 08.00 LT CMDR Matz has been the first to support Commodore Slater to proceed to Carassain space, followed by the other senior staff officers. Later that day the entire crew supports their Commodore without hesitation. Everyone on the USS Vertigo finds it necessary to do something about these vicious acts of the Cardassians, or at least someone should find out what is really going on. USS Lightning LT COL Crow has a small dilemma. He can act now but then he has to complete his actions within 48 hours, before General Fujimori arrives with his group. It is not clear yet who accompanies the General, but things on Glorda Prime seem to be more than important. USS Colorado The Virodians seem to be a very proud race and it is always difficult to find a connection between the Federation and species which are more busy with themselves than with the good of the community of the Federation. Apparently the Virodians take it for granted that the Federation will provide them with anything they need, without giving something in return. The Virodian Lord Junoto, spokesman for the Virodians, who is a guest onboard the USS Colorado, has made that clear enough. But LT CMDR Walker has a suggestion. "Captain we can discuss a time scedule in the conference room, and start tomorrow. I am certain that Lord Junoto, has no problems with that. That way we can start in detail and leave nothing oput. LT Torak, report to the conference room." The Virodian Lord Junoto agrees and he is transported back to his planet with his aids to report to his government about the progress he has accomplished. But in the conference room there awaits a little surprise for Captain Harrison and his officers. LT Torak is accompanied by Security Chief LT Sonak. LT Sonak has some distrubing issues to report. "Sirs. I have had contact with the neighbouring star systems. It seems taht the Virodians only want to use the Federation to upgrade their weapons and offensive capabilities. The Virodians have been at war with at least two neighbouring star systems, Equis and Bacq for decades. The Equis and Bacq, think the Virodians will increase their war efforts right after they have joined the Federation. The Equis and Bacq are not members of the Federation. The Equis and the Back have superior technology to the Virodians. Together they could have whiped the Virodians out, without to many losses, but Federation technology in the hands of the Virodians, could change the balance of power in this region. It is only logical to think there is some truth in the statements of the Equis and the Bacq. So we should take that in consideration." There is a moment of silence... Captain Harrison sighs. "OK Gentlemen. It seems that we need a new course of action. As the Captain of this ship my report on this matter will have a lot of influence. Although our First Officer will file a report himself as well, and I don't want to have any influence on your report Tom, but I think we should not take fast decisions, even if the Federation needs any ally it can find at this time. So I am open for suggestions." USS Alice Cooper Not long after repairs are completed on the Alice Cooper-B word comes through that trouble is brewing on the female dominated planet, Angel One -- A state of escalating civil unrest that could erupt into a full-fledged "sexual civil war" between the genders. To make matters worse the Ferengi, seeing an opportunity for profit while promoting their own particular brand of male dominance, are backing the men on Angel One belonging to the "Rising Sons" -- A small group of radical fanatics who make up in violence what they lack in numbers. Financing the Ferengi arms dealers supporting the "Rising Sons" are high-rankiing members of the "Obsidian Order" hoping to use the developing conflict in order to move in and turn Angel One into a base of military operations on the edge of Federation territory for the Cardassian Empire. Blaming the Federation for the initial unrest among their men, citing the initial arrival of Ramsey and his men as the catalyst that started it all, the leaders of Angel One have turned to the Federation. for assistance in negotiating a solution between Angel One's leaders and the leaders of the "Rising Sons". In response the Federation has assigned the Alice Cooper-B to transport ambassador Jas Stevens to Angel One with instructions to render any assistance to Ambassador Stevens that he might request and/or require. Interestingly enough Ambassador Stevens was chosen for this mission because he isn't a Federation citizen but is in fact, from the Colonial Terran Commonwealth of Interplanetary Matriarchate Worlds. -- An alternate Terran society in a parrallel reality known as the "Tammyite Universe" -- A reality where Earth has been matriarchate civilization for over 800 years now. In fact it was the supreme elected leader of that Earth's government, "The Prime Arch Matri", who gave Jas her own personal authorization to represent both the Federation and the Commowealth in this matter. In the meantime however, Commodore Dok Skwyr has finally left the Alice Cooper-B during the repairs to take up his new assignment aboard Deep Space 9 as Captain Sisko's replacement while the other is temporarily missing -- presumed to be with the prophets. Yet, while the crew of the Alice Cooper-B do indeed miss Commodore Skwyr, whishing him all the best, they still have complete faith in Captain Kalee and his ability to command them during this mission, confident in their eventual success on Angel One. But this mission doesn't go unnoticed. And theire are some who would like to block this mission of peace at any cost. There is not only the Ferengi who will their profit dissapear, but even more there is the Cardassian Obsidian Order... DS2 RPG General Status Report February 2002 USS Earth As the USS Earth follows the warp trail of the USS Mandarin deeper into the Beta Quadrant, the distance between the ship and Starfleet command is growing. Communications are going to be difficult and more and more the USS Earth crew realises she is more or less on her own. It gives Captain Steichen more responsibility and she might come into a situation in which she has to violate some of the Federation regulations to survive. The last ten days of the pursuit, the new cloaking device had to be used four times to avoid detection by ships of the Bynora, a species who live in this region of the Beta Quadrant. The Bynora don't seem hostile, but this is no time for taking chances. The warp trail of the USS mandarin goes right through Bynora space, but it seems the Bynora and the USS Mandarin didn't have any contact... Six days later the USS Earth detects the USS Mandarin on long range sensors, but the other Federation vessel does not reply on the subspace messages from the USS Earth. As the USS Earth comes closer to the USS Mandarin it is clear that the Mandarin is drifting in space. And before the USS Earth crew realises, the two Federation vessels are only a kilometer apart. It is Chief of Operations LT Harry Dankers who breaks the silence... "Captain. I am not detecting any lifesigns aboard the USS Mandarin. All escape pods are accounted for and there have not been any weapons fired recently. There are no bodies. And Captain it seems that the USS mandarin's main computer is of line. Most systems are off line, except for the lateral shield generators and the auxiliary power units on decks six and seven. There is no life support. If we want to download any file from the Mandarin's main computer, we have to get there and restart several systems." USS Giorko It is time the USS Giorko leaves Starbase 899. After the Captain told Admiral Klingsor of the Starbase a huge lie, it is considered better to leave and try to get more details of the situation on the next starbase on Captain Van Nieuwenhove's list: Starbase 493. "Captain we are clear and free to navigate." "Warp 5 . Engage." The USS Giorko jumps to warp and whatever Admiral Klingsor thinks about that, doesn't matter anymore. Or doesn't seem to matter anymore... As Admiral Klingsor isn't stupid either... In the mean time Chief Medical Officer Doctor CMDR Frank Stevens comes up with the first results of the Cardassian DNA sample found in Kretz quarters on Starbase 899. This new information is of such importantce that a senior staff meeting is called for. "This sample is very unusual. It is a mix of 10 percent human and 90 percent Cardassian DNA. My theory is that this is Cardassian DNA altered to become human DNA. I don't have to express my concern if this is true. It could mean one of our starbases has been infiltrated by the Cardassians. I think we should report this." Some of the USS Giorko senior staff officers don't want to report this issue to Starfleet Command yet as there is so little evidence of Cardassian infiltration. One thing is certain though. Admiral Benzo, in command of Starbase 29, who gave this mission to the USS Giorko receives a report of the current situation. Incoming message from Admiral Benzo, Starbase 29 Top Secret To: Captain Geert Van Nieuwenhove I have received your report. Continue the mission and gather as much evidence as you can. There are currently sixteen Cardassian ships in Federation space. Although the Cardassians are considered our friends, this new information results into confusion. If you encounter any Cardassian vessel, you will act as you feel necessary. End of Message Nine days later... The USS Giorko arrives at Starbase 493. But to the amazement, there is a Cardasisian Galor-class vessel docked at Starbase 493... But Captain Van Nieuwenhove is not getting of balance. He opens a channel to communicate with the Starbase 493 and to communicate with the Cardassians and he will ask them for a tour on their ship. USS Thunderbolt Disguised as smugglers, Captain Mechels and his security officers examine the freighter with LT Zolara as a guide. This freighter is filled with latinum and LT zolara explains that this latinum has to be distributed to other starbases as well. There is only one problem. LT Zolara does not have the command codes of the freighter and he doesn't know what is the next starbase to which this freighter should go. He is also uncertain whether the real smugglers have been able to alert their friends or send out any warning at all. If so, Admiral Lantz could have been warned and the entire operation will be lost. If Admiral Lantz is informed about the failure of the smugglers, he will certainly warn the other starbase commanders, and they will all do everything they can to avoid that there secret operation is discovered. But there is still a chance Admiral Lantz doesn't know Starfleet is on to him... LT Zolara decides there is nothing else to do than to contact the Admiral in person to try to gather information about the destination of the freighter... "Admiral Lantz. Our main computer is down and we are behind scedule already. We can fly manually, but we don't have any data at this time. Could you send us the flight plan please." It seems a last resort, and LT Zolara and the disguised USS Thunderbolt officers can only wait for the reply. And then Admiral Lantz appears on the small screen. "I told you to get one of those new class freighters. You are indeed behind scedule. I will send you the flight plan and you better not screw up this time." LT Zolara has received the flight plan. It is only a series of numbers: 519-103-622-493-899 It is clear that these are numbers of starbases. The USS Thunderbolt officers are staring at the numbers in amazement. An Admiral has just practically confessed he is part of some kind of conspiracy... Te USS Thunderbolt will follow the freighter to the next Starbase on the list. USS Walang Commander Hendriks gives out new orders: "We will have to find out about these creatures on D457, so we will try to contact them. They could also teach us a lot about this part of the galaxy. But we also should take precautions to leave the planet immediately if necessary." The USS Walang leaves the away team on D458 to their archeological study and hurries to D457 to assist the away team on that other planet. When the USS Walang arrives at D457, the away team has not seen the creature again. The following night the planet D457 seems to be under siege The nightshift of the USS Walang has all possible sensor systems monitoring the planet surface and on the planet itself a group of security officers guards the camp without provoking any violent attack by possible creatures. It is going to be a difficult job as the away team had already reported these creatures didn't show up on any of their sensor equipment. In the mean time a small group of engineers has set up communication systems and are trying to contact the creatures, hoping these creatures can respond or have any form of technology. But nothing happens... The next day there is more success. A grumbling noise is coming from not far away... Suddenly there is one of the creatures standing in the middle of the camp. "I am Countor. I have been chosen by my people to talk to you and ask what you want on our planet. Who is your leader?" Commander Hendriks steps forward... After a long conversation, Countor understands that the Federation away team does not mean any harm and the sensors could not detect Countor, nor his people. Countor's people call themselves Trax. Once, long ago the Trax had the ability o travel in space and visited the neighbouring planet Trum. Counter refers to D458 which the Trax call Trum. Contact with Trum was lost over centuries ago and asuming their space travels had ended up in a disaster, space travel was stopped. Commander Hendriks can convince that they can travel in space safely. The Commander knows that the Federation has no business on Trax or Trum. She uses these names in her report to Starfleet Command. But there are a lot of new opportunities and Commander Hendriks reaslises that the Federation could have made some new friends. The Trax only have one request. They would like to visit Trum to investigate what has happened to their ancestors centuries ago. But they have no space ship... USS Vertigo Day 71 09.30 The USS Vertigo is on course to Cardassian space. The Federation ship is completely repaired and will enter Cardassian space within 24 hours. Day 72 08.24 The USS Vertigo enters Cardassian space. After a full day nothing has happened. Day 73 00.47 The USS Vertigo is in orbit of Ginson Prime. The cities are deserted, but not destroyed. It is as if the Cardassians who lived here had to evacuate the entire planet in a hurry. There are no life signs. USS Lightning On Glorda Prime Starfleet Marines have captured a Cardassian spy, who was trying to sabotage the Starfleet outpost on Glorda Prime. Currently this Cardassian has been identified as Gul Temar, of the Cardassian Obsidian order. The interrogation of this individual will be held at the highest level. Please be adviced to avoid Glorda Prime until safety has been restored. End of message As Gul Temar most likely has not acted alone, security has been set up to prevent more suspicious acts from anyone, but especially the possible Cardassians who are most likely still present on the planet. USS Colorado The USS Colorado seems to be in the middle of a possible war between three species. The Bacq, the Equis who are standing on one side, but are not violent at all, and the Virodians who are very agreesive and will try everything to get the support of the Federation to be able to get rid of their enemies in their sector for once and for all. During the senior staff meeting on the USS Colorado it is becoming clear the Virodians are only interested in Federation technology to destroy the Bacq and the Equis... "Captain I have a complete report on the Virodians Lt. Sonak found something interesting. Especially in this sector is an old mining planet once owned by the Tollan it's power soucre is still active! The Bacq and the Equis became alies some time, they are fighting for territory that has been moved back and forward hope to claim the planet. The Virodian part is altough not very clear. Apperently we were not the first one's to be contacted by the Virodians. This doesn't feel right at all Captain, if Sonak findings are fight, the Virodians hope to have Starfleet at their side, and that way create a superior force to that of the Bacq and Equis. I like to put a team together and investigate the Tollan mining planet, maybe we can learn something more abourt the history between the Tollan and the Verodians." The words of first officer Tom Walker fade away and it is time to make a decision. The Captain agrees to send an away team to the Tollan mining planet under command of first officer Walker. But as soon as the shuttlecraft has left the USS Colorado shuttlebay and sets course to the Tollan mining planet the Virodians have understood all about Tom Walker's plan. The Virodians launch six ships which immediately set course to intercept Commander Walker's shuttlecraft. Walker knows his type 10 shuttlecraft with al that Federation technology, can handle 3 of the Virodian ships in battle, maybe four, but not six. It is clear now that the Virodians have something to hide on the Tollan mining planet. It is no certainty whether there are still Tollans on that planet at all. In the mean time there are three Virodian ships distracting the USS Colorado's attention, and by the time Captain Harrison realises what the Virodians really want the Colorado needs at least half an hour to get to First Officer's shuttlecraft. Communications between the Colorado and the shuttlecraft have been jammed by the Virodians, but Captain Harrison has already set course to help the shuttle with maximum speed. On the shuttlecraft itself LT Sonak reports they can reach the Tollan mining planet before the six Virodian ships have catched up with them. There are only six officers aboard the shuttlecraft, but there must be some rough area on the Tollan mining planet where they can hide or at least make a stand. They could be safer on the planet... Message From First Officer Tom Walker To Captain Harrison Captain I think our best chance is to land the planet surface, we scanned the surface and found a secure place near the west side of the planet. Their is a large lake near the mountain, if you give us enough time we can make. End report USS Alice Cooper Before the Alice Cooper-B leaves Commodore Skwyr at deep space 9, the ship takes a few more guests aboard, Doctor Weneja, a human geologist and a retired Starfleet Officer, by the name of Ruban. Both will be dropped of halfway Angel One, on a planet called Debino II. Three hours after the Alice Cooper-B has left Deep Space 9 the trouble already begins. During dinner with Captain Kalee and his senior staff, the Doctor Kory Caynizmyr's tricorder reports a warning about the food. After examination there is nothing wrong with the food, except for the dinner of Ambassador Stevens. There is poison in his food, enough to kill him in a matter of seconds. The Doctor explains that this poison is Cardassian in origin. Chief of Security Lieutenant Commander Gav Tiral, immediately starts an investigation, but after interrogation of the kitchen staff, nothing can be found as evidence.The waiter who brought the food in has an excellent service record of two years and the Chief Master of the kitchen, like everyone else is in deep shock. All elements of this act refer to the Cardassian Order... DS2 RPG General Status Report March 2002 USS Earth USS Earth finds the drifting USS Mandarin in strange circumstances. As there is no life support on the Miranda-class USS Mandarin, Captain Steichen, who is going to lead the away team to the USS Mandarin herself, puts on the environmental suit, as do her team mates, Chief of Security LT CMDR Ulo Hung, Chief of Engineering LT CMDR Sora Mil, the two doctors Kosnevec and Conzales, and the two security officers, Ensign Methulas and Lieutenant Kordova. Although the Captain leaves her ship under protest of her first officer Commander T'Lok, the transport to the USS Mandarin goes without any problems. Once aboard the team splits up to try to get some life into the USS Mandarin. In the mean time on the USS Earth it has become clear that the Mandarin has been deserted in some way. The question is still how and why. The USS Earth crew simply has to wait until they receive the USS Mandarin files. But it is not going to be easy. It takes Chief Engineer Sora Mil about two hours to re-establish life support on the USS Mandarin bridge in the engineering section. An hour later the main computer is back on line... It takes almost a full day for the away team to get all the systems of the USS Mandarin on line. all torpedoes are accounted for and no phasers of the USS Mandarin have been fired in several weeks. The ship has had some damage but everything seems to be repaired. The USS Mandarin seems as good as new. The away team is relieved by another team to continue to make the USS Mandarin ready for space travel. After another twelve hours a larger away team of 142 volunteers joins First officer Commander T'Lok on the USS Mandarin. T'Lok has her own command now, but the Vulcan first officer of the USS Earth is still convinced that they should have investigated the situation better... And he is right... Just before the two ships prepare to continue their voyage to pursuit the Cardassian vessel, on the USS Mandarin bridge, Lieutenant Alfredo reports to Commander T'Lok, that the USS Earth seems to be fluctuating in the time space continuum. "Commander T'Lok to USS Earth. Captain Steichen, the USS Earth seems to be in some kind of temporal or spacial anomaly. Do you..." But Commander T'Lok cannot finish his sentence. "They are gone sir. Commander the USS Earth has dissapeared." Commander T'Lok orders all scientists aboard the USS Mandarin to search for a clue what could have happened. A solution has to be found... In the mean time Captain Steichen and her bridge crew realise contact with the USS Mandarin has been lost. The USS Earth shakes violently. The stars seem to become long white lines and then suddenly everything seems to be normal again. All divisions report in. There are no casualties. But the coordinates of the USS Earth have changed. Chief of Operations LT Harry Dankers reports the unbelievable... "Captain according our stellar metric readings we have travelled six hundred light years and we... I am not sure whether I am reading this right... we have been moved in time as well. according my readings this is the year 2060..." Captain Steichen wants to find out more about this time, although there is a risk of changing history... In the mean time USS Earth First Officer, Commander T'Lok, now in command of the USS Mandarin will try to find a solution in the files, downloaded from the USS Mandarin. It is unknown to the USS Mandarin new crew that the USS Earth has shifted in time. USS Giorko There is a Cardassian vessel docked at Starbase 493, but that is not really unusual. After the war with the Dominion, the Cardassians have been able to change their status with the Federation from enemy to ally. But in this case there could be some suspicion. Captain Van Nieuwenhove is investigating a conspiracy of starbases, and the Cardassians have something to do with it. Although Captain Van Nieuwenhove cannot really find actual evidence that the Cardassians are involved in a hostile action against the Federation, it looks like something has to be done about this very fast. To Captain Van Nieuwenhove's surprise does Gul Kolek of the Cardassian frigate Holekan, give permission to come aboard his ship and have a look around as long as necessary. "I must ask you Captain, to come unarmed." Captain Van Nieuwenhove takes the opportunity and transports aboard the Holekan accompanied by Chief of Security LT Jonathan Yell and two security officers. They do not have any weapons, but the two security officers are especially selected by LT Yell for their skills in hand-to-hand combat... But after an extended tour aboard the Cardassian vessel, nothing new is revealed and the USS Giorko officers have to return to their ship. It is of course possible that this particular Cardassian ship and Gul Kolek have nothing to do with the suspoicious behaviour of Federation officers aboard Federation starbases. Starbase 493 is under command of Admiral Castidez. But the Admiral is not available at this time. A tour on Starbase 493 and casual talks with the starbase officers doesn't provide any new information. And it looks like the USS Giorko has to move to the next starbase on the list. There is nothing else to do than report to Admiral Benzo at Starbase 29. The answer from the Admiral arrives in a few minutes already. Incoming message from Admiral Benzo, Starbase 29 Top Secret To: Captain Geert Van Nieuwenhove I have received your latest report. I have already deployed a ship with special agents to infiltrate Starbase 493. You will proceed to the next starbase on the list. If you stay to long, your cover could be discovered. End of Message It is of course possible the Starbase commanders of the starbases on the Captain Van Nieuwenhove's list have had contact with each other about the USS Giorko, but it is unlikely. But there is not much choice. The USS Giorko proceeds to Starbase 622, which is next on the list. The journey to Starbase 622 takes ten days. The journey passes without incidents, nor with the Cardassians nor anyone else. After ten days the USS Giorko arrives at Starbase 622. There are no ships in the neighbourhood. It seems admirals are rather busy these days and Admiral Torquist, in comamnd of Starbase 622, is no exception. He is not available. A tour around and on the starbase does not reveal any new information, but it is clear that the Starfleet officers on Starbase 622 seem to be not interested in Starfleet ideas and Federation philosphy and ideas. It takes only two days to find nothing more than the lack of interest among the Starbase 622 personnel, but that is no real evidence of a conspiracy... Captain Van Nieuwenhove calls a senior staff meeting and although some of his senior officers would like to proceed to the next starbase on the list, Starbase 103, First Officer LT CMDR Jose Cambrera, would like to stay a few hours more, just in case they have covered all possibilities... And Cambrera is right. Within the hour two ships arrive from a different direction. One of them is a civilian freighter and another is the USS Thunderbolt, Captain Mechels in command... Unknown to the USS Giorko crew, the USS Thunderbolt is also investigating a conspiracy of a group of Federation starbases and aboard the civilian freighter there is a group of undercover officers... Captain Van Nieuwenhove orders to open a channel to the USS Thunderbolt and the freighter and ask about their status. USS Thunderbolt Eight USS Thundrbolt volonteers have been tranported to the freighter under command of LT Zolara. The freighter leaves Starbase 519. The Starbase, under command of Admiral Lantz, is now on Captain Mechels' list of dangerous starbases. The Admiral himself has more or less admitted, he receives bribes. But there are still a lot of questions. Is Admiral Lantz the only one on the Starbase who takes bribes and why does he do it ? What is the purpose of these bribes ? Two hours after the LT Zolara's freighter has left the USS Thunderbolt leaves Starbase 519 but sets course to another direction at high warp. But at the moment the Thunderbolt is out of sensor range of Starbase 519 the Defiant-class ship turns and sets course to Starbase 103, which is the next starbase on the flightplan of LT Zolara's freighter. There cannot be any communications between the freighter and the Thunderbolt, but Captain Mechels knows exactly what LT Zolara is planning to do. In the mean time did LT Zolara report to his superiors and he has received orders to proceed with his actions to investigate which starbases are involved in this conspiracy. Six days later the USS Thunderbolt arrives at Starbase 103. LT Zolara arrives almost at the same time. Disguised as smugglers LT Zolara and the Thunderbolt officers aboard his freighter, do exactly whet they are supposed to do. Admiral Lighthood, in command of Starbase 103 comes to the cargobay to check on the Latinum in person. Admiral Lighthood is very pleased with the work of the so called smugglers. In the mean time the USS Thunderbolt crew asks the supply officer for some special spare parts. Captain Mechels has no intention of revealinhg what he actually is at Starbase 103 for. In a short contact between LT zolara and Captain Mechels, they inform eachother about their current situation. This time the USS Thunderbolt leaves Starbase 103 first and sets course to a random direction. Six hours later LT Zolara's freighter sets course to Starbase 622, the next starbase on LT Zolara's flightplan. Again LT Zolara reports the situation on Starbase 103 to his superiors. Zolara's superiors have already made the necessary arrangements to investigate this matter and take the necessary steps to arrest the guilty officers. And like at Starbase 103, the USS Thunderbolt and LT Zolara's freighter arrive almost at the same time, but from different directions. But there is something different at Starbase 622. There is a Defiant-class vessel just outside transporter range of the starbase. It is the USS Giorko, Captain Van Nieuwenhove in command. Unknown to the USS Thunderbolt crew, LT Zolara and Admiral Torquist, in command of Starbase 622, the USS Giorko is also investigating a conspiracy of a group of Federation starbases... USS Walang On Trum, classified by the Federation as D458, the archeologists assigned to the USS Walang have begun to dig up a possible structure. Commander Hendriks has agreed to take one of the Trax, Countor, to Trum a neighbouring planet. Maybe the Trax have something to do with what is under the surface on Trum. The Trax may be able to tell the Federation officers more about the structures on Trum and help Commander Hendriks and her officers. The digging has to be performed in good order. Nothing may be damaged in the process. When the USS Walang is again in orbit of Trum, a good part of what seems to be a structure has been revealed by the USS Walang archeologists. When Commander Hendriks arrives with Countor of the Trax, the entrance of the structure is free and the Archeologists are ready to enter. But Countor does not recognise this kind of structure. It is unlikely his people or their ancestors. This structure doesn't seem familiar. The Trax have been living in caverns for at least two centuries. They find caverns in the mountains very comfortable and peaceful. The Trax have given up most of their technology as they found peace and happyness, living from what their planet has to offer them, more important than exploring the galaxy. Their first space travels have ended in a disaster. That is what the Trax always have believed as they hadn't heard from their astronauts again. But it seems that these structures are not made by the ancestors of the Trax. The scientists report to commander Hendriks that the structure they are about to enter is more than two thousand years old. And then the moment has come. With two geologists in front with behind them, Commander Hendriks and Countor a small group enters the structure. Although the inside of the structure is light enough to see, Countor does not recognise any objects or artwork on the walls, but he is extremely interested. after all this is a neighbouring planet of his own homeworld and this discovery could give his people again the encouragement for space travel. While the two geologists take readings and can't stop to speak to eachother about this amazing treasure of history, Countor explains to Commander Hendriks that he is sure that his people would like to visit this planet and have a look at these old structures, but he also explains that he hasn't forgotten his ancestors. Maybe they have crashed on the planet somewhere. After leaving the structure to give others the chance to have a look inside, Countor asks to be brought back to his people to speak about this and make a decision. Two weeks later a second structure has been discovered and the USS Walang geologists already think they have found a complete city of some kind under the planet surface. Now that they know what they are looking for the digging has been faster. The Starfleet personnel on Trax have been recalled to help with the work on Trum. In the mean time the Trax concil of eldest has an official request to Commander Hendriks. They want to have part in the search on Trum. and a small group of Trax has been transported over to Trum by the USS Walang... Unknown to the USS Walang crew... Admiral Gonda Werkemarke of Federation Security has read about the natural stealth of the people of Trax. And the Admiral almost immediately thought about having the Trax as spies and investigators for the Federation... Commander Hendriks will stay on Trum and with the help of the people of Trax the federation officers will explore Trum further, together with the Trax on an equal base. Both the Federation and the Trax, now have an interest in this planet. USS Vertigo Day 73 07.13 The USS Vertigo has established contact with a civilian Cardassian trade ship. The Cardassian trader does not know what has happened on Ginson Prime. The trader didn't know Ginson Prime was totally deserted and why. Day 73 10.00 Chief of Security Lieutenant Commander Matz will be in command of a security team which is sent down to Ginson Prime to one of the major cities to investigate the situation on the planet. One senior scientist will accompany the six security officers. Day 73 16.00 The USS Vertigo away team can only confirm what the ship's sensors have already detected. There is no dangerous radiation, no epidemic... The desertion of Ginson Prime seems to stay a mystery. USS Vertigo long range sensors detect two Cardassian Galor-class vessels on a direct course to Ginson Prime. USS Lightning Two days have passed and General Fujimori has arrived. Without to much explanation his troops take the Cardassian spy into custody and only an hour later the General has already left Glorda Prime. The case is closed. LT COL Crow has no other choice than to proceed with his original mission. The USS Lightning sets course to Relay Station HK22. as ordered earlier. The Lightning will arrive in time for the rendez-vous. But upon arrival at Relay Station HK22, it has already become clear that the station has been under attack. Heavy damage and no survivors, is the result. Traces of the destruction are from Cardassian weapons. This could mean war... USS Colorado The USS Colorado Type 10 Shuttlecraft lands on the surface of the Tollan mining planet. Scans from orbit have already confirmed the landing area is uninhabited. But there was no time to scan the entire planet, with the six Virodian ships on their tail, Tom Walker and his five fellow officers didn't have much choice... As soon as the the shuttle has landed, LT CMDR Walker takes a security officer, Chief Tony Spirelli and a medical officer, Ensign Svetlana Hendersson, out to explore that region of the planet. That leaves LT Sonak, Ensign Fahrenheit and Crewman Julianson in the shuttle. Sensors have indicated that the six Virodian ships are still in orbit and don't seem to make any plans to land. On the contrary they leave orbit and set course towards the USS Colorado, which is only half an hour away from the Tollan mining planet. In the mean time on the Colorado, LT Doran reports to Captain Harrison. "Captain the six Virodian fighter ships have left Tollan orbit and are heading towards us. And there is more sir. The Virodians have launched four large vessels which are also on a course to intercept us. Looking at their armament, those four vessels seem to be battleships. We can fight them and win, but not without serious damage." Captain Harrison doesn't need a picture to understand what is going on. "Four Virodian battleships... That must be their entire fleet. If the entire Virodian fleet is hunting us to prevent us to get to the Tollan mining planet. There has to be something on that planet they don't want us to see. Red alert. Battlestations. Inform Starfleet Command of our situation, and hail the Virodian ships." "There is no reply Captain." "Keep trying. ETA to the Tollan planet ?" "Twenty seven minutes sir." "Contact Commander Walker on the planet's surface." "Channel open Capain." "Number One. We will have some trouble up here. The entire Virodian fleet seems to be on an intercept course to keep us away from you. It is possible that they already have sent down landing troops, without us noticing. Keep in transporter range of the shuttle and keep ready to take off on the first sign of trouble. That is an order Number One." Captain Harrison is clear enough and Commander Walker already knew what to do in case of emergency. "Aye Sir." With tricorders in one hand, phaser in the other the small group under command of the USS Colorado First Officer proceeds through a light vegetated land. Some high grass and a few trees aren't exactly great cover in case of an unexpected attack, but that is a worry for later. LT Sonak keeps a transporter lock on the three officers and he can beam them back onto the shuttle in a matter of seconds. On the USS Colorado Captain Harisson, doesn't take any chances. He knows his ship has superior technology and although the idea of saucer separation of the Galaxy class Colorado has been suggested by Chief of Operations LT Doran, Captain Harisson has a much better plan. He turns the USS Colorado and sets course to then he orders to launch the eight type 10 shuttlecrafts aboard. The Type 10 shuttles, equiped for battle, set course towards the six incoming Virodian fighters. Next he orders to launch the three runabouts, fully loaded with quantum torpedoes to escort the USS Colorado on it's way towards the four Virodian battleships. Captain Harisson does only one attempt to convince the Virodians to stand down. "This is Captain Jeffrey Harrison in command of the Galaxy-class USS Colorado, representing the United Federation of Planets. You will stand down and lower your weapons. We can settle this peacefully. If you fire upon us you will fired upon. stand down !" But there is no reply... In a short communication Captain Harrison and Commander Walker report about their situation. Commander Walker is confident that everything is going to be solved soon. Walker takes another two steps, but then is thrown on the ground by an invisible force. Ensign Hendersson reconfigures her tricorder and reports there is some kind of force field blocking the way of the Starfleet officers. The force field is a complete sphere and blocking an area of 44 acres. While Commander Walker is getting back on his feet, he orders ensign Hendersson to scan within the force field. "What is behind that force field Ensign ? Svetlana ! Are you OK ?" But Ensign Svetlana Hendersson seems to be shocked about the readings on her tricorder. Walker and Chief Spirelly look at their own tricorder readings and the Chief who has 27 years of service and has seen almost everything there is to see in space can only say a few words... "Good heavens..." The tricorder readings are clear enough. Behind the huge force field there are acres and acres of a huge graveyard. But the dead are not Virodians. The Tricorders indicate the DNA of the bodies are Bacq and Equis, killed by Virodian energy weapons... It is clear the Virodians are hiding something horrible on the Tollan planet, maybe even something to horrible for words... At this time the eight Type 10 shuttles have been fired upon by the Virodian fighters, without warning and they have no other alternative than to engage the six Virodian fighter ships. The Starfleet shuttles are armed with type eight phasers and micro torpedoes so six Virodian fighter crafts are no match for them. This fight will be over in two minutes... "Walker to Sonak, we have run into some kind of force field that is blocking our way. Ensign Henderson scanning the area looking for another possible way. We've a graveyard with Bacq and Aquis, from what we can make out they have been here for some time. Chief Sirelly believes she has found entrance near to the mountain. Sonak keep trying to contact the Colorado, use Vulcan codes I don't want any unexpected visitors jumping on us. Walker out" USS Alice Cooper Better safe than sorry indeed Ambassador Stevens thought to himself somewhat scornfully, letting Lt.Cmdr. Tiral and Capt. Kalee take charge of the investigation into who tried to poison him. Although freely admitting he hasn't the expertise to conduct such an investigation himself Jas still doesn't approve of such heavy-handed tactics like just throwing everyone who strikes you as suspicious into prison. Yet, while not approving of Federation procedure considering it rather barbaric in comparison to the Terran Commonwealth ---- he nevertheless realizes that it isn't his place to critique Capt. Kalee on how he runs his ship. All the same though Jas does suggest to both Capt. Kalee and Lt.Cmdr. Tiral that they might want to keep an eye on their two most recent passengers, Doctor Weneja and Ruban, having just discovered through Federation records that the planet Debino II is a hotped of interstellar intrigue as well as a major base of operations for both Cardassian spies and Ferengi business concerns. Ironically the two people who agree most with Jas' position on throwing all suspects in the brig as well as his feelings concerning Dr. Weneja and Ruban are both Dr. Kory and Counselor Zytylez. What makes this so ironic is that, while Jas has struck up a close and personal friendship with Dr. Caynizmyr, he has just as quickly taken an immediate dislike to Zinn ---- practically the only person onboard the Alice Cooper--B he actively avoids. As-a-matter-of-fact he's also developed an equally strong friendship with Capt. Kalee and Lt. Cmdr. Mygruph Barker ( the Alice Cooper--B's Chief of Services and Master Chef ). Likewise he's developed a friendly working relationship with Alice#7, even able to take Gav Tiral's cantankerous company in small doses. It's just Zinn whose company he literally cannot bear. Oh well... Joking with his new-found friends that the only time he had to worry about food poisoning in the Tammyite universe was purely by accident when first starting out as a homemaker soon after first getting married ---- then by his own hand ---- he nevertheless feels somewhat shaken up inside over this attempt on his life despite the care-free attitude he projects when around others, wishing more than ever that he could return home to his family and friends back in the Commonwealth. All the same, though, he nevertheless makes a concentrated effort to put all this unpleasantness behind him, choosing instead to do some extensive research into Angel One's culture and society. Concentrating on their social customs and sexual do's and don'ts he conducts an extensive study into how both men and women are expected to treat one-another in order to better perform his ambassadorial duties while there. Likewise talcing an interest in their planet's history he learns all he can about Angel One's past while comparing all these various elements making Angel One what it is today with the Tammyite Matriarchate back home. He especially shows an interest in discovering any hirstorical personages simular to Saint Tammy and her chivalrous "Sisterhood of the Knights of Garfield" in their hersory along with any sexual doctrines comparable to St. Tammy's noble and enlightened "Code of Feminine Chivalry" upon which all gender relationships are based bacic in the Commonwealth. Awaiting the results of his investigations as the Alice Cooper--B enters orbit around Debino II he doesn't hold out too much hope for a favorable resort, beseeching the good Lord Jesus to guide and direct his heart in the mattere praying to be filled with the indwelling Holy Spirit he soon finds himself able to face whatever may come with both good cheer and that sacred peace of mind that passes all understanding. "Bring on the lions, Dear Lord, 'cause I'm ready", Jas merrily quips in the silent privacy of his guest quarters aboard the Alice Cooper-B. Deciding to celebrate his new-found confidence with a visit to the Alice Cooper-B's 10-Foreward he stops by sickbay to see if Kory Caynizmyr would like to join him in a cup of tea while awaiting whatever may come next. Contact with Debino II runs smoothly, but Captain Raz Kalee is hesitating to let Doctor Weneja go to the planet and although he doesn't suspect Ruban, who was once a Lieutenant Commander in Starfleet, but now a retired Starfleet Officer, he is not 100 percent sure. Both of these people had the opportunity and time to try to kill Ambassador Jas Stevens. During the time of Kalee's hesitation, Debino II security comes up with the plan to secure the two guests aboard the Alice-Cooper-B. They will send a security team to pick up both guests and keep an eye on them. Again Captain Kalee has some doubts, but as he cannot prove Doctor Weneja nor Ruban are guilty of anything, he has to let them go. Maybe both of them are innocent. Kalee can only shake his head... It seems he doesn't have much of a choice. After consulting with First Officer Commander Salgud Eerag, and the senior staff, they all come to the same conclusion. Captain Kalee has assigned four security officers to protect Ambassador Stevens. This is not the time for random careless decisions. It is clear somebody aboard the Alice Cooper-B will do anything to kill Ambassador Stevens. That may not happen. DS2 RPG General Status Report April 2002 USS Earth Commander T'Lok, Personal log Stardate 55012.3 In command of the USS Mandarin, my crew and I have not found any lead we can use to explain what has happened to the USS Earth or what happened to the original crew of the USS Mandarin. The shift in the space time continuum suggests the USS Earth has been moved either in space, time or both. The USS Mandarin is ready to travel in space, but I have ordered to hold this position, until we can be sure that we cannot have hope of the return of the USS Earth. End of Log There is not much Commander T'Lok and his officers can do than wait. Being in the Beta Quadrant, Communications with Starfleet Command will be very slow and an answer will take at least 18 days. In the mean time the crew of the USS Earth have scanned the sector. The only subspace communiactions which are detected are from the Vulcans and Romulans. A voyage to Vulcan, will take four weeks and it is not sure that the Vulcans of this time period can help the USS Earth to get back where the ship originally came from. There is not much better to be expected from the Romulans either. "Captain we are receiving a distress call on a very old radio frequency. The Scalos fleet is under attack by a superior enemy. The message is 20 minutes old Captain. If we want to do anything we have to do it now. The coordinates of the battle are 17 minutes away at warp 9.6 Captain. Sensors indicate it is the Cardassians who attack the Scalos. The Cardassian ship looks very familiar. It is a Galor-class vessel Captain." Knowing these Cardassians have the key to the return of the USS Earth back to the future, and it seems this is an opportunity for the USS Earth crew to get back. It was clear that the Cardassians were on their way to Cardassia. Only the Scalos didn't want to let them through easily. Or at least the Scalos didn't want anyone trespassing their territory. Captain Steichen orders to set course to the battle area at maximum warp. Then there is 15 minutes of waiting at battlestations. The Galaxy-class USS Earth. There is not much time to look for clues in the files of the USS Mandarin and at the time the USS Earth has reached the battle between the cardassians and the Scalos nothing has been found yet. The battle is almost over. The Cardassian vessel with about 300 years advanced technology has not much trouble with the Scalos fleet. From the 89 Scalos vessels, there are only 12 left. Chief of Security LT CMDR Ulo Hung informs the Captain of the situation. "Captain, If we do not attack the Cardassian ship now, the Scalos fleet will be destroyed. The scalos are no match for the Cardassians. May I also add that destroying the Cardassian ship could be terminate our hope to get back to our own time. But it is clear that the Cardassians are attempting to change history..." USS Giorko The channel between the USS Giorko and USS Thundrbolt is open. On the main viewer the face appears of Captain Mechels, who answers some questions about the status of the USS Thunderbolt. Captain Mechels answers, but it also becomes clear that Captain Mechels is hiding something... Although both Captains have never met it seems to them both that it is time to tell the truth to someone, but not normal communications. On an invitation of Captain Mechels, does Captain Van Nieuwenhove transport to the USS Thunderbolt where Captain Mechels explains that the freighter is filled with Latinum that is used to bribe the Commanding Officers of several starbases. The crew of the freighter is a group of under cover officers of special operations and of the USS Thunderbolt crew. Captain Mechels also explains that there are at least two starbases part of a conspiracy. But wat this conspiracy is about or what will happen next, he doesn't know. Now it is Captain Van Nieuwenhove's turn to do some explanation. He has received orders from Admiral Benzo in command of Starbase 29, to investigate several starbases, because the behaviour of the crew of these starbases have been strange to say the least. It is now also clear that the list of starbases is rather limited to: 899 - 493 - 622 - 103 - 519 And as the USS Giorko started at starbase 899 and the USS Thunderbolt started at Starbase 519, both ships meet eachother at Starbase 622. At that time LT Zolara has unloaded the latinum and his freighter leaves Starbase 622, and without delay he sets course to the next starbase on his list: Starbase 493... Captain Van Nieuwenhove returns to his ship, the USS Giorko and reports the situation to Admiral Benzo. Captain Mechels makes preparations to leave and rendez-vous with LT Zolara's freighter at Starbase 493. More evidence is needed... But in the mean time the behaviour of both ships have been detected by Starbase 622 personnel and Admiral Torquist, in command of Starbase 622, is informed. The Admiral, who doesn't want to take chances orders an attack on both ships. The starbase 622 weapons suddenly produce a shower of phaserfire and torpedos. Both the USS Giorko and the USS Thunderbolt are hit, but do only have minor damage. Strangely enough the shields of Starbase 622 are down... But Captain Van Nieuwenhove plays it safe. He orders to retreat and position his ship at a safe distance out of the firing range of Starbase 622 and contact Admiral Benzo at Starbase 29 to report the situation. USS Thunderbolt Although it is clear the USS Giorko under command of Captain Van Nieuwenhove has just been waiting in the area of Starbase 622, LT Zolarac continues with his mission, disguised as freighter smuggler. Captain Mechels can only hope the USS Giorko will not interfere, so all starbases on the flightplan list can be visited. Captain Mechels and his officers already fear that those starbases are also part of a conspiracy. But what exactly is going on and what exactly is the reason behind this conspiracy, is not yet obvious at all. The USS Giorko contacts the USS Thunderbolt and Captain Mechels has no other choice than to answer the hail. On the main viewer the face appears of Captain Van Nieuwenhove, who asks some questions about the status of the USS Thunderbolt. Captain Mechels can answer the questions without rousing suspicion. But it also becomes clear that Captain Van Nieuwenhove is hiding something... Although both Captains have never met it seems to them both that it is time to tell the truth to someone, but not normal communications. On an invitation of Captain Mechels, does Captain Van Nieuwenhove transport to the USS Thunderbolt where Captain Mechels explains that the freighter is filled with Latinum that is used to bribe the Commanding Officers of several starbases. The crew of the freighter is a group of under cover officers of special operations and of the USS Thunderbolt crew. Captain Mechels also explains that there are at least two starbases part of a conspiracy. But wat this conspiracy is about or what will happen next, he doesn't know. Now it is Captain Van Nieuwenhove's turn to do some explanation. He has received orders from Admiral Benzo in command of Starbase 29, to investigate several starbases, because the behaviour of the crew of these starbases have been strange to say the least. It is now also clear that the list of starbases is rather limited to: 899 - 493 - 622 - 103 - 519 And as the USS Giorko started at starbase 899 and the USS Thunderbolt started at Starbase 519, both ships meet eachother at Starbase 622. At that time LT Zolara has unloaded the latinum and his freighter leaves Starbase 622, and without delay he sets course to the next starbase on his list: Starbase 493... Captain Van Nieuwenhove returns to his ship, the USS Giorko and reports the situation to Admiral Benzo. Captain Mechels makes preparations to leave and rendez-vous with LT Zolara's freighter at Starbase 493. More evidence is needed... But in the mean time the behaviour of both ships have been detected by Starbase 622 personnel and Admiral Torquist, in command of Starbase 622, is informed. The Admiral, who doesn't want to take chances orders an attack on both ships. The starbase 622 weapons suddenly produce a shower of phaserfire and torpedos. Both the USS Giorko and the USS Thunderbolt are hit, but do only have minor damage. Strangely enough the shields of Starbase 622 are down... USS Walang Incoming Message From: Admiral Gonda Werkemarke of Federation Security To: Commander Marja Hendriks Commander, these are your orders: you will convince the Trax to join the Federation. With their natural ability of stealth and not showing up on any sensors, they can be very usefull in helping us out in undercover operations. You will use any means possible to achieve this objective. End of Message The message of Admiral Gonda Werkemarke of Federation Security is very disturbing for the USS Walang crew. The orders of the Admiral are in contradiction of what the Federation stands for: living in peace with other species. The Admiral's orders suggest inslaving the Trax and using them to do the dirty work for the Federation. That cannot be right, and there is already a lot of protest, not only from First Officer LT CMDR Harry Belafonte, but from almost the entire crew. Some of the USS Walang officers have already informed the Trax and Commander Hendriks as no choice then to confirm to the Trax what her orders are. The Trax on the other hand like the US Walang crew and some of them have made nice friends with the USS Walang officers, but they are a bit disturbed by the orders of Admiral Gonda Werkemarke of Federation Security... USS Vertigo Day 74 10.19 The investigation on Ginson Prime by the USS Vertigo crew has had no results. Two Carassian ships are in communications range. The Cardassians demanded that the USS Vertigo should leave the sector immediately, but Commodore Slater is not easily convinced. Day 74 21.31 The Cardassians will be in firing range in ten minutes. Although Commodore Slater has explained that he will not leave until he has an explanation of what happened on Ginson Prime, the Cardassians have already alerted nearby ships to assist them. Chief of Security, Lieutenant Commander Matz has been ordered to ready weapons. Day 74 21.41 Commodore Slater in a last attempt to prevent a battle, suggests to the Cardassians that they are still under influence of the Dominion, although the war has been over a longer time. For a few minutes the Cardassian ships come to a full stop. But it is only to wait until reinforcements have arrived. Three more Cardassian warships join the small Cardassian fleet. Commodore Slater has no choice then to retreat back to Federation space. USS Lightning Lieutenant Bell reports there are no biosigns on HK22. This is most strange. LT COL Crow has no other choice than to send an away team to HK22 and investigate what has happened. First officer Marine Captain Hawk leads the away team with Lieutenant Bell and Atad he will look into the sensor logs of relay station HK22 to find out what has happened. But upon arrival on HK22, Hawk and his team mates can only come to the conclusion that somehow a part of the main computer memory has been completely erased. There is nothing even Atad can do. There is damage to the hull of the station, but HK22 main power is on line again, but the damage is not as heavy as first thought. It seems that the crew of this relay station has been abducted. There are no bodies. The most disturbing news is coming fro Atad, who reports traces of Cardassian weapon's fire. Nobody can understand. If the Cardassian really did this, why didn't they use other weapons or at least clean up their messy traces. Maybe it was the Cardassians and left the traces intentionally so everyone would think it was someone else who attacked the HK22 station. This of course would be an infinite reasoning... "Colonel, this is Hawk. We have finished our survey of HK22. The station is secured. Repairs are recommended. Atad is working to get the communications array back up. We need at least 20 men to do the repairs to have this station up and running again in 24 hours. As the colonel knows, sir, this station is vital to Federation communications in this sector. Repairs are suggested to be started as soon as possible." "I will send 20 of our crew's engineers." "One more thing sir. We have found several devices of unknown origin, most likely devices to monitor the communications coming through this station. Whoever attacked this station, knew Starfleet would repair this station and with these devices... well, I think you get the picture. Atad has removed all devices. The communications systems are clear." "Are you sure those weren't Cardassian devices ?" "Absolutely sure Colonel sir. Atad has found something else sir. Last communications from relay station HK22 were with relay station 17-B. The message was about an anomaly only two lightyears away from HK22." USS Colorado But apparently Commander Walker has missed something. While the small team proceeds to what seems to be the entrance through the forcefield, the USS Colorado has been engaged by the Virodian ships. "Helm, take the turn. Fire all weapons on their leading ship. If we destroy it, the others might stand down after all." The USS Colorado makes the turn and with a display of the destructive force of the Galaxy-class vessel, the Colorado shows the Virodians, you don't mess with the Federation. The leading Virodian ship has no chance and is destroyed in a few seconds. But the battle is not over yet. All three of the Virodian vessels attack the Colorado in attack formation. "Fire at will." "Sir we have destroyed one of them but we have sustained damage on decks 9 to 11." LT Torak, Chief Engineer, has the best view on the ship's systems. "Captain. Shields are down to 29 percent. We can survive another attack, but not without serious damage to our hull." At this time the two remaining Virodian vessels come about for another attack run... In the mean time Commander Walker is in trouble as well. His away team mates and he, have had to take cover. They are under attack, of what appears to be Virodian ground troops. The firing doesn't seem to stop and Commander Walker has no choice but to call LT Sonak for an immediate evacuation. But there is no answer. Apoparently the Virodian troops jam the Starfleet frequencies. Communication is out of the question. The three officers return fire, but it will probably not stop the Virodians as the three officers are totally outnumbered. The, Chief Spirelli comes up with a plan of last resort. He will attack and distract the Virodians so Commander Walker and Ensign Hendersson can escape to the shuttle and take off to safety. But Ensign Hendersson doesn't want to hear of such a plan. She is determined to stay and fight. It becomes clear that the Virodians are coming closer. Their weapons fire is more accurate. There seems not much hope for the officers on the surface of Tollan. The USS Colorado fires all weapons in a double spread trying to dissable or to destroy the two Virodian vessels with one blow. The plan works only for a part. "Captain we have one of them. There is only one left and it is heavily damaged." There is a lot of cheering on the USS Colorado bridge, but the cheering stops as sudden as it had started. "Captain. He is coming right at us, fast..." "Evasive maneuvers !" "They are still on our six. If they explode, they will take at least part of our ship with them. Captain, they are to close for torpedoes ! We will blow ourselves up as well." On the planet Tollan's surface LT CMDR Tom Walker is in the same trouble as the USS Colorado herself. And there doesn't seem anything he can do about it. It is not even certain the Virodians will accept a surrender. Taking cover behind some rocks, it is still clear that the Virodians have come so close they can almost grab the Starfleet Officers. At this moment Chief Spirelly starts to move up and executes the plan, meaning sacrificing one for the others... but then suddenly and without any warning heavy weapons fire is heard closeby. And when Walker hand his team mates look up, they see nine type 10 Federation shuttle craft, firing their weapons on the Virodians who have no chance at all. "Commander Walker, this is Lieutenant Sonak. Prepare to be beamed aboard." A moment later LT CMDR Walker, Ensign Hendersson and Chief Spirelli are aboard their shuttlecraft, and safe. There were no prisoners. When Commander Walker asks about the USS Colorado, LT Sonak can only shake his head. He does not have that information. Captain Harrison, in command of the USS Colorado knows exactly what to do. With the Virodian vessel proceeding at ramming speed towards the USS Colorado, he only sees one way out. "Warp speed. Engage." The USS Colorado jumps to warp one leaving the heavily damaged Virodian vessel behind. The Virodian crew has demanded to much of the engines and only a minute later the Virodian ship explodes. Only an hour later the Bacq and the Equis have been informed about the horror on the mining planet Tollon. Both species are shocked by the evidence, but as they are peaceful, they will not attack the Virodians, who, now without their proud fleet, are almost helpless. It is clear now what the Virodians have done in this sector. Their possible membership with the Federation is of course out of the question. The USS Colorado Captain, representing the United Federated Planets will write a very negative report on the subject. Incoming Message From First Officer USS Colorado, LT CMDR Tom Walker To Commanding Officer USS Colorado, CAPT Jeffrey Harrison Captain if may speak freely, I don't believe that the Bacq and Equis are ready to join the federation, there's to much we don't know yet. And back their on the Tollan mining planet, I'm sure theirs more then a grave yard. I wish we had more time to investigate. And captain while we were at the mountain intrance, we could hear somekind of activity going on further down. I did a review on the Hynaians, I like to contact the Hynaian Science Board and go over the review with chief Torak and Fonda. End Message USS Alice Cooper Only two minutes later four security offers report to Ambassador Stevens. And maybe the Ambassador doesn't like to have so many gorillas around him, he has to understand that this is a necessary precaution. One of the security officers presents himself. "Ambassador Stevens. I am sorry to interupt. I am Lieutenant Pepper. This is my security unit. We are assigned to protect you. If there is anything we can do, don't hesitate to address me. We will be in your neighbourhood around the clock." There doesn't seem to much choice for Ambassador Stevens. He realises that these security officers are going to follow Captain Kalee's orders whatever happens... Half an hour later a group of seven Debino security officers are transported aboard. All of these officers are heavily armed and aks to see Captain Kalee for further instructions according Doctor Weneja and Ruban. Captain Kalee doesn't find it necessary to let the Debino security group walk around the ship, so he meets them in the transporter room leaving First Officer Commander Salgud Eerag in command of the bridge. When Kalee enters the transporter room, the Bedino security officers jump forward and take the transporter officer and Captain Kalee prisoner. When the Debino security officers take of their helmets, it is all clear to Captain Kalee. These are seven women from Angel One... Only a minute later more female soldiers from Debino II are transported aboard the USS Alice Cooper-B. It is a hostile take over... Only ten minutes after the capture of Captain Kalee, there is a female voice on the ship's intercom system: "I am Gilly Corona. My officers and I have captured your Captain and we have control over the Alice Cooper-B bridge and engineering. Do not attempt to resist. All we want is Ambassador Jas Stevens, dead or alive. You have twenty minutes to bring Ambassador Stevens to the bridge of this ship, otherwise we will start killing some of your officers. All Alice Cooper-B personnel will lay down any weapons and assemble in Cargobay 3 and 4." DS2 RPG General Status Report May 2002 General announcement from Starfleet Command: To: all Ship's Captains and Commanding Officers of Starfleet facilities. As of today the USS Thunderbolt and the USS Allianz and their crew are declared arrested. The USS Thunderbolt, Captain Mechels in command has attacked and destroyed the USS Giorko and is now on the run from Starfleet security forces. The charges against the USS Thunderbolt crew and Captain are: Disobeying orders, destroying Starfleet property, stealing Starfleet property, conspiracy against the Federation and violations of articles 1, 2 and 3 of the General Orders of Starfleet. The USS Allianz, Admiral Gonda Werkemarke of Federation Security in command has disobeyed orders, violated articles 1, 2 and 3 of the general orders of Strafleet and has stolen Starfleet property. When you encounter the one of these ships or both, you will use any force necessary to capture the crew, you will detain them in captivity and bring them to Starbase 29, where Admiral Benzo will continue the procedures of a court martial. Those are your orders. End of Message USS Earth Thrown back in time 300 years the USS earth is in pursuit of a Cardassian vessel which has shown to use every means necessary to reach Cardassia. The motives of these Cardassians, who are about to change the future, are not yet clear, but their intensions are a certainty. A fleet of Scalos which has tried to stop the Cardassian ship has no chance against the advanced Cardassian technology. Therefore Captain Steichen orders to attack the Cardassian ship risking that the Cardassian ship will be destroyed, maybe destroying all hope for the USS earth crew of returning "home". But in the mean time Captain Steichen also assignes a special trained unit to examine the files which have been downloaded from the USS Mandarin, just before the jump to the past. Although the Federation ship is approaching the Cardassians continue the fight against the Scalos. By the time the USS Earth opens fire on the Cardassians, there are only ten Scalos ships left. With precision fire the USS Erth is able to disable the Cardassian shields, but the Scalos take the opportunity to attack the Cardassians in a last attempt to destroy the Cardassian ship. Captain Steichen tries to convince the Scalos not to destroy the Cardassian ship, but it does not help. The Scalos keep continuing to attack the Cardassian ship, which at this time has lost all shields. "Captain, this is Lieutenant V'ton, Special Operations. We have downloaded 90 percent of the files of the Hundara. That is the name of the Cardassian vessel. We have been able to download all the necessary data to make time travel possible." But just a second later Gul Mordred of the Cardassian vessel Hundara ahils the USS Earth. "Federation vessel, this is Gul Mordred of the Cardassian vessel Hundara. I ask political asilum aboard your vessel for me and my crew. I have set the autodestruct sequence to go of in 15 seconds and I..." The connection is broken. The Scalos ships have destroyed the Cardassian vessel Hundara. Immediately after the destruction of the Scalos open a radio channel to the USS Earth. "I am Captain Grdena of the warship Caladia. I want to thank you for your help, but you have to understand that I have my orders. I have to do everything in my power to get alien ships out of Scalos territory. We will fight until the enemy is out of our space or die trying. I am just telling you this as a token of my appreciation because you helped us. Please leave our space..." Before Captain Steichen is able to reply, the channel is closed. There is no alternative to leave Scalos space as they requested and the USS Earth sets a course out of Scalos space at maximum warp. At the next senior staff meeting, Lieutenant V'Ton, special operations explains how the time travel is accomplished. The device which is needed for the time travel, will be constructed in not yet four days. This is a great opportunity for the USS Earth crew to get back to their own time but following the temporal prime directive they will also destroy all data concerning time travel. USS Giorko Although the shields of Starbase 622 are down, both the USS Giorko and the USS Thunderbolt do not attack the starbase, although it is clear that Admiral Torquist, in command of Starbase 622 is part of a conspiracy against the Federation. The USS Giorko sets course to a location out of the starbase firing range, followed by the USS Thunderbolt. But then suddenly and totally unexpected the USS Thunderbolt attacks the USS Giorko. Captain Van Nieuwenhove, in command of the USS Giorko, demands an explanation from Captain Mechels, in command of the USS Thunderbolt, but there is no reply. "Captain, They have hit us again. Torpedo launchers are of line. Long range sensors are off line and we have light wounded on decks two and three." As the USS Thunderbolt fires at the USS Giorko again, Captain Van Nieuwenhove has no choice than return fire. The USS Thunderbolt only sustains minimal damage and after firing another salvo of torpedoes hitting the USS Giorko, the Giorko shields are down to 17 percent. Captain Van Nieuwenhove realises that the next attack of the USS Thunderbolt will result in hull breaches on almost all decks. He has to do something fast, but there are not much options left. The USS Thunderbolt fires its torpedoes... The damage to the USS Giorko is devestating. The Giorko is not able to return fire and has hull breaches on deck two, three and four and on top of that, a warp core breach is imminent. And the USS Thunderbolt keeps coming... "Captain there is another vessel coming in sir. It is the Oregon sir. And there are more ships sir. The Texas, the Main, the India and more Captain. Seventien ships in total... Sir a message from Admiral Benzo sir." "Captain Van Nieuwenhove. It is good to see you again. We don't have much time you have a warp core breach in progress. Prepare for emergency beam out." Only a moment later the crew of the USS Giorko is safe aboard the USS Oregon... The USS Giorko explodes in a huge ball of light... Later that day, Admiral Benzo congratulates Captain Van Nieuwenhove for his job well done. "Captain, Geert. Wonderfull job. We have discovered the complete Cardassian conspiracy on five starbases and we have been able to prevent any further damage to the Federation by the Cardassians. As usual the Cardassian government says they know nothing about any of this. But the crews of all those starbases have been infiltrated by Cardassians, geneticly altered to look like humans, Vulcans and even Ferengi. This is a major discovery since the war with the Dominion. There are some in Starfleet who are not convinced all Dominion Founders agreed with their surrender... Well whatever comes from this, it is no longer your concern. I have your reports. But you will need another ship and another mission..." With the USS Giorko destroyed, the crew of the USS Giorko is in need of a new ship. Captain Van Nieuwenhove and his senior staff are very pleased with the offer of Starfleet Command: the USS Metrical, Prometheus-class... USS Thunderbolt Although the shields of Starbase 622 are down, both the USS Giorko and the USS Thunderbolt do not attack the starbase, although it is clear that Admiral Torquist, in command of Starbase 622 is part of a conspiracy against the Federation. The USS Giorko sets course to a location out of the starbase firing range, followed by the USS Thunderbolt. But then suddenly and totally unexpected the USS Thunderbolt attacks the USS Giorko. Captain Van Nieuwenhove, in command of the USS Giorko, demands an explanation from Captain Mechels, in command of the USS Thunderbolt, but there is no reply. After the next attack of the Thunderbolt the Giorko torpedo launchers are off line. As the USS Thunderbolt fires at the USS Giorko again, Captain Van Nieuwenhove has no choice than return fire. The USS Thunderbolt only sustains minimal damage and after firing another salvo of torpedoes hitting the USS Giorko, the Giorko shields are down to 17 percent. The USS Thunderbolt makes the turn and comes in for the kill, firing torpedoes... The damage to the USS Giorko is devestating. The Giorko is not able to return fire and has hull breaches on deck two, three and four and on top of that, a warp core breach is imminent. And the USS Thunderbolt keeps coming... But it is LT Tomar, Thundebolt Tactical Chief, who has something disturbing to report. "Captain there is a fleet of at least fifteen ships coming from... I don't know where they came from sir, but we are surrounded... Sir there is a certain Admiral Benzo, who wants to talk to you." The USS Giorko explodes in a huge ball of light... "This is Admiral Benzo. USS Thunderbolt, you will lower your shields and prepare to be boarded. Captain Mechels you are under arrest. You are ordered to surrender now." But Captain Mechels doesn't want to know about any surrender and sets a course, jumps to warp and escapes from the surrounding ships... USS Walang The orders of Admiral Gonda Werkemarke of Federation Security, about the Trax joining the Federation because the Federation can use their natural stealth abilities, are clear but questionable. Commander Hendriks will not follow that order and ask high Command about the orders of Admiral Gonda Werkemarke of Federation Security, refering the the Starfleet General Orders and Prime Directive. Commander Hendriks is convinced that the Trax should be allowed to make their own choices as to whether they want to work with the Federation or not, and how. While the Federation council talks about the data, sent in by Commander Hendriks and the behavior of Admiral Gonda Werkemarke of Federation Security, the archeologists on Trum continue their work and in cooperation with the Trax, it seems that the Trum and the Trax have been living as neighbours in the same star system, without any knowledge of each other. The Trax, Countor feels a little bit of regret that tyhere hasn't been any contact between the Trax and the Trum, but is also very exited that he can live through what appears a very expanded culture of the Trum, and although there are no Trum left to contact, the artwork and archives of the Trum, discovered after only a week are to big for words. the USS Walang scientists revive the Trum culture so to speak and the discovery of the Trum culture will have a huge impact on the Trax as well without any doubt... In the mean time a small security force on earth is on its way to arrest Admiral Gonda Werkemarke of Federation Security, but upon arrival the Admiral has left already, has taken her starship and with her loyal crew she has left the solar system. It is clear that her ship, by the name USS Allianz is on a course to Trax. The intensions of Admiral Gonda Werkemarke of Federation Security are obvious... Incoming message From: Admiral Joseppe Conzales, Starfleet Intelligence To: Commander Marja Hendriks Admiral Gonda Werkemarke is on her way to Trax with the starship USS Allianz. Admiral Gonda Werkemarke has been placed under arrest, but has been able to escape. You will stop Admiral Gonda Werkemarke with all necessary means. Three starships have been deployed and have been ordered to capture Admiral Gonda Werkemarke. You will not take orders from Admiral Gonda Werkemarke or any of her officers. End of Message Commander Hendriks feels that she has no choice and informs the Trax and warns them, while in the mean time also asking for their help, so they can prepare themselves to prevent Admiral Gonda Werkemarke from reaching the planet. every precaution should be taken to prevent Admiral Gonda Werkemarkefrom reaching the planetor do any damage whatsoever. USS Vertigo Day 75 13.00 Commodore Slater and his staff of the USS Vertigo have assembled. The Cardassian campagne was not a real succes, but sensor logs indicate that Ginson Prime has been used for temporal experiments... Day 75 14.00 There are more urgent matters to attend to than the Cardassians. The USS Vertigo sets course, to intercept the USS Alianz, under command of the fugitive Admiral Gonda Werkemarke. The USS Thunderbolt is nowhere to be found... Day 78 10.17 The USS Alianz as detected the USS Vertigo... USS Lightning LT COL Crow leaves Lieutenant Bell and 20 engineers on HK22. He will pick them up as soon as possible. He orders to set course to relay station 17-B to see what kind of communication has been sent and to where, and try to find something out about the anomaly. Upon arrival at relay station 17-B it is clear that there is more to this than originally thought. 17-B is running completely automated. There is no one aboard. The last maintenance unit has left three weeks ago. Atad cannot not find any alien devices on 17-B. But still LT COL crow reports to the General about his findings. The General informs LT COL Crow that there has been some kind of Cardassian attempt to take over Starfleet and the federation, but there is more behind all of that than can be expected. The Cardassians did not act on their own. That is clear enough. It is possible this anomaly has something to do with all this, but there is only one way to find out. The USS Lightning sets course to the coordinates of the anomaly... "Colonel, we have arrived at the coordinates. Apparently the anomaly has moved another lightyear. I have set course to the new coordinates." "Very good Hawk. Has Atad already determined what kind of anomaly we are dealing with here? I would like those data..." Atad has determined that the anomaly is a rift in space and time. There is no certainty about where the anomaly leads to, but the probes sent into the anomaly just dissapear. The only way to find out for sure is take the ship in, but it is uncertain whether there is a way back or what is at the other side. The team of LT COL Crow could walk right into their destruction... USS Colorado File YRT-637 Science Board H. 89 Present is a forcefield generator 7 creating a 1.6 Million Megawatt forcefield around the Virodian-Bacq-Equis battlefield on Tollan at the coordinates 45.24.90... EOF The USS Colorado is in orbit of the planet Tollan. There is some unfinished business... Commander Walker, Chief Engineer LT Torak, Chief of Security LT Sonak and Chief of Sciences LT Jane Fonda have gathered enough information to start an investigation onj the mining planet Tollan. The science and history files make it more clear what happened on Tollan. Apparently did the Bacq and the Equis have a good cooperation to mine the planet and use the resources for peacefull projects in science and cultural exchange. After only one year Tollan was invaded by the violent Virodians who occupied the Tollan planet and killed everyone who stepped in their way. As a final result there was a huge massacre of Bacq and Equis at the coordinates 45.24.90. To conceal their actions the Virodians set up a forcefield to hide what they had done, but there seems to be another reason why a forcefield was set up... A forcefield is never perfect... Later that day Walker and his team are standing in front of a malfunction in the forcefield, which creates an opening. LT Sonak enters the forcefield first, followed by the rest of the away team. Armed with tricorders a large part of the inner side of the forcefield is scanned. Only a kilometer further there seems to be a structure of some kind, probably a part of the old mining facility. As the group continues its walk towards the structure more of the area is scanned and while the local vegetation has already masked the true nature of this place, it is obvious what has happened. This small area of the planet Tollan is sure to be the end of any imagination. But it is still unclear why the Virodians have left the planet just shortly after the so called battle on Tollan as the Virodians call it. Something must have scared the Virodians or was it their own feeling of responsability? And then the small USS Colorado away team has arrived at the gate of what seems indeed to be a mining facility. The gate leads under the ground into the darkness. And the only markings on the gate need to be translated. When LT Fonda links her tricorder to the universal translator the universal translator gives a rough translation of the markings... "By Virodian military order 3651: do not enter." USS Alice Cooper That is the end of the little speach. In stead of following Gilly Corona's demands, most of the starfleet officers arm themselves and are determined to recapture the ship. Even if it costs them some lives, or even a lot of lives... In the mean time in the middle of the organisation of recapturing the ship, Ambassador Stevens is taken away by Lieutenant Pepper and his team. They hurry towards the shuttlebay. Then there is another voice on the intercom system: "Autodestruct sequence initiated. Self destruct in 30 minutes." That is all. It was the computer generated voice. But Lieutenant Pepper stays calm as nothing has happened. "Ambassador. Maybe it is safer to get you of the ship at this time. The crew will fight to the last man and the autodestruct has been activated. You will be safer on one of the runabouts which is standing ready in the shuttlebay. But it is your choice of course." Waiting for the next turbolift, there are a few seconds to think about what Lieutenant Pepper has just said. When the turbolift doors open, Doctor Weneja is standing in the turbolift with some kind of weapon in his hands. Without saying a word he points the weapons towards Ambassador Stevens, but not fast enough. One of Lieutenant Pepper's securtiy officers has already fired his weapon and Doctor Weneja falls down on the turbolift floor. "Ambassador", Lieutenant Pepper explains, "we already had an eye on Doctor Weneja. Although his identity matches our records and although we couldn't prove that he tried to kill you before we suspected him. Our other guest, Ruban is a retired Starfleet Officer with an incredible record. Although we have been watching him too, he was not a real suspect." The officers drag Doctor Wejena's body out of the turbolift and with the Ambassador they enter to only arrive at the main shuttlebay in a matter of seconds. And only a minute after that the small group stands at the door of runabout. Ensign Resavic is the pilot of this runabout. But just before the small group is ready to step in, Lieutenant Pepper reminds Ambassador Stevens he must decide whether to leave the Alice Cooper-B or not... Then there is the computer voice on the intercom... "Autodestruct sequence initiated. Self destruct in 20 minutes." One foot already stepping up into the runabout, the other still firmly planted on the shuttlebay deck below, Jas finally hesitated initially planning to make good his escape as per Lt. Pepper's sage advise. Changing his mind at the last moment, though, he just couldn't leave. Not that he didn't want to, wanting more than ever to live another day. Always looking forward to the day when he'd be reunited with both his wife, children, and friends back in the Taminyite Universe there was no denying how much he wanted to be back in the Terran Commonwealth. Listening to the Alice Cooper--B's autodestruct sequence reach self destruct in 15 minutes and counting there was nothing more Jas Stevens wanted than to reassume his former life as a simple homemaker back in the "real world". All the same, though, Ambassador Stevens just couldn't believe that the Good Lord brought him all this way to let him either perish or turn tail and run, at such a crucial juncture as this. Never one to shirk his duty to others, Jas reached a final conclusion. "Not my will, but Thy will be done Dear Lord", he muttered more to himself than anyone else. "Ambassador?", Lt. Pepper queried with a curious frown, barely hearing what Jas just said. "No, Sgt. Pep... sorry, Lt. Pepper but I just can't leave.. Not now. I'm giving myself up to Ms. Corona's 'tender mercies' ", Jas managed with a sarcastic grin. "Are you sure that's wise, Sir?" "No, but its still the right thing to do. Obviously this Gilly person has no gentlewomanly propriety, threatening a decent laddie in such a disgraceful manner, but that still doesn't give me the right to respond in kind, checking out on my duty to both my government and yours. Both your Federation president and my Prime Arch Matri gave me an assignment which I accepted of my own free will. Not only that, but I also have an obligation to Captain Kalee, his crew, and all they're enduring right now on my account. No. I won't run out on either them, or my other responsibilities here!", Jas snarled... "I understand how you feel, Ambassador", Lt. Pepper pleaded with him, "But I strongly advise you to reconsider". "I appreciate your concern, Lieutenant, but my decision is final. So don't try to stop me. Don't forget that your very own Starfleet Command granted me the rank of Starfleet Commodore should the need ever arise for such authority on my part while in your universe" "Very good Sir", the reluctant Lt. agreed, feeling a bit slighted over such heavy--handed tactics on the part of the other man, "But may I still recommend that you take a Bodyguard with you when you go to her. As you've just pointed out, Ms. Corona has no sense of honor". "Yes", Jas quickly relented. Lt. Pepper's sense of relief was short--lived hearing this, though, when Ambassador Stevens followed this concession with the further stipulation that his escort consist of neither the good Lieutenant, or any of his men.. Noting the immediate look of bitter confusion on the other man's face, Jas was just as quick to explain. "Don't get me wrong, Lieutenant. I have nothing but the deepest respect for your abilities and those of your men as well and appreciate all that you've done already on my behalf. It isn't that I doubt your ability to guarantee my safety. It's just that, as you obviously agree, Ms. Corona has no sense of honor. Obviously her world has no Code of Feminine Chivalry of their own", Jas sneered in utter contempt. "So, with this in mind, I think it better if my escort consist of a totally female contingent of my own. If she does try anything, I don't want Ms. Corona to use this as an excuse to turn this into some kind of perverse battle between the sexes... If she tries to take me by force, I want this conflict to be woman against woman just like it was over 800 years ago on my Earth between Saint Tammy and Sybil Vojac". Although Lt. Pepper hadn't the foggiest idea who either St. Tammy, or her arch nemesis were, he nevertheless saw the clear wisdom behind Ambassador Stevens unique line of reasoning. So, with this in mind, he went about selecting seven security women from the Alice Cooper--B's own Security Department, making sure that each officer had the highest combat rating in her field. Not only that, but Lt. Pepper also made sure to select only those women who had proven themselves completely loyal to both Captain Kalee, and Commodore Skwyr during his stint as ship's captain, choosing only those who'd earned both Skwyr and Kalee's complete and utter trust over the years. Likewise it wasn't until all seven security women arrived in the Alice Cooper--B's shuttlebay safe and sound ---- Lt. Pepper verifying each of their identities beyond a shadow of a doubt --- that he and his men finally lowered their weapons, allowing them to finally approach their position. Only after all this was seen to did he allow Jas to contact his would-be captor over the ship's internal comm system. Doing so, Jas made equally sure that everyone onboard the Alice Cooper--B could hear the verbal exchange between himself and the erstwhile Ms. Corona. "This is Ambassador Jas D. Stevens of the Colonial Terran Commonwealth of Interplanetary Matriarchate worlds addressing Ms. Gilly Corona of the planet Angel One. As of right now I agree to meet with you, and negotiate surrender terms, provided you likewise agree to the following stipulations on my part ---- first of which is that you abort the autodestruct sequence. Then, once having done so, I likewise expect you to guarantee the safety of your hostages, releasing them in exchange for me. If so, I will have Captain Kalee order his people to but down their weapons provided your soldiers do the same. Then, provided you agree to my terms, I will meet you anywhere of your own choosing aboard ship. If you doubt my authority to issue orders aboard this ship, check with Captain Kalee. He will assure you that I, indeed, have the authority to do so as a duly appointed Starfleet Commodore". Saying this Jas paused, waiting on his opponent's response. Not having long to do so, Gilly Corona's reply was swift in comming. "All right. Captain Kalee assures me you are who you say you are, and have the right to make such deals aboard his ship. Sooo, is there anything else you want ---- not that I'm actually agreeing to any of your conditions?!", Gilly Corona was quick to add in a defiant tone all her own, her strident voice booming out of the ship's intercom directly overhead. All the same though, Jas nevertheless continued ---- undaunted and unbowed. "Very good, Ms. Corona. Understood. In that case I also suggest we bring along with us an escort of no more than seven bodyguards each ---- a further guarantee we won't try to double--cross one another. Then we can discuss our differences like reasonable people, hopefully coming to a mutual understanding we can toth live with. And you'd better agree to my terms", Jas was likewise quick to add, reminding Ms. Corona that ---- should any harm come to either him or or the Alice Cooper--B ..-- it would no doubt be considered an act of war on Angel One's part against both the Federation and the Commonwealth. Asking her if she really wanted to start a shooting war between her world and two superior opponents at the same time, Jas likewise reminded Ms. Corona that he was sent by both governments to open negotiations with the supreme leadership of Angel One, ltThe Elected One", and not her. "So the ball's now in your court, Dear Gentlewoman. The hour groweth late, so I suggest you give me your answer now", Jas warned her in no uncertain terms.. Finally switching off the intercom, waiting her reply, he then turned his attention back towards Lt. Pepper, his men, and the seven security women who would hopefully accompany him ---- safe and sound ---- to his proposed rendezvous with the erstwhile Ms. Corona. "Well, Laddies and Gentlewomen", Jas concluded with a sardonic little smile, "I guess all we can do now is just wait". As if in reply, everyone present heard the ship's computer ring out in a loud, clear, voice from on high.... "Autodestruct sequence initiated. Self destruct in four minutes". DS2 RPG General Status Report June 2002 USS Earth Commander T'Lok in command of the Miranda class USS Mandarin, is still searching for a way to get the USS Earth back. Some of her officers even believe Commander T'Lok has not slept since the disappearance of the USS Earth. And it is not the first time T'Lok has done everything to save her Captain. But then good news is on its way... "Commander. There is a temporal rift opening only one lightyear away bearing 265 mark 15. There is a ship coming through the rift. It is the USS Earth. It is the USS Earth sir, the USS Earth. She is coming through. Commander we have..." "That is excellent news lieutenant, but please calm down. What is the status of the USS Earth ?" But before Lieutenant Sunnusson can answer, the USS Mandarin is hailed by the USS Earth. For both crews it is good to see eachother. And now Captain Steichen has returned all data and the time device are destroyed... Far away from starfleet head quarters in the Beta Quadrant the USS Earth and USS Mandarin continue their search to the original USS Mandarin crew which has dissapeared without a trace. Only a few lightyears away there is a small moon, inhabited by about one hundred thousand humanoids. This will be the first stop of the two ships. But upon arrival at the planet the USS Earth and USS Mandarin are contacted from the planet's surface. On the main viewer appears a Cardassian... "Greetings Federation vessels. You have been expected. I am legate Domptek. You must be wondering how this moon has a hundred thousand Cardassian citicens. Let me explain. We are the descendants from a part of the Cardassian crewmembers of the Cardassian vessel Hundara. Our records show that you, Captain Steichen of the Federation ship USS Earth has destroyed the Hundara during a visit in the past. Our Ancestors were thrown of the Hundara because they didn't want to cooperate with the plans of the Cardassian Obsedian Order to change history. Gul Mordred decided to leave that part of his crew, 516 Cardassians, on this moon, we now call Odsia. Our ancestors only had their clothing, no technology, nothing. We have never been detected and we have never even build a spacecraft. Technology is only used to better ourselves on this moon. We are only Cardassians by birth, but we do not have any connection with Cardassia. Our people on Odsia are a peaceful people without any significant technology. If we can assist you in any way, please let us know." Captain Steichen thanks the Cardassian, but when the channel is closed she listens to the report of Chief of Operations LT Harry Dankers. "Captain. Sensors do not indicate any heavy weapons or spacecraft on Odsia. This planet seems indeed to be peacefull, even defensless. The level of technology on Odsia is about a hundred years behind the current Cardassian technology. Long range sensors do not detect any vessels of any kind." The USS Earth will continue the voyage into the Delta Quadrant and try to find more of the Cardassians and the original crew of the USS Mandarin. USS Metrical The USS Metrical is the new ship of Captain Van Nieuwenhove. The Prometheus class USS Metrical has the most powerful battle capabilities of all classes of ships in the fleet due to its possibilitiy for a decoupling sequence, which splits the ship on three. Therefore it is only logical Admiral Benzo will send Captain Van Nieuwenhove and his crew on a military mission. "Captain Van Nieuwenhove, you van twelve days for you and your crew to get your new ship a little better. I am sending you to the Cardassian border. Some of our ships have had some trouble with the Cardassians and ore and more cardassian ships have crossed the border with the Federation. I know that they have been allies during the war with the Dominion, but I don't trust them and although the Federation council doesn't seem to worry about the Cardassians, I do. Officially your ship will be in pursuit of the renegade USS Giorko, but unofficially you will patrol the Cardassian border, stopping every Cardassian vessel and investigate their intentions. Those are your orders Captain. End transmission." The USS Metrical leaves spacedock and sets course to the Cardassian border as ordered. All crewmembers are very enthousiastic about the new ship and after only one day it seems that even the senior staff has forgotten the USS Giorko, which was destroyed by the USS Thunderbolt. But the USS Thunderbolt is not yet forgotten and some of the crew take it as a sign that they have a chance to hunt the USS Thunderbolt which was last detected on a course to Cardassian space. The next ten days the USS Metrical conducts battle drills and even the scientists aboard are very pleased with the new ship. Spacebattle now has an entire new meaning. The four nacelle powered vessel also has a better maximum cruising speed and arrives at the Cardassian border in eleven days instead of twelve. But sooner than expected the trouble already begins. A Cardassian freighter crosses the border into Federation space without asking any questions. "Sensors cannot penetrate the Cardassian freighter's forcefields." That Cardassian behaviour is at least suspicious and the USS Metrical crew orders the Cardassian freighter to stop and prepare to be boarded for an inspection of their merchandise. "This is Glinn Lanna of the Cardassian Freighter; you have no business coming aboard our vessel. We have only medical supplies aboard to deliver to Tekana III. Yes I know Tekana III is located in Cardassian space, but we are just crossing Federation space as this route is a shortcut. Our people on Tekana III need those medical supplies." That is it. The transmission has ended, and the Cardassian freighter continues on its course. But Captain Van Nieuwenhove has other plans He wants to force the cardassians to stop by shooting a warning. Nut the Cardassian freighter does not stop, maybe thinking the Captain of the USS Metrical is bluffing, but a few seconds later Glinn Lanna is convinced that the USS Metrical crew is not joking. Captain Van Nieuwenhove orders to fire again and with a few precision phaser shots LT Jonathan Yell disables the Cardassians engines and weapons systems. USS Thunderbolt The USS Thunderbolt is on the run from Starfleet. At high speed does the ship under command of Captain Mechels try to escape from the Starfleet ships in pursuit, but the Defiant class Thunderbolt is a fast ship and has technology aboard which makes the ship difficult to detect by sensors. The crew of the Thunderbolt stand by their Captain. On many occasions in the past, Captain Mechels has saved their lives... As the Thunderbolt crew is able to intercept Starfleet communications, it is even more difficult for Starfleet to catch the Thunderbolt. Captain Mechels and his crew realise that the only way to survive this run, is leave Federation space. By the Starfleet ships in pursuit the Thunderbolt is forced to set course to Cardassian space, but at that side the Cardassians have already seen the Thunderbolt coming their way, so the cardassians now also are on their way to intercept the USS Thunderbolt... "Captain Mechels, two Cardassian warships are on an intercept course. They will reach us in one hour. I am afraid we cannot avoid a confrontation." "Red alert. Battlestations." Captain Mechels realises that if he turns his ship around, he would be running into the hands of the Starfleet vessels which are now four days away, but eventually these Starfleet ships will drive the Thunderbolt out of Federation space or force a surrender of the Thunderbolt crew or simply destroy the Thunderbolt without asking any questions. There are only two Cardassian ships in his way, and Captain Mechels knows his ship can handle two Cardassian warships in battle. So his choice is obvious. During a fast senior staff meeting a plan is constructed to eliminate or evade the Cardassians with as less damage to the Thunderbolt as possible. But the meeting is interupted by LT Tomar, Thunderbolt's Chief of Security, in command of the bridge. "Captain. I think you should see this." Captain Mechels and his staff run onto the bridge and watch the main viewer. The two Cardassian vessels on an intercept course to the Thunderbolt seem to be in a fight among themselves. Both Cardassian ships are firing on eachother. Although this is a strange event which is of course to the advantage of the Thunderbolt, Captain Mechels decides to keep red alert status. He orders to set a course around the Cardassian ships in battle, ùmotivating his orders. "Helm, engage. If the Cardassians want to fight themselves, by all means we will let them." "Captain. One of the Cardassian ships has sustained heavy damage. The other one is coming around... The damaged Cardassian vessel is destroyed sir. Sir... The Cardassians are hailing us." "On screen." On the main viewer a Cardassian face appears... "Federation ship Thunderbolt. We know who you are and that you are running from Starfleet to avoid difficulties. I am Gul Todek, of the Cardassian warship Miltak. Our scientists have developed time travel devices. With these devices we are able to change history. We are on our way to change history as we speak, and have infiltrated Romulan, Klingon and Federation facilities, not always with success. Some of the Cardassians are going to try to conquer the entire galaxy with this technology. Even the Borg will be eliminated, as we are now able to destroy them in the past. It is not that we only want the Cardassians to rule the Galaxy. There is plenty of room for all of us, but we will destroy our enemies. We would like you to join us..." Captain Mechels can see the advantages of time travel and agrees with Cardassian Gul Todek to join up and get even with the Federation and all other enemies. USS Walang One of those last messages from Starfleet Command has a direct impact on the crew of the Defiant class USS Walang. Although the Walang is a small ship, with only 60 crewmembers, it is one of the fastests vessels in the fleet and has some serious fire power. While the archaeological survey of the planet Trum still continues with the help of the Trax, it is becoming clear that the Trax are asking more questions about this Admiral Gonda Werkemarke and her intentions. The tension becomes high when Admiral Gonda Werkemarke's USS Allianz has passed Relay Station 457, the last commnication station on the direct route to the planet Trum. Commander Hendriks calls all USS Walang personnel back to the ship, leaving the few scientists and arcaeologists on Trum, with a shuttlecraft as a way to escape. The Trax, Countor who has become rather familiar with the Federation policy and Federation way of life decides to come aboard the USS Walang as well. The other handfull of Trax stay with the USS Walang scientists on the planet Trum. The tension drops again when the USS Walang is contacted by Commodore Jeffrey Slater, in command of the USS Vertigo which is on an intercept course to the renegade USS Allianz. The USS Vertigo is very closeby and is accompanied by the USS Silverwing, under command of Captain Morgan White. It is also clear now to the entire USS Walang crew that Admiral Gonda Werkemarke has disregarded orders from her superiors and even First Officer LT CMDR Harry Belafonte has stopped singing and doesn't hide his worries. Belafonte stands with his commanding officer and helps her to inform the crew to what is going to be next. When the USS Allianz is only one hour away, USS Walang First Officer Belafonte calls the red alert and battlestations. At the same time Commodore Slater informs the USS Walang that his ship the USS Vertigo and the USS Silverwing are only twenty minutes away. As Commodore Slater doesn't know the exact situation on the Trax and the planet Trum, he leaves it up to Commander Hendriks to make a decision about the approaching Admiral Gonda Werkemarke's USS Allianz. The crew of the USS Walang is much smaller than the crew of the renegade USS Allianz, and Commander Hendriks doesn't want a battle. She contacts both USS Vertigo and USS Silverwing to intercept the Allianz. She thinks that those ships are in a good position to do so. USS Vertigo Day 78 10.19 The USS Vertigo is on an intercept course to Admiral Gonda Werkemarke's USS Allianz. Chief of Security LT CMDR Matz and her officers are working double overtime to have all offensive and defensive systems to optimal performance. The USS Vertigo crew realise that they could be in battle soon against people of their own... Day 80 17.53 The USS Silverwing, under command of Captain Morgan White, has joined the USS Vertigo on its way to intercept the USS Allianz. It is becoming clear now that the renegade Admiral Gonda Werkemarke's USS Allianz will reach the planet Trum about a half hour earlier than the USS Vertigo and USS Silverwing. Admiral Werkemarke does not answer any communications from the USS Vertigo. Day 82 12.30 Commodore Slater informs the USS Walang that his ship the USS Vertigo and the USS Silverwing are only twenty minutes away. As Commodore slater doesn't know the exact situation on the Trax and the planet Trum, he leaves it up to Commander Hendriks to make a decision about the approaching Admiral Gonda Werkemarke's USS Allianz. USS Lightning Ater consulting with his senior staff LT COL Crow contacts General Fujimori. "After asking my senior officers, we have come to the conclusion that waiting is just not our game. So after informing the crew, we're setting off for the anomaly. We will see what happens." Unknown to the USS Lightning crew, General Fujimori already has read the first reports about the Cardassians and their possibility for time travel. LT COL Crow and his team are in the best position to examine this anomaly, of which General Fujimori and his staff suspect it is created by the Cardassians... And so it happens. With shields at full the USS Lightning enters the anomaly. In just a second the Starfleet Marine ship crosses the border of time and space. It takes Atad ten seconds to get the sensors back on line. The USS Lightning has arrived at the other side, but there are still a few little problems. First the sensors indicate the USS Lightning has been thrown into the future about a hundred years, second the anomaly is suddenly closing rapidly, but third, the USS Lightning is surrounded by four large vessels... "Colonel. The designs of those ships is not in our database, but the design looks a lot like Cardassian technology. They are powering up weapons sir. Sir we do not have a chance if they fire those weapons. I recommend we get out of here." "Red alert. Battlestations. Back to the rift." The USS Lightning turns around and without even trying to communicate with these Caradasians of the future the USS Lightning jumps at full speed towards the closing rift... "This is Legate Jokana of the sixtythird fleet. You will surrender your vessel. You can not escape the Alpha, Beta and Gamma Quadrant are under Cardassian control. You will not reach the Delta Quadrant. Surrender or be destroyed. I will only give..." The USS Lightning jumps through the rift and is again back in the time and location which they started this investigation from. "Colonel. The rift is closing, but not fast enough. Two cardassian ships are coming through the rift." "Use quantum torpedoes to close the rift." Atad calculates and reprogrammes the torpedoes which are fired at the anomaly. The explosion closes the rift and on the USS Lighting main viewer there is only space. No other ships are detected by long range sensors. LT COL Crow doesn't hesitate and reports to General Fujimori immediately. This time Marine Captain Hawk has the last word... "I guess the Borg will still be there in the Delta Quadrant in the future. I am not a violent man, and the Colonel knows that sir, but may I suggest to the Colonel, we should either whipe out the Cardassians or the Borg, because I don't like to see my children be the slave of either of them and since terminating the Borg is not really a serious considered option..." LT COL Crow, Personal Log, Date coded 41034D: What has happened has my crew and myself thinking about the next course of action. Knowing that the Cardassians probably have created a device that they can create a rift in time and space, we have a few options. We can contact Starfleet Intelligence and ask them whether they know of and if the Cardassians have made such a device and try to capture it. The General knows what has happened. I wait for his orders, but in the mean time we will return to HK22 to retrieve the rest of my personnel and search for the USS Thunderbolt and USS Alianz, till I get orders from the General. End of Log USS Colorado It is not clear yet why the Virodians have left the planet Tollan. But one thing is sure: The Virodians have slaughtered hundreds of Bacq and the Equis, men, women and children... LT CMDR Tom Walker reports to the USS Colorado. "Captain we have found the forcefield control panel, Sonak is shutting down the generator, behind it there are two pathways. Once we are through we will devide in three groups." After his report to Captain Harrison, Walker continues with his plan. "LT Dolan you and LT Fonda will take the right pathway, Sonak and I will take the other one. Contact every 10 minutes. Jones, take your team back, and put up a defence in a radius of 600 meters around the entrance just in case, and keep contact with the Colorado." The Away team splits up. Both smaller teams of two now proceed in the longer tunnels of the mine. The tricorders do not detect anything that could be defined as out of the ordinary. After ten minutes LT Fonda calls LT CMDR Walker to tell everything is all right. In the other team LT Sonak reports his tricorder detected large amounts of some kind of metal, but this kind of metal is unknown to the Starfleet database. The metal is in no way radioactive and therefore not dangerous. The deeper the teams go into the mine the more of this metal is found by both teams and after thirty minutes LT Fonda reports that in her team's mining tube there is only this metal to be found. LT Sonak reports that it is possible that this metal will interfere with sensors and communications. But the contact with Jones outside the mine is still without any interference. But as LT Sonak reports, transport is now out of the question. Both teams cannot be transported out in case of an emergency. Only ten minutes later both pathways in the mine come together to form one path again. But as both teams reunite, and proceed, the path becomes bigger and easier to walk on. Now ebven the ceiling of the corridor is covered with the same metal. But still contact with Jones outside is going excellent. And on the travel goes, now with four away team members. "Commander, I think we cannot go further. there is another forcefield here, blocking our way. I also found the console with the forcefield controls. Sir I think that these forcefields have been installed to keep something in and not to keep something or someone out..." The only way forward is to deactivate this forcefield as well... But just before LT Sonak deactivates this second forcefield... There is a roaring sound, which seems to come from a thousand mouths... There is a deafening sound which seems to come from a stampede... The tricorders do not detect anything unusual... LT Sonak withdraws his hand and lets the forcefield active. Logic dictates that he can't risk any of the away team members, orders or not... Even if his tricorder does not give any dangerous readings... "Commander. Are you sure you want me to deactivate this forcefield ?" There is a flash of images going through LT CMDR Tom Walker's brain, images of his holodeck cow-boy program where more than once an unstoppable cattle stampede threatens the entire state of Texas in 1889... And in that same flash Walker realises he has to do something fast... USS Alice Cooper Commander Ruban, Personal log After my retirement, I promissed not to fill in a log anymore, but this time I can't stop myself from doing it. I came aboard the USS Alice Cooper-B with a certain Doctor Weneja who was on his way to Debino II. This Doctor Weneja turned out to be a murderer. He tried to kill Ambassador Jas Stevens twice. The Ambassador was not harmed. The Alice cooper-B has been taken over by a group of women soldiers under command of a certain Gilly Corona. The only demand they have is to get their hands on Ambassador Jas Stevens. The bridge and engineering are under control of Ms. Corona's troops, The autodestruct sequence has been initiated and there are only a few minutes left. Apparently Ambassador Stevens and this Ms. Corona came to an agreement to meet eachother, but I think there is no more time to start negotiations. It reminds me about the mission we did on Hestona III. There were these huge groups of beatles... End Log Commander Ruban, although retired, had joined a small group of officers who were ready to take over the ship again. They had heard the conversations between Ambassador Stevens and the female bandit Gilly Corona from Angel One. The meeting between Corona and Stevens would take place in cargo bay 6. Ruban's small group was determined to take the chance to enter the bridge and take over. There would be less Angel One bandits guarding the Captain and the other bridge officers. While Ambassador Stevens and his seven women security guards were on their way to cargo bay 6, so was Gilly Corona. But Corona was not the kind of woman who made deals. She was accompanied by twenty seven guards, in stead of seven as was agreed with Stevens. In the Jefferies tube, leading to a hatch on the bridge just behind the tactical station, five officers had been waiting for this moment: Commander Ruban, Ensign Star, Ensign Beaver, Lieutenant Gagnez, and Lieutenant Donald Bridge, who was coordinating the assault on the bridge. In transporter room 2 there were six additional officers waiting for the signal to transport to the bridge. A similar action was setup to take over engineering. "Autodestruct sequence initiated. Self destruct in three minutes". DS2 RPG General Status Report July 2002 USS Earth Two Federation ships are exploring deep space in the Delta Quadrant and are now entering a region of the Galaxy which no Federation ship has ever visited. The USS Earth under command of Captain Christine Steichen and the USS Mandarin under command of Steichen's Vulcan first officer Commander T'Lok. Both ships are on a search for the missing crew of the USS Mandarin. This original USS Mandarin crew has vanished, probably due to Cardassian time travel experiments, even more, both ships have already met some of the results of the Cardassian time travel... This region of space seems to be deserted. Not much M-class planets are detected within several lightyears, and only a few times the USS Earth and USS Mandarin make a small detour to visit a planet of interest. After a few weeks, it is already obvious that traveling with two ships is a luxury. Captain Janeway would have been jealous to say the least. Until... "Captain, long range sensors pick up a ship bearing 165 mark 19. The ship is to far away to determine it's design, but it is heading our way. Shall I try to make contact ?" "Open a channel and inform the USS Mandarin of our intentions." And LT CMDR Ulo Hung reports: "Channel open Captain. There is no respons. It is possible they are still to far away, or their communications systems are not at our level." But Chief of Operations LT Harry Dankers is less optimistic as soon as more information about the ship comes in. "Captain. We have more sensor readings. The ship is of a design that isn't in our database, but the warp signature is that of a Cardassian Galor class vessel. And Captain, there warp core is very unstable. They are traveling at warp 3. I think that is indeed the best they can do." Captain Steichen orders to set a course to the Cardassian ship at maximum speed, followed closely by the USS Mandarin it still takes more than twenty minutes to reach the Cardassian vessel. Now at close range communications are established. A very old Cardassian appears on the main viewer. "Federation vessels. I am Gul Tomanar in command of ... this vessel. I can only be honest with you as I need, my crew and I need, your help. We have been traveling through time, and it didn't work well. We traveled to the past, where we barely escaped from the Borg with serious damage as a result. We had to rebuild our ship, which took us almost twenty years. My crew is only 27 now. Some have simply dissapeared during time travel. You must help us. We have to stop all Cardassian attempts to travel in time with these devices. They don't work as they should and my crew and I are on our way to stop the Obsedian Order with this time travel. You must inform Starfleet Command. We will do anything if you help us repair our ship so we can go to Cardassian space and stop this disaster. We have a plan that cannot fail." Captain Steichen wants to help the Cardassians, hoping they can tell you what happened to the original USS Mandarin crew. But she asks something in return. she has to find out what the Cardassians have done and try to repair the damage they have done. USS Metrical Captain Van Nieuwenhove has gotten the attention of the cardassian freighter under command of Glinn Lanna, by hurting his Cardassian pride and damaging his ship. Only five minutes later a USS Metrical security force comes aboard the Cardassian freighter to make an survey of the cargo. The Security officers are well armed and even the Cardassian crew of the freighter are impressed and let the Starfleet officers to do their jobs. Of course even these cardassians have heard of the Federation Prometheus class, and have an idea of the offensive potential of this kind of ship. But after fifteen minutes the entire Cardassian freighter crew, Glinn Lanna included is locked up in the USS Metrical brig for illegal smuggling of disruptor rifles. Almost six thousand of these weapons have been confiscated. Records show that Glinn Lanna has lied about his flightplan and apparently the weapons had to be delivered to Angel One... When the Cardassian authorities have been informed about the actions of Glinn Lanna, they deny all knowledge and just state Glinn Lanna was acting on his own without any other Cardassian knowledge. Only half a day later two Galor class ships arrive at the location of the USS Metrical. as the USS Metrical crew believes the Cardassian ships are only coming to retrieve the damaged freighter, and the captured crew they are really surprised that suddenly: "Captain they are attacking us." "Red alert. Battlestations. Evasive patern Beta." "Captain, they keep coming." "Return fire on only one of them." "Firing weapons, moderate damage to their forward shields. Our shields have dropped to 82 percent." This battle is not going as it should be and on the hails to ask the Cardassians what they are doing are unanswerd, while they are going after the USS Metrical, they also fire at the freighter at drift, which blows up in a few seconds... Captain Van Nieuwenhove understands that these Cardassians are not going to take any prisoners, even the captive Cardassians on the USS Metrical are not safe and will probably not be spared. These Cardassians have come to take away all the evidence of their actions, and terminating any witnesses is most likely part of that plan. There is only one sollution... "Initiate decopling sequence." "Auto seperation in progress Captain." "Attack Patern Delta, target the Cardassians." The USS Metrical seperates in the three sections, executing the attack patern... Suddenly the Cardassians are surrounded and fired upon from three sides. Twenty seconds later the battle is over and the USS Metrical sections are coppled again to from the Prometheus class vessel. All what is left of the Cardassian ships is debris... The USS Metrical enters Cardassian space to start an investigation on what the Cardassians are up to, risking a war, but ordered by Captain Van Nieuwenhove. USS Thunderbolt Gul Todek leads the way and the other Cardassian ship and the USS Thunderbolt follow. After exactly 14 hours the small convoy initiates a standard orbit of a small moon of the third planet of the Kari System. "Attention Captain Mechels. This is Gul Todek. Our glorious scientists will transport one of the time travel devices aboard your vessel. You will take the device, enter Romulan space at these coordinates and drop the device on the only planet of the Ramani System. When yo have completed that task you will return here and wait for me to contact yo again. Todek out." Only a moment later a device, clearly of Cardassian origin is transported into the USS Thunderbolt cargo bay one. Only a minute later the USS Thunderbolt is on its way to the Romulan border. Some of Captain Mechels have the feeling they are being used by the Cardassians, to do their dirty work and not all of Captain Mechels' officers want to join him to his evil acts against the Federation, especially the younger lower ranking officers, who are still filled with the ideas and phylosophy of the Federation, but Captain Mechels shows some compassion and drops all crewmembers who don't want to join him on the nearest M-class planet, with some survival equipment. But then the time comes to make a serious decision. What is the crew of the USS Thunderbolt going to do with the Cardassian device. It could be a Cardassian trick and the device might not be a time travel device at all. Chief Engineer LT Will Brussels suggests he could examine the device... Captain Mechels follows the advice of his Chief Engineer and orders to examine the device with the risk that his ship will be destroyed or even send back to the past or to the future. But Captain Mechels wants to use the device for his own plans. USS Walang While the USS Alianz, under command of the renegade Admiral Gonda Werkemarke is now close to Trax System and the planets Trax and Trum, the USS Vertigo and USS Silverwing are also on their way to intercept the USS Alianz. Both ships have increased their speed top get to Trax in time. It is first and for all absolutely necessary to try to stop Admiral Gonda Werkemarke, without using force. It is clear that the very last resort to stop Admiral Gonda Werkemarke's USS Alianz is using force. But the USS Vertigo and USS Silverwing are not the only ships which stand in the way of the USS Alianz. Commander Hendriks, in command of the USS Walang has understood that her ship and crew have to stand a full alert, just in case... "Commander all stations report battle readyness." "Very well Lieutenant. Open a channel to the USS Alianz and ask them to stand down." USS Walang Chief of Security Lieutenant Patrick Kant opens the channel, but in the mean time he keeps his eyes on the battle displays. As expected there is no answer from the USS Alianz. Lieutenant Kant tries again and again. There is no answer... "Commander Hendriks, there is no reply from the USS Alianz." "Keep trying Lieutenant." "Commander, The USS Vertigo reports they will be in time to intercept the USS Alianz before it reaches the Trax System." "That is good news. We will stay at red alert, and we will stand by to assist if necessary." Lieutenant Kant continues his report of the situation. Commander, the USS Alianz has turned around and is setting a course towards the USS Vertigo and USS Silverwing. USS Vertigo reports Admiral Gonda Werkemarke is not responding to their request of communications. USS Vertigo and USS Silverwing have powered up their weapons. Two minutes before the Alianz is in firing range of the USS Vertigo and US Silverwing... Commander there is an anomaly just apearing bearing 241 mark 26. It seems to be a temporal rift. There is a ship coming out of the rift Commander. It is a Cardassian vessel. The Cardassian vessel is severely damaged, but there are no life signs. Commander, the USS Alianz is setting a course to the rift. It is going into the rift. It is gone Commander. The rift has collapsed and has disappeared. But Commander Hendriks doesn't take any chances. There is a new possible threat now. The Uss Vertigo contacts the USS Walang: "This is Commodore Slater in command of the USS Vertigo. We are still working on a theory to explain what happened. I am afraid the USS Alianz and Admiral Gonda Werkemarke has taken this opportunity to escape. Commander Hendriks, you know this system best and you are most up to date on the Trax and Trum. I would like to meet with you on the USS Vertigo, to come to a conclusion. We also have to do something about that Cardassian ship." Only a few moments later Commander Hendriks transports to the USS Vertigo, where she is welcomed by USS Vertigo commanding Officer Commodore Slater and Captain White, in command of the USS Silverwing. USS Vertigo Day 82 12.32 The USS Vertigo and USS Silverwing are still on a course to intercept renegade Admiral Gonda Werkemarke's USS Allianz, increasing speed. Commodore Slater believes that if the US Alianz is surrounded by three ships, Admiral Gonda Werkemarke will surely see that surrender is the only option she has left. Slater does not believe Admiral Gonda Werkemarke would have her ship destroyed and her crew killed, over this issue. Day 82 12.47 USS Vertigo and USS Silverwing are at red alert. All crew have manned their battlestations. Aboard the USS Vertigo Chief of Security Lieutenant Commander Matz, is still trying to contact the USS Alianz, without success. Now even the USS Walang is at red alert and ready to assist the USS Vertigo and USS Silverwing if it comes to a battle. Day 82 12.49 But it doesn't come to a battle. Without warning a spacial-time rupture appears bearing 241 mark 26. A heavily damaged Cardassian ship comes out of the rift, with no life aboard. The USS Alianz takes the opportunity to escape through the rift, just before the rift collapses. Day 82 13.00 Captain White, in command of the USS Silverwing and Commander Hendriks, in command of the USS Walang have come aboard the USS Vertigo for a meeting to decide what to do about the Cardassian ship, among other matters. USS Vertigo Chief of Security has already suggested an away team should be send to the Cardassian ship. Apparently the Cardassians have technology to open or create temporal rifts... USS Lightning Incoming Message from General Fujimori To: LT COL Crow, CO USS Lightning Code clearance 32NT This information is classified. We have information that the Cardassians have build some kind of device which makes it possible for them to travel in time. You will get your team together and proceed to the Cardassian border. Once you have arrived you will receive new orders. If you encounter a Cardassian vessel of any kind you will make a decision yourself what to do. From in my seat here on Earth, I cannot give you any advice. You are in the field. You take the decision. Good luck. End of Message The USS Thunderbolt travels back to the HK22 relay station to pick up the rest of the team. The thought of a possible enemy traveling in time, is very disturbing. LT COL Crow can only suspect his next orders will be to enter Cardassian space and to find out or even destroy the Cardassian technology that makes it possible for them to travel through time and even change history. But if the Cardassians are able to change history, nobody will notice... Time travel is filled with paradoxes. There is no way of telling what will happen next. At HK22, LT Bell and his men are retieved and as the small relay station has been repaired, there is no cause for the USS Lighting to stay. The first few days on its way to the Cardassian border, nothing important happens. So LT COL Crow has the time to do some battle drills and consult with his senior officers to make plans what to do and produce extra scenarios. But then after three days... "Colonel, there is another rift in time and space, only half a lightyear away." "Is there a ship coming through Lieutenant ?" "There is to much interference sir. We have to get closer." Crow orders to set a course at maximum speed. Only moments later the first reports are coming in from LT Bell watching the sensor results very closely. "Colonel sir, There has a ship appeared, apparently it came out of the rift. It is a Cardassian ship. The ship is a Galor class warship. It appears to come from our own time." Realising Cardassian ships from the future or from anywhere else could come through the rift Crow and his officers immediately see the danger, and only ten seconds later a burst of quantum torpedoes has collapsed the rift. With the rift gone The USS Lightning crew can concentrate on the Cardassian vessel. "Colonel. There are no life signs aboard. The ship only has moderate damage. Weapons and shields are off line, but life support is working. May I be so blunt to say that apparently not all of those Cardassian time travel devices seem to work perfectly. I suspect they had some kind of accident with their new technology. Although Colonel sir, I volunteer to get aboard the Cardassian ship and find as much as we can." USS Colorado Aboard the USS Colorado Captain Harrison is getting a bit worried about his First Officer LT CMDR Walker, but he is also intreged about what Tom Walker and his away team could find on the planet Tollan. The reports of the away team in the mines of the Tollan planet, are coming in as they should, but there is still not enough data to come to any more conclusion other than that the Bacq and the Equis have been killed by Virodian weapons a long time ago... "Captain we're deactivating the forcefield, there is a good chance that the two forcefields were active to keep people down there. Sonak believes that there are still Tollans here, as a working force for the Virodians. We also found a control panel, in which we're trying to access and retrieve information." "Proceed Number One. Maybe we'll get some answers now. But remember to be careful." LT Sonak looks at LT CMDR Walker. When Commander Walker nods, LT Sonak starts pushing buttons on the control panel. Only a few moments later the second forcefield is off line. The thundering sound is getting louder and louder. Almost instinctively the entire away team steps backwards. LT Fonda pulls out her hand weapon... The ground seems to move. A small earthquake throws the away team on the ground. The roaring sound is now so loud it hurts the ears. The away team knows they cannot be transported out and if they want to get back to the ship, they have to leave the mines. In addition there is a danger the mines will collapse. LT Sonak seems to have kept his logic and steps forward to the control panel to reactivate the forcefield. The reactivation of the forcefield could prevent further demolition... But as LT Sonak aproaches the control panel, suddenly the noise stops. It is dead still. The officers of the away team look at each other. LT Sonak looks at LT CMDR Walker as if he is waiting for further orders. But there is no time... Some kind of energy storm rushes out of the deepest places of the Tollan mines. This storm doesn't care about the away team and just throws them on the floor, continuing to the outside, without a sound. But the Vulcan ears of LT Sonak can hear a very far away... "Free, Borana is free. Free, Borana is free." As the energy storm escapes from the mines, passing Jones and his guards just to jump into the air and escape from the planet Tollan's gravity into space... Abaord the USS Colorado sensors have detected an energy storm of about six meters long and two meters wide, traveling at half impulse speed. The energy storm makes some kind of noise, but the universal translator of the USS Colorado makes a translation: "Free, Borana is free. Free, Borana is free." "Captain. The away team is back aboard, sir." Captain Harrison immediately calls for a senior staff meeting. Harrison himself wants to know what is going on and who is involved and what or who is Borana... USS Alice Cooper As soon as Gilly Corona had taken the larger group of her guards to cargo bay 6, Lieutenant Donald Bridge realised that they wouldn't have a second chance like this. All officers had reported in as being ready. "Now." With only one word Lieutenant Donald Bridge set the retaking of the Alice Cooper-B in motion. In fact it was the retired Commander Ruban who jumped on the bridge first and fired at the nearest bandit. The Captain and the other bridge officers had been tied up and left in a corner. There were only three guards and Lieutenant Donald Bridge's small group had no trouble at all to overtake the bridge. The second team transported in, the Captain was liberated and when the reports from engineering came in that engineering as well was cleaned up from the bandit scum, a loud cheer was also heard on the bridge, except for Lieutenant Donald Bridge, who stayed calm and addressed Captain Kalee: "Captain, the autodestruct sequence, sir." Captain Kalee couldn't risk another second. He rushed over to the tactical console and started to push buttons. Aside him was Chief of Security Lieutenant Commander Gav Tiral. Now it was Tiral's turn to input the necessary codes... In the mean time Gilly Corona was entering cargo bay 6, knowing she would arrive first, she ordered her troops to hide, except for seven of them, who would stand aside her, as if she would have agreed with Ambassador Jas Stevens... Her mission was to get Ambassador Stevens to Angel One, dead or alive... DS2 RPG General Status Report August 2002 USS Earth Gul Tomanar and his 26 other Cardassians are searching their records of what happened to the USS mandarin and its original crew, while the Starfleet Engineers help the Cardassians with the repairs. But the search in the Cardassian database is long because a large part of the files have been damaged in the battles the Cardassians have done while traveling to other time frames. Apparently the Cardassians have thought that destroying the Borg in the past, 400 years, could be done with one suprior ship, but the Cardassians underestimated the Borg, who addapted very fast and the Borg started to hunt the Cardassians in stead of vice versa. Luckily the Borg had no chance to assimilate any Cardassian nor their technology, otherwise the entire Galaxy would be, most likely, under control by the Borg by now. It took the Cardassians about 20 years to et back in their own time... Gul Tomanar is very helpful in explaining how the time devices work. All time devices are connected to each other as in a huge network. This way there is a coordination between all time devices, in which way the result can be coordinated and the Cardassians can evaluate the results of their time travel. Gul Tomanar and his fellow officers have developed software that wil destroy the capabilities of the time devices. But then the good news comes in. Through the Midas Array, there is a 26 minutes window to communicate with Starfleet Command directly. "This is Admiral Paris. It is good to see you Captain Steichen. We haven't heard from you in 52 days and your last report is almost unreadable due to interference. Please report your status." Captain Steichen reports the status of the USS Earth, USS Mandarin and the Cardassian vessel. She also reports about the time travel devices and the counter measures. Gul Tomanar is again very helpful and transmits all the necessary files needed to neutralise the Cardassian time devices once and for all. Admiral Paris is releaved about this new information. He knew about Cardassians having some kind of way to travel in time, but Starfleet Command did not have all the information needed to proceed. Starfleet even considers to inform the Klingons as well. After the official reports there is some time for some of the crewmembers to talk to some of their family or send a message. After exactly 26 minutes the connection is interupted. The moral aboard the USS Earth, USS Mandarin and the Cardassian ship under command of Gul Tomanar, is high. Even the Cardassians are pleased, knowing that Starfleet will do anything they can to stop the Cardassians. It is only a matter of days now. The only thing now is to find data on the original USS Mandarin crew. And again luck is on Captain steichen's side. Although a lot of files are corrupted, some of them still are completely intact. File 763498: Gul Kotat, Commanding Officer Warship Hunura: ships log The use of the time travel device has been successful and the crew of the Federation ship USS Mandarin has been transported through the time rift. It is uncertain in which time frame they will end up, but it is somewhere in the future, where the Cardassian supremacy will destroy them or turn them into slaves. This mission has been a complete succes. Although there are messages intercepted with a Federation signature from a planet behind Cotona space. It is unlikely this signal comes from the USS mandarin crew, but we will tavel through Cotona space. We will arrive in 16 days. If this is about the USS Mandarin crew, hiding or if the time device didn't work as it should, we will find out soon enough. It was indeed wise to test the time device on a Federation ship and crew. End Log Gul Tomanar immediately starts to apologize to Captain steichen for the actions of Gul Kotat. Tomanar knows Kotat personally and knows him as a cruel dictatorial Gul, ready to do everything to destroy his enemies, with a hate towards the Federation. The log which has been found is six weeks old, and has been received by Gul Tomanar's ship a week before he himself did the first time travel. After a short meeting the USS Earth, USS Mandarin and the Cardassian ship set course to the coordinates where the original crew of the USS mandarin can be found. But after six days the three ships are halted by the Cotonans. Six Cotonan ships have surrounded the Federation-Cardassian group. The Cotonans explain to Captain Steichen they don't want strangers in their territory. The Cotonans do not have any information about another Cardassian ship. After some talks the Cotonans seem to be friendly, but they still don't want any strangers in their region of space. After scanning their vessels it becomes clear that the Cotonans are no match for even one Starfleet vessel. Gul Tomanar suggests going through Cotanan space will not hurt them if this is the defense the Cotonans have to offer, and going through will win them a lot of time, but there also could be much more ships and bigger more powerfull ships waiting out of sensor range, and these six ships could only be scout ships. Whatever Captain steichen decides to do, Gul Tomanar will support her actions. Travel around Cotonan space will take 54 days... Just before Captain Steichen makes her decision a message is coming in with a Federation signature and is encrypted. After examination scientists confirm the message has been sent 17 years ago and is received by the USS Earth trough a twist of echoes... Incomming Message: To Starfleet Command, Lieutenant Corsair reporting. We have been relocated by the Cardassians on a remote planet in the Beta Quadrant. I am the last of the senior officers of the USS Mandarin crew. We are building a new ship from the resources we have found on this planet. I am not certain about the coordinates of our planet, but I wil include the type of planet, mass and composition. There are only 72 crewmembers left and we expect to be ready with the ship in about 8 to 12 years. We suspect the Cardassians know we are here and that they will hunt us. We have setup a security perimeter. But it is the only chance we have is building a ship, which is our first priority. We don't have anything else to do anyway. End message Although the USS Earth has superior technology, Captain Steichen decides to go around the Cotonan space. Although time is not on her side, local laws and Starfleet regulations have to be followed, even if the original crew of the Mandarin will be the victim of the USS Earth being late... USS Metrical In the mess hall of the USS Metrical some of the cooks talk about the past battle against the Cardassians. Although they were in no way involved in the actual fighting their admiration for Captain Van Nieuwenhove has increased a lot. And that goes for the entire crew. "I think the Captain did the right thing. He waited until the last moment, warned the enemy more than once and then he attacked. I agree there was no alternative." But Mess Hall Chief Dorian Tout knows his pace and reminds everyone why they are here doing this job. "Well Crewman First Class Johanna Matte, I am sure the Captain will be very happy to hear that. Now get back to room 2 and continue with the cleaning up." "Aye sir." The young Crewman runs to room 2, while Chief Tout can only shake his head. It ends the discussion. In the mean time on the Bridge there is a improvised senior staff meeting. The first reports are promissing. No Cardassian ships are detected on long range sensors and the first star system with an inhabitable planet is only a few hours away. The senior officers have been informed by their divisional section supervisors, that the moral is excellent and that the entire crew seems to stand behind Captain Van Nieuwenhove without being ordered. It is a spontaneous feeling of the crew to find the reason and cause for what seems to be another Cardassian plot. Of course the rumor gets around that the Cardassians have some kind of device with which they can travel through time, and that is a reason more to get things done and find out what the Cardassians are up to. The USS Metrical doesn't draw to much attention as it travels at low speed, but after a few hours indeed, the Federation ship arrives at T45-A, a small planet in the T45 System. A standard orbit is initiated. First report from Chief of Operations LT Latisum Ginu is coming in: "Captain. This planet seems to be deserted. Sir it reminds me of a report I have read not so long ago about the The USS Vertigo which was in orbit of Ginson Prime. The cities were deserted, but not destroyed. It is as if the Cardassians who lived here had to evacuate the entire planet in a hurry. There were no life signs. The same thing here Captain." "Where there any more investigations on the planet Ginson Prime itself by the USS Vertigo crew ?" "No Captain. The USS Vertigo had to leave as the Cardassians came their way in an agressive way, if you know what I mean." "Are their any Cardassian ships closeby Lieutenant?" "No Captain. We have plenty of time to investigate further. The planet is inhabitable. We could send an away team." Captain Van Nieuwenhove turns to his First Officer LT CMDR Jose Cambrera. Cambrera only nods in agreement with LT Ginu... Captain Van Nieuwenhove orders to send an away team under command of First Officer Cambrera to the planet T45-A for further investigation. USS Thunderbolt Aboard the USS Thunderbolt, four scientists and Chief Engineer LT Will Brussels, have begun their research on the Cardassian device which would make time travel possible. But the research is going slowly and coming closer to Romulan space, the USS Thunderbolt Captain needs answers more quickly. "Captain. we have just intercepted Romulan communications. Two Romulan warbirds are heading towards the Neutral Zone. They will arrive here in one 23 hours. I suggest we move into Romulan space towards the Ramani System and make the research of the device on our way there." It is not the first time Captain Mechels and his crew have crossed the Neutral Zone into Romulan space on a secret mission. But this time there is a small difference. The Thunderbolt crew doesn't expect any help from the Federation or Starfleet. They are now renegades. And indeed on their way to Ramani System the first reports of the scientists are comig in and seem to be positive. With the current Federation knowledge, they can say that the Cardassian device is indeed a device which can be used to create a temporal rift, but the scientists are not sure what the effect will be on a planet. To be sure things wil be in their own hands the Thunderbolt scientists download plans and scematics of every single item of the time device into the Thunderbolt computer. After their first analysis, they have come to the conclusion they can create their own device if necessary. One hour away from the Ramani System, the Thunderbolt crew is confident this will work. The scientists have already started to create a second device, and everyone aboard is now convinced that they don't need the Cardassians any more. Creating one device can be done in only two weeks... "Captain we are entering the Ramani System. The only planet in this system has 600 million inhabitants. The device is ready sir, we can drop it on the planet on your command. Sir, there is another thing. There are now three Romulan warbirds on their way to te Ramani System. They are on an intercept course. We still have nine hours." Nine hours is a lot of time especially when you have a Tactical Chief who has some suspision. "Captain. I don't know but this doesn't seem right. Why would the Cardassians bother with a planet in a Romulan star system. This planet cannot even defend itself. There is no weaponry of any kind. There is only a small space port, but we cannot detect any spacecraft, and although I admit these ships could be cloaked, they should have been here at our frontdoor by now to try to get an answer why we are here, to say the least. I don't trust it Captain. I have the impression the Cardassians are using us for their evil plans, which are not our plans..." First Officer LT CMDR Els Antwerps even has something to add. "Captain, we have one device now, and we can travel to another time. Our scientists are sure how the parameters are set for time travel. If we use this device now on this Romulan planet, it will take another two weeks before we have build another one. Maybe we should leave Romulan space go to a safe place, and wait until we have a few of these devices, before using one." And Captain Mechels has some questions about the Cardassians as well. Before using any device, he wants to investigate what could be so important for the Cardassians on that one planet of a remote Romulan system called Ramani System. The planet cannot even defend itself against one starship. USS Walang The meeting between Commander Hendriks, Captain White and Commodore Slater aboard the USS Vertigo clearly shows that Commodore Slater, highest in rank still is open for constructive discussion. After only three minutes it is clear that Captain White is in favor of securing the planets Trum and Trax as a protection. But at the same time there is a Cardassian ship waiting for an inspection. It is clear that this Cardassian ship must have caused the rift through which Admiral Gonda Werkemarke's USS Alianz has escaped. Or at least the Cardassian ship had experienced first hand of what happened. Commander Hendriks informs Captain White and Commodore Slater about the situation on Trax and Trum. The USS Walang is on a archaeology mission on the planet Trum, where remains of an old civilisation has been found. And the neighbouring planet called Trax is inhabited. The Trax are creatures, who have developped a stealth organ and can make themselves invisable to any means of sensors, or any other mean. Commodore Slater is indeed interested in meeting the Trax Countor, who has taken upon him, the role of spokesman for the Trax. But Capain White seems to have other priorities. "Commodore shouldn't we investigate the Cardassian ship first ?" "That ship is not going anywhere Captain. Besides, we would violate Cardassian privacy rights. and at this time we are no longer in war with the Cardassians, which excludes a reason to board their ships just for the fun of it." Captain White can only agree. Only a moment later USS Vertigo Chief of Security Lieutenant Matz reports, the Trax, Countor has arrived on the ship and is ready to enter the conference room. After the order Lieutenant Matz comes in, presents Countor and then leaves to her station on the USS Vertigo bridge. Countor explains to the Starfleet officers, that that ship at drift, the Cardassian ship, which caused the rift, has a device aboard to travel through time. One of the Trax has already been aboard on the Cardassian ship. Commodore Slater has no reason to doubt Countor and orders to set course to Cardassian space to start a serious investigation. This time he will not go alone. The USS Silverwing will accompany the USS Vertigo and the USS Nomad, the USS Cordonamo and USS Bardano will rendez-vous with the USS Vertigo at the Cardassian border in seven days... USS Vertigo Day 82 13.12 Commander Hendriks informs Captain White and Commodore Slater about the situation on Trax and Trum. The Trax are creatures, who have developped a stealth organ and can make themselves invisable to any means of sensors, or any other mean. Day 82 13.17 The Trax named Countor arrives aboard the USS Vertigo on request of Commodore Slater. Countor is excorted to the conference room by Lieutenant Matz. Countor explains to the Starfleet officers, that that ship at drift, the Cardassian ship, which caused the rift, has a device aboard to travel through time. One of the Trax has already been aboard on the Cardassian ship. Day 82 14.02 Commodore Slater has no reason to doubt Countor and orders to set course to Cardassian space to start a serious investigation. This time he will not go alone. The USS Silverwing will accompany the USS Vertigo and the USS Nomad, the USS Cordonamo and USS Bardano will rendez-vous with the USS Vertigo at the Cardassian border in seven days... USS Lightning LT COL Crow is confronted with a lifeless Cardassian ship, drifting in space right in front of his own ship, the USS Lightning. As some in his team and some in the USS Lightning crew, are jumping to the oportunity to get aboard the Cardassian ship and get as much information as they can, there is still the posibility that it could be a trap. Incoming message from General Fujimori LT COL Crow. Proceed on your own initiative. Special Intelligence is working on a counter device of the Cardassian time travel posibilities. Commodore Slater is assembling a small fleet to enter Cardassian space to investigate. Another fleet is assembled to secure Federation space from posible Cardassian invasion. I don't think I have to remind you that this information is classified. End of Message USS Colorado Aboard the USS Colorado sensors have detected an energy storm of about six meters long and two meters wide, traveling at half impulse speed. The energy storm makes some kind of noise, but the universal translator of the USS Colorado makes a translation: "Free, Borana is free. Free, Borana is free." "Captain. The away team is back aboard, sir." Captain Harrison immediately calls for a senior staff meeting. Harrison himself wants to know what is going on and who is involved and what or who is Borana... "Captain it is obvious that Borana is an intelligent life-force, with no threat that we know of. Apparently it didn't see us as a threat, or beleaved that we one." But the Captain is not yet convinced. It is not certain this Borana is not a threat. But LT Sonak adds: "Captain if I may, I believe that Borana is a Tollanian. On one of the control panels the readings were quiet different then all the others. If we want to know about Borana, we should go back and continue our research." And Commander Walker agrees: "Is it possible that Borana is searching for other Tollanians, and knows were they are and warm them of the danger! Captain I request a full team and return the surface, the life-force has been there for a long time it might help us." The fact remains that only Borana knows... Captain Harrison is also intrigued by this Borana and although he would like to follow Borana to his destination, he cannot leave an away team unprotected on a planet which seems to hide more than ever expected. But he doesn't want to let Borana go just like that. He orders Chief of Operations, LT Doran, to assemble a team and follow Borana in a runabout. LT Doran is ordered to report on every change and as the Captain wants to do everything to communicate with Borana he orders LT Doran to get some communications specialists into his team. As soon as the runabout under command of LT Doran has been launched, it sets course to follow Borana. Borana is on its way to the Virodian home planet... Shortly after that an away team, with LT Sonak and Commander Walker is transported down to the planet, close to the entrance of the mines. Now with the forcefields down, transporters are an easy way to get very close to the mines. As the away team now knows the way in the mines, only half an hour later they are all standing at the control panel of the forcefield, that apparently had released Borana, an energy creature, which is now on his way to the Virodian home planet. The guards at the entrance of the mines are still a bit nervous about the graveyard where the Bacq and the Equis have been terminated by the Virodians. but in the mine that is not the issue any more. Now the search has begun to find more information about the energy creature Borana. With all forcefields now down, the away team under command of Commander Walker proceed deeper into the mines, checking on the stability of the undeground structure. Through a small tunnel the group enters a larger room. There is some vegetation, but nothing else of importance, so the group continues carefully. After another long and turning tunnel, the away team arrives in a big room, with all kinds of artifacts lighing on the ground and all kinds of carpets on the floor and hanging on the wals. LT Sonak is sure that these artifacts were not created by the Virodians, the Bacq or the Equis. But he cannot be certain that Borana has created these artifacts. "I am only sure that we are now 53 meters below the planet's surface that it is 14 degrees Celsius and that the oxygen level as dropped to 15.9 percent." That doesn't help much of course and the away team starts a search of the room for advanced technology. Lt Sonak grabs a kind of apparatus from the floor. Whie he looks at it, the other away team mebers step closer to have a look as well. At this time the USS Colorado is contacted by the Virodians. It seems the Virodians are in a hurry. "The monster is coming it will destroy us and then it will destroy you. Kill it. Kill it. We don't have enough weapons to defend ourselves. You have destroyed all our ships. You must help us now. We are defenseless. You must help us. Kill it. Kill it. There is..." The channel is interupted. All attempts to open a channel to the Virodians fail. Captain Harison doesn't have any choice than to contact his First Officer in the mines of the planet Tollan. "Commander Walker. It seems that Borana will attack the Virodian home planet. What is your status. We don't have much time..." USS Alice Cooper Only twenty seconds later the cargo bay 6 door opened and the Starfleet Security women came in, protecting Ambassador Stevens. The first question was obvious: What do you want ? "Well well well, Ambassador Jas D. Stevens. Accompanied by women... You make me laugh. Did you really think we wouldn't fire on women, because we could consider them as equal ? Those are not our women, and they never will be equal to ours." "Autodestruct sequence initiated. Self destruct in two minutes". "Never mind. We don't have time for games. I will tell you what is going to happen Ambasador Stevens. You will come with us and we will let your ship and its crew go free. There is a new leader now on Angel One, Beata III, and she will not tollerate any interference from outside. In fact we are reinforcing our entire system. We have received some very usefull help from new friends, and we are ready to conquer the Federation, maybe even the entire quadrant. Apparently you have undermined her authority in to many ways and it seems you are a valuable advisor to the Federation Council on these matters, so before we will take the next step, you will have to be eliminated. I have hidden twenty of my troops in this cargo bay and each and every single one of them has her weapon pointed at your head. Do you understand ?" Just before Ambassador Stevens opens his mouth, one of his security officers, Lieutenant Sarah Ribsonaz makes a small movement. "Haaa !" Apparently this was a signal as almost simultaneously the other Starfleet Security guards raise their weapons and fire at Gilly Corona and her guards who are caught in total surprise. A split second the bandits are on the floor, heavily stunned... "Clear ! Clear ! Clear !" Seven voices shout as this was only the next drill in a row of a hundred. DS2 RPG General Status Report September 2002 USS Earth The journey around Cotonan space takes the USS Earth, USS Mandarin and the Cardassian ship under command of Gul Tomanar, into a not explored region of the Beta Quadrant. But exploring this region is not the first priority of the small fleet. Although a group of Cotonan ships follow them along the border of Cotonan space, there are no incidents, not even a small provocation. But after almost eight weeks the three ships leave Cotonan space behind and continue their travels to the planet described by Lieutenant Corsair in his log. There is only one planet in the entire region which has those parameters and after a fey days the three ships arrive at the planet. But there are no indications of Federation presence on the planet. Most of the crew members fear they have come to late. "Captain. Sensors detect another Cardassian vessel only one lightyear away." After sharing the information with Gul Tomanar, there is only one conclusion: It is Gul Kotat's ship, the Warship Hunura. Without any hesitation, the small fleet under command of Captain Steichen, sets course to the Hunura. But the Hunura has already detected Captain Steichen's little fleet and continues with high speed. After ten minutes of chasing, Chief of Operations Lieutenant Dankers reports there is another ship, with Federation signature. "Captain, the Hunura has fired upon that Federation ship." The three ships in pursuit of the Hunura increase speed and are just in time to see that the Federation vessel is heavily damaged and the Hunura is approaching for the final blow. the situation seems hopeless. That Federation ship is clearly of an unknown design, but it doesn't take to much imagination to know that this ship is build by Lieutenant Corsair and his remaining crew. Time has run out. In frustration Captain Stechen and her crew realise that there is nothing they can do to stop the Hunura from destroying Lieutenant Corsair's selfmade ship. But just before Gul Kotat and his ship the Hunura are in firing range of the Federation ship, the other Cardassian ship under command of Gul Tomanar, jumps to warp towards the Hunura. Just as Captain Steichen opens a channel to Gul Tomanar to ask what his intentions are, the speakers produce the last words of the heroic cardassians... "For Cardassiaaaaaaaa !" Gul Tomanar's ship rams and hits the Hunura under command of the diabolical Gul Kotat. Both Cardassian ships explode... It is Commander T'Lok who keeps his Vulcan logic in this moment of perplexity. He orders his helmsmen of the USS Mandarin to set course to the Federation vessel and evacuates the crew of the ship, now with a warp core breach in progress. It is indeed Lieutenant Corsair and his crew who have build this ship and after it is destroyed they all hold a moment of silence. The building of their ship, took many many years... Within the hour the USS Mandarin is returned to the original crew and Lieutenant Corsair cannot find words to thank Captain Steichen. "Captain Steichen, I don't know how to thank you. We have been locked on this planet and the only thing we could do was building another warp ship. It took us sixteen years. In that time twenty nine children were born. And just as we thought we had it made and were ready to return home, the Cardassians showed up again and honestly, I thought we would not make it. Captain, after consulting with our officers we have decided to follow you where-ever you go, unless you order us to do otherwise. You must realise that our disappearance was only a few months ago. And that we have been away for many years doesn't really change that." The crew of the USS Earth is again complete and the original crew of the USS Mandarin is back on their ship, under command of Lieutenant Corsair. Captain Steichen orders Lieutenant Corsair to join her in exploring the Beta Quadrant and she transfers some of her crew to the USS Mandarin. USS Metrical "Energize." USS Metrical First Officer Lieutenant Commander Jose Cambrera has given the order to transport his team to the planet surface of T45-A, a Cardassian planet, deserted and no life signs. With Cambrera is Chief of Security Lieutenant Jonathan Yell, with two of his security officers and Scientist Doctor Raagis, who is an expert on Cardassian culture. At first the away team does not detect anything unusual, except that there are no Cardassians, no life form whatsoever. Only plant life has been able to survive. Although Commander Cambrera does not find any indications that the planet T45-A was attacked. So the theory that the Cardassians had to evacuate is more likely. Although Doctor Raagis has another opinion. He consults with Commander Cambrera who informs the Captain of Doctor Raagis ideas. "Captain. Doctor Raagis had an interesting idea here. There whould live about six hundred million people on this planet, according the cities and infrastructure, that is certainly acceptable. To evacuate six hundred million people would take many many years and many many ships. So the theory that the Cardassians have evacuated the planet is most unlikely. There must have been something else. Doctor Raagis cannot detect any traces of some kind of epedemic. Besides that there would have been bodies or maybe even survivors. Maybe some kind of weapon caused all this. We have searched several large buildings and it seemed these Cardassians suddenly disappeared. Most of their desks indicate that they vanished while performing their duties. Most of the terminals and computers were still active. We are searching some of the technical logs in this building. Maybe their security system or their internal sensor logs will give us some answers." "Very well number one. Keep me informed." Commander Cambrera and his team continue to search the computers for answers. This particular building they have entered seems to be the center of administration of this city. They should be able to find some clues... And they do... An hour later Commander Cambrera already has a new report. "Captain. We did not find any indication that the logs we have found are falsified, so we have accepted them as real and true. According these logs the Cardassians were working in this building, when without any further indication a huge flash of light and all of them were suddenly gone. We have already checked and there is no energy signature or trace that is known in the Federation database... Just a moment sir... Thank you Lieutenant. Captain. Lieutenant Yell just informed me that more information has been found in the City logs. Just a few minutes before the flash of light, a Cardassian Galor class vessel came in orbit of the planet. After the light flash, the Cardassian ship left orbit and jumped to warp speed bearing 230 mark 15. According the Cardassian time table this all hapened less than a day ago. But it is sure that this ship in orbit of this planet T45-A, did not attack us. Those were other ships. But I think that those ships which attacked us earlier were only send to us to stall us and to gain time. I fear that the Cardassians have a new kind of weapon and they are experimenting on their own population. It could be that this is the result of one of those time devices..." Captain Van Nieuwenhove will try to find more evidence of how the planet T45-A was attacked and try to find a defense aganst this kind of weapon. If the cardassians have lots of these kind of weapons, they can destroy any of their possible enemies, including the Federation. USS Thunderbolt One Romulan planet in the insignificant Ramani star system should have something that could be important to the Cardassians who have given a time device to the crew of the USS Thunderbolt to try it on that particular planet in the Ramani System. What could that be ? Captain Mechels has about 9 hours to discover whatever it is so important to the Cardassians... It is clear of course that the Romulan inhabitants of the Ramani System already know there is a federation ship in orbit, but there has not been any contact yet. which on itself is also strange. Scanning the planet results in a regular Romulan planet without space travel, but with the capability for space travel. Maybe by coincidence there are no Romulan starships in the neighbourhood. Sending down an away team is to dangerous and after trying to contact the authorities on the planet, there is no answer. Some of the USS Thunderbolt officers are seeing no alternative than leave the Ramani System... Until... "Captain. Sensors have detected four, no five, six, nine, twelve..." "LT Brussels, please tell me what exactly this is about." "Captain. sensors have detected at least twent power convertors at the uninhabited side of the planet two kilomteres below the surface of the ocean. I believe these power convertors are some kind of holographic generators. This could mean that what our sensors detect of the planet, inclusing the Romulans who live there are just a holographic projection." "Can you stop those holographic projections ?" "Captain. there is something you should know. These holographic generators are of Cardassian origin, not Romulan." It is quiet on the USS Thunderbolt bridge. Most officers are really surprised about LT Brussels' report. But LT Tomar, Chief of Security, manning the tactical station, is the first to speak. "Captain. The three Romulan warbirds, who were on an intercept course, are now eight hours away. One of the Romulan ships is hailing us. It is the Davorax." "On Screen." On the main viewer of the USS Thunderbolt, a Romulan officer appears." "Federation ship. I am Commander Tolakat in command of the Romulan Starship Davorax and in command of this small fleet. I order you to leave the Ramani System imediately and leave Romulan space. This is your only warning." USS Walang While the USS Vertigo and USS Silverwing leave the Trax region, Commodore Slater says good-bye to Commander Hendriks and her officers. Commander Hendriks has decided to stay on Trum and continue the archaeological study of Trum. Comodore Slater has respected Commander Hendriks decision and he knows by the time he will enter Cardassian space to start his investigation, his fleet will have enough ships. He has received messages from another twelve ships who will join his fleet. Due to the tension and threats the digging and exploring of the structures on Trum have been suspended for a few days, but now everything has returned to a regular schedule. Admiral Gonda Werkemarke is soon forgotten and the small group of Trax under leadership of Countor continue to help with the study of the structure on Trum. Inside the structures the Federation officers find all kinds of artifacts. Even the Trax are surprised and amazed to see so much cultural activity of their neighbouring planet of which they had absolutely no knowledge. At a certain time Countor says to Commander Hendriks: "These people who lived here could have been our friends. What a shame we never had the chance to meet them..." And that same evening the small group of Trax hold a ceremony for the people who they have never met... But the work continues and more and more structures are discovered and after a week of hard work, a small city has been explored. Most of the buildings, covered by only a layer of sand, are in perfect state and can be explored without to much work. It is still a puzzle why the people on this planet seem to have dissapeared. There are no remains of any bodies or other life forms. But then, suddenly, on a sunny afternoon, USS Walang First Officer LT CMDR Belafonte, calls the Commander. "Commander. I think we found something of very high importance. I think you should see this." Commander Hendriks and some other officers hurry to the place where Belafonte is standing before a large room. Countor and the Trax are already present as well. "Report." "Commander. This seems to be some kind of device. It still has a little power left and is still active. We could activate it using a supplemental power convertor. But to be honest, we don't know exactly what this device does. It might as well blow up in our faces. Maybe the people who lived here had to leave in a hurry and left this device as a booby trap. Maybe this is just a holographic projector who explains what happened to these people." Commander Hendriks looks at Countor, but Countor has no answers to her questions. Therefore Commander Hendriks decides not to do anything with the device. She orders to continue searching first. Maybe clues may be fopund as to the use of the device. "In the mean time, just leave it be." USS Vertigo Day 82 15.02 While the USS Vertigo and USS Silverwing leave the Trax region, Commodore Slater says good-bye to Commander Hendriks and her officers. Commander Hendriks has decided to stay on Trum and continue the archaeological study of Trum. Comodore Slater has respected Commander Hendriks decision and he knows by the time he will enter Cardassian space to start his investigation, his fleet will have enough ships. He has received messages from another twelve ships who will join his fleet. Day 83 15.15 After contact with Starfleet Command more information gets in about the time travel devices of the Cardassians. Apparently another Federation vessel, USS Earth, has found some Cardassians who shared the information abouth their time travel devices. Commodore Slater decides to destroy the Cardassian ship at Trum, to prevent further danger. A course is set to Cardassian space. Day 91 12.00 Meeting on the USS Vertigo. Comodore Slater is now in command of a fleet of 18 ships. Although USS Vertigo Tactical Chief, Lieutenant Commander Matz frequently expresses her favor of entering Cardassian space, Commodore Slater calles all ships Captains for their last opinions, almost ignoring Lieutenant Commander Matz opinion. Onnly a moment later the fleet enters Cardassian space to the relief of Lieutenant Commander Matz. USS Lightning LT COL Crow is confronted with a deserted lifeless Cardassian ship, and he finds this possibility to find out how the Cardassians travel in time and space is to good to not investigate. The only one way to investigate what has happened on that Cardassian ship is to go over on that ship and investigate. Only a few minutes later Atad and 2LT Burak materialize on the bridge of the Cardassian ship. there are no bodies to be found. Atad immediately makes connection with the Cardassian main computer and finds some very interesting logs. Aparently there is a time travel device on this ship. While LT Burak gets to the decvice in main engineering, Atad uploads the Cardassian files to the USS lightning. There are some interesting files, LT Crow is very interested in. Log 326736: All time travel devices are connected to each other. That is the beauty of the system. With one device we can monitor where the other devices are in time and space. this way we can see our progress of changing the past so that the Cardassian empire will rise again as the major power in the Galaxy.... End Log Log 326739: We have found out that if one device is disconnected from the network of devices, it has influence on the rest of the device network. The network shuts down. This is something we have to work on. If for any reason the device network is shut down all our ships and people in the past will be stuck and we wil not have any control over the time line... End Log 2LT Burak contacts Lieutenant Colonel Crow with some good news. "Colonel sir. We have found the time travel device in engineering of the Cardassian ship. We have found a way to shut it down. the logs are correct and Atad is right, shutting down this device will end all time travel of the Cardassians. Of course the Cardassians could build new devices and there is no telling how many Cardassians are now in another time frame. We can wait with the shutting down ntil we know more about where the Cardassians are and what exactly they are doing. Sir. I advice to find more before shutting down this device down. We seem to have to follow a certain procedure. destroying the device or this Cardassian ship will not make any difference." LT COL Crow orders a further investigation to find out where and in which tiome frame the Cardassians are operating during and afer time travel. LT COL Crow, Personal Log, Date coded 68944W: knowing what we have discovered it would be stupid to destroy the device. I am ordering Atad to investigate, if he is able to find out how that device works, and if it's possible to install it in engineering so that we also can time travel. We will see what happens. End Log USS Colorado "Walker to Colorado, prepare to beam up landing party." A few moments later Tom Walker and his team are back aboard the USS Colorado, but Commander Walker does not go to the bridge. "Walker to Captain, Captain we found more then what we expected, were on our way to the science lab, can you meet us there!" "Captain here; I'm on my way." "Walker to bridge." "Ensign Tanaka here sir." "Ensign, sends the following message to Borana in code. I'm transmitting the code the code and message, NOW." "Message received, and transmitting to Borana." "Ensign, keep transmitting till a respond from Borana is received, Walker out." In the science lab Commander Walker meets Captain Harisson. "Captain we believe that Borana is somekind of an energy cloud. Very intelligent life force with no defence on it's own. The Tollanians are a energy force of some sort, we found several control panels, that control energy packet cells. Put three or more Tollans together, they form somekind of fluid, and later turn into liquid heat power. Used to long, they burn out, and so does the power source, killing the Tollans. Mr Sonak and Lt. Fonda are checking the artefacts and information retrieved from databanks." LT Sonak has waited to speak until Commander Walker has finished. "Captain, the artefacts are variations working tools, and weapons of some sort." But Doctor Laura Wayne has something to add. "We also found Virodian DNA traces on serval of the artefacts, and control panels." Captain Harisson has already ordered to pursuit Borana. Time is precious and the Captain needs answers fast. "What is the function of the control panels ?" "Captain, the control panels are connected to the energy packet cells. Sonak believes that way they have control over the Tollanians. We also found DNA traces of the Aquis and the Bacg." "Number One, what's the story on the Tollanians, part ?" "Suspicion." "Suspicion ?" "Yes sir suspicion," LT Sonak explaines. "The Tollans build the mine, suitable for the own needs. The Virodians, Aquis and the Bacg found to comunicate with the Tollans and joined forces in uptaining what ever possible power source." "Do you have anything to add, munder One ?" "Captain, the Virodians controlled the Bacg and Aquis, but not the Tollans. Having much control over lifesupport and oxygen, the Tollan were shutting them selves down. By shutting down the power packet cells, the Virodians gained their control back, and placed the remaining Tollans in in separate storage drums. The Aquis and Bacg were taken prisoner, and killed afterwards. The Aquis and Bacg joined forces, to return to the planet, but with no luck. The Virodians controlled a large piece of this sector, and that way have control on the Tollan mine. We somehow must of triggerd a signal, that onlocked a power packet cell that was intact." Ensign Tanaka on the bridge interupts the explanation of Commander Walker. "Brigde to Captain, Borana is not answering, but has hold it's position 2 lightyears from the Virodian home world." "Ensign keep trying, and what is the status on the Runabout ?" Chief of Operations, LT Doran has followed Borana to Virodian space and as Borana has halted his position, LT Doran orders a full stop of the rnuabout as well. He reports to Captain Harisson, who has returned to the bridge with his first officer at his side. "Captain, there is no indication that we are in any danger. Borona has stopped. We will keep our position here and also try to communicate with Borana." "Excellent Lieutenant. Keep us informed of any changes." While the USS Colorado is speeding up towards LT Doran's runabout, plans are being made of how to proceed. It is clear that no one can control Borana and that Borana has a will on his own, but seems also to be thinking about what to do next. Then suddenly LT Doran reports: "Colorado Colorado The Virodians have launched some kind of anti matter weapon. It is not clear whether we are the target or Borana. I am asking permission to destroy that weapon." On the bridge of the Colorado, LT Sonak confirms that a weapon is launched from the Virodian planet. Captain Harisson doesn't hesitate. "Doran. You will destory that weapon." The runabout moves towards the Virodian weapon and fires phasers. A small explosion follows and the weapon is destroyed. During the maneuver of LT Doran's runabout, Borana has not moved. Then without any indication, Borana appears on the main viewer of the USS Colorado bridge. "Borana is free. Borana people are not free. Hostages on Virodian planet. If power shuts down, only few time to save Borana people. I ask for help of you." Now most of the pieces of the puzzle come together. It is clear these Virodians are even worse than thought at first. Captain Harisson asks his officers for suggestions. USS Alice Cooper It is not clear to Lieutenant Sarah Ribsonaz whether Ambassador Stevens is amazed or almost in shock. Then there is another voice coming from behind some of the cargo. "Don't fire, we are coming out." Even more of a surprise for Ambassador Stevens is to see Captain Kalee, Security Chief Lieutenant Commander Gav Tiral and Lieutenant Pepper and more than twenty security officers appear from behind the cargo. "I appologize Ambassador. But we had to move a bit faster than expected. We transported into this cargo bay, neutralised the other Angel One renegade bandits and gave Lieutenant Sarah Ribsonaz the permission to fire at will. Don't look so surprised. I just signaled the Lieutenant from behind those barrels with my hand. That is all really. The ship is back into our hands, the bandits have been brought to the brig. Apparently this Beata III has taken over the legal government on Angel One. She must have had some serious help from outside, maybe even from aliens. We don't know yet. And I don't really know whether this is our business." The hostage situation is over and hile the crew starts the necessary repairs, the Angel One renegades are interrogated. But none of them says a word... The Debino II Flight Control Files indicate that the renegade Angel One soldiers came from sector 55622, where they must have had a secret rendez-vous, but nobody can tell for sure... DS2 RPG General Status Report October 2002 USS Earth Two Federation ships are cruising through unknown territory of the Beta Quadrant. With the help of the Midas Array, they have regular contact with Starfleet Command. The crew of the USS mandarin has been able to contact family and friends and although they have been away for 16 years due to a trap of the Cardassians who send them back in time, but for their families it has only been a few months... The morale on both ships is now high. Exchanging officers, telling stories, studying the latest updates on technology, keep the crew of the USS Mandarin buzy. This region of the Beta Quadrant doesn't seem to be populated, although there are a few planets which are sutable for colonisation, In only a week the USS Mandarin crew and the ship itself seem to have left spacedock a few days ago... There is no dull moment in the Beta Quadrant. USS Earth Chief of Operations Lieutenant Dankers reports a class-M planet is only 18 lightyears away. According the Starfleet database this planet has been detected by a deep space probe about 115 years ago and is designated as G-14. The USS Mandarin crew has done more than their best and the USS Mandarin is the first of the two Federation ships to detect an alien ship coming right at them. "Captain Stechen, this is Lieutenant Corsair. We have detected an alien ship, traveling at warp 8, coming directly towards us. What are your orders?" Before Captain Steichen can answer, LT Dnakers has already confirmed the detection of the ship. But there is more. "Captain, the ship sends out a message, audio only." "Let's hear it and keep the USS Mandarin in it as well." "Some help here... We are being hunted down. My name is Ftilo. We need assistance. We haven't done anything wrong. They are just hunting us down. We have..." The communication is interupted. The USS Mandarin sensors detect a small fleet of about 20 ships in pursuit of that Ftilo's ship. Both Federation ships are hailed. "This message is for the two alien vessels heading 265 mark 10. I am Commissar Kfim. You will not interfere with our business. We are in pursuit of a group of criminals. Do not intervene or you will be arrested as well." That message was clear enough. USS Earth Security Chief LT CMDR Ulo Hung reports he isn't sure whether the two Federation ships can survive a battle with that fleet of twenty ships. Captain Steichen is determined to try to find out more about Ftilo, Commissar Kfim and their species. USS Metrical Cardassian space, planet T45-A. Captain Van Nieuwenhove in command of the USS Metrical has ordered a large search of the planet in six cities. The search parties of about 30 officers and crew each, will be looking for any further information about the weapon most likely used by the Cardassians on their own people. The search seems to be a bit hopeless in the beginning, but when the first reports come in from the search teams, more and more evidence of an planet scale attack becomes more and more likely. Extremely distrubed by this, Starfleet command is contacted and sent a full report. The answer from Starfleet Command comes rather fast... Incoming message from Starfleet Command Admiral Frank Goodheart Chief of intelligence To Captain Geert Van Nieuwenhove Commanding Officer USS Metrical This information is classified. According several Federation operatives in Cardassian space and on Cardassia Prime, the Cardassians have developed a device which has to power to make ruptures or rifts in space and time. These devices do not work properly and are no use for the Cardassians to travel in time and change history as they originally planned. Almost none of their ships or crew have returned safely. Our operative on Cardassia prime has informed us that the federation does not have to fear a threat. The Cardassians are destroying themselves. I would like you to go on the following mission. You will go to the Kressari system and pick up our operative named Sunara Tiopa. He is a security agent in the city of Kotord. He will be expecting you. I cannot order you to take this mission. But we plan to get all our operatives out of Cardassian space before all heel breaks lose. In Starfleet Intelligence we are doing what we can to get our operatives out of Cardassian territory, but we need all the help we can get. End of Message Unknown to Captain Van Nieuwenhove and his crew one of the Federation operatives on Cardassia Prime is a double spy helping the Cardassians... The USS Metrical crew will investigate further into Cardassian space try to find more planets like T45-A, maybe even save a planet's population from extermination. USS Thunderbolt In orbit of an insignificant planet in the Ramani star system, Captain Mechels in command of the USS Thunderbolt is threatened by three Romulan warbirds, which are eight hours away from his position. But after contact has been made and Captain Mechels has been warned by the Romulans, he does not tell the Romulans everything. He still has 8 hours to do more investigation and decides to send an away team to the planet to investigate the holo projector generators of Cardassian origin. Captain Mechels is not afraid of any holograms... An away team under command of First Officer Els Antwerps is beamed down to the planet and meets the Romulan holograms. The Romulan holograms are just walking around in a holographic city and do not take notice of the USS Thunderbolt away team. It seems the Cardassians have done a great job. The holograms even have a heartbeat. "Captain, this would be a great place for a Romulan vacation. This is a holoworld. It is perfect, except these Romulans don't seem to notice us. I can only speculate why the Cardassians have taken the trouble to produce all this, but one thing seems to be sure. They surely did want the Romulans believe this planet is still inhabited by Romulans. I don't think we will ever find out what happened to the Romulans who lived here. We could ask the cardassians, but I don't think they will cooperating. I think we have seen enough here Captain." Just as LT CMDR Antwerps speaks her last words, Chief of Security LT Tomar reports the Romulan warbirds are now six hours away. But he hasn't finished his report. "Captain. Some of the generators for the holograms on the planet seem to overload. Sending an away team must have triggered some kind of sensor respons. This overload could mean the complete destruction of the planet. I suggest that we get out of here." Captain mechels doesn't need much more information. He calls back his away team and the USS Thunderbolt is leaving orbit, jumps to warp and leaves the Romulans way behind them as the planet is exploding... It is now sure that the Cardassians tricked Captain Mechels and his crew. Somebody is going to pay for that... USS Walang Commander Hendriks posts two security guards to guard the alien device the archaeological survey team has discovered. It is yet unknown what this device does. It could be just a simple computer which has recorded data, but it could also be some kind of destructive instrument, which the Trum have left behind when they left the planet, or even a weapon left by the enemies of the Trum to prevent them to come back... After a full day of searching nothing is found which could explain more about the alien device. Even the trax have become curious and try to figure out what the purpose is of the strange machine. Now they know what to search for the USS Walang officers have engaged the ship's sensors as well. The entire area around the newly discovered ancient city is scanned... After two days of all kinds of scans, even in the high EM band reveal unknown technology only five kilometers from the city. The survey team under command of Commander Hendriks herself, Countor and the other Trax hurry to the location where the technology is detected. After only 45 minutes they arrive at a large hill. Ten meters under the hill there should be this new technology so the Starfleet team starts digging immediately. Even the weapons fire of handphasers is used to remove the sand and small flora. But the works take a full day, and while the Starfleet teams work in three shifts the work goes continue around the clock. But the work is rewarding. After the hill has been dispersed, a stand alone structure is visible. The entrance is found and the officers wait until Commander Hendriks gives permission to enter. After a meeting with the Trax, the Trax make it clear they don't see any danger in going in and they volonteer to take the first steps in. Although it is a generous offer, Commander Hendriks will enter first herself. It is Lieutenant Patrick Kant, USS Walang Chief of Security, who insists to open the door first and stand by Commander Hendriks. As the team goes in, closely followed by Countor, they discover several rooms with nothing of importance, but stone artifacts. Then LT Kant shouts... "Commander. In here." The small group run through the corridor and enter the room where LT Kant is standing before a large compartment with a small machine, robot like, with two legs, no arms and no face. The thirty centimeter small machine doesn't seems to be activated. The Trax do not know what this small machine does, but it does not seem dangerous. Without any warning the little machine activates and starts to speak. "Hello. I am Dol. I am an android. I have been deactivated for a long time. I have no further information. I need access to the mainframe... Hello. I am Dol. I am an android. I have been deactivated for a long time. I have no..." The android keeps repeating his message. USS Vertigo Day 91 12.10 18 ships with the USS Vertigo as flagship have entered Cardassian space. With the data received from mainly the USS Earth, under command of Captain Steichen, the Federation is now fully up to date of the Cardassian threat to change the past, so the honorable Cardassians can rule the Alpha Quadrant or even the entire Galaxy. Luckily the devices to travel through time do not work as they should. But it is a reason enough to let the Cardassians know the Federation is on to them and they won't let the Cardassians get away with this. Day 92 01.23 A Cardassian fleet of 29 ships is on its way to intercept the Federation fleet under command of Commodore Slater. A fleet wide red alert is initiated... USS Chief of Security, Lieutenant Commander Matz has organised her security officers. The Federation fleet will be outnumbered. Day 92 06.49 The Cardassian fleet has grown to 41 ships, but still Commodore Slater has no plans to turn around, even if Gul Sodan warns him for the very last time. The Cardassian fleet is only 30 minutes away from the invading Federation fleet... USS Lightning Incoming Message from General Fujimori Classified information A small Federation fleet has entered Cardassian space to investigate the possibilities of the Cardassians to travel in time. You are hereby ordered to do everything you can to shut down the Cardassian network of time travel devices. Our Federation fleet in cardassian space has some other support. There is no need to assist them. End Message Atad has found a way to shut down the time device. To be secured, LT COL Crow orders everyone of the Cardassian ship, except Atad, just in case the Cardassian ship will be damaged or even worse. Atad waits for the order. "Now Atad." Atad starts the procedure. Just as he informs the USS Lightning bridge that the procedure is completed the Cardassian ship has automaticly activated the self destruct sequence and explodes immediately. Atad throws himself into space and is not damaged in the process. Lieutenant Bell locks on Atad with a tractor beam and draws him into the shuttlebay, where Atad gives LT COL Crow a full report. "Colonel. I have been able to shut down the network of Cardassian time travel devices. They will no longer be able to travel in time and change history, but during the process I have found evidence that some of the parts of the device were from Federation origin. The Cardassians could have stolen that technology from the Federation, but there is also the possibility that Federation people have conspired with the Cardassians... I am happy to be back on the ship sir." USS Colorado A shuttlecraft is sent to pick up the away team from the Tollan planet and as first Officer LT CMDR Walker is back aboard the USS Colorado he ahs the first advice. "Captain it is clear that Virodians are still holding Tollanians with no doubt of any kind. They fired once at Borana we destroyed their anti matter weapon, and that's make's it clear for the Virodians that we are helping Borana." And LT Sonak adds: "Sir we can scan the planet, look for a powersource that matches the one we found on the Tollan mine planet." It sounds like a logic idea and all agree. "Make it thoroughly Mr Sonak, and report back. Captain we should prepare to seperate the shuttle section dividing our forces along these points of the planet. and we should contact starfleet of our situation, bring them up to date." Captain Harrison adresses Borana who is still on the main viewer. "Borana we are trying to locate your people, is there a way for you to contact your people. We are also contacting our people for seport." "You thank. Wait I will for your results." Borana stays wher he is and LT Doran is standing by in the runabout, ready to interven if the Virodians will try to fire another weapon to Borana... And they do... For the second time LT Doran and the crew of the runabout destroy a Virodian anti matter weapon. Lt Doran also tries to contact the Virodians, but without success. Again an anti matter missile is launched from the Virodian planet, but this time the runabout seems to be the target and not Borana. But the aproaching Virodain weapon has a primitive level of guidance and targeting scanners. The runanbout can easily escape and destroy the weapon with micro torpedoes. But on the USS Colorado the point has been taken. The Virodians will do anything to stop Borana. Captain Harrison orders to launche two additional runabouts and places the now three runabouts under command of USS Colorado Chief of Operations LT Doran. Incoming message from Starfleet Command Admiral Benzo, Starbase 29 To Captain Harrison, CO USS Colorado. Reading your previous reports I have the impression that the Virodians are a very hostile species. Therefore I give you the authorisation to use force if the Virodians become a threat. Currently we have problems with the Cardassians and I Starfleet has dispatched several small fleets to the Cardassian border and some are already in Cardassian territory. We need all the ships we can in hat region of the Federation, so I cannot send any help except for one ship, the USS Glass is also on its way to Cardassian space but will pass close to your position, but the USS Glass will take another 11 days before it reaches you. So at this time you are on your own. If diplomacy has no effect, you are authorized to help this Borana in any way. I repeat: in any way. End Transmission. Captain Harrison tries to contact the Virodian leaders, but without success. In a last attempt to convince the Virodians to let Borana's people go, there is no reply... Now that is clear enough. While the USS Colorado senior staff meets and discusses the situation the first sensor reports are coming in. After consulting Borana the USS Colorado crew has information about 14 of Borana's species on the Virodian planet. The plan is made to free those with minimal force. It seems that the Virodians know that the Federation crew is up to something and the firing of the anti matter missiles has increased to about two every ten minutes. But the runabouts are fast and their firing is exact. Captain Harrison finally has enough information to make a decision. As Commander Walker takes the Operations station, replacing LT Doran, Walker makes the necessary calculations. "We are ready Captain. All stations report ready." "Attention. On my mark... Now Number One." The Galaxy class USS Colorado fires 14 specially configured torpedoes at the locations of the captured energy beings, who are Borana's friends. Only a minute later all of Borana's friends are free and have joined Borana. All of them call themselves Borana... The Virodians have not fired a weapon, but have not contacted the USS Colorado. The Borana's are very happy and go back to their home planet Tollan. They say they have a lot of rebuilding to do, but they refuse any help from Captain Harrison and his crew; They have done more than anyone could ever ask for and they are always welcome on Tolan. This time Borana will be protecting the planet better. USS Alice Cooper Incoming Message from Starfleet Command To Captain Kalee, USS Alice Cooper-B Congratulations on your performance to overcome your hostage situation on your ship. We have had contact with other species, even non Federation species, who were not as fortunate as you and your crew. Therefore Starfleet Command believes you have done an excellent job. You may proceed on your own initiative to try to find more information about these Angel One renegade rebbels. They could be a threat to the entire region. End message DS2 RPG General Status Report November 2002 USS Earth A renegade called Ftilo is being hunted by Commissar Kfim in command of 20 vessels. Commissar Kfim was very specific in his orders for the USS Earth and USS Mandarin not to intervene with his job. But still Captain Steichen wants to know more about the renegade Ftilo, Commissar Kfim and their species. "Captain channel is open to the ship of Commissar Kfim. May I please remind the Captain that Ftilo is called a criminal and that we have been warned not to intervene. We have 16 minutes before we lose contact with Commissar Kfim. I would not advice to go after this Ftilo. This fleet of 20 ships under command of Commissar Kfim is to much of a threat when it comes to a battle." "Commissar Kfim. This is Captain Steichen in command of the USS Earth a starship of the United Federation of Planets. We are explorers and we ar every much interested in making contact with your species and your culture..." On the main viewer there apears a face of a humanoid, with compound eyes and antennas. "That is very nice Captain Steichen in command of the USS Earth a starship of the United Federation of Planets, but as you can see, we are a little bit buzy here." Commissar Kfim turns around and addresses one of his officers. "Adjudant, keep blocking his thunder drive. I don't want him to get away." "Yes Commissar. If we can maintain this distance or come closer there should not be a problem." Then Commissar Kfim turns again and looks at Captain Steichen. "I am sorry Captain Steichen of the USS Earth a starship of the United Federation of Planets. I did not want to seem unpolite, but I have a job to do. I am sure you understand. Ftilo has been accused of treason. He has been part of a conspiracy with a terrorist group or rebel group called Cardassians. Ftilo has tried to travel in time and change history. Adjudant report." "Commissar. We almost have him. One more tenton." "Thank you Adjudant. I am sorry again Captain Steichen of the USS Earth a starship of the United Federation of Planets. This will be over in a tenton. Actually we haven't had any crimes like this in centuries. Anyway. I would like to..." At this time Captain Steichen cannot deny the Federation knows about the plans of the Cardassians and their attempts to travel in time. "Commissar Kfim. We know about the Cardassians and their attempts to travel in time. The latest reports from my superiors indicate a war between our Federation and the Cardassians is at hand because of it." It is silent for a moment, but the communication channel is kept open. The USS Earth and USS mandarin bridge crews witnesses the capture of Ftilo first hand. "Adjudant. Fire." "Commissar I have fired the weapon. It is a direct hit. The fleet has surrounded Ftilo's ship. There is nowhere for him to go. His ship is boarded. Commissar the troops report they have captured Ftilo." "Excellent. Put a crew on that ship and we all return home." "I apologize Captain Steichen of the USS Earth a starship of the United Federation of Planets, but now this business is over, we can continue talking. You must wonder what happens to Ftilo. Well he will be locked up. No no no, we consider ourselves civilized. Ftilo will have all the comfort he needs, except that he cannot leave the penal colony. Now you said something interesting. You said you know these Cardassians and your Federation is starting a war because of it. Maybe we have a mutual enemy here. Is there any way we can assist. I am sure my superiors will be very interested in where these Cardassians live and I am convinced that they will all be arrested for their crimes if we capture them." Captain Steichen explains to Commissar Kfim that the Cardassians are a species in the Alpha Quadrant. Kfim is of course very happy about this information. His species calles themselves Stiegls. It was always believed among the Stiegls that the Cardassians were a small group of rebels or disoriented stiegles who tried to change things. The reason why was never known. On route to the capital planet of the Stiegls, Captain Steichen calls for a senior staff meeting and invites Commissar Kfim over on her ship as a gesture of good will and peaceful cooperation. During this meeting it becomes clear that the Stiegls have unknown and very powerful weapons, they have never met the Borg, and they use propulsion systems which look a lot like slipstream drive, but are called thunder drive. The Stiegls have a huge fleet and the group of ships in command of Commissar Kfim is only a small patrolling group. The Stiegls seem very friendly, but cannot give the Federation any of their technology. This is not allowed by the Stiegls laws. But they are very interested in the cardassians and their actions... First contact has to be executed carefully and Captain Steichen, fully aware of that just gives the Stiegls enough information about the Cardassians and starts a conversation with them to understand what they have learned about this situation. She also wants to learn more about Ftilo and how this individual is involved with time travel. USS Metrical Cardassia Prime Stardate: Now "Yes my dear friend Gul Manet. We almost have the Federation on their knees. There is a small invasion fleet entering in sector 45987, but we have information from the Obsidian Order that there are no more Federation ships on their way, so if we crush hem now in one blow, there shouldn't be to much trouble convincing the Federation that we didn't understand their intentions and that we thought they were invading our space. They are not going to risk another war. The Federation is weakened by the previous wars. I must admit, our fleet is not very strong either, but we have a weapon of so much power the Federation will think twice before attacking us. At the end they will come to us on their knees to join us. We will be the superior power and at that moment we will take what is ours. The honorable Cardassians will rise to leadership of this quadrant. It is time." Legate Benal was standing next to his friend Gul Manet. His intentions were clear enough. The civilians of the Cardassian Empire had no idea of his plans, although lots of rumors were spread. It was not clear yet what it all meant, but the Cardassians would be the dominating species of the entire Galaxy in the upcoming centuries if Legate Benal could make his plans come true... The Federation received lots of false information send out by the Obsidian Order. "What about that one ship, USS Metrical. It is a powerful ship ?" "It is only one ship, my friend. It is not important. They will not find anything. We must concentrate on more immediate threats and take those out. Aboard the USS Metrical, Commanding Officer Captain Geert Van Nieuwenhove. Chief of Operations LT Latisum Ginu reports: "Captain long range sensors have detected four planets like T45-A. It seems that these planets are completely deserted. Litak III, Hikta Prime, Junal II and Dozaria. Litak III is ony an hour away." "Helm, set course to Litak II warp 9, engage." The four nacelle feeded USS Metrical speeds up to Litak III and on arrival sensors detect a deserted planet. But to the surprise of the crew, there are about 50 Cardassians on the planet assembled in on of the cities. Unknown to the USS Metrical crew these Cardassians have been in a military bunker deep in the ground at the time their planet was attacked. these Cardassians don't know who attacked their planet so they believe the Federation has the hand in that attack as a Federation ship is in orbit of Litak III. The leading officer of the group activates a communication channel. "I am Glinn Multek. You are in Cardassian space and have attacked us. This will be considered an act of war. Leave Cardassian space immediately. We have direct contact with the Fifth Order. This is your only warning." Captain Van Nieuwenhove tries to explain the USS Metrical has nothing to do with any attack on Litak III, but Glinn Multek cannot be convinced. The 50 Cardassians on Litak III can easily be captured or put aside and they are absolutely no threat, so the USS Metrical crew can continue their investigation. There are no Cardassian ships detected on long range sensors. The USS Metrical crew has at least eight hours to act. Captain Van Nieuwenhove calls for a senior staff meeting. First Officer LT CMDR Jose Cambrera is the first to offer his opinion. "We are in Cardassian space investigating planets which seem to be deserted or evacuated or even attacked by the cardassians themselves to remove entire populations and although Cardassia has been an ally at the end of the war against the Dominion an offensive violent act against Cardassians will be seen as an act of war, but at this moment the Federation fleet under command of Commodore Slater on the USS Vertigo is about to be attacked by a much larger Cardassian fleet, so war is about to start anyway. It doesn't make any difference what we do next. I would like to set our priority to investigating Litak III, whatever the Cardassians say or do. The security of the Federation is at stake." The USS Metrical is now in Cardassian space and although Cardassia has been an ally, an offensive violent act against Cardassians will be seen as an act of war, but at this moment the Federation fleet under command of Commodore Slater on the USS Vertigo is about to be attacked by a much larger Cardassian fleet, so war is about to start. It doesn't make any difference what Captain Van Nieuwenhove will do so he will move the remaining Cardassians aside with all necessary means and continue the investigation on Litak III. USS Thunderbolt Just as Captain Mechels orders to do a test with the time travel devices Chief of Security LT Tomar reports some disturbing news. "Captain. We have intercepted Starfleet communications. They have been able to shutdown the entire network of cardassian devices used to travel in time. It is possible sir, that opur devices have been shut down as well." Unknown to the crew of the USS Thunderbolt, renegade ship from the Federation, it was Atad, a robot serving in a special marine unit under command of LT COL Crow who has managed to shut down the entire Cardassain network of time travel devices. None of them are now operational. But the USS Thunderbolt scientists have duplicated and enhanced the technology of the Cardassians and have already three new devices ready. These new devices are not connected to the Cardassian network and therefore are still operational. These new devices even got a name: TT Device. Captain Mechels calls for a senior staff meeting and explains his intentions of using their TT Devices. Everyone who wants can get of the ship at the nearest inhabitable planet. But nobody wants to leave. All officers have realised that this is an opportunity to control the Galaxy and do something the Federation has always forbidden by some kind of law. This will be for the good of the Federation. The plan is to travel in time and prevent all the events which lead to destruction, casualties, disasters, and much much more which can be prevented. But that is not all. While constructing the new TT Devices Chief of Security has also developped a cloaking device based on Romulan technology... Most of the officers would like to see the future. If they can see the future, and they don't like it, they can travel back in time and prevent everything that has happened or what will happen. Knowing there could be more than a few paradoxes here, the USS Thunderbolt crew prepares for time travel. "Captain. Engineering reports the TT Device is ready and on line. cloaking device is activated. We are ready sir." "OK let's see what this thing can do. LT Brussels, engage the TT." LT Brussels punches in the code on the device and the ship starts shivering, space around the ship becomes vague and turns into a bright white light. It is just for a short moment, then the USS Thunderbolt reapears in normal space. "Report." "Captain, we have not moved in space. Engineering reports we have traveled 412 years into the future. The devices don't seem to be very exact. The TT was set for 500 years into the future. That is 82 years of sir." But there is more. "Cloaking device is operational, warp power is off line, long range sensors are off line and one aft torpedo launcher is also off line. Sickbay reports no injuries whatsoever." While the officers on the bridge start gathering information through short range sensors, it is clear that there will be some work to neutralize this effect of the TT Devices on the ship's systems. The next report is already coming in. "Captain, short range sensors detect a high amount of nutrino emissions. It is not us. It is..." "Evasive maneuvres." Three Borg cubes just passed by and by a miracle and by the fast reaction of helmsman LT Malory, the USS thunderbolt is not crashed by on of the cubes. None of the Borg cubes turn around or scan the USS Thunderbolt. That is good news, but the bad news is still to come... "Captain I think you should see this. Long range sensors are back on line." "Put it on the main viewer lieutenant." On, the main viewer appears a map. As far as long range scanners can detect, there is nothing but Borg activity. It is clear the Cardassians have not succeeded in trying to manipulate time in their advantage and that the Borg didn't have mercy on anyone. There doesn't seem to be any other activity than Borg. After traveling for a week in the galaxy 27th century the USS Thunderbolt crew has only seen Borg. Borg planets, Borg ships, Borg stations... Nothing but Borg... It is impossible to travel and have a look at the entire Galaxy, but the Thunderbolt officers start to fear the entire galaxy wil be flooded with Borg. There is only one way to find out. USS Thunderbolt scientists can use Borg technology brought back from the Delta Quadrant by USS Voyager. There is a way to intercept the subspace links between the Borg and try to find out how many there are and if there is something left of the federation or anyone else than the Borg. The area is filled with Borg and only one hour later the first data of the Borg subspace communication is coming in and is analysed by the Thunderbolt crew. The Borg have 90 percent of the Galaxy under control and are now preparing to travel to another Galaxy to take control there as well. Some of the species who lived here in this part of the Galaxy have run away, including a part of the Federation. They have left this Galaxy about 200 years before, in the 25th century, using transwarp drives and all kinds of other technology which the USS Thunderbolt crew find very interesting. But the 27th century Borg technology is also accessable... This is the perfect oportunity to try to steal technology from these 27th century Borg and bring it back into the past, where Captain Mechels wants to use it as he whishes. USS Walang After finding the android on Trum, even the Trax are beginning to hope they will find much more than just a city of ruins. First the discovery of the alien device and now the android have also given more hope for the Federation survey team that they can find the most unexpected... Commander Hendriks takes the initiative to take Dol, the android to the alien device the archaeological team has discovered earlier, and let it do what it wants or what it is programmed for. Dol seems to recognize the alien device immediately and steps towards the device, touches it and nods. Then Dol steps back and the alien device produces a light which changes into a projection on the wall. An image of a humanoid person appears. "I am Lomatat. I am a Gsnode. That is the name of our species. This is a recording made in the third era of the Snevada dynasty, just before the exodus. There are not many of us left at this time. We have taken the decision to start all over on a new discovered planet. There is another planet in our system, but it is inhabited by a rather primitive species and we want to leave them alone. They call themselves Trax and they call our planet Trum. The Trax have a remarkable quality of stealth camouflage. At first we didn't detect them but with our best and newest technology we have been able to observe them from orbit of their planet. It is sad really that they haven't evolved at the same rate as we did. We could have been friends, but they have not yet developed space travel. By our observations we know they are looking at space with only primitive instruments. We want to leave them in peace and let them evolve naturally. If you are a Trax and you watch this recording, please accept our friendly greeting, and feel free to explore our planet and remains. If you are not the Trax, please accept our friendly greeting as well. Feel free to explore our planet and remains as well. The technology we have left is no danger. There are no weapons here. We cannot take everything with us and therfore leave most of our androids and technology which cannot harm anyone, but can inform a visitor on our planet. If the Trax keep evolving and develope space travel they will most likely find the remains of our once so beautiful cities. The androids will help them then to teach them about us and about how we have lived on this planet. That is a legacy we would like to be known. Our androids will help any visitor to access the archives of our species. And if you are the Trax, we have a special gift for you in bay 14A54. I have to go now. My ship is waiting. We wish you all the best." The recording ends. It is silent. Especially the Trax have difficulty to find words. Commander Hendriks and her officers realise this planet is a huge museum of the Trum. Dol, the android is the first to speak and leads the survey team into bay 14A54, a walk into the structure that takes more than two hours. Many more devices and more androids are encountered. Actually, this 'museum' looks very buzy. Finally arived in bay 14A54, the group is confronted by a most unexpected discovery. Only USS Walang Chief of Security, LT Patrick Kant can say a word. "Captain..." The android leads the Trax to a well conserved space ship. The ship immediately activates it's systems. "Trax DNA confirmed. You may enter." This Trum ship's computer explains in short how the ship is operated, but only the Trax can enter. Apparently the Trum have build this ship especially for the Trax. The ceiling above opens and Countor and two other Trax activate the propumsion system. The ship rises and only a moment later it leaves the planet Trum and sets course to the Trax home planet. Only an hour later the ships returns already and Countor steps out... Aboard the USS Walang Chief of Operations and First Officer, LT CMDR Harry Belafonte has noticed that the speed of the Trum ship went off the scale of the USS Walang instruments... USS Vertigo Day 92 06.52 Commodore Slater takes five minutes to talk to the fleet Captains. One ship of Slater's fleet is in command not of a Captain but in command of Commander Herzola Bux. Commander Bux is in command of the USS Athena and is one of the senior officers of Starfleet Intelligence. The USS Athena is equiped with data warfare materials. Day 92 07.02 A last warning comes in from the Cardassian fleet now grown to 52 ships. Commander Bux reports he can take out 16, maybe 17. The odds for the Federation fleet are not good. Even LT CMDR Matz who has been in favor of beating up the Cardassians from the beginning, begins to make tactical calculations. Day 92 07.14 The Cardassian fleet has come to a stop. Long range sensors of the Federation fleet, report another 12 Cardassian ships will arrive at the stand off, in ten minutes. The Cardassian fleet waits for those reinforcements. The Federation fleet can still turn back and leave Cardassian space... USS Lightning The information about the mission of the USS Lightning is classified. USS Colorado The peace has been restored in the system of the Bacq, Aquis, Borana and Virodians. But USS Colorado First Officer LT CMDR Tom Walker still has some things to consider. "Captain what about the Bacg and Aquis, should they be notified of the situation. Ask the Tollans if they can take their spieces back to their homeworld. Inform Borana that he can contact the Bacg and the Aquis, if they wish to retreive spieces for buriel according their laws and tradition." And LT Sonak is also concerned. "Sir, if I may make a suggestion why not launch a long distance probe." Captain Harrison nods towards his first officer, who knows what to do. "Mr Sonak see to the probe, launch serval probes just in case. Captain the USS Glass will be in the neighbourhood by tomorrow, they can check the probes." "Who's in command of the Glass?" "Captain Rawlings, sir." One last time Captain Harrison contacts the Tollan, and afterwards Captain Rawlings in command of the USS Glass. There is no further business for the USS Colorado in this system and the Galaxy class vessel sets course to the Cardassian border. On route to Cardassian space the USS Colorado makes a stop at Starbase 49, where Captain Harrison makes a full report about the Tollan and Borana to Admiral Esquibel, in command of the starbase. Captain Harrison is briefed on the situation about Cardassia by Admiral Esquibel as well. At the same time there are a few new officers, fresh from the Academy coming aboard the USS Colorado. One of them is Ensign Ally Jones, who is assigned to the USS Colorado as science officer. All new assigned officers report to LT CMDR Tom Walker, First Officer. They can report to the Captain later. The USS Colorado only stays for an hour at Starbase 49 and is back on route again to Cardassian space. And the after the Captain has informed his senior staff of the Cardassians and their intentions of travel in time and destroy 'everything we know' and 'become the only power in the Galaxy', he finally has some time to see the new officers who came aboard his ship at Starbase 49. Ensign Ally Jones has settled in and has received her duty roster. She has to report to a science station in Stellar Cartography in supervision of LT Jane Fonda. But her duty is interupted by Captain Harrison who calls her to his ready room. Upon arrival Ensign Jones pushes the door chime and on command of the Captain she enters the ready room. "Aha, Ensign Ally Jones. You have been assigned to the science department under supervision of our Chief of Sciences LT Fonda. Very well. As you just graduated from the Academy, you have to start somewhere on this ship. You have a good Academy record and I like that in a new officer. So it is possible you will have lots of other opportunities later. You have come aboard our ship in a very distrubing time. We are not exactly going to explore the Galaxy. In fact there is a big possibility that we will go to war within a week. First of all I want you to be ready to man your battlestation. That is your absolute and first order. Familiar yourself with battle instructions. I know this sounds a bit hard and you probably have dreamed about a great carreer, explore new worlds, meet new species and encounter interesting spacial anomalies, but I am afraid that will have to wait. Don't worry. This is a Galaxy class vessel and we can defend ourselves very well." Captain Harrison welcomes Ensign Jones aboard and answers her questions. Right after that Ensign Jones reports back to Stellar Cartography to resume her duties. LT Fonda is very kind and helpful. In the mean time on the bridge of the USS Colorado, Chief of Operations LT Doran reports the Colorado has reached the Cardassian border. Captain Harrison enters the bridge and sits down in the center seat. While First Officer Tom Walker makes his inspection in Engineering. In Stellar Cartography Ensign Jones does a remarkable discovery. Sensors indicate that only a lightyear away in Cardassian space there is a planet, Detra II, who shows lots of technology, infrastructures, but no life signs. ensign Jones calls her supervisor LT Fonda. "Very well done Ensign. This is very interesting.You may send this data to the bridge." On the USS Colorado bridge Captain Harrison is also very intereted in the data about Detra II and calls Commander Walker in engineering. "Number One. Report to Stellar Cartography and have a look at the data they have just found." "On my way." Only a moment later Lieutenant Commander Walker steps into the Stellar Cartography lab where he recognises Ensign Ally Jones, one of the new officers aboard. "Lieutenant Fonda. Report." "Actually Commander it was Ensign Jones who did the discovery." The USS Colorado First Officer turns to Ensign Jones, who explaines that she has detected a Cardassian planet, completely deserted... Commander Walker compliments Ensign Jones but he als wants to know what Ensign Jones recommends for further action. LT Jane Fonda smiles. she realises that ensign Jones is only a few hours aboard the USS Colorado and is already in the middle of the action... USS Alice Cooper The information about the mission of the USS Alice Cooper-B is classified. DS2 RPG General Status Report December 2002 USS Earth A few days later the USS Mandarin and USS Earth are in orbit of a planet called Gsivat. Captain Steichen, her First Officer, Commander T'Lok and LT Corsair, in command of the USS Mandarin have been invited by the Stiegls to the trial of the captured Ftilo. There doesn't seem to be much difference in the way the courts of justice work for the Stiegls, then in the Federation. So the procedures are easy to follow... First the public prosecutor tells the jury of the activities of Ftilo, presenting the evidence. More than sixteen data disks with sensor logs, communication logs and reports of Stiegls law and order officers, prove that Ftilo had smuggled information out of the Stiegls Central Science Library and sold it to a group of Cardassians. At that time the Cardassians were unknown to the Stiegls. "So to prevent any further damage to our society, we had to activate the time zone perimiter, so changes in the past would have no effect on us. Next we had to undo the damage done by the Cardassians time travel experiments. Resources required to do so are an equivalent of one hundred and ten thousand credits." The public is clearly amazed by that number and the Federation officers realize this must be a huge amount of Stiegls currency. The judge has to call the public to order... It also becomes clear to the Federation officers, that the Cardassians have received technology for more advanced than they would ever have. It explains a lot indeed. "Further more we had no choice than to hunt this group of criminal Cardassians down and as they did not surrender themselves, we had to destroy them." There is absolutely no sound in the courtroom. some of the Stiegls have their hands before their mouths. Some cover their entire face. Even one of Ftilo's own lawyers looks at Ftilo in horror. One of them steps up to the judges bench and talks to the judge for a minute.. Then he sits down again. But the prosecutor asn't finished yet. "And last I have to say this. We had to apologize and compensate seventeen species around our own territory because of all this." The prosecutor points at Ftilo, who seems to have no regrets at all. As the prosecutor is done, it is time for the defense lawyers. But the defense lawyers do not have much to say. The overwelming evidence of the prosecutor doesn't leave them much of a defense. "Members of the Jury. Our client admits he was wrong. He doesn't make excuses for it, except that he was misguided by these Cardassians who claimed to need his help. He believed them and only wanted to help. Consider this when you come to a verdict." An hour later Ftilo is punished to live inprisonment, because that is the punishment for someone who gives Stiegls technology to an outsider, for whatever reason... After the trial, the Federation officers are invited to the Chamber of Commerce, where they can exchange or buy supplies. Although Stiegls do not give away their technology, they can provide the Federation ships with special medical and food supplies. But Captain Steichen, Commander T'Lok and Lieutenant Corsair are also invited to the Chamber of Diplomacy, where a proposal is ready for setting up a Federation embassy. This diplomatic contract is only about cultural exchange and the Stiegls are very interested in other speicies, cultures and rituals. Captain Steichen represents the Federation and is allowed in her position to negotiate diplomatic relations. The Stiegls are prepared to use their own technology to give a Federation embassy a driect communication channel to the Federation. It is not necessary for the Federation to know anything about this technology but it will work and it will be a secured channel. The offer seems to be tempting... The USS Earth and USS Mandarin stay in Stiegls territory until the embassy is set up and there are more Federation ships coming and going to this already remote location for the Federation. USS Metrical A group of 200 officers, fully armed are ready, and covered by air support by the two runabouts assigned to the USS Metrical form the attack group. While the ground force is transported down to the planet surface the two runabouts enter the atmosphere to do reconaisance and light bombardements. But the almost 50 Cardassians are not impressed and return fire with small hand weapons. But they are completely outnumbered and outgunned, and soon the group of Cardassians has its first casualties, and more and more, until there is only a very small group which spreads out in the city. A city once crowded by thousands of Cardassian citizens, but now defended by only a few brave and reckless Cardassian soldiers, falling one by one by Federation weapons... "Captain. Lieutenant Jonathan Yell here sir. It is over. The Cardassians have been defeated. We have managed to capture two of them but they are not willing to tell us anything. We are working on that with a special medical team. One of them is severly wounded. We also found the bunker from which they operated. It seems they have lied to us. These Cardassians arrived after the planet was attacked. We found some kind of generators in one of the bigger tunnels of the bunker. We are not certain Captain, but Lieutenant Ferdinant here, who has the most engineering experience, thinks these generators are holoprojectors. I think it would be interesting for our chief engineer to have a look at them. I must add, Captain, that these power generators have not yet been finished. The work was still in progress." "Excellent work Lieutenant. Keep us posted." The Three hondred Starfleet officers secure the city, while the two runabouts keep the planet secured together with the USS metrical herself. Now that the planet Litak III is secure, it is time to send down the engineers and scientists. First officer LT CMDR Jose Cambrera will lead the entire away mission with over 250 people, closely monitored by the USS Metrical crew. The first reports already come in after ten minutes. "Captain, Cambrera here. Our Chief Engineer LT P'sok has ended his first investigation on the power generators. The only thing these generators do is create holographic projections. These generators cannot do anything else, and they haven't been finished yet, so we cannot activate them to see what will happen. I am afraid the only source of information we have now is those two Cardassian prisoners. One of them is still unconscious, the other one is not really cooperative. We will get the information we need." "Understood. Carry on." It is clear now that the Cardassians have tried to make Litak III a giant holographic planet. The reason or motives behind this plan are still totally unclear. The Cardassians were even prepared to try to stop the USS Metrical or scare Captain Van Nieuwenhove by sending several ships, but those ships failed and the USS Metrical is now on her way to discover one of the biggest secrets of the Cardassians. After another ten minutes a next report is coming in. "USS Metrical, this is Commander Cambrera. I think we have seen all of it. There is nothing more to add to our first findings. One of the Cardassians has confessed the facts, but he doesn't seem to know anything else. Our guess is that the Cardassians on this planet didn't exactly know what was going on here. I suggest we destroy all hardware and move on to the next planet on our list. There is not much more we can do here." "I agree number one. Finish the job." Two hours later the entire away team is back aboard the USS Metrical, with two Cardassian prisoners. All Cardassian hardware in relation to the holo power generators is destroyed. Although Captain Van Nieuwenhove could well be convinced that the Cardassians can start all over as soon as the USS Metrical has left Litak III. He also knows that this information that is already spread out to the entire Starfleet and even civilian Federation facilities as Captain Van Nieuwenhove has reported the situation on Litak III to Starfleet Command. The job is done and the USS Metrical sets course to the next planet on the list: Hikta Prime, Junal II, Dozaria. On route to Hikta Prime sensors detect a small Cardassian shuttle which is sending an encrypted Federation distress signal. When the USS Metrical is in communications range of the shuttle the Federation ship is hailed. A Cardassian face appears on the main viewer. "This is the best thing that happened to me. What a wonderful view on a Federation starship. Oh I am sorry. I am Lieutenant Commander Jeffrey Oak. I am a Federation operative. You must get me aboard. I have classified information for Starfleet Command." Only a moment later Chief of Security LT Jonathan Yell bents over from behind his arch formed tactical station and leans over to the Captain. "Captain, I have put of the sound. He can't hear us. I just checked the Starfleet personnel database. There is no Lieutenant Commander Jeffrey Oak in the database. There used to be a Lieutenant Jack Oak, but he passed away at the age of 93, more than 20 years after his retirement. I recommend we do not take this person aboard." But Captain Van Nieuwenhove decides to transport him to the brig, and orders to guard this Jeffrey Oak with security and examine him by medical department, making sure he doesn't hide anything, even under his fingernails... USS Thunderbolt The USS Thunderbolt scientists activate the time travel device and only a short time later the USS Thunderbolt is back in it's current time frame, 24th century. While the scientists start studying the new technology they have brought back from the 27th century Borg, it becomes clear very soon that this technology adapts itself. New systems can be integrated in the USS Thunderbolt as these systems adapt and make themselves compatible with the USS Thunderbolt systems. While Captain Mechels and his senior staff discuss the posibilities of integrated Borg systems, a disturbing report from operrations comes in. "Captain. We have some problems in cargobay one. We cannot enter the cargobay. We could destroy the door, and sir... There is another problem. Environmental conditions in cargobay one have changed sir. Temperature has increased to 39.1 degrees Celsius and internal sensors are off line. I am afraid that we have some stowaways, who are sabotaging our ship and..." Captain Mechels dosn't need more information. He has a very good idea what is happening in cargobay one. "Red alert. Evacuate the entire deck, post security at every access to that deck. I am on my way to have a look." The senior staff gets back on the bridge to man their stations, while Captain Mechels, Security Chief LT Tomar and a small group of security officers make there way to the entrance of cargobay one. When the small group arrives two engineers have already setup a phaser cannon to destroy the cargobay door. On the command of the Captain the door is blown away. When the small group of security officers accompany the Captain inside, LT Tomar reminds everyone of their possibilities. "Remember, we will only have a few shots. They adapt very quickly. And I don't have to remend you that these come from the 27th century." LT Tomar didn't have to say that. The cargobay looks like a Borg fortress, but only three Borg are detected. Apparently these three have already adapted the entire cargobay to their needs, but they don't seem to notice that they have company of armed officers. Captain Mechels steps forward and addresses one of the Borg, but the drone does not react, but he doesn't try to assimilate the Captain either. They just seem to be installing hardware. "Captain, this is the bridge. Apparently the Borg in cargbay one don't have access yet to all of our main systems, but they have already access to shields and weapons, but the strange thing is that our shields capacity has increased by 300 percent and the effectiveness of our weapons has increased by 300 percent as well. Our torpedoes now have a yield of 400 percent more than our regular torpedoes. Captain, this is really incredible. And the strange thing is that we can still access and use our shields and weapons. It is almost like these Borg are helping us..." Chief of Security LT Tomar steps outside the cagobay one and accesses a control pannel. His report his surprising. "Captain. I think you should see this. These Borg can access all of our systems from this cargobay. They have just started to upgrade our propulsion systems. They have activated a large quantity of nanoprobes which are now rebuilding our engines. If I remember Borg technology correctly, they are making a transwarp drive. This is really incredible, but I still don't think positive about these Borg aboard our ship. Maybe we should throw them into space just to be sure." Renegade Captain Mechels lets the small group of Borg complete all the upgrades and then keep them aboard. But he will also try to communicate with them and try to find out what their motives are. USS Walang Commander Hendriks, her team and the friendly Trax have discovered the roots of the inhabitants of Trum, through activating a robot. Apparently the Trum have left their planet Now Commander Hendriks will try to find the Trum's new home planet in the Trum archives. Maybe there are clues to which new planet they have gone. The Trum have technology to detect a Trax, they have technology to travel through space faster that any ship ever seen by the Federation, so the Trum must be a very advanced species. If Commander Hendriks finds that information travel to that particular planet, maybe the Trum will help or come to a treaty with the Federation. In the mean time Commander Hendriks has ordered to some of the archaeologists to continue to explore the planet Trum, just for the archaeological interest. There are also plans to find out whether the Trum can be contacted with the hardware on Trum itself. After a few days the only communications the USS Walang has with Head Quarters is some disturbing news about the Cardassians threatening with war. In the mean time the Trax hasve made very good use of their new space ship given to them by the Trum. Only the Trax can use the ship as it was designed to their DNA. more and more Trax arrive on Trum and start helmping wiht the archaellogical survey of the planet. More computers and other hardware is found, but only after almost a week, a clue is found of the new home planet of the Trum, which is recognised in the Federation database as Getris II. Commander Hendriks is so excited that she immediately contacts Head Quarters with the news. She receives permission to search for the planet, but she already is warned about the fact that this planet is far away from federation space. Therefore Commander Hendriks is invited to Starbase 684 first to prepare for the journey. Hendriks leaves one archaeologist and one engineer on Trum, but she also takes twelve Trax with her, among who is Countor, the Trax she has become know rather well. The small away team on Trum also has a Type 10 shuttle available and will have close contact with the Federation Science Council, and will be working closely with the Trax. The USS Walang will pickup another type 10 shuttle at Starbase 684, where the ship will pass on route to Getris II, the planet possibly inhabited by the Trum. But Getris II is 5000 lightyears out from Federation space, towards the Gamma Quadrant, and it will be a long journey of about 3.5 years at high speed. But as Commander Hendriks has the full support of the Federation Council she is offered a few options... USS Vertigo Day 92 07.24 Twelve Cardassian ships have joined the 52 Cardassian ships, only one light year away from the 18 invading Federation ships. Aboard the USS Vertigo, Lieutenant Commander Matz at tactical runs her last diagnostic on the offensive and defensive systems. Being half Klingon her aggressive nature now comes up and she is fierce for the battle. Commodore Jeffrey Slater in the center seat is remarkably calm. It even seems he has a smile on his face. Day 92 07.25 Commander Herzola Bux in command of the USS Athena reports he can now take out 21 Cardassian vessels of which he and his team cracked the security codes. Bux has access to their main computers through an almost undetectable datalink. Commodore Slater gives his orders for a delta formation, making it clear to the Cardassians his fleet is not going to leave. He sends a message to the Cardassian fleet which is almost in firing range with the order to stop, or be destroyed. The Cardassians don't seem to care about Commodore Slater's threat. Day 92 07.27 22 Cardassian vessels on their way to battle against Commodore Slater's fleet, lose all power and come to a full stop. The other Cardassian ships seem to be in confusion, but they do not retreat. Just before the Cardassians and Federation ships come to a real battle, a Klingon battle cruiser decloakes, and another one, and one more, and more and more... Five seconds later the Cardassian fleet is surrounded by Klingon ships. More Klingon ships keep decloaking. It is well known that the Klingons do not negotiate easily. One of the Cardassian Guls stats to panic and opens fire on one of the Klingon ships... A fatal mistake for the entire Cardassian fleet, leading to a complete destruction... This time the Klingons take no prisoners. Only the 22 Cardassian vessels, disabled by Commander Bux and his data warfare team are spared and are towed away as prisoners. Day 92 07.41 The Klingon ships not involved in towing away Cardassian ships are beginning to cloak. Commodore Slater orders his fleet to continue to a planet called Triak II. USS Lightning Now that the time travel possibilities of the Cardassians have been terminated, LT COL Crow and his team start a search for Federation people who have helped the Cardassians with the developement of these time travel devices. Atad has proved that there was some Federation technology used in the devices, so there must be a Federation involvement. LT COL Crow, Personal Log, Date coded 24698M: Knowing that there are people of the Federation involved in this time travel devicesis very disturbing. I hope nobody in Starfleet is involved and that it's just a civilian matter. We'll do everything in our power to find this out. Atad reports that Federation scientists have provided technology to the Cardassians to make time travel possible. This technology was given to the Cardassian rebels during the war with the Dominion. These were different circomstances and the Federation did everything to prevent the Dominion from winning the war. In the mean time two of the scientists have been killed in a Breen attack on their planet and the third and last one lives on Dannorta II. It is not certain this last scientist really knows what the cardassians have done with that particular technology. This scienctist is called Professor Ludovicus White. While LT COL crow and his team are being briefed about the latest information about the Cardassians there are also messages coming in from a small Starfleet fleet, within Cardassian space which is threatened by a much larger Cardassian fleet. There doesn't seem much hope for this small fleet and they can use any help they can get. Unfortunately the USS Lighting is two days away from the battle scene. Atad has already calculated that if a battle occurs, the USS Lightning will only be in time to see the last wreckages and debris, towed away by the Cardassians. There is also one message intercepted by one of the Federation outposts at the neutral zone. Apparently a Starfleet vessel, USS Thunderbolt, a renegade Starfleet vessel under command of the already notorious Captain Mechels, has entered Romulan space and has returned to Federation space again, after which the USS Thunderbolt has disapeared. There is no certainty, but there have been reports that before the USS Thunderbolt has visited Romulan space it first had contact with some Cardassian vessels. It is possible the USS Thunderbolt crew has passed on the time travel capabilities of the Cardassians to the Romulans. It is even possible the crew of the USS Thuncerbolt has managed to get the technology to travel in time themeselves... The crew of the USS Thunderbolt is accused of mutiny, treason and a dozen other charges... The information about the mission of the USS Lightning is classified. USS Colorado Aboard the USS Colorado plans are made in stellar cartography where Ensign Ally Jones makes her first official recommendation to First Officer Tom Walker. "Sir, with your premission I would like to run a surface scan, and see what we can find out about the technology and, infrastructures." First Officer Walker still has an open mind. "Lt. Fonda, do you agree with ensign Jones." "Yes sir. Proceed Ensign." And Tom Walker is very pleased with the new officer. "Good thinking ensign, see if you can find out what kind of protecton and defence systems, we are up against." "First Officer Walker to Captain Harrison. Captain, Detra II is what I believe a Cardassian outpost. Lt. Fonda and Ensign Jones are scanning the planet for more information on what we might be up against. If it is an cardassian outpost, which we cannot be sure of but we can take any chances." Lt. Sonak Follows up on the idea. "Captain, why not launch a probe, and see if it has an approach defence, or an cloaking defence." The Captain nods towards first officer. But Commander Walker does not feel safe yet. "Mr Sonak lanuch serval probes, I don't like surpirse's." Captain Harrison is already working on the next step. "Helm' Lt. Taylor, keep a clear distance between us and the planet." Lt. Taylor opunches in the heading and speed. "Aye Captain." The USS Colorado slowly moves towards the Cardassian planet while the probes start transmit their first sensor data. The second planet in the Detra system is now the center on the interest of the USS Colorado crew. Captain Harrison doesn't want to take any chances and orders yellow alert. In stellar cartography the first probe sensor data are analysed. The probes indicate that the first sensor detection of the planet Detra II, are indeed that of a deserted planet. Some other Federation vessels have found similar planets in Cardassian space, close to the border with the Federation, but there is not yet a lot of data available. Unknown to the USS Colorado crew is that Detra II is a Cardassian trap. The Cardassians already know the Federation has stopped their possibility for time travel, but they have developed holographic technology that can disguise an entire planet... Only the crew of the USS Thunderbolt is aware of this technology, but as the USS Thunderbolt is manned by a starfleet renegade mutening crew already being hunted down by several Starfleet vessels, so the Federation should not have to expect help from the USS Thunderbolt... While the USS Colorado is getting closer to Detra II, more data is coming in and still the planet seemed to be deserted. It is like the entire Cardassian population had to run and evacuate the planet or has been destroyed. But when the USS Colorado is almost in orbit of Detra II, sensors also detect a large number of holographic generators on the planet. Ensign Ally Jones is again the first to see the new data. This time she does not wait for LT Fonda to approve or not. she sends the data to the bridge immediately, and reports to LT Fonda afterwards. On the USS Colorado bridge Captain Harrison is as surprised as everyone else about the new data. But he makes a deceision fast. "It's a trap. It's a trap. Helm reverse course, get us out of here maximum speed. Engineering, all power to shields and propulsion." Just as the US Colorado turns around and starts to increase speed, some kind of weapon is fired on the planet Detra II. A projectile is coming towards the USS Colorado and althouh the ship is increasing spead rapidly, the projectile is getting faster and faster too. While red alert is initiated, LT Sonak at tacticel reports in his typical Vulcan way. "Captain the weapon is of Cardassian origin. Impact in one minute." "In one minute we will be in Federation space. Engineering all auxiliary power to propulsion, shut down every non essential system if you have to. We have to get to Federation space." But by now it is clear that the Cardassian weapon will hit the USS Colorado, whatever Captain Harrison will do. And so the inevitable happens. At the moment the weapon hits the ship only a part of the energy of the explosion is absorbed by the shields. The ship shakes violently. Everywhere on the ship consoles explode, relays are burnt and it is a miracle the ship stays in one piece. In stellar cartography Ensign Ally Jones slowly gets up. She checks her console, but it doesn't work. On the floor there are LT Fonda and Ensign P'nak, her fellow officers. After a short examination with her tricorder, Ensign Jones finds out both officers are not in mortal danger, but both are unconscious. Ensign Jones herself only has a few scratches on her left arm. On the Colorado bridge Captain Harrison is on the floor unconscious as well as helm officer LT Taylor. Commander Tom Walker stands up to have a view of the bridge. The USS Colorado bridge looks like a battlefield. But it gets worse. The main computer is still operational, but the first report from the computer is shocking. "Warp cor breach is immenent. Warp core breach in 5 minutes." In stellar cartography Ensign Jones also heard the ship's computer report there will be a warp core breach. On the bridge Commander walker has no time to revive the Captain. Walker tries to contact engineering, but there is no answer. He has to make a fast decision. USS Alice Cooper The information about the mission of the USS Alice Cooper-B is classified.