DS2 RPG General Status Report January 2006 USS Earth Last thing she knew Commodore Steichen was on the bridge of her ship in search for life in the Windosta system, and the next moment she woke up in a prison. She has no idea how she got there and why nor who abducted her. First she tries to talk to humanoid in the cell next to hers. "I am Lon. I am not from here. I have been here for eight days." Then he lowers his voice... "Some guards do not let the prisoners talk. Be careful. Every evening some prisoners they take away. I know not where. I have not seen them come back." "Hey! What is going on there? No talking!" One of the guards approaches, but before he really intervenes, Steichen and Lon are already a few meters apart as if nothing had happened. Steichen thanks Lon for his brief warnings with a nodd of her head. That is the beginning of the inprisonment of Commodore Steichen. At the same time abaord the USS Earth First Officer Commander T'Lok and the crew are trying to find traces of the whereabouts of Commodore Steichen, but without success. Three days later without much contact with the other prisoners, Commodore Steichen has only received some food and some water. Just as she strats thinking she gets weaker, and as some of the prisoners closeby have been taken away, new prisoners are being brought in. One of those prisoners draws the attention. He is an hulk-like creature, really big. He can just walk throught the corridor of the prison complex. Three guards have him in chains... But the chains don't hold. Just as the big prisoner passes the cell of Commodore Steichen it seems he smiles at her... Then it seems like an earthquake hits the complex. Every single prisoner and guard are on the floor, except for the big prisoner. Some of the cell doors break and open by themselves. The cell of Commodore Steichen is wide open. While she gets up, she sees some of the prisoners run away. Almost all the guards are occupied by the big prisoner. But some of the prisoners want revenge and start attacking the guards as well... Players: Christine Steichen Starbase 369 The USS Mexico is on its way to Starbase 369 with six captured terrorists who have used genesis technology. Among the terrorists is a former Starfleet Lieutenant Jo Kim, who joined the Maquis. The ship of the terrorists is now in the USS Mexico main shuttlebay. The first reports of the engineers, who examine the database of the terrorist ship, come in. "Commodore, we have discovered a list of people, apparently involved in these kind of terrorist groups. Furthermore a lot of genesis data, which should be top secret and classified. We have now examined about half of this database. We will keep you posted sir." Before the USS Mexico arrives at Starbase 369, Starfleet Security has already captured all involved terrorists on 4 different planets. The action is a big success. But Jo Kim still is silent. The security officers who interrogate Kim, have almost given up hope. It is clear that the genesis threat has become real and every minute can be fatal for some planet, which has nothing to do with all this. The threat of a weapon of total mass destruction in the hands of an unknown destructive enemy has put the entire Federation on alert. But things get worse, when the engineers aboard the USS mexico have finished their investigation of the terrorist ship. Their report brings more bad news. "Commodore, we have completed our investigation. We have found coordinates in the flight database where this ship and crew should go within ten days. These terrorists will meet Romulans at these coordinates. Sir, if the Romulans know about genesis, that could be a huge problem." "I will take the terrorist ship myself and act as if I am a terrorist to meet these Romulans. This way I can find out more about the Romulan involvement without letting them know I am from the Federation." Players: Geert Van Nieuwenhove USS Thunderbolt The USS Thunderbolt and USS Recon are on their way to help a rebel group in an empire far from Federation space. This empire is lead by an emperor. One of the Borg drones aboard the USS Thunderbolt has found out that this Romulan is a certain man called Hunok. Master One suspects Hunok can use the force. More and more rebels join the two Federation ships and make plans to eliminate the emperor once and for all. But the emperial troops are many more in numbers. The situation becomes already grim when the small fleet of rebels makes contact with a few patrolling star destroyers. Many of the rebels are lost. A direct confrontation with the main forces of the emperor should be avoided. The USS Thunderbolt and USS Recon would probably survive such a battle, but no rebels would survive. But for every rebel that falls, another takes his place. But this will not be enough. With only 27 rebel ships it is still to early to prepare for the big final battle. But luck is always on somebody's side. When the small fleet arrives at Ondaran, there is not much reistance from only one star destroyer. A small group of rebels lands on the planet and start recruting new rebels. After a day the entire population of Ondaran has turned to the rebel side. The few of the remaining emperial troopers are killed or driven away from the planet and a huge party starts the same evening. But the situation on Ondaran has gotten the attention of Emperor Hunok himself. Personally he starts his investigation and soon finds out that there are strangers mingling in his affairs. Only a few minutes later he appears aboard the USS Thunderbolt, using the force... It is Commodore mechels in his ready room who is confronted by a strange voice behind him. "I should have known. the Federation is here to mess up my plans." When Mechels turns around he sees a Romulan with a light saber in his hand. The Romulan looks very angry. "So a Starfleet Commodore... Where is the rest of your fleet Commodore? Commodores usually have 20 or even 40 ships. these two ships cannot be all of your fleet. Where is the rest of your fleet? Wait a minute. You have a light saber. But I don't feel the force in you. There is more to this than you... This is a trap isn't it? Speak! Or be destroyed..." An invisible hand seems to grab Commodore Mechels by the throat, but he doesn't say a word... Commodore Mechels has received a light saber from Master One. He will use it and attack this Romulan. Of course it is not certain he will win... Players: Helena Straetman,Caroline Keuleers,Willem Keuleers, Lieselotte Keuleers, Wouter Keuleers USS Walang Despite the interesting discoveries on the planet of the Jakoni, the USS Walang travels on. An unknown metal is analised and added to the federation database. Although this new metal is intersting, it has not really any properties to make it a huge scientific breakthrough of any kind. A week later the USS Walang enters a region dominated by the Kostans. The Kostans are traders and have expanded their territory by extended trades with the other people in this region. But after meeting some of these traders it also becomes clear that not everything is going as it should be. After a day in Kostans space the USS Walang is stopped by a Kostans ship. "Hi there stranger. I am Lieutenant Jtop of the Kostans border patrol. This region is in dispute. We expect some serious violence in the very near future, if you get my point. You can proceed, but on your own risk. have a good trip." "We will try to help with this dispute. Maybe we can solve the problems. It is always better to solve a problem than go to war. What is this dispute about anyway ?" Players: Marianne Loogen USS Vertigo Day 43 00.16 On Limara a planet wide storm hits the planet. Every intelligent living creature, all animals and even plants have been lead to the very deep bunkers. In one of those bunkers is the USS vertigo awayteam First Officer Captain Norma Lang, Chief of Security Lieutenant Commander Matz and Doctor Dorm Lever. estimations are that this planet scale storm will last for at least three days. Day 43 6.00 The USS Vertigo away team on Limara receives the first update. Calculations have proved this kind of storm happens every 11 years. Aside of the population of Limara, the scientists on USS Vertigo are very interested in this phenomena. A planet scale storm like this is very rare. Day 43 9.12 An alarming report from the USS Vertigo scientists comes in on the bridge. After talking to the local authorities of Limara it has become obvious these storms return exactly every 11 years. After further investigation it seems these storms are caused artificially. there is only one way to find out. Somebody has to go out of the bunker into the storm and try to get some readings of the storm itself. Lieutenant Commander Matz volonteers to go into the very dangerous storm to take readings. Taking readings during a few minutes in the storm should be enough to get accurate readings. Players: Nadine Peeters USS Iceberg While the USS Iceberg is escorting the USS Starshine, the crew discovers that the USS Starshine has a Romulan device aboard. The two ships are on their way to the Federation border, but in the opposite direction of Romulan space. Colonel Crow makes a decision. "We will act as if we don't know about this Romulan device. We will keep escorting the USS Starshine to see where they are going. When we reach the destination we can decide what we are going to do. I believe we still have the upperhand so far. I am curious to see what will happen when we reach the border. Everything is logged..." When the two Federation ships cross the Federation border nothing happens. The USS Iceberg still escorting the USS Starshine is battle ready, or at least ready for anything. From this moment on it is not sure Captain Hendry Stokes can be trusted. After a week of traveling in a straight line, Colonel Crow realises help from the Federation or Starfleet is to far away. If his ship will encounter any danger Crow will have to make fast decisions. The entire crew of the USS Iceberg are selected Starfleet marines, 1106 in number, very well trained, fierce and with extreme discipline... But not all is well on the USS Starshine. Captain Stokes' crew starts wondering what is going on, some even start asking questions to the junior officers, but even the young officers don't know what this mission is about... Not even First Officer Lieutenant Commander Zep Cardiff has any idea. Although Cardiff begins to have doubts, he doesn't show it. He has to trust his Captain. In a way Cardiff is happy that the USS Starshine is escorted by the huge USS Iceberg. If Cardiff needs to he can always contact Colonel Crow in a time of distress or any trouble at all. And then suddenly it happens. a Romulan warbird decloakes at starboard of the USS Starshine. Aboard the USS Iceberg action is initiated. "Red alert ! Battlestations ! Shields to maximum ! Weapons ready !" USS Iceberg First officer Lieutenant Colonel Hawk calls the numbers. "You heard the man! Up those levels! Go go go! Bring us about! Hinora maneuvre! You know the drill let's go!" But then Hawk pauzes. "Colonel sir, I have a call here from Lieutenant Commander Zep Cardiff, First Officer on the USS Starshine. He says he doesn't know anything about any Romulans. He says his Captain won't raise their shields. The USS Starshine shields are indeed down. Cardiff asks for instructions sir. It seems to me that Captain Stokes has not informed his First Officer about this mission very truthfully." At the same time the USS Iceberg has positioned itself between the Romulan warbird and the USS Starshine. There is no word from Captain Hendry Stokes... There is no explanation from him and not from the Romulans... Players: Jan Theys USS Colorado/USS Cinebow Three days later, The USS Colorado in orbit of Talos IV, candidate to become a member of the United federation of planets. With no luck after two days, the new captain Jeffrey Wayne ended his investigation after the crash of his Captain and First Offcier. And gained a new member for the Federation. Talos IV Prime minister Toal Is very happy to be able to continue his work. "So we have come to turns, and agreed upon them." Jeffrey Wayne is now acting Captain of the USS Colorado. "Yes, I'm surtain that we have a lot in common." "Hope to see you again Captain Wayne, and again our condolence for the death's of your captain and first officer." "Thank you." Just as the diplomatic talks are over Chief of Operations lieutenant Doran reports. "Captain I'm receiving a transmission very faint, all I can make out all power down. We are crashing, please send rescue." "Location!" "Canberra mining planet. It's not a federation, infact I have no know data on the mining planet. Or how controls it." At the same time Captain Walker is on his way on the Klingon Ship Volarr, under command of Captain Prang, with the Vulcans Selnak, Skola, T'elak, Tarek and his Vulcan First Officer Commander Sonak. Some alterations had to be made. Selnak makes his final look over the Captain, who now goes by the name of Sokar. "The alteration looks fine, do not worry. Captain remember, do not speak unless you need. You look Vulcan but not speak like one." Walker is getting use to his role as Sokar, don't he forgets his true name. "Thank you, I will do my best. In the mean time, we bitter prepare to leave the ship." Captain Prang informs the infiltration group that they have almost arrived. "Captain Walker, you have 30 minutes to prepare yourselves. Good luck!" "Alright, let's go over the plan one more time. On Starbase 295 we will board the Vulcan freighter Tlanna. After three days will reach the Vulcan embassy. On arrival, I will meet with admiral Mifuné on how will we proceed. All we need to do, is to locate the Romulans, identify them if possible capture one. We have two days to get back to 295." To be sure all questions have to be answered. selnak still has some questions. "What will happen on embassy?" It is Sonak who informs the others. "We will scan Vulcans on public places all over the embassy. Information has shown that the Romulans have infiltrated in high places." T'elak has something to add. "Captain these are Vulcan dna scans. While scanning, they will show if there is a difference in the dna." It is Klingon Captain Prang who gives his final report as well. "Captain Walker, we are cleared docking." Captain Walker(Sokar) has understood it is time to leave the ship and step on the floor of Starbase 295. "We leave go straight to our quarters settle in. I have a meeting with admiral Mifuné on the promenade." A few minutes later the latered Captain Walker, now the Vulcan Sokar meets with Admiral Mifuné. It is only the Admiral who speaks. "I wonder this was a good idea Cap... Sokar. You only have a few days to find the Romulans at the Vulcan embassy. Your group is small. Once you are aboard the Vulcan freighter Tlanna, you are on your own . The Federation cannot and will not intervene. If you are captured, we will deny that you exsist. So get back in one piece will you..." The Admiral turns around and walks away. Walker knows there is not much time. As Sokar he gets aboard the Vulcan freighter Tlanna with his team and without the Vulcans suspecting anything. After Sonak has scanned the ship for Romulans there are none detected. With a good feeling the small group settles down for the trip. With the same feeling they arrive at the Vulcan embassy. But as soon as the small group steps through the airlock, they feel something is terribly wrong. Sonak scans the area around the group. He whispers in Captain Walker's ear. "Cap... Sokar... These are all Romulans. I cannot find one Vulcan. They are all Romulans. What must we do?" At the same time Captain Walker gets himself in trouble, the USS Cinebow is in orbit of G-09 Alpha. There are structures like ruins, but the ruins indicate that there were once big cities and the population who lived on G-09 Alpha was highly advanced. There are traces in several larger cities of what could have been a space port. So this species probably knew how to travel in space. But it is not certain. It could well be that these structures were something religious... Players: Johan Michielsens, Conny Parmentier USS Alice Cooper On Angel One the negotiations between Beatta III of Angel One and Marco Danno, leader of the "Rising Sons" the male resistance group against the matriarch have ended. Not all issues have been addressed, especially not the Cardassian and Romulan interference on Angel One. As an uncloaked Romulan warbird is approaching Angel One it is detected by the USS Alice Cooper-B the USS Canada and USS Greenland are close enough to assist. On both ships yellow alert is given and the USS Canada, escorted by the USS greenland are speeding up to Angel One. A possible Romulan threat is at hand. And it is for sure that the Romulans will not be happy with the peace between the genders on Angel One, knowing that the Romulans would like to establish military precense in the region. Maybe there is still a role for Ambassador Jas Stevens to make an evaluation of the situation... Players: Crew of the USS Alice Cooper Ovion (Hirogen Hunting Vessel) On Gundrota, a Tok'ra resistance planet, a Goa'uld spy named Karnok is discovered. The Tok'ra throw this Goa'uld in a holding cell, torture him to get as much information from him as possible and finally execute him. This is the Tok'ra way and although the two Hirogen soldiers, especially Jotarn find this a strange way, they accept the ways of the Tok'ra as they did not have any choice. Spies have to be terminated. The spy Karnok has delivered some valuable information, especially about some military decisions of the Goa'uld system lords. The Goa'uld system lords have come together to plan a large scale attack on Gundrota, but they are afraid of the alien technology of the Hirogen. The Hirogen ship Ovion is invisible and can strike anywhere. When the system lords find themselves in a position that they don't know what to do anymore, they start arguing about other things and accusing other system lords of treachery... It is so that the meeting of the Goa'uld system lords falls apart without a sollution. Some of the system lords still want to cooperate with eachother and on the planet Glion. After a short investigation it is clear that there is a base on Glion where four Goa'uld system lords have gathered. This is a great opportunity to strike the Goa'uld. Plans must be made. But there is also this other thing. One of the things the spy Kornak has told, is that there is a very powerful artifact, possibly from the Ancients themselves, located on the planet Zipaya. This artifact could save the Tok'ra once and for all. The Hirogen Jotarn wants to know what should be done first. "Who are these ancients ?" It is the oldest Tok'ra Kolder who answers Jotarns question. "The Ancients are a race that lived about ten to twenty thousand years ago. They have build the stargates. We have never seen an Ancient, but they had very advanced technology. We believe this articfact can be a device of great power indeed." Players: Thomas van Rhee Starbase 441 Starbase 441 has been secretly attacked by dozen Romulans. Nobody understands how these Romulan agents have been able to get on the starbase but they have been very effective. The main power core has been damaged and there have been to many casualties. When the Romulans all are captured or killed it is Ensign Edgington who seems to be in command of engineering. A series of valves on Deck 14, section 8 have to be shut down manually in a section with extreme high radiation. ensign edgington takes a brave but dangerous decision. "I would go. I would not ask someone to do something I would not do myself." Through the small and narrow Jefferies tubes Ensign Edginington proceeds very slowly knowing every second counts. Her team members, especially Chief Coden realises that the chances that Ensign Edgington will not return are growing by the second as well. He keeps the time, checks his tricorder, and follows the progress of the young Ensign. Coden knows he cannot help Ensign Edgington. The Jefferies tubes are to narrow and he would only slow her down. Edgington reaches section 8. There are four valves. the first is no problem, soon followed by the closing of the second and the third, but then the radiation begins to hurt her. In engineering the engineers hold their breath, while Chief Coden reports. "One to go. come on Ensign, one to go. You can do it... Yes! Yes! She did it! She did it! She saved us all!" The cheering among the engineers is louder than the noise of the safety valves kicking in and securing the damaged power core. But then Chief Coden realises that there is no word from Ensing Edgington... Ensign Edgington wakes up in sickbay. A nurse is standing aside of the biobed. "Doctor, she is awake." Doctor Enrico Jaladano comes closer and smiles. "I told you she was going to be all right, didn't I? Lieutenant Edgington. Welcome back..." Ensign Edgington has been in sickbay for nine weeks before full recovery. The bravery she showed, saving the starbase resulted in a promotion to Lieutenant. Three ships are now docked in spacedock. And all three Captains want Lieutenant Edgington in their crew, but only one can have her... Players: Cathy Edgington DS2 RPG General Status Report February 2006 USS Earth While the USS Earth is nearby the highly advanced Windosta system suddenly Commodore Steichen disappeares from her own brisge. Although her First Officer Commander T'Lok and the rest of the crew try to find Steichen there is no success. The USS earth has come to a dead stop. Steichen herself has been inprisoned; she does not knowwhere or by who. When a prison riot starts a very strong and large prisoner seems to be the key figure in the riot. Commodore Steichen decides to help the other prisoners and this big one attacking the guards. Once eliminated the guards she can escape in group. She will be more protected in group. Most of the guards are already on the floor as the large group of prisoners come out of their cells. The big prisoner has no trouble with the guards who are only armed with sticks. He throws the guards around as if they are dolls. At the same time Commodore Steichen who remembers her Starfleet hand to hand combat very well, and she needs it. As she is closeby the big prisoner one of the guards comes her way, but apparently these guards are not well trained and this one ends up on the floor with one blow. Steichen makes her way to the main door, following the big prisoner. But when they go through the door there is an unpleasant surprise. Guards with firearms are blocking the way. These guards do not stop firing there weapons slaughtering most of the prisoners. The big prisoner turns around protecting Commodore Steichen. He takes a small device out of his pocket and gives it to her. "My life not important. Speak General Gunio. Tell what happen if I not make it. Aaah. You go now. Aaah. Good luck." While the guards are firing on the big prisoner Commodore Steichen is transported to... somewhere... she hears a voice... "Human. You safe. Lieutenant Guru also safe. He is transported aboard, wounded . Me am General Gunio. You are aboard the only Windosta ship where all Windosta live." There is a humanoid man looking down on Commodore Steichen. General Gunio is as big as that big prisoner who apparently rescued Commodore Steichen. Commodore Steichen looks aside and sees that the man who saved her is carried away, wounded, but still smiling. Lieutenant Guru is also going to make it. Commodore Steichen can only confirm that she has been abducted. General Gunio tries to explain. "We be the Windosta. A few thousand only left of us. Our space has been taken by the Draven, a species very violent and taking lots of other people for working in their mines. We not protecting all other people. You new here. We need help. I will explain how you adjust your ships systems to attack of Draven. Draven not are so advanced. We saved you. We cannot save other people. They more scared of us, we big, than from the Draven. We can destroy Draven, but that would be destroying entire species. We not like that. You advanced. You Federation. We use your advice or help." Commodore Steichen decides to contact her ship, USS Earth and also try to find out everything she can on the Draven. She will use the modifications provided by the Windosta. But she also wants to validate the Windosta claims. If these claims are true, she will help release other prisoners of the Draven. She will contact the counsil once more is learned of the situation. Players: Christine Steichen Starbase 369 An hour ago a pirate ship has left the USS Mexico, with aboard Commodore Van Nieuwenhove and a small security group under command of Lieutenant Commander Jendal and three experienced officers. Commodore Van Nieuwenhove thinks he can make contact with a group of Romulans this way and learn more about the Romulan involvement with these pirate rebels and the genesis technology. The genesis technology in the wrong hands can lead to a lot of destruction in the Federation as it is clear the Federation is the target of these blackmailing pirates. Now that apparently the Romulans are involved as well, this situation could get out of hand completely. It is clear that the Romulans cannot be allowed to get their hands on genesis technology. It seems like a reckless and desperate act, but using this pirate ship can give more answers in the near future than any other action. Arriving at the designated coordinates where the pirates should meet with the Romulans, it is waiting for the Romulans. Lieutenant Komlan reports. "There is nothing on any sensors sir. It is possible of course that the Romulans have a cloaked ship and are scanning our ship. In this kind of situation I would be careful too." But the waiting takes longer. And the small crew realises that this was a long shot anyway. But just as the idea comes up to leave and return to Starbase 369, Lieutenant Komlan has another report. "Sir sir, a Romulan warbird, not cloaked sir has just entered sensor range. They will be here in a few hours." The following hours are used to train for any aituation that can follow. But the most strange thing happens when the Romulan warbird arrives at the coordinates and makes contact. "Please do not fire. I am Commander Tolanak in command of the Romulan warbird R'mex. I am placing my ship and my crew under your command..." Commodore Van Nieuwenhove gets over to the warbird and starts conversation to find out why these Romulans surrender like that. Players: Geert Van Nieuwenhove USS Thunderbolt Commodore Mechels is in his ready room confronted by a Romulan called Hunok. Apparently this Romulan can use the force. But As he strikes with his lightsaber, the Commodore already has his lightsaber in his hand, blocking Hunok's sword. For a moment the Romulan is surprised. "I can not feel any force in you Commodore. How can you block me?" "Your thoughts betray you Romulan scum." Commodore Mechels is surprised himsel to speek like that. But he feels himself stronger than ever. And he strikes back. With more than a little effort the Romulan can dudge the blow. Now things get really serious. A fight to the death begins. Mechels can block any attack from the Romulan who gets mad and frustrated, while the Commodore seems extremely calm. Unknown to Commodore Mechels it is Master One, Lord Two and Lord Three who are using the force to help the Commodore, without revealing themselves. Whatever the Romulan Hunok tries, it doesn't help. Instead of realising that he cannot win this fight and he should escape, Hunok tries to drive Commodore Mechels into a corner. But in his blind rage, he doesn't see that it is he who is driven into a corner. At the time he realises he cannot go anywhere, he activates his transporter... "We will meet again Starfleet officer." But nothing happens. Hunok tries again but again nothing happens. Now he realises that there is more to it than just this simple man opposing him. He must have gotten help from outside. With the dark side of the force he starts searching for some anomalies, but the three Borg lords are to powerful. But even the Borg lords have a problem. The following conversation takes place in a fraction of a second between the three Borg. Strangely enough Commodore Mechels hears the Borg voices in his head. "Master One, are we allowed to destroy this dark lord?" "That is a good question Lord Three. In principle we should save all live, but this lord is to deep into the dark side to be saved. His hate is to deep. I am not sure that he can be turned." "Should we not try master One?" "May I offer an alternative Master One. If he cannot be turned, we should destroy him. We cannot let this form of evil escape." "I agree. We cannot let this one escape. But there is a secondairy problem. They allways operate in pairs, a master and an apprentice... We don't know which one this one is. We must find the other one. Mayb e Commodore Mechels can help us making a decision. We can ask him for a suggestion." Players: Helena Straetman,Caroline Keuleers,Willem Keuleers, Lieselotte Keuleers, Wouter Keuleers USS Walang The USS Walang has entered the territory of the Kostans. But part of the Kostans space is in dispute as the Kostans neighbours called Ftunama claim a part of the Kostans space. Although the two neighbours are not yet at a full scale war, some fighting has already begun. If that fighting is not stopped, war is immenent. But as some kind of miracle Captain hendriks is invited as a mediator in the negotiations between the Kostans and the Ftunama. Both people realise that a neutral mediator can end this dispute once and for all. The USS Walang is escorted by a ship of both sides outside Kostans space and outside Ftunama space. This is neutral territory. Both species send their ambassadors to the USS Walang. And then it begins... Around the table are Captain Hendriks, her first officer Commander Bellafonte, Kostans Ambassador Drakso and Ftunama Ambassador Sjerp. It is clear that this will not be a simple talk. The Ftunama are an insect-like species while the Kostans are a reptile-like species. The Ftunama claim that a long time ago the Kostans colonised a planet close to the border of the Ftunama and killed all the insects with poison and if not that than they ate them all... As the talks continue it becomes clear that the reptile-like kostans eat insects and that the insect-like Ftunama don't think that is funny. The Kostans find the smal insects a plague. According the Kostans the insects have attacked the Kostans first... and used the Kostans to lay eggs in the bodies of the Kostans just for reproduction... Captain Hendriks realises this is not going to be easy. She will have to take her time and be patient, but she is going to try. If really nothing can be done she will leave the territory. She doesn't want to enforce peace. Besides she doesn't have the power to do so. Players: Marianne Loogen USS Vertigo Day 43 9.15 Lieutenant Commander Matz leaves the underground bunker in which she was hiding from a huge storm, together with some of her officers and people from the planet Limara. There is only one way to determine whether these storms, returning every 11 years are indeed caused by nature or not. Day 43 9.17 Heavily covered in protecting cloths, Matz makes her way through the city trying to stay behind structures. Although the storm is not at its most destructive point, Matz has trouble to keep her feeth on the ground. As she has not yet enough readings where the origin of these storms can be she has to stay outside. Day 43 10.51 Matz has made a bit of progress. She now has a clear reading on a powersource which could be the origin of the storms. But the storm has become to difficult and dangerous. At this time Matz is contacted by the USS Vertigo, to inform her the eye of the storm will pass her position in 15 minutes. Matz decides to take her chances, knowing that once in the eye of the storm she can act and find the source of these storms. Players: Nadine Peeters USS Iceberg The USS Iceberg, USS Starshine and a Romulan warbird seem to be in a position where none of them dares to act first. Every wrong action can lead to devestation, especially as the ships are far from their home territory. If something goes wrong, none of them will play by any rules. Tension is rising and someone on the bridge of the USS Iceberg says some famous words... "How long are we going to stare at eachother?" But Colonel Crow's answer is also already famous. "We all know what is at stake here..." Players: Jan Theys USS Colorado/USS Cinebow USS Colorado Captain Walker has left Lieutenant Jeffrey Wayne in command of his ship, while he, his First Offcier, Commander Sonak, and Vulcans Selnak, Skola, T'elak, Tarek in disguise as all Vulcans have arrived at the Vulcan embassy for an investiagtion and to search for Romulan spies. To make this disguise very real, Captain Walker has pretended he had an accident together with his first officer. For Starfleet it seems that Captain Walker and Commander Sonak have been killed in the accident. But on arrival at the Vulcan embassy, there is a little problem... All people in the Vulcan embassy are all Romulans. This could be a real good setup or a fascinating trap... Lieutenant Wayne now in command of the USS Colorado has given up on his Captain and Commander Walker. But there is little time to think about it. The USS Colorado receives a distress call from the Canberra mining planet. Lieutenant Wayne does not hesitate and sets course to the mining planet. At the same time aboard the USS Cinebow, Lieutenant Ally Jones, chief of sciences, tries to convince Captain T'Gor, in command that she has to do more research on the planet G-09 Alpha where old ruins are discovered. "Captain I'd like to do some more research on the planet surface." "How many people would you need." "Three teams, we have a lot of ground to cover." "Very well, I will give you three teams and two security teams. Commander Kelly will provide you with everything for three days. Kelly." USS Cinebow First Officer Lieutenant Commander Kelly Andrews is rather excited that finally some exploration of an uninhabited planet can be done. "Already done Captain." "Thank you. Lt. Danto, you will put two teams together." Danto jumps to his feet and shows his ability to addapt to new orders. "I have teams standing by captain, just in case a landing party was to be planned." "Very well everyone, keep it up soon we have finished our mission before it starts. That's all." But it is not all. Lieutenant Jones has just received new data of the planet below. "Captain you might want to take o look at this. This is the latest data I found." "Interesting, are you surtain about this." "I check my information twice, it isn't wrong captain, there are still people living there, but onderground." "Commander Kelly, take a lot at these atmosphere readings, there about 2% lower than what they should." "Thank you Captain." And so the preparations begin. Less than an hour later three teams, well equiped, under leadership of Lieutenant Ally Jones have been transported to the planet G0-9 Alpha. In the beginning breathing is a bit difficult as the atmosphere is not optimal. But there is no danger. The teams spread out to cover as much area as they can, keeping in contact with the other teams and the ship. It doesn't take long to find the humanoid people, but these people seem to be afraid and start running and hiding. One small group of these people hides in one of the old ruins. It is the team of Lieutenant Jones herself who follow this group, but there is a problem. Ensign Rockwell has objections to go into the ruins. "Lieutenant. These ruins are not safe. In fact they can collapse really soon. It is a matter of hours." While Ensign Rockwell reports the situation, about a hundred meters from this ruin another ruin collapses. If there had been someone in that ruin, he would be dead... Three days later, aboard the USS Colorado, Lieutenant Doran reports. "Canberra mining planet. It's not a federation, infact I have no know data on the mining planet. Or how controls it." Ten minutes before arriving at Camberra. "Captain we are approaching the Camberra mining planet." "Thank you, ensign." Scanning begins. Science officer Julie Tanaka reports. "I'm scanning for life forms, its difficult there appear to be some kind of force field around the planet." "Did we receive any location when received the distress." "Negative, no location. They can be anywhere." But there is a bit good news from Tanaka. "I believe I have an opening on the other side of the planet is no much." Lieutenant Wayne, since the presumed death of Captain Walker and Commander Sonak is addressed as Captain. And he is clearly in command. "Ensign Bollok, take's us to the other side." "Aye Captain." "Bridge to doctor Wayne, prepare for a landing party, expect to find some survivors." Although Doctor Wayne has the same name as the new Captain of the USS Colorado, they are no family. "Dr Wayne here, understood." "Captain we are approaching the opening." Tanaka is monitoring every detail. "I think found the wreckage and some survivors, hard to say how many, there could at least 12." But Lieutenant Doran has something to add. "I am reading an enormous power build up from the surface." "Be specific. Could be what powering the force field." "Impossible to say, what ever it is captain is approaching the vessel." Players: Johan Michielsens, Conny Parmentier USS Alice Cooper On Angel One the negotiations between Beatta III of Angel One and Marco Danno, leader of the "Rising Sons" the male resistance group against the matriarch have ended. Not all issues have been addressed, especially not the Cardassian and Romulan interference on Angel One. But apparently the Romulans themselves are going to intervene as a Romulan warbird is on its way to Angel one. The only thing between the Romulans and Angel One is the USS Alice Cooper-B. But Starfleet reinforcements have arrived. The USS Greenland and USS Canada are now taking position close to the USS Alice Cooper-B. On Angel One it is unknown that there are Romulans on their way. It is also unknown to Beatta III that Romulans and Cardassians have supported the violent attacks of the resistance group "The Rising Sons"... Players: Crew of the USS Alice Cooper Ovion (Hirogen Hunting Vessel) On Gundrota plans are made to whipe out a few Goa'uld system lords. Although there is information about an object of the Ancients on Zipaya, it is decided that an attack on a small assembly of Goa'uld system lords is better at this time. The Ancient artifact has to wait. The Tok'ra have a huge advantage on the Goa'uld. Horkan and Jotarn can use their very advanced Hirogen technology. An hour later the Hirogen ship Ovion leaves orbit of Gundrota on course to Glion. Although Glion has a stargate, stealth is the one thing which can surprise the Goa'uld and the Jaffa on Glion and the ships which secure the planet. The stargate on Glion will probably be heavily guarded anyway. On board the Ovion are aside of Jotarn and Horkan also three Tok'ra soldiers. By the time the Ovion arrives at Glion the Goa'uld motherships are still in orbit. To prevent that the Goa'uld system lords escape through the stargate the Tok'ra on Gundrota dial in to Glion. The small attack force at Glion has 38 minutes to eleminate the Goa'uld and Jaffa. The surprise is complete. While one of the servants of the Goa'uld brings the news at the Goa'uld assembly that all ships in orbit are destroyed, Horkan, Jotarn and two Tok'ra are transported in the middle of the room where the Goa'uld are overrun and killed. The Jaffa who are on their way to assist their Go'uld masters are so surprised seeing their masters dead on the floor, they do not dare to move. Especially Jotarn and Harkon make some of them scared. The Jaffa seem to have a certain respect for the big Hirogens. Some even fall down on their knees as if Jotarn and Horkan are some kind of gods. As a very old Goa'uld law says, the one who kills a Goa'uld will take over his domain and his army. Horkan and Jotarn learn about this law and take over the Jaffa army of almost thirty thousand Jaffa, fourteen small ships and a planet with a stargate. This is not exactly the Tok'ra way, but two Tok'ra take over the planet Glion while Jotarn, Horkan and the third Tok'ra named Totalos return to Gundrota. Players: Thomas van Rhee Starbase 441 Three ships have arrived at Starbase 441: USS Allstar, USS Oregon, USS Arsenal. There is a lot of personnel transfer between the ships and the starbase. Although security is tight since the last invasion of some Romulan spies, comfort and relaxation is one of the priorities of the arriving Starfleet officers. They don't care about what happened weeks ago. The Starfleet personnel aboard the USS Allstar is a bit nervous. The USS Allstar will leave for the Delta Quadrant. Fully equiped for a deep space mission which could take much longer than planned. The USS Allstar crew has just a day to say good-bye to family and friends... The USS Arsenal crew seems not to have to worry. The USS Arsenal will set course to the Federation-Romulan border for what seems a routine patrol. The USS Oregon crew will experience the Bajoran wormhole, going further into the Gamma Quadrant then any Federation ship has gone before. Lieutenant Edgington is most like to leave on one of these ships... Players: Cathy Edgington Earth Alliance Starship (EAS) Terradyne It is a day like any other day Officers doing their duties, reporting... There are nothing unusual... Unknown is the fact that something extreme is at hand... FMAR Draan Marr is reading the seventh study about a new more efficient power generator. It looks very promissing, but it will take at least six more months to come up with the first real results. Daily routine again and sometimes this is getting a bit boring. Many lightyears away a very small ship, called Fearbringer with only three people aboard crosses the border of a territory. As soon as the Fearbringer reaches a system with planets a device is launched towards one of the planets, called Giometra, just with a push on a button. The device enters the planet's atmosphere makes its way towards the surface and just before impact a large explosion starts spreading out over the entire planet surface whiping out everything. A group of colonists on their way to this planet in their ship the Colonizer are witnessing the large explosion on their brand new planet. It happens so fast that anything that lives on the planet dies in a matter of minutes. The colonists aboard the Colonizer have not seen the the Fearbringer and can only guess how their new home has been destroyed. Lucky for them they had not yet landed. If this would have happened several weeks later they would have been whiped out. The Captain of the Colonizer reports what happen to the planet Giometra to the authorities. he has not other choice than return. It is not long after the incident on Giometra that FMAR Draan Marr is informed. Intelligence services have already determined that the cause of the destruction of Giometra was not coming from the planet itself. Scientists have never seen an energy signature of this kind. ::One the Earth Alliance Starship (EAS) Terradyne, a modified EAS Explorer Class Cruiser to a Battle Carrier for Earth Alliance Special Forces under the command of Field Marshal Draan Marr.:: Comms Officer "Marshal Draan! Incoming GOLD Channel transmission from Earth Gov, Ultra-Violet priority!" Draan "I'll take it in my office Lieutenant. Pipe it thru now." Draan reads the message with his eyes very wide open and leans back in his chair shocked at what he had just read. Draan is an experienced combat veteran serving the Alliance for his entire military career of over 30 years. He is trying to think of the innocent civilians on the planet and how someone could just blast the entire surface of a planet. Draan has through out his military career always had done what he thought was the right thing to do. Defending Earth and the ones human or alien who could not defend themselves. He walks on to the command deck moving to the front of the room and stands quietly for a moment looking into space where the entire fleet of the Earth Alliance Special Forces hides their ships waiting for a call like this to go to action. The Field Marshal turns to face the crew who are silent, knowing something is about to happen. He addresses the crew, "Communications, open fleet channel." "Aye sir." said the very young officer. "You're on sir." ""This is Field Marshal Marr. A few moments ago I received an Ultra-Violet message from Earth Gov. A short time ago by forces unknown to us the planet Giometra was attacked and the surface of this planet was obliterated. A colony ship reported the incident to local authorities. It is up to us to insure that this does NOT happen again. Anyone that can do this to a planet is too strong for regular Earth Alliance ships. We are going in, but in 2 groups. Group 1 will Jump to Giometra and investigate the planet, and also will make contact with the Captain of the Colonizer. Standing order 1 applies. Do not fire unless fired upon. Group 2 will follow me to Sector 001 to see if the Federation can help us find out who is behind this attack. In no way will I allow this to happen again! All ships will Jump to Hyperspace in 5 hours. Good Hunting. Marr out." Players: Steve Elliot DS2 RPG General Status Report March 2006 USS Earth Somewhere in the Beta Quadrant in the territory of the Windosta, the USS Earth under command of First Offcier Commander T'Lok. To everone's surprise the ship is contacted by Commodore Steichen who uses the communication systems of the Windosta ship. Commander T'Lok answers the call. "Commodore. It is good to hear from you. Do you need assistance?" A moment later is Commodore Steichen back on her own ship. She explains to her crew what happened and contacts Ambassador K'nol, at the embassy K-982 to report her situation. Then the search begins. Investigate who is who and what exactly is going on in this region is not simple. The USS Earth stays in regular contact with the Windosta ship, while the Starfleet ship is upgraded with advanced shields provided by the Windosta. The first planets which are guarded by only a few Draven ships. Apparently the Draven do not like intruders and although they don't make much of a chance they attack without hesitation. The USS earth crew has no choice then to defend themselves. The draven ships are destroyed easily. After USS Earth security toops have landed on the planet they discover huge labour camps, inprisoned humanoids, of all kinds of species, who cannot seem to stop to thank the Starfleet officers. It seems that these people think the Windosta have returned. Even if the Starfleet officers explain they are not the Windosta, the liberated slaves do not believe the Windosta have nothing to do with this. They consider the Windosta somekind of gods. After the liberation of the sixth planet, a small ship approaches the USS Earth. A humanoid male addresses Commodore Steichen. "I am Ronok. I have no title, but I speak for a large group of people living in this region. We have heard from you and about you. All people in this region have hope again for a better life. Some of us believe you are sent by the Windosta. This is indeed Windosta territory where we have always lived in peace. When the Draven came, the Windosta have defended us, but the Draven were to strong. The Windosta have promissed to help us as much as they can. Although some people in this region are scared of the big Windosta, I can only say that once a few of those big Windosta have helped me escape from a slave facility. Now it is my turn to help and regain for the Windosta what is theirs and live in peace again. We want to help. Our ships are small, but extreme manoeuvrable. We want to help. Please let us join you. We will follow all your orders." From almost all directions all kinds of small ships with crews of two or three, seem to come out of nowhere. A few hundered... At the same time the Windosta report that a large Draven fleet has been assembled and is on its way to the USS Earth. Players: Christine Steichen Starbase 369 Commodore Van Nieuwenhove transports aboard a Romulan warbird, disguised as a pirate, acting as if he is the leader of a huge operation. This operation involves the genesis technology, invented by Dr. Carol Marcus many many years ago. The Commodore wants to find out how the Romulans are involved in all this. It would be indeed a big problem if the Romulans would have information about the genesis technology. In command of this romulan warbird is Commander Tolanak. Tolonak explains why he wants a deal with the pirates. "First I want to apologize about being late. It is not easy to get out of Romulan space these days. The Romulan Senate seems to become paranoid. Anyway, we have what you wanted. Let me take you to it." Commander Tolanak leads the way to a science lab, where a large container is placed in the middle of an empty room. Six scientists are gathered around the container taking readings. Tolonak continues his explanation. "The thrilitium which is contained in this secured container is completely stable." Just as Tolonak says his last words, the scientists start to panic. Apparently this thrilitium is not as stable as the Romulans thought. Commodore Van Nieuwenhove realises the dnager, taps his commbagdge, the signal for emergency beam out. A second later the Commodore materializes aboard the pirate ship, which sets course away from the Romulan warbird. Not in time... The warbird explodes. The following shockwave hits the pirate ship. The officers aboard try everything they can but a crash on a nearby planet is the only way to save their lives. A distress signal is sent out. Five hours later the small group of officers is surrounded by the local millitary armed with bows and arrows, swords and armor. Although these people must be primitive, their weapons can kill... Commodore Van Nieuwenhove presents himself as the leader of his group. One of the men steps forward and introduces himself. "I am Lord Sjom of the Raletsian. You are not like the other two we have captured. They also fell out of the sky like you did. But they were different. Not peaceful. They started a fight immediately. They had green clothing and pointy ears. Tomorrow they will be executed. Please be our guests. I will introduce you to our king." Lord Sjom leads the way to the small city. Commodore Van Nieuwenhove realises that these two captured by the Raletsian must be Romulan survivors. They must have managed to get into an escape pod. "These two Romulans have information we need. We will try to convince the Raletsian to spare the life of the Romulans so we can take them to a Federation starbase and interrogate them." Players: Geert Van Nieuwenhove USS Thunderbolt In the battle between the Romulan Hunok who has the ability to use the force, Commodore Mechels has had help from the Borg drones aboard his ship. Now that he has a choice he has made a decision and gives his orders. "We will try to find the second darth lord Master/Apprentice. Hunok can be locked up by the three Borg. Maybe the rebels can help as well." And so it begins the search for the second Dark Sith Lord. But there is not much to go on. And Hunok does not speak. There is only one way to find out what he knows. Master One wants to probe Hunoks mind, not assimilate, but just probing will be enough. A few hours later the probe has ended. Hunok resisted for a long time, but then had to give up. almost down on his knees, Hunok confesses... He doesn't know where his master is... Now the Borg have to star the interrogation a different way... assimilation... When the Romulan Hunok realises what is going to happen next, he asks to speak with Commodore Mechels. When Mechels arrives Hunok suddenly is very friendly. "Dear Commodore. We don't have to do this. This procedure will probably kill me." Commodore Mechels turns to Master One. Master One can only confirm that the Romulan who can use the force, will most likely be killed shortly after he will be assimilated. The Borg only have a few minutes to get as much information they can get out of the Romulan. then is will be over. "You see Commodore. I can help you. I will give you an example of how I can be useful to you. I know for example that a group of Romulans is trying to get their hands on the genesis technology. I can help you to stop that. I know where they are and who they are." Commodore Mechels looks at Master One, who explains a top classified Federation issue. "The genesis technology, invented by Dr. Carol Marcus many many years ago is meant to create life from simple matter. A genesis device creates a wave that can reorganise matter on subatomic level. the genesis technology was a failure. It didn't work, but someone with bad intensions can use it as a weapon. You can destroy entire planets with such a weapon in a few minutes. If the Romulans can get their hands on this technology, the Federation could indeed be in serious trouble. But at this point this Romulan can say whatever he likes. Not even we can detect whether he speaks the truth or not. To be sure we have to assimilate him. And that will kill him... There is 98.6 percent chance that he will not survive." Commodore Mechels is very clear. "This Romulan is most likely telling some story to prevent that he will be assimilated. Whatever he says, I don't believe him. Assimilate him and we will know the truth." Players: Helena Straetman,Caroline Keuleers,Willem Keuleers, Lieselotte Keuleers, Wouter Keuleers USS Walang Far away from Federation space is the USS Walang on deep sapce exploration where Captain Hendriks and her crew meet the insect-like Ftunama and reptile-like Kostans who both are accusing eachother of killing and eating their species. Trade between the two species is absolutely impossible and a cold war is continuing for generations. But whith the arrival of the USS Walang there might be a chance to bring some sort of peace. As well the Kostans as the Ftunama really want peace. They may not end up as best friends, but the chance of war and total destruction is not worth anything. Both species have to give up a lot or have to accept a lot. To keep the delegations as small as possible Captain Hendriks asks the Kosatans and Ftunama to send three of their people to the USS Walang, which is neutral ground for both species. Both delegations will come unarmed. The negotiations go difficult. Both Kostans and Ftunama even have diffculty with eachothers smell. But under the good and friendly leadership of Captain Hendriks and her officers finally the two species sit at the same table. The talks start with all kinds of accusations towards eachother, but as there is no result from this, it is the Ftunama delegation who presents an offer. There is a small planet at the border of the two territories which the Kostans want very badly for the resources. The Ftunama offer this planet to the Kostans. Unknown to the Kostans the Ftunama have no ineterest in this planet. But the token of this gift could make things a bit easier. To Captain Hendriks surprise there is a Kostan named Hundrata, who doesn't seem to be happy about this gift. Hundrata seems to be very nervous... The talks continue in a better tone. The gift of a planet is of course very much appreciated. The Kostan delegates talk among themselves to see what they can do in return. While the Ftunama wait with patience, it seems the Kostans cannot aggree on something fast. But there is time and after an hour two of the Kostan delegates have an agreement, but it is Hundrata who clearly does not agree. He is no longer nervous, but angry. When his two Kostan friends insist he should reconsider, Hundrata gets mad. He shouts is mad frustration. "We should kill them all!" He jumps over the table on one of the Ftunama delegates, but before he can do something serious, Starfleet security, who is in the conference room have already intervened. Four security officers grab Hundrata and take him away to be locked up. Both the Kostans and Ftunama are amazed about the incident. But rather fats both delegations are back into reality. The Ftunama ask to have the Kostan Hundrata to be delivered to them so they can put him on trial. But the Kostans also want Hundrata. The Kostans promisse that Hundrata will be judged and punished for what he has done and because he endagered the peace talks... Players: Marianne Loogen USS Vertigo Day 43 11.07 Planet Limara. Artificial storms terrorise the local population. Lieutenant Commander Matz is investigating. After an extreme harsh climb and walk through the storm, Matz enters the eye of the storm. Day 43 11.19 Matz first readings are send to the USS Vertigo, where they are analysed. But it is Matz herself who discovers a power source and a network of power conduits just below the city. Day 43 13.04 Lieutenant Commander Matz gets a warning from the USS Vertigo that there are several humanoids coming her way. as Matz takes cover she sees that there are at least six people coming out of the storm into the eye of the storm. They wear military uniforms adn they are clearly not local population. Matz doesn't take any chances and transports back to the USS Vertigo. Players: Nadine Peeters USS Iceberg The USS Iceberg, escorting the USS Starshine is confronted by a Romulan warbird. Scans by the USS Iceberg crew revealed that the USS Starshine has a Romulan power generator aboard. But it is not clear whether the crew or Captain Hendry Stokes of the USS Starshine have anything to do with it. But the moments of silence are increasing the tension. But not only aboard the USS Iceberg. Aboard the USS Starshine not all officers seem to know what exactly is going on. In USS Starshine engineering, Lieutenant Giuseppo, the chief engineer has a little talk with his assisistant Lieutenant Sklotozic. "I don't know what this is, but there are Romulans out there and nothing happens. They don't attack, and the USS Iceberg does not attack either. Captain Stokes had a senior staff meeting just a few minutes ago and I was not invited. I find that very strange. I am also cut out of some of the log systems. I have tried everything I know, but nothing worked. The files have encrypted codes even I can't break..." Players: Jan Theys USS Colorado/USS Cinebow The USS Colorado under command of Lieutenant Jeffrey Wayne is in orbit of the minig planet Camberra. The entire planet is srurrounded by a forcefield, but scientist Julie Tanaka has found a hole in the field and when the USS Colorado has moved above the hole, a wreckage is detected with at least 12 survivors. A strange energy field is approaching the wreckage and Lieutenant Wayne, seems to be out of options. He orders to transport all survivors to cargobay 2 and to be sure he posts security at the entrance blocking everything that comes out or comes in. But there is not time to lose. The energy wave now is coming directly towards the USS Colorado. Just in time the ship jumps to warp. Later Lieutenant Wayne has a talke with the survivors of the crash to try to find out what happened. ------------------------------------------ While Captain Walker's ship could be in trouble Walker himself, disguised as Sokar is in trouble himself. His team has found out that the Vulcan embassy is completely overrun by Romulans. Walker (Sokar) and Sonak must hurry to come up with a plan. "This isn't a good idea." But also T'elak has some input. "I agree with you." Sonak thinks aloud. "It would be logical to return to the Tlanna." But T'elmak has other plans. "I will be back in afew minutes, overthere across the square is powering station." Not known to the others T'elak will plant some bombs that will explode within 30 minutes after there departure. But Selnak has a good idea what T'elak is up to. "You know what to do T'elak." "Yes it would be better that you leave now, we lock suspicious in a group. The boms have..." Three days later, Sokar We leave go straight to our quarters settle in. I have a meeting with admiral Mifuné on the promenade. Later that day Admiral Mifuné meets Captain Walker. but it is Admiral Mifuné who does all the talking. "Listen Thomas. if you have read the last reports, things are getting worse. Several reports mention the Romulans getting at places where we would never expect them. At this time we almost captured 900 Romulan agents and killed more than double, including your stunt at the Vulcan embassy. It seems to be an invasion. But still the Romulan senate denies everything. They say these are some kind of independant Romulans and the Romulan Senate has nothing to sdo with it. So what are your plans now?" ------------------------------------------ The USS Cinebow is in orbit of G-09 Alpha where on the planet an unknown humanoid race is discovered. Strange indeed as the scans from orbit indicated that there was no life like that on the planet. But the humanoids are scared of the Starfleet Officers and retreat into ruins. The ruins are not safe and collapse on several places. More scans indicate there are lots of these people. Ensign Rockwell reports. "Lieutenant, I have multiple readings. There are at least 17 thousand people here. I don't understand why we have not detected them with the ships sensors. It is not safe for these people Lieutenant. We should evacuate them. Although... that seems not right as this is their planet. I don't know what we should do with them. Maybe we should not rescue them against their will..." Players: Johan Michielsens, Conny Parmentier USS Alice Cooper Angel One, Leader Beatta III and Marco Danno, leader of the male group "The Rising Sons" have reached an agreement with the help of Ambassador Jas Stevens. Of course the equality between males and females will not come in the next hour, but the first steps have been made. But apparently the Romulans have other plans with Angel One, or maybe not. A Romulan warbird is now getting awfully close to the USS Alice Coooper-B, USS Greenland and USS Canada,Starfleet vessels holding and standing fats against a possible Romulan invasion or attack. All crews realise that this one warbird could be escorted by unknown numbers of cloaked ships, but after some serious bursts of tachyon, it seems the Romulan warbird is totally alone. Unknown to the Federation officers aboard the Starfleet ships, there is a mutiny in progress on the Romulan warbird D'Ladex. Some of the Romulan officers do not agree with their Commander that they should take matter in their own hands concerning Angel One. The leader of the mutiny, Lieutenant Larek, wants to have confirmation from the Romulan Senate, but the Commander, T'Norak doesn't want to know. Under the cover of communications silence he orders not to contact anyone. The closer the D'Ladex gets to Angel One more officers suspect the Romulan troops abaord will be send to Angel One to bring military order. Because they have some honor left and to prevent a massacre, they have sabotaged the cloaking device, so they are sure the Federation ships in orbit of Angel One will see the warbird coming. Lieutenant Larek has armed his fellow mutineers and is standing ready to take over the ship, kill the Commander if necessary... Players: Crew of the USS Alice Cooper Ovion (Hirogen Hunting Vessel) The journey for the Hirogen ship Ovion with aboard the two Hirogen Horkan, Jotarn and the Tok'ra Totalos is one without incidents. Apparently the Jaffa have accepted the new Tok'ra as their new god-leader and the planet Glion has been added to the Tok'ra Domain. Back on Gundrota the two Hirogen start helping again with the defenses of the planet. The Goa'uld now know about Gundrota and while the Goa'uld have met defeat close to this planet, it is sure that other Goa'uld will return and probably with much more ships. Defenses of Gundrota must be made stronger. With the Tok'ra technology combined with the Hirogen technology these defenses are getting better and better. Some of the Tok'ra wonder what the drive is of these alien Hirogen to fight against a powerful enemy. Jotarn can explain. "We are a species of warriors. We go for the hunt. This is a honorable hunt. The Goa'uld are slavedrivers, false, cowards. It will be glorious to hunt them down and destroy them all. It seems to me that there are enough Goa'uld to hunt for a lifetime." Three days later Totalos addresses the two Hirogen. "We have a problem with our operative Gynst on the planet Vermilon. We have not heard from her in 24 hours. Last thing we heard from Gynst is that she was on her way to find something. But she did not tell what it was. It had to do with the Goa'uld on the planet Vermilon." Players: Thomas van Rhee USS Oregon Lieutenant Cathy Edgington has the chance to make a decision about her next step in her carreer. After her heroic actions on Starbase 441 Edgington has decided to serve aboard the USS Oregon under command of Captain Roberto Adriano. Adriano is known as a serious man, but there are also rumours he plays poker with the senior staff every thursday. USS Oregon, Nebula class, is going on deep space assignment, this ship will not return in 5 to 7 years, exploring the gamma quadrant leaving through the Bajoran wormhole. This choice for Lieutenant Edgington would provide not only a true growing experience but the opportunity to explore an unknown. Together with 92 other crewmembers Lieutenant reports aboard. Captain Adriano has this idea of having all officers after their medical checkup in sickbay report to engineering. All enlisted personnel is assigned to maintenance teams, but the officers have their first stop in engineering. Anhour later five new officers, including Lieutenant Edgington are assembled with the Captain in main engineering. "Good afternoon you all. I believe in short communications. This is main engineering of the USS Oregon, the heart of this ship. You will spend the first week here to learn how this ship is powered, how it is structured, how a duty roster works as if you didn't know that yet. It is three weeks before we enter the Bajoran wormhole. By that time I want you to know this ship as the back of your hand. After this first weel in engineering you will serve in security to learn every little corner and to know as much as you can about this crew. That will be all. Get to work." Without waiting for an answer or any questions, the Captain turns around and leaves. Chief Engineer Lieutenant Helena Corsaro puts her padd on the console. "Ok. You are four brand new graduates from the academy and one more experienced officer. I will give you assignments in rotation. So you will learn easier and faster. I already have a duty roster for you all. If you have any questions, just ask. Ensigns Hendy, Claren, Donman and Speer, you have two hours to unpack and get to know the ship. Then you will report back here. The ship will leave spacedock in three hours. Lieutenant Edgington, you've got a minute?" While the four young Ensigns leave engineering, Lieutenant Corsaro addresses Lieutenant Edgington. "I treat everyone the same as so does our Captain, but you have the same rank as I do. That is going to be a bit strange. You know what I mean. Captain Adriano must have other plans for you than just learn something about engineering or this ship. But I don't know much more. We leave in three hours. It is best you will be back here an hour before we leave." Lieutenant Edgington takes the time she still has to install herself into her quarters. As the new rookie officers share rooms, Lieutenant Edgington due to her higher rank has her own quarters for herself. Later she takes some time to walk around the ship, visit the main lounge, the holodecks and the shuttlebay. Quickly she learns the specifications of the ship so she is ready to start her first shift. In Engineering the new officers start their shift and start learning about the life aboard a starship. And indeed after three weeks of rather hard work the new group of officers have gained a serious amount of knowldge about the USS Oregon. When the USS Oregon approches the Bajoran wormhole, Captain Adriano calles the five new officers to the conference room. When they all sit, Adriano looks at them one by one. "So, I hear you are all doing well. That pleases me. But we have already our first problem. I have just been informed that sionce we won the war with the Dominion the Gamma Quadrant has been politically unstable. Actually some of the species out there have taken the opportunity to whipe other species out of space, to say it bluntly. Although I must say these are all rumours we have heard from traders, scouts and some Ferengi. Nothing of this information has been confirmed by Starfleet or by any allies. If we are going to the Gamma Quadrant, we could be in trouble... or not. I want to hear from you what we should do. Lieutenant Edgington you are the most senior officer of this group. What do you think we whould do?" Players: Cathy Edgington Earth Alliance Starship (EAS) Terradyne And so it has begon. Two groups Earth Alliance ships jump to their destinations. It is group One which arrives at Giometra. But there is not much to see than a lifeless piece of rock. No residual energy signatures are detected. The only thing Group One can get their hands on are the sensor logs of the Colonizer. Not much wiser but now with the knowledge of the exact energy patern of the device or weapon which did this to the planet Giometra, Group One starts looking for traces of a ship. Engine exhausts, jump, warp or space fold propulsion traces, are looked for. Already after a few hours traces are detected and the fleet moves, following the tracks of the ship used by possible criminals, terrorists... But after following the traces suddenly these traces stop. The fleet of Group One comes to a full stop. But the engineers don't give up yet and finally they have calibrated the sensors of one ship to a detect all kinds of energy signatures, including that particular new one. And then, just when a new calibration will be started... "It is here. Sir, it is here. That new signature. Sensors have detected traces of it, moving away. It seems the ship we have been tracking has been docked into a bigger ship. That is why the traces just stopped. We can now follow this bigger ship." "Well done men. Inform FMAR Draan." ------ Far away from Group One, Group Two has arrived close to Earth. Formations are formed. The federation has been contacted, but to their surprise, instead of a large fleet, a small shuttle craft arrives at Group Two's location. One person transports aboard the Earth Alliance Starship Terradyne. The human male presents himself as General Jaust. He only wants to speak to FMAR Draan. When the two are in a closed room, General Jaust presents a portable computer device. He punches in several codes, followed by a retinal scan and a scan of his hand. "Computer authorisation 4445, alpha go. Fleet Marshal Draan, what you are about to see is one of the most protected secrets of the Federation. It is called Project Genesis. A long forgotten project, but recently has come into the hands of a group of criminals. We are very close to discover who is behind several attacks on to many planets, but we don't have them yet. Project Genesis was a project lead by Dr. Carol marcus, almost a hundred years ago. The goal of the project was to develop a process whereby uninhabitable planets could be re-formed into worlds suitable for life. You probably recognize the Genesis energy patern. I'll show you. The process involved a massive explosion that reduced the planet to subatomic particles, which then reassembled according to a preprogrammed matrix. Project Genesis was a failure as it was meant to create life, but in the hands of the wrong people it can be a devestating weapon. When the years passed, security around the project.. let's say... fell asleep a bit as this project was long forgotten." The meeting of the two is interupted. An officer on the bridge calls FMAR Draan. "Sir, Group One has found a ship sir. It is emitting a very faint signal like the energy signal we have found at Giometra. Group One is asking for orders." ::Onboard the EAS Terradyne:: FMAR Draan and General Jaust of Starfleet had just sat down to talk about attacks on planets that only end in total destruction of the planet when over the Comm system came, "Marshall! Message from Alpha Leader Zane. Group 1 has locked on the energy signature of the ship that destroyed Giometra. The ship has docked with a larger ship, and are awaiting orders." Draan looks at the Starfleet General, and says, "Bridge, bring the fleet to Red Alert. Set course for Giometra, bring Jump Engines on line and stand by for my order to Jump. Commander Bryant, open Gold Channel with scrambler code Beta 516. I want to speak With Alpha Leader Zane." "Yes sir. It will take a little time to reach him." "Thank you Commander." Draan and Jaust sit quietly, watching and waiting for the other to speak. A few minutes pass and then Bryant comes over the speaker in the Briefing room. "Sirs, I have Alpha Leader Zane on Channel 1 for you. Marshall the fleet is at Red Alert and Course is set Jump Engines are on line." "Acknowledged, Bryant." "Zane this is Marr. Report!" "Marshall, we have tracked the ship responsible for destroying Giometra. The ship has docked with a larger ship. The Fleet is out of enemy range for their sensors. Orders, sir." Draan looked at Jaust and said, "General you are welcome to come with us if you want to." Jaust looked at Drann and nodded yes. "Zane, Go to Red Alert! Do not activate Defense Grid, but load you Cobra bays with Thunderbolt Starfurys. We will be there as soon as we can, but will wait in Hyperspace as not to alert the enemy that we are on to them. If that ship moves follow it. They may lead us to their base!" "Aye sir! Zane out!" "Draan to Bridge, Signal the Fleet to Dock with the Terradyne. Once the Fleet has docked Jump to Giometra and remain in Hyperspace upon arrival at our destination. Players: Steve Elliot DS2 RPG General Status Report April 2006 USS Earth Deep into the Beta Quadrant the USS Earth has made contact with the Windosta, but the Windosta, are with to few to rescue the people in the region from the slavery of the cruel Draven. the USS Earth crew has started to liberate one planet after the other, until they are approached by Ronok, in a small ship. Ronok offers help from a large fleet of small ships. Commodore Steichen has only one order. "Let all these people with their ships help us in driving away the Draven. It is sure that the Draven will not go without a fight, but if all these small ships modify their shields as we have learned from the Windosta, this is indeed a powerful group of ships. But there is always the question whether we can keep this fleet under control..." But as the main Draven fleet approaches the USS Earth even more small ships join the fleet. In the short they still have, all ships receive instructions of how to addapt their shields against the Draven weapons. the ships will not be indestructable of course, but they will last longer in a fight. A battle plan is set up. The entire fleet will hide behind a nearby star, except fo the USS Earth itself. This way, if the USS Earth can handle the Draven by itself, there is no need to risk others lives. But if the USS Earth cannot, the entire fleet will attack. This tactic should work. Twenty four Draven ships are approaching. The Draven do not answer any communication attempts. All Draven ships power up weapons and shields. Their intention is clear. Commodore Steichen realises she needs help. The Draven ships are not close to being a threat one by one, but the Draven fleet is powerful enough to win a battle against the mighty USS Earth. Due to some miscommunication and the short time they had to prepare the large fleet wehind the star comes into action rather late. While the small ships are approaching, the USS Earth takes its first hits. Although the Windosta shields are strong they drop to 82 percent under the heavy attack of the Draven fleet. But just in time an extreme large fleet of at least a few hundred ships attack the Draven fleet. The pilots of these ships know they can probably take one or two shots. And they do. Seventeen Draven ships are completely destroyed, seven are crippled and waiting for the final blow. The battle is a huge success. The element of surprise seem to have worked. At this time the hunters have become the hunted. But Commodore Steichen takes a decision. "Let everyone show mercy. If the Draven are completely destroyed, we could be seen as equally evil. Just continue to liberate the last planets in this region from the Draven. Only if the Draven try to stop us, we will battle with them. We will also contact the Windosta to discuss the current situation and see if they have any additional information or suggestions on what to do." Players: Christine Steichen Starbase 369 The genesis technology is in the hands of people who are not to be trusted and do not have honest intentions. Commodore Geert Van Nieuwenhove is a step closer to solve the puzzle. But his actions are not going according plan. Geert's ship crashes on the Raletsian planet after a Romulan warbird explodes closeby. The primitive Ratletsians have captured two Romulans who have been able to use the escape pods of the Romulan warbird. As these Romulans could have important information, the Starfleet Commodore wants to save the Romulans from execution and take them to his starbase. But the Raletsians are not vonvinced and even if they wanted to, their laws forbid them to let the Romulans free. Commodore Van Nieuwenhove has no choice and contacts the USS Mexico, already in orbit. The Raletsians are more than a bit amazed when the entire group of Starfleet officers and Romulans disappear in a transporter beam. They can only see this as a sign of their gods... Aboard the USS Mexico the Romulans are locked up seperately. Because of a smart move of the security officers one of the Romulans called Podek, thinks the other, called Romek, has betrayed him. Podek starts talking. "It was Romek's idea. I had to follow his orders. I had nothing to do with it. the scientists, they had thrilitium. They said it was stable. They wanted to trade it with something even more powerful. I don't know what that was. Look, there are two factions in the Romulan Senate. One faction wants to restore the old glory to the empire but the other faction wants to rebuild the empire after the Reman ... thing..." It is clear now that the Romulans are divided. And it is also clear that a small faction of them are after genesis. Commodore Van Nieuwenhove realises the seriousness of the situation. Time is important. Starfleet Command has been already informed when the USS Mexico arrives at Starbase 369. A few days later rest has been restored on Starbase 369. there is no new information about the Romulans or the genesis technology, except that the USS Carl The Great has intercepted a Romulan scoutship in Federation space. The Romulan scoutship was self destructed before the crew of the USS Carl The Great could do something. But at Starbase 369 problems start almost at the same time... "Red Alert! Shields to maximum. Weapons ready!" A fleet of eight Romulan Warbirds has entered sensor range. Commodore Van Nieuwenhove recalls his entire fleet, except fo the freighter USS Carry. Starfleet Command is informed and a small fleet is dispatched to assist, although Starbase 369 can handle eight Romulan warbirds, it is not certain how many cloaked warbirds are escorting this small Romulan fleet. To their surprise Starbase 369 crw is addressed by the approaching Romulans. "I am Admiral Trevanok of the Romulan Eighth Fleet. You have some soldiers of ours in your custody. When we arrive we expect you to deliver them to us. If you do not, you will be destroyed." The communication ends. USS Starmaker Captain T'kon who has positioned his ship closeby the starbase makes a comment. "Commodore. We can destroy them easily. So their threat is illogical. I cannot understand why the Romulans send eight ships to retrieve two of their men in an almost suicide mission. I suggest we use the Starbase sensors to spy on the Romulans to see what is really going on. The starbase sensors are powerful enough to even look and listen to any conversation on a bridge of a Romulan warbird..." It is surely strange that the Romulans are this far in Federation space with 8 ships just to retrieve two of their men. A Vulcan would say that this is illogical. There must be more to this than it seems. Starbase 369 has sensor systems with which Commodore Van Nieuwenhove can even hear what is said on the Romulan ships. Therefore the Commodore's order is very clear. "We will spy on the Romulans and try to find out what they really want." Players: Geert Van Nieuwenhove USS Thunderbolt Hunok, a Romulan far far away from home, still has a little force in him, but aboard the USS Thunderbolt Three Borg Jedi masters are preparing to assimilate him... Although Hunok fights the nanites entering his body, he knows he cannot last long. With the Force he tries to contact his master to warn him about these Borg masters... That was his mistake. This way he lets the Borg know where his master is and that he is actually the apprentice. The fight doesn't take long. Hunok is no more, but the information he revealed was crucial. Lord One reports to Commodore Mechels. "Commodore, we have the information we need. We have to go to the planet called Deadom. In orbit there is a space station, heavily shielded, but no match for our weapons. But there is one thing. The way to Deadom is heavily guarded. There will be many casualties among the rebels, but I don't think the rebels will pass on this opportunity to strike back. And there is one other thing. We believe life should be protected, but we also believe that the evil emperor has to be eliminated to stop this danger. Oh and before I forget, the Romulans are indeed trying to get the Genesis technology. They operate through a network of pirates, mercinaries and former Maquis members. But the romulans do not have the Genesis technology yet. We still have time to hunt the Emperor. His name is Darth Saurent." The USS Thunderbolt and USS Recon set course to Deadom. Along the way more and more rebelships join the already growing fleet, more and more the Emperial fleet and troops retreat, planets are liberated but the intension of Emperor Saurent is clear. He will retreat all his forces to gather them for a last and final battle. The opposition for the rebels is none, but after a week in hyperdrive, the planet Deamon appears on sensors, together with 41 heavy super destroyers, 92 Star Destroyers and a huge amount of fighters... Fast orders from Commodore Mechels. "Attack immediately and let the Borg Jedi Masters handle emperor Saurent." Players: Helena Straetman,Caroline Keuleers,Willem Keuleers, Lieselotte Keuleers, Wouter Keuleers USS Walang The Hostility between the Kostans and Ftunama have stopped only to start talking to eachother aboard the USS Walang where Captain Hendriks is displaying rather good diplomatic skills. But the Kostan delegate called Hundrata tries to kill the Ftunama delegates. But he fails as Starfleet security officers intervene and take him to a holding cell. In a short recess Captain Hendriks has a talk with her First Officer Commander Bellafonte. "The Kostans have promissed to take care of this brutality and they will take this Kostan Hundrata. The Ftunama have already done a great gift. They must be tollarant and realise that both species are very different. The Ftunama now have the chance to prove their trust in the Kostans. To make good the murder attempt the Kostans will punish Hundrata and of course they must see to it that punnishment is done." And when the negotiations restart the Kostans have taken care of Hundrata who is banned to a penal colony Dreadmol for the rest of his life. the penal colony is well known by the Ftunama as well as many Ftunama have spend time their, all suspects of espionage. As a token of good will, the Kostans have set these Ftunama free. The Ftunama also have set free the spies they catched. And it seems to both sides the penal colony Dreadmol is a horroble place. It is a small moon just in between the Kostan and Ftunama territories, nomansland. Both species use this moon as prison... Although the Ftunama and Kostans are not immediately becoming friends after one or two talks, after a week of give-and-take, a treaty is signed. Without real contact, both species will commence trading. With this success for Captain Hendriks and her crew, it is time to move on. It is at these times the USS Walang crew realises space is a big place... So Captain Hendriks has new orders. "We will travel to the Scaton Nebula. Rumors say the nebula is haunted... or something... There are a lot of resources we can use. And of course as a curious species we want to unravel the secret of these ghosts that haunt the Scaton Nebula." Players: Marianne Loogen USS Vertigo Day 43 13.06 Lieutenant Commander Matz has briefed Commodore Slater about the situation on the planet Limara and the storms which are artificially created. With the readings of her tricorder the ship's computer triangualtes the origin of the power source which creates these storms. The storms are occuring on the entire planet. The power source is huge and easy to find through they eye of the storm. Day 43 13.10 Commodore Slater has decided to transport one of the humanoids who approached Matz on the planet to the USS Vertigo. The humanoid is very angry about his abduction, but after some time in the cell, he already tells his name, Pulanta, and explains he is indeed not from Limara. Pulanta explains he is a scientist doing weather experiments on the planet Limara. Nobody believes him. Day 43 15.00 Matz suggests to Commodore Slater to destroy the power generator. Commodore Jeffrey Slater orders Lieutenant Commander Matz to destroy the alien power generator on Limara. With a few well aimed phaser shots the power generator is disabled. The storms on planet Limara stop almost immediately. With an away team still on the planet reports are coming in fast. A few dozen alien humanoids is captured by the local population. Players: Nadine Peeters USS Iceberg Colonel Crow has to take action fast. But there is not much of a choice. "Protect the USS Starshine and warn the Romulans not to do anything that seems like a hostile action. Scan the Romulan vessel for any anomalies or alien technology..." But the Romulans do not answer and there is nothing unusual about the Romulan warbird. Atad finds nothing irregular or any anomalies. The Romulan warbird is called Trerix. The few minutes that follow seem to take hours of waiting for the first Romulan move. It does not take long. Two other Romulan warbirds decloak next to the Trerix. But to everyone's surprise the two new Romulan warbirds fire on the Trerix, destroying it completely. Only Atad seems to keep his mind focused. "Colonel sir, if we move fast we can send a T-probe on the Romulan ships, so at least we can see them when they are cloaked." But Major Bell has a different opinion. "Sir their shields are down. We can destroy them now. But we have to move fast. They are turning around and prepare to leave..." Players: Jan Theys USS Colorado/USS Cinebow Aboard the USS Colorado, Lieutenant Jeffrey Wayne in command has rescued 12 survivors of an energy penomena on the mining planet Camberra. He has to find out what happened as the USS Colorado could only just escape from the energy wave. ------------------------------------------ Admiral Mifuné meets with Captain Walker who is still disguised as a Vulcan called Sokar. Admiral Mifuné asks Captyain Walker what his plans are now as there seems to be a lot of Romulan spying going on in the Federation and the Romulan Senate still denies everything. ------------------------------------------ The USS Cinebow is in orbit of the planet G-09 Alpha. This planet seems to be uninhabited at first, but anaway team under command of Lieutenant Ally Jones has found humanoid life. But the ruins in which these people are living are not safe. Actually the entire planet is not safe. Lieutenant Jones has to convince the local population to come with the away team and evacuate the planet. But there are 17 thousand inhabitants... "Do not be frightened." The man who has approached Lieutenant Jones and her team seems to be some kind of leader of the group. The name Naden is spoken by him. "We are not afraid. We are protecting ourselves from what is above." But Lieutenant Jones needs more information. "Naden is that the name of your people?" "Is who I am. You are from above, what is it that you, want." "My name is Lt. Ally Jones from the Star Ship Cinebow, we are explorer's." Apparently Naden seems to be trusting Jones and calls his friends. "Yorlan it is okay, bring the others." Now it is clear Naden is a leader. His people will follow him, especially Yorlan. "I will bring the elders they will be pleased." "Who, who are the elders?" "The elders are from the above, they came down here a long time and give us life." A few minutes later Yorlan returns with the Elders. But these Elders look very different than the local population. Ensign Rockwell, with the tricorder in her hand reports. "Lieutenant, these are different. Their DNA looks alike, but it is not really the same. If we want to make sure we need to take them to our ship to sick bay. Please be careful Lieutenant." Players: Johan Michielsens, Conny Parmentier USS Alice Cooper While on Angel One the peace has returned because of the efforts of Angel One, Leader Beatta III and Marco Danno, leader of the male group "The Rising Sons" with the help of Ambassador Jas Stevens as mediator a new threat is coming to Angel One. Some Romulans think that it is time to whipe out the Federation, once and for all. There seem to be to much Romulans in the Federation. Some have been captured or killed, some could escape. A Romulan warbird, D'Ladex under command of Commander T'Norak is on a direct route to Angel One. But under leadership of Lieutenant Larek a mutiny against Commander T'Norak has started with sabotaging the cloaking device and arming Romulan officers. It is clear now that the Federation ships in orbit of Angel One, USS Alice Cooper-B, USS Greenland and USS Canada can see the Romualn warbird D'Ladex. Red alert is given on all three ships, Shields are raised and weapons are getting powered up. All three Federation ships try to contact the Romulan warbird, but there is no reply. Nobody on Angel One is informed, not even Ambassador Stevens. Captain Kalee does not want to raise panic on Angel One, especially now that there is peace and the violence has stopped between some males and females. Aboard the Romulan warbird D'Ladex, Lieutenant Larek and his officers are gaining on commander T'Norak's troops. But the fight is not yet over. And it is not sure what will happen if Lieutenant Larek will be able to take over the ship... Players: Crew of the USS Alice Cooper Ovion (Hirogen Hunting Vessel) The stargate opens. Two Hirogen Tok'ra send a stealth probe to the planet Vermilon. They wait. Data is coming in. The stargate on Vermilon is not defended. There are no Jaffa anywhere near the stargate. It is strange, but not unusual. If the Goa'uld are present on the planet Vermilon, they may feel themselves safe. But they are not. The probe takes a last turn and finds the fortress structure where the Tok'ra operative Gynst should be. But the probe is not able to go into the fortress. No scans can be conducted in the fortress. There is no other way than go through the stargate and investigate. Jotarn and Horkan step through the stargate ending up on Vermilon. Slowly the hunt of the two Hirogen soldiers begins. Through the woods and fields it is only ten minutes marching from the fortress. But the two HIrogen are hunting prey and they move much faster, unseen, ready to strike. Getting closer their scanners indicate about two hundred Jaffa in the fortress and in the central hall a Goa'uld. The scans prove that this Goa'uld is not Gynst, the Tok'ra operative. Jotarn makes a logical conclusion. "I think Gynst is dead. What do we do now?" "We must be sure. It is possible that Gynst is taken elsewhere." Scanners indicate no ships in orbit of the planet. It is strange, but as the Jaffa forces on this planet are not to large, it is likely, this is only an outpost. A few minutes later two Jaffa Guards at the gate of the fortress are on the floor. They didn't know what hit them. The gate is opened, two Hirogen enter and scanning for other life forms, they proceed to where they have to be: the large hall in the center of the fortress. On their way to the great hall, the Hirogen pass some rooms of which one is closed and protected by a forcfield. The forcefield is quickly disabled. In the room os a woman. she looks scared, especially the Hirogen look like terrible assasins. BUt the Tok'ra within Jotarn and Harkon recognise the woman as the host of Gynst. After a short introduction Gynst is healed. "Thank you Tar and Verti, I mean Jotarn and Harkon. The local population has escaped to the mountains and the Jaffa who took over my fortress, are not with many. They cannot hunt the population. If we can take over from the Goa'uld Roput, who leads these Jaffa, we can take over this planet and free the local population. Will you help me?" Players: Thomas van Rhee USS Oregon USS Oregon, Nebula class, is going on deep space assignment, this ship will not return in 5 to 7 years, exploring the gamma quadrant leaving through the Bajoran wormhole. Captain Roberto Adriano has the habbit of testing his junior officers. He is famous to ask weird questions and sometimes even lets a junior officer decide what to do. Of course Adriano intervenes when a junior officer makes a mistake. At such occasions Captain Adriano shows who is in command and why. Although he is always friendly he cannot be misunderstood. Adriano is convinced that Starfleet Academy can teach young people the basics of being a Starfleet officer, but the real decisions are made in space at a certain location at a certain time. And some decisions have to be made fast. That is why Adriano likes his First Officer Commander Lisa Lafitte. Lafitte is almost the perfect officer, an example to the crew and ready for her own command. After this mission when the USS oregon returns, she surely will get her own ship, certainly if Captain Adriano has anything to say about it. Captain Adriano always has his new graduated officers work in engineering first. This way these young officers can learn about daily routine, technology, the ship itself and what is expected from them. Although this mission looked like a regular exploration, first problems are already on the list. With the fall of the Dominion, some other species in the Gamma Quadrant have taken advantage of the situation to eliminate their opponents or even their own neighbours. The Gamma Quadrant seems to become a wild territory filled with anarchy. Although all of this information is only rumors... As usual Captain Adriano calls his junior officers and hears what they have to say about the situation. Including these officers is Lieutenant Cathy Edgington. Players: Cathy Edgington Earth Alliance Starship (EAS) Terradyne Two groups of the Earth Alliance Fleet are on their way to Giometra a planet, victim of a genesis torpedo. Aboard the Earth Alliance Starship Terradyne is also a Starfleet General Jaust, a Starfleet Marine who is fully informed about the Genesis technology, but who is also kept up to date about any movements of possible suspects. Jaust is amazed about the technology abaord the Terradyne. Although he doesn't really understand how it all works he has an idea what the results are. In a short time the entire fleet arrives at Giometra, keeping itself hidden from the large ship closeby. Apparently the criminals, using the genesis technology have come back to look at the result of their actions, unknown that they are watched from closeby. General Jaust recognizes the enemy ship immediately and is clearly a bit shocked when he informs Draan Marr. "That is a Romulan ship. It means the Romulans have indeed the genesis technology. This is a huge disaster. We have to stop them." Unknown to Draan Marr and Jaust himself, aboard the Romulan ship the crew is not completely in agreement of what they are doing. They have followed the orders up to now, but part of the crew cannot live with the idea the Romulan Empire will use these kind of weapons especially against the Federation. It is clear that the Federation will not stand by and watch while they are destroyed if it comes to that. Commander Toranek, in command of this Romulan ship called Dredaka gives his orders, not knowing part of his officers and crew are waiting for the right moment to grab control of the ship. "Engage cloak. Set course to grid 1645." Aboard the Terradyne General Jaust has been able to inform Starfleet Command. There are no orders for him yet. Then there is a new report. "Sir, the Romulan ship engages some kind of cloaking device. Our sensors can penetrate this cloaking sir. We can still see the Romulan ship. Sir the Romulan ship has come to a full stop. They are disengaging the cloaking device. Sir, I detect weapons fire on the ship, small and medium weapons. It seems there is a fight on that ship sir." And indeed aboard the Dredaka the first officer, Sub-Commander Karanak has given the command to his men still loyal to the Romulan Empire to grab weapons and take over the ship. He is supported by two Tal Shiar agents who claim that the actions of Commander Toranek are in violation of all Romulan laws... Players: Steve Elliot DS2 RPG General Status Report May 2006 USS Earth Deep into the Beta Quadrant the USS Earth has been fighting against the evil Draven who have put an entire region of space into their own grounds. the local population has been made slaves. But with the coming of the USS Earth, a species called Windosta contacts Commodore Steichen, in command of the USS Earth with the advanced technology of teh Windosta and the help of hundreds of fighter ships of the local population, the Draven fleet is almost completely destroyed. The remaining pilots of the small fighter craft realise that they have won, but they let the remaining Draven flee. The crippeled Draven ships are confiscated and under leadership of a man called Ronok the ships will be rebuiled or repaired. While on most planets in the region there are parties, the population start calling themselves Freedosta, aliek the Windosta living in this region many many years ago. The Freedosta do not know there are still Windosta around. But Commodore Steichen is already contacted by the Windosta right after the battle. "Commodere Steichen of the United Federation of Planets, we want to thank you. You have given these people a new future. We are a peaceful species and our numbers are low... Wait... There are mmore Draven ships coming, much more." The communication with the Windosta stays open, but Chief of Operations LT Harry Dankers can only confirm. "There are to many Commodore. We can handle one third of them, maybe half. The small ships of the Freedosta will not really matter in a possible battle. I suggest we warn them to hide and wait for a good opportunity to strike or become a resistance force. Just ion case I suggest we send all data we have so far about the Windosta and Freedosta to our Trade Embassy on the Vlodian Homeworld. The embassy can send the data to the other Federation facilities... The Draven will be here in less than a day. They are coming in from all sides. I am afraid there is no way to escape." Commodore Steichen has one day to come up with a defense plane or a plan to break through the Draven lines. A few new upgrades from the Windosta will probably not do the job, but it will help and it gives the crew of the USS Earth a chance, even if it is only a small one. One day later first contact between the USS Earth and the first scouts of the Draven fleet end with the destruction of the scouts. All Freedosta have been given the advice to hide and live in secrecy repairing the captured Draven ships so one day they can strike back. The Freedosta understand that there is little chance that they can do something now, but they also realise that this mighty Draven fleet will hunt the USS Earth to destroy it. The Freedosta, eager they are to join the USS Earth in battle, understand they have to be patient... "Commodore. There they are. Apparently they are not really coordinated. That is a chance we could use against them. They look like a wilde group of savages. The three runabouts are fully loaded with quantum torpedoes and ready to go." After the first contacts the runabouts are launched with the orders to escape if they have fired all their weapons. The Windosta shields are slowly losing their efficiency at the time the runabouts have fired their torpedoes and make a run for it. They are completely ignored by the Draven who now concentrate on the USS Earth. Shields drop rapidly to 71 percent, 59 percent, 42 percent, 29 percent, 14 percent... Warp power off line, phasers off line... Not yet half of the Draven fleet is destroyed... "Commodore there is another starship and another!" "Attention USS Earth this is Captain Veracruz of the USS Unity. Don't worry, we will get you out of this." Apparently the Draven have concentrated only on the USS Earth and have negelected all the rest. The Starfleet vessels USS Unity and USS Leibnitz are approaching at high warp. Incoming firing all their weapons at will, the Draven fleet is rapidly put into a complete surprise. The Draven ships even fire on their own. The panic that follows is complete, especially when a few of the Draven selfdestruct. The exploding Draven ships cause a chain reaction in the Draven fleet. The USS Unity and USS Leibnitz follow the USS Earth to a safe position. The Draven ships are to close to eachother. There is no stopping the complete destruction... "Commodore Steichen. This is Captain Veracruz. We have been contacted by a species called the Windosta. They helped us to get here fatser. We only have moderate damage to our ships. Yours is more damaged. You are welcome to join us to the Federation Trade embassy on the Vlodian homeworld. We also had contact with Psodon traders. They have invited the Federation to start a new trade facility. You have more experience with that. We have to return to Vlodian space." Before Commodore Steichen can reply the Windosta intervene to say a last word of thanks. "We want to thank you so much for helping the Freedosta and the Windosta. There will be peace again in this region and with the Freedosta a new era in this region has started. We will keep watching, but we will not intervene in their evolution. You way stay here as long as you like. If you really want to see paradise, we advice you to go to the Kstrama Region. Thank you again." Players: Christine Steichen Starbase 369 Starbase 369 has received a threat from Admiral Trevanok of the Romulan Eighth fleet. Although this Eighth Fleet is approaching the Federation starbase with only 8 ships, Commodore Van Nieuwenhove takes no chances. Tachyon bursts indicate there are no cloaked Romulan ships near the starbase. "Commodore, sensors are adjusted. We can see and hear what is happening on the Romulan lead ship. This ship is called Dadalek, Admiral Trevanok in command." Snesors are activated and on the main viewer the main bridge of the Romulan warbird Dadalek appears. A voice is heard. It is Admiral Trevanok. "... And we must. There is no choice. If these two start talking everything we worked for will be gone in a few seconds." Another officers speaks. "I agree Admiral. But what can we do? They must know we are outnumbered and outgunned. We cannot win if it comes to a battle. Those Federation pigs must know that too. I don't see another option than using the weapon. It will be ready in one hour." Admiral Trevanok is not pleased at all. "Commander Kodronak, I told you to have the weapon ready before we contacted the Federation Starbase. Why is there a delay?" Commander Kodronak seems to realise that he made a mistake here. "There were some complications. Our scientists are working on it. As I said before..." "I don't want to hear it! Get it done. And remember Commander, I will hold you responsible." Commander Kodronak leaves the bridge. Unknown to Kodronak, he is followed by Federation sensors. He passes through several corridors, turbolifts and ends up in a cargo bay. Commodore Van Nieuwenhove recognises the genesis probe. It is real. Commander Kodronak addresses one of the five scientists working on the probe. "Hurry up Doctor Junak. The Admiral is getting impatient." Doctor Junak turns around and looks Kodronak right into the eye. "Maybe yo can do it yourself. Did you realise that if the crews of the ships here and now would know we had this kind of weapon they would start a mutiny. Because if we use this weapon the Federation can strike back with these kind of weapons as well. And we only have a few that might work. The federation has a thousand of them and they will work. Do you really think that our soldiers abaord our ships here would like to see their home planets and families destroyed by the Federation with these kind of weapons. And there will be nothing to stop them. Your Admiral Trevanok is a madman. It is just because one of those two spies in the Federation holding cell is his son that we are here. He is using our resources to..." "Yes yes. Get to work Doctor. And remember most of our Romulan troops are loyal to Admiral Trevanok. That includes me." Without waiting for an answer Commander Kodronak turns around and leaves. Plans of the Romulans will be crossed by a Federation officer called Commodore Geert Van Nieuwenhove. The Commodore raises his voice and gives his orders. "Contact the Romulan Admiral Trevanok. Inform him that we know they have the genesis device and demand it back together with the information on where they got it in the first place. Make sure the other ships can hear the conversation too and if the Admiral refuses, ask him how his crew would feel if they were to learn that he would start a war with the Federation who have more of those weapons, who would surely destroy their homeworld than, simply because he wants to retrieve his son..." Players: Geert Van Nieuwenhove USS Thunderbolt In a faraway place in a totally different environment two Federation ships are hunting an emperor who is trying to enslave a species. The USS Thunderbolt and USS Recon have arrived at planet Deadom accomapnied by hundreds rebel ships. But Emperor Saurent is not planning to give up. In fact he is confident he is going to win this upcoming battle as he has foreseen it. 41 emperial heavy super destroyers, 92 emperial star destroyers and a huge amount of fighters start moving towards the coming rebel fleet, but apparently there are some new players in the game which the emperor has not foreseen. Two defiant class battleships have serious more fitre power than the emperial ships. While the first quantum torpedos dammage the first super destroyers, the rebel fleet shows it can attack in coordination with exelent tactics. The rebel fighters take the emerial fighters rather easy, but by fighting in larger groups attack the smaller emperial units our outnumbered and destroyed easily. On the bridge of the USS Thunderbolt, master One has a new report. "Lord two and Lord Three have made contact with emperor Saurent. The emperor is indeed very powerful, but our Lords will addapt." And indeed Lord Two and Lord Three have already killed the emperial guard, immediately after they materialized in the emperor's chambers. Saurent clearly is determined to destroy everything in his way to absolute power. With his force the emperor tries to manipulate the two Borg droid lords, but without success. After a few minutes he feels that he can move, but only with difficulty. Saurent feels that the force is extremely strong in these two strangers and he begins to have doubts. "Who are you? Why don't you join me. We can rule together..." But in complete silence the cybernetic Borg Lords keep attacking with their lightsabers. Emperor Saurent has to move backwards. After another two minutes of evading Saurent realises these two Lords must be Jedi Masters, but he cannot figure out where these two come from. But emperor Saurent is at home and his anger is coming to the extreme. It gives him extra power. He attacks, swings flies through the air. With all his moves he is able to hit one of the two Borg Lords... At the same time most of the emperial fighters are eliminated and only a few star destroyers remain The Uss Recon escorted by several rebel ships approach one of those star destroyers while the USS Thunderbolt is already on its way to another, accompanied by several larger rebelships. While his fleet is destroyed emperor Saurent truns around, but the two Borg Lords are still there. Saurents light saber did not hurt the Borg Lord he had hit. That one moment of amazement and hesitation becomes fatal for the Dark Emperor. A hand touches his shoulder, two small tubes come out of the hand, nanites are injected. The task is done. This emperor will no longer bother anyone. A moment later the two Borg Lords arrive aboard the USS Thunderbolt, just in time to see the destruction of the last star destroyer... Players: Helena Straetman,Caroline Keuleers,Willem Keuleers, Lieselotte Keuleers, Wouter Keuleers USS Walang The USS Walang is on route to the Scaton nebula, famous for the stories space travelers tell. The nebula seems to be haunted. But those stories do not scare the crew of the USS Walang. The resources for the ship are tremendous and extremely useful. Recharging and restocking will be the first priorities. And above all... This nebula is beautiful. Having a simple look will be worth it to travel to or even through it. Scientists abaord the USS Walang already are working around the clock to adjust sensors, preparing containers for samples and even the preparation of a shuttlecraft is in progress. But not only the scientists are happy. All of the crew realise that is what they signed up for. This is one of those peaceful explorations of phenomena in space nobody in the Federation has seen before. This crew is going to see it with their own eyes. Upon arrival at the outer part of the Scaton Nebula there is not one crewman assleep. They must feel the same as Columbus when he discovered the new world. The nebula is huge , has all kinds of colors and strangely exsists out of almost all elements. While the engineers start transporting the useful resources aboard, the scientists take samples, let their sensors detect and record as much as possible in the most possible short time. But most of the crew is sitting at windows, in their quarters, in the forward lounge, everywhere they can, just to have a look at this magnificant nebula. Slowly the USS Walang enters the nebula... Suddenly... There is movement. A small black shadow moves close to the USS Walang. In the nebula shields will not work, weapons will not work... There is no sound on the entire ship. Everyone looks at the shadow moving left to right. Chief of Operations Lieutenant Commander John Strauss has his first report. "Sensors do not operate completely accurate in this nebula Captain. But the movements indicate that whatever this is, is not moving randomly and therefore not a natural phenomena. I am not surprised that other space travelers see this as a ghost. It is getting closer Captain." When the shadow is close enough sensors can determine a form. First Officer Commander Harry Belafonte is the first to recognise the form. "Oh my... It is a Kirie !" Captain Hendriks shows some compassion. "Let the Kirie be. This is not our business and the Kirie does not seem to be a danger to anyone. Let him be in peace. Inform Station Kirie 1. We will try to contact this Kirie." Players: Marianne Loogen USS Vertigo Day 43 18.00 After a few hours the situation on Limara has been cleared. Twelve treasure hunters were stealing lots of artifacts from Limara. Creating the storms was only to have the local population not walking in their way. But now they are captured and will be judged... Day 43 20.00 Senior staff meeting. The USS Vertigo has left Limara and is on its way tho the Romulan Neutral zone. Apparently some federation intelligence officers think the Romulans have the genesis technology. Day 51 14.00 Senior staff meeting. Nothing unusual in this sector. The Romulan Neutral zone is as calm as space itself... Players: Nadine Peeters USS Iceberg Deep outside Federation space the USS Starshine, under command of Captain Hendry Stokes, and the USS Iceberg, under command of Colonel Crow, are confronted with a Romulan warbird called Trerix. Scans from the USS Iceberg reveal that the USS Starshine has a Romulan power generator abaord. Whether the Captain of the Starshine knows this, is not clear. Although both federation ships are prepared for anything, they don't seem in any danger, especially when two other Romulan warbirds decloak and destroy their Romulan ship Trerix. The situation becomes even more a mystery when the Romulan ships turn around and leave the Federation ships alone. Aboard the USS Iceberg most crewmembers are more than a bit surprised. Some are even horrified. "...shooting your own..." "That is not acceptable." "Why would they do such a thing? Killing maybe two thousand..." "Nobody deserves this... Not even Romulans." "...but how low can they get... sacrificing their own... for what?" There is an officer taking readings at the Romulan power generator abaord the USS Starshine in cargo bay 3. Cargo bay 3 has been limited to three people only. It is more than classified or top secret. Even the crew of the USS Iceberg does not know what this secret is. The officer is disgusted by the actions of the Romulans. He curses. Aboard the USS Iceberg the senior officers try to decide what to do about those two Romulan warbirds. Time is running out. The Romulans are on route to escape... Players: Jan Theys USS Colorado/USS Cinebow The USS Cinebow is in orbit of the planet G-09 Alpha. This planet seems to be uninhabited at first, but after investigation about 17 thousand people are discovered. But the ruins in which these people are living are not safe. Actually the entire planet is not safe. Lieutenant Ally Jones, in command of the USS Cinebow away team, meets with the Elders. Apparently the Elders are stranded space travelers... Or not... "We are the elders, my name is Elder Unass and this is Elder Dalell. We are pleased to received you." "My name is Lt. Ally Jones from the Starship Cinebow. We need to speak you." W"eknow Lt. Jones. We wish to speak you about the danger about this planet." "It is best that will join me, and speak with the Captain." The Elders Unass and Dalell are transported aboard the USS Cinebow to meet Captain T'Gor. During the meeting it becomes clear that a small group of space explorers has landed on the planetG-09 Alpha about a thousand years ago. They did not have a choice and mixed with the local population who used the old ruins as a home. Although the Elders do not know who build the ruins, they used them as homes as well. But after so many years and so many generations the Elders have kept their knowledge of their technology to themselves trying not to disturbe the evolution of the local population. Now at this time there are about 200 Elders, all decending from the astronauts who had landed on G-09 Alpha. Many of the population are killed because this planet is rough and dangerous. The Elders still have the scanners and other technology and still use it. This way they have been able to save a lot of lives and gained the respect of the local population. ------------------------------------------ Admiral Mifuné meets with Captain Walker who is still disguised as a Vulcan called Sokar. Admiral Mifuné asks Captyain Walker what his plans are now as there seems to be a lot of Romulan spying going on in the Federation and the Romulan Senate still denies everything. "Admiral we don't have any more leads. T'elmak believed that the Embassy we the centerpoint for communication, I quess this was wrong. I there lead you know, which we can track and capture any key person, so that we can cripple the Romulans." "Be careful Captain Walker... I mean Sokar... Some of these Romulans have the genesis technology or they are close to discovering the secret. Be very careful. Let's go." ------------------------------------------ Aboard the USS Colorado, Lieutenant Jeffrey Wayne in command has rescued 12 survivors of an energy penomena on the mining planet Camberra. He has to find out what happened as the USS Colorado could only just escape from the energy wave. But things do not go as the young Lieutenant had expected. The leader of the group called Alan Banks, which he has just rescued from a certain death has a surprise. "Captain we thank you for the rescue, but we need to go back!" There is absolute silence in the breefing room. Lieutenant Wayne cannot believ what he has just heard. "Go back Mr Banks." "Yes go back, there are others. We most go back!" But science is a sure thing and sensors of the USS Colorado have not detected anyone else on the planet Camberra. "There no others, our scans indicated that there were 12 survivors." But Alan banks seems to be very sure. "There are at least 450 of us! Spread all the planet. The energy wave is what brought our vessel down 16 years ago. We were with a crew of 1500 men." But Chief of Operations Lieutenant Doran wants to take precautions. "Captain I we are to go back, we need all the information on Camberra." But like all Starfleet personnel, Lieutenant Wayne realises that he has to do everything he can to help Alan Banks and his people. "Banks we help you!" The USS Colorado sensors are recalibrated and scanning begins. There are no unusual energy readings so there is no danger. With the help of Alan Banks as a guide some people of his Banks crew are found. While the search continues small groups of people are found and transported aboard the USS Colorado. 16 years ago Alan Banks was the Captain of the giant freighter Elephant. The Elephant had a crew of 400 and 1100 colonists aboard. With taking a stop at the mining planet Camberra to restock supplies, the ship was hit by an energy wave like the one the crew of the USS Colorado had just seen. The Elephant was not fast enough, was hit, crashed on the planet and the people aboard had to survive for 16 years. As mora and more people of the Elephant are transported abaord nothing more informations about these strange energy waves is found. The evacuation of the mining planet Camberra runs fats and smooth, until Chief of Operations Lieutenant Doran reports. "Sir, there is a small vessel approaching. They send a message. Wait a minute... The message says: We are the Darani. You are in our space. Leave immediately or you will be attacked. It is strange sir. This is federation space, and that ship cannot hurt us, certainly not destroy us. Shall we go to red alert sir?" Players: Johan Michielsens, Conny Parmentier USS Alice Cooper Peace has been restored on Angel One. Angel One, Leader Beatta III and Marco Danno, leader of the male group "The Rising Sons" have a small celebration with the people. Unknown to the people on Angel One, a Romulan warbird, D'Ladex under command of Commander T'Norak is approaching. Although the USS Alice Cooper-B, USS Greenland and USS Canada are in a position to block the D'Ladex. But it is still unsure whether this is an attack or a diplomatic visit from the Romulans. It is also unknown to the Federation whether there are more Romulan ships approaching Angel One, perhaps cloaked. Two more ships, USS Lyon and USS Doorway are also send to Angel One, but they will arrive only after eight days. Unknown to the Federation there is a mutiny going on aboard the Romulan warbird D'Ladex. Leader of the mutiny is Lieutenant Larek who cannot loonger stand by while his commander, T'Norak, only has eyes for an agressive action against Angel One. It was the goal of these Romulans to set up a Romulan base on Angel One from which they could opperate. T'Norak belongs to the group of hard liners whjo want to destroy the Federation now that the Romulans are close to discovering the secrets of the genesis technology. But most of the Romulans do not want to have anything to do with that. They realise that the Federation will strike back with equally deadly force of destruction. This is a war nobody can win.That is why Lieutenant Larek and more of the officers have taken the weapons and slowly break through the defense lines on the D'Ladex on their way to Commander T'Nolak. But Commander T'Nolak still has a large group of the crew aside him, now fighting for their lives. Players: Crew of the USS Alice Cooper Ovion (Hirogen Hunting Vessel) On the planet Vermilon the two Hirogen warriors Horkan and Jotarn have rescued the Tok'ra Gynst who ask for their help to free the local population from only a few Jaffa. After a complete scan only 27 Jaffa are found. When the night falls and all the Jaffa are assembled to discuss a last plan to hunt the local civilian population, Jotarn, Horkan and Gynst are already close to the Jaffa camp, heavily armed and setting up automated weapons. They do not wait until the Jaffa are asleep. Killing a prey in its sleep is absolutely out of the question for Hirogen. And so it begins. The surprise is complete. While the automated Hirogen weapons fire their deadly load of fire, driving the Jaffa to one side of their camp, the two Hirogen covered by Gynst enter the camp from the other side, showing that Hirogen are indeed great warriors. The last few Jaffas are killed by talons in man to man fights. The fight didn't last 10 minutes. One day later some of the local population have gathered around the small house of Gynst. They know now that their planet is free again. A group of Tok'ra arrive through the gate to teach the local population to defend themselves in case the Jaffa or a Goa'uld returns... Players: Thomas van Rhee USS Oregon The USS Oregon, under command of Captain Roberto Adriano has been assigned to a deep space exploration of the Gamma Quadrant. BUt before reaching Deep Space 9, rumors come in that with the fall of the Dominion some other species are taking over. That particular region is very unstable and maybe even hostile. Unknown to the USS Oregon crew, on Deep Space 9 security is on the look-out for a spy. Not sure yet what kind of spy, security knows that the communication array has been used without authorisation. The net around the spy is closing. The spy himself knows that if he is caught, he will be in serious trouble, and his mission would be a failure. Just as Deep Space 9 security enters the section, the spy is able to make a communication call. He is transported of Deep Space 9, probably on a cloaked ship. At Deep Space 9 Ops sensors detect the opening of the wormhole and clsong again. Apparently the spy has been able to escape through the wormhole with a cloaked ship. After reviewing the internal sensor logs it is clear that this spy was a... Romulan... Players: Cathy Edgington Earth Alliance Starship (EAS) Terradyne Aboard the Romulan warbird Dredaka a mutiny has started. The cloaking device has failed, First Officer Sub-Commander Karanak with at his side two Tal Shiar agents can convince most of the crew to stand up against Commander Toranek, who has to flee to engineering, where he an five other officers can lock the doors. There is a short meeting. there is not much time. Sub-Commander Karanak has already ordered to blow the doors. Romulan warships use a quantum singularity as main power source. If that explodes or overloads... the ship will be completely destroyed. ::On board the EAS Terradyne:: "Sir!" the science officer shouts. "I am detecting small and medium weapons fire on board the Romulan Ship!" Draan looks at Jaust and says, "This IS our chance to download their computer banks while their are busy. We can do it covertly they won't even know it is happening." Draan turns to his Operations officer, "Commander Vera, set up a covert link with the Romulan ship to download her computer banks as fast and as accurate as possible." Vera nods as she quickly works on her assignment. "Lt. Serna, please open coded channel 4 to the fleet." asked Draan Marr. "Channel Open, sir" replied the Communications Officer. "Attention all ships. This is Field Marshal Draan Marr. I am sure all of you have been informed by your Captains of our current situation. On my order all ships that are not docked with the Terradyne will activate their Defense Grid and launch all Starfurys. Target the Romulan Ship. No ship or fighter will fire unless fired upon. On my mark all Victory, White Star, and Warlock ships will Slingshot launch from the Terradyne. White Stars you will disable all weapons, engines, and communications on the Romulan Ship. Warlock and Victory Class Ships surround the Romulan ship. Operations, upon our ships disabling the Romulan Ship, lock tractor beams and put in bay 7. Security, prepare for a Tactical alert in Bay 7. All weapons to stun as I want questions answered." "Verna to Draan, download complete. We have the entire Romulan data banks." "Acknowledged, Commander!" Draan says with a large smile. While looking at the Starfleet General Draan walks towards the communications station at the rear of the Command Deck and motions for Jaust to join him, and says, " General, I would be honored if you would join me in giving the order to attack." Jaust walks to Draan and together they open the fleet channel. "All ships, all starfurys BATTLESTATIONS! All Ships, all starfurys LAUNCH!" order Draan and Jaust. Red flashing lights and alarms replace the white lights of the Command Deck of the Flag Ship of the Earth Force Special Forces ship. Watching an impressive view from the Command Deck of the Terradyne as wave after wave of Starfurys launch from their base ships and Capital ships launching one after another from the Terradyne. The huge fleet coming down on the Romulans is of course detected. On the bridge of the Dredaka the officers stare at the main view screen in disbelieve. Most of them are speachless. Lieutenant Lordek, a hardliner, is the first to regain control over himself. He pushes some buttons and his voice is heard all over the ship. "We are under attack. There must be hundreds of ships surrounding us. I don't know how many. Sub-Commander Karanak. What are your orders?" Blowing the doors of engineering has to wait. Karanak runs to the nearest console and watches the fleet surrounding the Romulan ship. The time karanak has to think is used by Commander Toranek to execute his last plan. Whether the ship gets into the hands of the Regular Romulan officers or in the hands of a possible enemy, doesn't matter. Self destruct is initiated. Aboard the Terradyne, the activation of the self destruct aboard the Romulan ship Drenaka is also registred. There is nothing that can be done... While all ships around the Romulan warbird get away to a safe position, the quantum singularity of the Dredaka overloads and explodes. A minute later there is nothing left of the Dredaka, but debris. No escape podds are detected, no Romulan life of any kind is found. Starfleet Marine General Jaust has mixed feelings. The good news is that the complete databank of the Romulan ship has been downloaded. In the database there are some special notes about Romulan rebels who seek glory for the Romulan Empire. Their bases are located, deep intop Romulan space on the planets Junak, Genok and Frino. There are not as much rebels as expected, but still to much to consider them weak. Every rebel planet has about 10 thousand inhabitants. These rebels have almost fifty ships, but their location is unknown... Players: Steve Elliot DS2 RPG General Status Report June 2006 USS Earth Deep in the Beta Quadrant the USS Earth is on its way to the Kstrama system. According the Windosta The Kstrama region is real paradise. On route repairs are being conducted. All crewmembers are looking forward to go on this trip. Paradise seems to be close enough. While the repair crews work hard, off shift they are already taking advantage of the holodecks to prepair themselves for paradise. Of course everyone has a different look on paradise. The recreation on the holodecks often lead to discussions. Even Vulcan First Officer T'Lok finds it all fascinating. Without interuption the USS Earth enters the Kstrama system after 19 days. A small vessel approaches but doesn't seem to bother with the USS Earth. So Commodore Steichen contacts the ship. "Oh hi there. We are the Glodnert family. We have been on vacation here. Oh we all regret we have to go home again. This has been a great vacation. But you know how it is. Work awaits and is not done by itself. We will surely return next cycle." Now that is indeed promissing. Some more ships are encountered and the same story has been told. The USS Earth sensors detect no life at all on Kstrama II. So it is decided that Kstrama II will be the place to land and have the crew take R&R. Upon reaching orbit the USS earth is contacted from an automated buoy. "Hello, and welcome to the pleasure resort, Kstrama II. The planet is completely free at the moment so pick your spot for a perfect vacation. You can go anywhere you like on Kstrama II. Please respect the privacy of other guests in this vacation resort. Thank you. Hello, and welcome to..." The message repeats itself. Only after an hour of scanning the planet the first officers transport down. The first reports are incredible. This planet is one natural paradise. Waterfalls in forrests, with beautiful weather, mountains to climb, beaches to lay on, oceans to surf, swim and play... Players: Christine Steichen Starbase 369 Starbase 369 has received a threat from Admiral Trevanok of the Romulan Eighth fleet. Although this Eighth Fleet is approaching the Federation starbase with only 8 ships. Aboard Starbase 369 is Admiral Trevanok's son in captivity. Commodore Van Nieuwenhove in command of the Federation Starbase knows he can destroy the Romulan fleet easily with his fleet, but he has to know what is going on with the Romulans who have the genesis technology. The commodore threatens the Romulan Admiral Trevanok to inform all Romulans about the threat of the genesis weapons, the destruction these will bring in the Romulan Empire and all because some Romulan Admiral wants to retrieve his son. Admiral Trevanok has two choices. He can deploy the genesis weapon he has aboard his ship and surely lose his son, or he can try to convince Commodore Van Nieuwenhove to return his son. That last option he can only do by giving up all he knows about genesis and who is in control of that very top secret in the Romulan Empire... After a few seconds Admiral Trevanok realises... "What have I done?... What have we done?... This must not continue. The Romulan Empire will be destroyed... Commodore Van Nieuwenhove I surrender. I want to make a deal with you. If you return our officers to us? I will give you all information you need and as a token of my good will, I will send you data on the Romulan rebel bases." A moment later Starbase 369 receives a set of data: In the data there are some special notes about Romulan rebels who seek glory for the Romulan Empire with genesis technology. Their bases are located, deep into Romulan space on the planets Junak, Genok and Frino. There are not as much rebels as expected, but still to much to consider them weak. Every rebel planet has about 10 thousand inhabitants. These rebels have almost fifty ships, but their location is unknown... Commodore Van Nieuwenhove contacts Starfleet Command and suggests a temporary alliance with the Romulans to safguard both empires. Players: Geert Van Nieuwenhove USS Thunderbolt The war is over in the galaxy far far away... Democaracy has been given back to the people, the vicious emperor Saurent has been assimilated and the USS Thunderbolt returns to most important duties. Escorted by the USS Recon, under command of Commander Carl Summer a voyage to Romulan space has to be taken. "The rumors about some dissident Romulans who have gotten their hands on the genesis technology have become true. It is time to go to Romulan space and help to get these dissidents." The orders are clear. Master Borg One has already done the necessary research. The Romulan threat concentrates itself around three planets. Their bases are located, deep into Romulan space on the planets Junak, Genok and Frino. These planets are rather far away from eachother. They will have to be taken one by one. Unknown to the Borg aboard the USS Thunderbolt a strange unknown fleet is also heading for Romulan space. These humanoids have been a victim of a genesis attack as well, and they will not rest until a "sollution" has been made. This huge fleet has the same objectives as the USS Thunderbolt. At transwarp speed the two Federation ships speed up towards Junak, the first and primary objective. But the Romulans send out a ship to meet with the USS Thunderbolt and USS Recon. As Chief of Operations Lieutenant Commander Leelo Brussels reports. "Sir, sir there is a small Romulan scoutship on an intercept course." Before they know it the Federation ships are contacted by the Romulans aboard the scoutship. "My name is not important. You are deep into Romulan space. We can help you to get anywhere in Romulan space as you like. Just say where you want to go." Lieutenant Commander Leelo Brussels probably says what everyone else thinks. "Sir, these Romualans are either very brave or extremely stupid. What are your orders sir?" "This is a trap, but we can use these Romulans to take us to more dissidents on Junak, one of the Romulan dissident bases. These Romulans cannot hurt us, so we take the chance, play along, and act if we want to help the Romulans, to whipe them out when we got them all together at Junak." Players: Helena Straetman,Caroline Keuleers,Willem Keuleers, Lieselotte Keuleers, Wouter Keuleers USS Walang The USS Walang has traveled to the Scaton Nebula where they are surprised to see a Kirie, who is far away from the Kirie community. Linguits aboard the USS Walang are trying to talk to the Kirie, but the Kirie seems to be in confusion. Abaord the Federation space station Kirie 1 Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Calhoun has talked to the Kirie community about the lost Kirie in the Scaton Nebula. A small group of Kirie is assembled. And only a few minutes later a group of six Kirie leave the community and speed to the Scaton Nebula. It is still unknown how the Kirie travel so fast, but they do. A Federation starship takes almost six months to get from Station Kirie 1 to the Scaton Nebula. The six Kirie do it in 6 hours... When they arrive they immediately go to the lost Kirie. They don't even look at the USS Walang. It is not until they have hugged and talked to the lost Kirie they start speaking to the USS Walang crew. "Captain Hendriks. Once again we are in your debt. You have found one of the lost Kirie, who once again can rejoin with us at home in the Kirie community. Thank you." Although Captain Hendriks explains that this was all pure luck, the Kirie thank her again. But they also have some kind of a warning. "Captain Hendriks, this nebula... It is unclear to us what it is exactly. I would not proceed into the nebula further if I were you, but if you do, please be careful. Thank you again for saving our Kirie." Then the Kirie leave. Six hours later a huge party among the Kirie celebrates the homecoming of a lost Kirie. Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Calhoun aboard the small Federation space station Kirie 1, organises her own party to celebrate the homecoming of the lost Kirie. And the Kirie community really appreciates this. Some of the Federation officers aboard space station Kirie 1, put on their life suits and take time to do a space walk, mingling among the Kirie community to celebrate with them. At the same time abaord the USS Walang Captain Hendriks decides to continue the search in the Scaton Nebula. "We don't know what we can find. We are still curious whatever we find, it may be useful to us all. We are to far from home to assist in any war back home." Players: Marianne Loogen USS Vertigo Day 52 14.00 Senior staff meeting. After 24 hours, nothing unusual has happened. There is nothing to report from this sector of the border of the Romulan Neutral Zone. Day 52 17.34 The USS Vertigo is hit by a small shockwave, but no damage is done. Shields were holding. The pattern of the shockwave lloks similar to the genesis wave, but is not exactly the same. Investigating the situation it becomes clear a planet called Kronex in Romulan space has partly exploded. The Romulan authorities on planet Kronex send out a message that there has been a small incident on Kronex. Nothing to worry about. All federation ships are demanded not to enter the Neutral Zone. Day 52 18.16 The first sensor logs on the USS Vertigo indicate that the planet Kronex is destroyed for 31 percent. Apparently there was a serious accident with a genesis device. Players: Nadine Peeters USS Iceberg Deep outside Federation space the USS Starshine, under command of Captain Hendry Stokes, and the USS Iceberg, under command of Colonel Crow, are confronted with a Romulan warbird called Trerix. Scans from the USS Iceberg reveal that the USS Starshine has a Romulan power generator abaord. Whether the Captain of the Starshine knows this, is not clear. Although both federation ships are prepared for anything, they don't seem in any danger, especially when two other Romulan warbirds decloak and destroy their Romulan ship Trerix. The situation becomes even more a mystery when the Romulan ships turn around and leave the Federation ships alone. Aboard the USS Iceberg most crewmembers are more than a bit surprised. Some are even horrified. "...shooting your own..." "That is not acceptable." "Why would they do such a thing? Killing maybe two thousand..." "Nobody deserves this... Not even Romulans." "...but how low can they get... sacrificing their own... for what?" There is an officer taking readings at the Romulan power generator abaord the USS Starshine in cargo bay 3. Cargo bay 3 has been limited to three people only. It is more than classified or top secret. Even the crew of the USS Iceberg does not know what this secret is. The officer is disgusted by the actions of the Romulans. He curses. Aboard the USS Iceberg the senior officers try to decide what to do about those two Romulan warbirds. Time is running out. The Romulans are on route to escape... Players: Jan Theys USS Colorado/USS Cinebow The USS Cinebow is in orbit of the planet G-09 Alpha. There is a population of about 17 thousand and about 200 so called Elders, descendants of space travelers who landed on G-08 Alpha about a thousand years ago and have kept most part of their technology. Unass and Dalell, two leaders of the Elders are tranported aboard the USS Cinebow. Captain T'Gor shows his diplomatic skills. "I can other stand your refusal to use technology, and by that not disturbing there way of life." Unass can only nodd and agree. "That is correct Captain." But Dalell seems more uncertain. "Does that mean you will not help us!" It is at this time Lieutenant Jones intervenes. "Captain if I may. No we will try to help you. But time is not on our side, the Cinebow cannot do what you ask on there own." Now Unass is uncertain. "What do you mean!" And again Captain T'Gor shows that he is a skilled diplomat. "What Lt. Jones means, you have to help in some way." And Lieutenant Jones explains. "Is not so much about the Naden pollution of 15.000, it is about the time we have. It is a matter of days, at least three." Plans have to be made and Dalell is prepared to do what has to be done. "We discuss the matter further." But the talks are interupted by Chief of Operations Lieutenant Ipsus Luda. "Captain. We have a problem sir. Massive quakes on planetary scale and volcano eruptions. Almost the entire planet is at risk. If these planetary disturbances continue, the entire planet can explode." In the breefing room Unass, Dalell, Jones and Captain T'Gor are looking at the small viewscreen. Dalell is the first to speak. "Captain T'Gor. We have had lots of ruptures like this, but never this strong. These planetary disruptions can split the planet, maybe even completely destroy it. You are just in time to save us. If you want and if you can." And there is another report from Lieutenant Ipsus Luda. "Captain, we are contacted by a trade ship of the Brodaren. They will pass by this planet within the hour. They have seen the condition of the planet and ask whether we need assistance." ------------------------------------------ Aboard the USS Colorado, Lieutenant Jeffrey Wayne in command has rescued 12 survivors of an energy penomena on the mining planet Camberra. He has to find out what happened as the USS Colorado could only just escape from the energy wave. But the leader of the survivors says there are at least 450 more people on the planet. Survivors of a crash of the freighter Elephant which was hit by the energy waves 16 years ago. Lieutenant Jeffrey Wayne knows he has to do everything possible to save these people even with the threat of an energy waves. More of Banks people are discovered on the planet and they are contacted. But there is also another ship who has received the distress call of the survivors of the Elephant. "This Captain Jeffrey Wayne of the Federation star ship Colorado. We are on a rescue mission, I'm surtain your tactical officer conform this." "I am Captain Goya, of the vessel Dumarr of the Dumarr region. We know of the rescue mission, we also received a signal. But not from the people." Wayne is very much surprised. "The energy beam." And Goya continues. "Yes our means of defence, many travel through this part and find nothing they can use. But some many years ago we encounter'd a species called Magois, they found a way to penetrate the planet shielding and weakened it. Since then we placed a defence system that work on its own." Wyane already sees the problem. But he has to be sure. "In other words." Goya has a confession to make. "We cannot control it, so it must be terminated. The energy is some kind of life form." Another voice is heard. "My name is Moya, Captain if you do not leave now it is not us who will destroy your vessel but the energy life form. It is feeding on everything the planet can offer except life forms, it will destroy your ship bring it down and keep you." "Thank you, but in a few minutes we will complete the rescue." Goya has calculated hwo much time there is still left. "You have ten minutes to complete." "Thank you. Mr Banks anything you like to add." "Not really, everything Goya says is true." RED ALERT, RED ALERT It is Lieutenant Doran who reports. "Captain the energy wave is back, it will reach within 30 seconds." Apparently the calculations of Goya were not correct. But just before the energy wave hits the USS Colorado, the last survivor of the Elephant has been rescued. The USS Colorado breaks orbit, jumps to warp and can escape... ------------------------------------------ Far away from his ship the USS Colorado Admiral Mifuné meets with Captain Walker who is still disguised as a Vulcan called Sokar. Abaord the USS Colorado everyone thinks that Captain Walker and First Officer Commander Sonak have been killed in a shuttle accident. "Where are we going admiral." The Admiral points. "Just follow me." A bit later Admiral Mifuné and Sokar meet with the rest of the team. In silence the group walks through several corridors take two turbolifts and end up in a large hall. In the middle of the hall is a space ship of unknown design. And Admiral Mifuné explains. "Gentlemen, this is the freighter Slarop. It is a Federation ship with a cloaking device. It has no weapons, only shields. If you accept this mission, you will go abaord and travel to Romulus, the heart and capital planet of the Romulan Empire where you will spy on the Romulan Senate. We want to know everything about their knowledge of the genesis technology. Until now the Romulan senate has said that they don't know anything, and that there is a small dissident and rebel group in the Romulan empire preparing an attack on the federation. But we do not believe them. We think they are all in this together. But we need prove. If you accept this mission and you will be caught, we will deny that we know about you. We will simply say we do not know you and that you acted on your own." Players: Johan Michielsens, Conny Parmentier USS Alice Cooper Close to Angel One the USS Alice Cooper-B, the USS Lyon and USS Doorway are moving closer to Angel One The Romulan warship is moving closer too, but at slower speed. It is clear to Captain Kalee that there is something strange going on with the Romulan warbird, but it is not clear what it is exactly. Sensors indicate that there are small weapons fired aboard the Romulan warbird. Aboard the D'Ladex Lieutenant Larek and his troops make progress and Commander T'Nolak has to retreat and regroup on the two upper decks. Through the small corridors it is difficult to progress and Lieutenant Larek decides to accept a moment of thinking about the next step. Larek doesn't want his men killed. Then the message comes in that engineering is back in the hands and under controle of Larek's men. "Lieutenant we will have transporters up and running in a few minutes." But on the main bridge Commander T'Nolak has intercepted the communications and he puts his men to work. If he can get control of the transporters first, he can transport all his opponents into a cargobay or even in space... Players: Crew of the USS Alice Cooper Ovion (Hirogen Hunting Vessel) Gundrota, a planet in the Delta Quadrant, defended by the Tok'ra and two Hirogen Tok'ra, Horkan and Jotarn. The Tok'ra are completing the defenses on the planet Gundrota as they expect an attack from the Goa'uld. The danger of the Goa'uld will always be there. Although an attack is not expected soon, the Tok'ra do not take any risks. The tunnel complex is completed and shielded, the Chapa'aai is taken down to a thousand meters below the surface heavily guarded by automated Hirogen weapons and a shield to block all unwanted incoming travelers. The Tok'ra are amazed by the level of technology that the Hirogen have developed. The Hirogen are still a young species in the eyes of the Tok'ra who are thousands of years old. But the Hirogen are hunters and have developed technology only to hunt and battle. More Tok'ra have come to Gundrota. With the Hirogen scanners they are scanned and have become cleared to access the Tok'ra base. The planetary defense systems are more powerfull than those of the Tolians, who were famous for their technology. But also the planets Glion and Vermillon need defenses. And they are build as well. The Tok'ra learn about the Hirogen technology very fast and use it as they can. The story of the Hirogen Tok'ra is told and more Tok'ra and other refugees of the Goa'uld come to one of the defended planets of the Tok'ra. But some Tok'ra think it is time to strike at the Goa'uld. A planet called Fanaro is heavily defended, but the Hirogen weapons and defensive systems could be used and give the Tok'ra a serious advantage. But it is also sure Tok'ra will be killed in this operation, even if it is executed very carefully. According Tok'ra spies there are at least 15 thousand Jaffa under leadership of the Goa'uld Cader, a minor important Goa'uld who is building an army to get himself higher, maybe even to become a Goa'uld system lord. But in orbit of Gundrota the Ha'tak ships are upgraded with Hirogen technology, like weapons, shields and a cloaking device... Players: Thomas van Rhee USS Oregon The USS Oregon approaches the Bajoran Wormhole leaving DS9 behind. When the wormhole opens, it looks like a huge mouth of a monster eating the starship. A moment later the USS Oregon travels through the blue like wormhole. The Captain has given permission for the new officers aboard to assemble in the forward lounge to see the inside of the wormhole through the large windows. The magnificant sight doesn't take long as the USS Oregon jumps out of the wormhole on the otherside moving at full speed. The first sensor sweaps do not reveal any danger and at low warp the USS Oregon sets course to unexplored territory in the Gamma Quadrant. It is most of all Captain Roberto Adriano who realises that his ship is far away from home. This entire quadrant could be hostile, but risk is part of the game as Lieutenant Edgington has already pointed out. But nothing out of the ordinary happens the first week of the voyage. The new officers are integrating in the crew which pleases the Captain. Lieutenant Edgington has ended her duties in engineering and is transfered to security. In fact all new officers are transfered to security. Captain Adriano demands that all of his officers knwo every single security drill on the ship especially now that the USS Oregon is far from home and without immediate support. And already on the first day of this new roster, a planet is discovered where apparently a huge war has been going on for the last few days. Most of the cities are completely destroyed. What is left is an uninhabitable planet. The planet is designated as Opal III. Lieutenant Edgington on the bridge at the tactical station can only confirm the sensor readings. There is no sign of any fleet or any debris in space. Maybe the inhabitants had a planetary war. But there are no traces or indications that this civilization was advanced enough to destroy themselves. First Offcier Lafitte presumes whoever did this has already left. As Captain Adriano asks his officers for an opinion he also asks Lieutenant Edgington what she thinks. Players: Cathy Edgington Earth Alliance Starship (EAS) Terradyne Romulan rebel bases on the planets Junak, Genok and Frino, deep in Romulan space are preparing for the next blow. Under command of Admiral Karok several ships have arrived with more troops ready to serve the new cause. These Romualns believe that they can force the balance of power in the Quadrant by using the genesis technology. Unknown to these Romulans a huge fleet of the Earth Alliance under command of FMAR Draan Marr is standing ready to intervene. While plans are made abaord the EAS Terradyne, flagship of this fleet, someone else is also on its way to Junak. Commodore Mechels in command of the USS Thunderbolt, escorted by the USS Recon are completely invisible, even for FMAR Draan's fleet. The two ships are enhanced and upgraded by three Borg from the 29th century... Players: Steve Elliot DS2 RPG General Status Report July 2006 USS Earth Kstrama II... The USS Earth is in orbit while a part of the crew is exploring the paradise like planet. This planet is one natural paradise. Waterfalls in forrests, with beautiful weather, mountains to climb, beaches to lay on, oceans to surf, swim and play... But Commodore Steichen has her thoughts. "There must be something strange about this system. It looks like paradise and nevertheless there is plenty of room for much more people. Kstrama II is completely uninhabited... we will start a full investigation." While the away teams on the planet act as if they don't know anything about it, the crew aboard the ship start all kind of scans. With the worst case scenario in mind even security is standing by for any event. But after a full day, nothing has come up. Even the Tachyon bursts have not revealed anything more than the eye can see. So a second day starts. More scans, deeper under the surface of the planet. Contact is made with other space travelers who pass by... Everything and everyone seems to be paradise... People come to these planets in the Kstrama system for their vacation. "Commodore Steichen of the United Federation of Planets. Nice to meet you. I am Groldts of the Strnoned. Sorry I am in a hurry. But I have taken as much time as I could here to have the maximum of my vacation as I could. Now I have to go to work again. But i will be back next vacation. The children love it too..." And then Groldts ship jumps to warp and disappeares. One of many coming and going people. And everytime a new ship arrives in the system, the same old message is run: "Hello, and welcome to the pleasure resort, Kstrama II. The planet is completely free at the moment so pick your spot for a perfect vacation. You can go anywhere you like on Kstrama II. Please respect the privacy of other guests in this vacation resort. Thank you. Hello, and welcome to..." At first Kstrama II was not populated, but in the last day three families have landed and have started their vacation in paradise on Kstrama II. One family comes for the fourth time... More and more some crewmembers are getting the impression that there is absolutely nothing wrong here until... "Commodore! Commodore! You must see this. We have found something." Some of the away team members has found the remains of two Borg in a small forrest, behind a waterfall. One of these Borg is male, the other one is female... Players: Christine Steichen Starbase 369 All is well at Starbase 369. A temporary alliance with the Romulans has been set up and there is no danger in the fact that the small Romulan fleet at the doorstep of the Starbase will be a threat. Admiral Trevanok in command of this small Romulan fleet has surrendered and is reunited with his son, captured by Starfleet and locked up in a holding cell. But now the difficult part is to find out what to do first. There are three planets the Romulan rebels use as base: Junak, Genok and Frino. These planets are deep into Romulan space, but the Romulan senate gives permission for the fleet of Commodore Van Nieuwenhove to enter Romulan space and go to these planets. But the trip to the Romulan neutral zone is still one of a few days. But the fleet under command of the Commodore aboard the flagship USS Mexico assembles and leaves Starbase 369. During the following days, battle drills are conducted, ships crews are preparing for nothing else than battle. Communications are with Starfleet Command, but also with Senator Aldek of the Romulan Senate. It is Senator Aldek who keeps the Federation up to date about the rebels in the Romulan Empire. "Commodore it is good to speak to you again. We have found out that several of our ships do not respond anymore to orders. It seems that these ships are assmebling between Junak and Genok. We do not know exactly how many ships are on their way, but there are not many. i understand you will arrive at the border of the neutral Zone within a day. That is good. We believe this rebel fleet is assembling to execute a major attack on Federation targets. I will keep you posted." As the channel closes the last preparations have successfully been completed. Commodore Van Nieuwenhove's fleet is battle ready. A day later the fleet arrives at the border of the neutral zone. Sixteen more ships are on their way from Starbase 466, but they will arrive on Tuesday... Captain Sigrid Johansson turns around on the bridge. "Commodore We have arrived. If we cross this line, we cannot turn back..." But before Commodore Van Nieuwenhove can answer, he is contacted again by Senator Aldek of the Romulan Senate. Aldek seems very nervous. "You have to hurry. We have received communications these rebels are planning to move. Our fleet will arrive to late. There is nothing we can do, but you are much closer. We will send you the coordinates of the rebel fleet. they are indeed extremely dangerous. But you have the element of surprise. Act now and do what you have to do." But Commodore Van Nieuwenhove is not convinced... "We will send one ship to romulus to find out what is going on and proceed at yellow alert." Players: Geert Van Nieuwenhove USS Thunderbolt At the planet Junak the USS Thunderbolt and USS Recon have had an encounter with a Romulan rebel ship. It is easy for Commodore mechels and his crew to act as if they are Federation fugitives who want to join the Romulan rebels who have these powerful weapons known as genesis weapons. Commodore Mechels is able to convince these Romulan rebels that he has been sent here to assist. Unknown to the rebels is of course the fact that Mechels only wants to get this entire Romulan rebel fleet together and whipe them all out of exsistance... or something worse... With a speach of incredible patriotisme and war encouragement Commodore Mechels gains the trust of the rebel Romulans who are extremely happy to see that some of the Federation ships are already defecting and getting on their side... Unknown to the rebels is of course the fact that Mechels only wants to get this entire Romulan rebel fleet together and whipe them all out of exsistance... or something worse... Once Commodore Mechels has established good relations with the Romulan rebels at Junak he offers the idea that the fleet should assemble and that a major strike should be prepared. The time has come to eliminate that Federation scum... Unknown to the rebels is of course the fact that Mechels only wants to get this entire Romulan rebel fleet together and whipe them all out of exsistance... or something worse... And only a week later indeed a large fleet of almost 200 Romulan ships gather between Junak and Genok... The thoughts of Commodore Mechels are only his own... "That is an impressive fleet. These Romulan rebels have more firepower than I have anticipated. Apparently these Romulan rebels see me as their leader already. I can do one of my heroic speaches in which I explain the real traitors are the Romulans who are against this war with the genesis technology. I will use these Romulans to eliminate all Romulans who are not joining up with the rebels. Maybe I can become the new Romulan emperor... Of course this fleet of 200 is still small. The entire regular Romulan fleet is about 10 thousand ships..." Players: Helena Straetman,Caroline Keuleers,Willem Keuleers, Lieselotte Keuleers, Wouter Keuleers USS Walang USS Walang... Traveling in the Scaton Nebula... Lots of resources are being gathered and processed on the ship. The cargo bays are getting filled with all kinds of metals, minerals, gasses which are condensed to fluids, but no other life forms are encountered. After a few days already First Officer Commander Harry Belafonte reports in the Captain's ready room. "Captain. This is incredible. If we can continue to mine like this, within a week we will have resources to last for the next ten years. This nebula is a source of infinite resources. Lieutenant Commander John Straussn has calculated that Starfleet could build a starbase here in less than a year, if there are enough people for the building. Therefore I suggest we use this nebula as base for further exploration. We can always return here and refill our tanks so to speak." Captain Hendriks realises that more people will discover this nebula. And maybe now that the Kirie has left, other people will not be afraid anymore to visit this nebula and mine for resources as well. There could even be a war about the Scaton Nebula, just because of the resources... And a few days later, a small fleet of ships enters the Scaton Nebula. The USS Walang's cargobays are completely filled. "Captain a small fleet has entered the Scaton Nebula. According our scans there are five ships, three mining ships and two warships. We do not have to fear those warships... Wait a second here... There is another fleet entering the Scaton Nebula from the opposite side. It is another species, unlike the first one. These are four warships and five mining ships. Aparently they do not take any chances. And another fleet Captain. Another species..." More and more fleets are entering the Scaton Nebula. After a full day there are seventeen different species mining in the Scaton Nebula. But then trouble begins. Threats are made, some weapons are fired... War for the Scaton Nebula will probably be upon everyone... Larger fleets are arriving, reinforcements are entering the Nebula... Apparently the idea of war of the Scaton Nebula is not that far away. Captain Hendriks will ask Starfleet Command for new orders. It could take 8 weeks for Starfleet Command to reply. Until she has a reply, she will stay out of trouble and keep close to the Scaton Nebula. Captain Hendriks is of the opinion that it is her duty to report to Head Quarters. This "mining field", Scaton Nebula, is too good to abandon, but it does not belong to the Federation... Yet... Players: Marianne Loogen USS Vertigo Day 53 00.49 More and more communications refer to the planets Junak, Genok and Frino in Romulan space being the bases of Romulan rebels who have received help from former Maquis, who stole the genesis information from the Federation. But apparently the planet Kronex is involved too. Day 53 11.03 After more long range scans and sensor logs examinations it becomes clear that there were no ships close to Kronex when the incident happened. To everyone's amazement the planet Kronex can still sustain life. Several Romulan ships arrive later but there are no signs of evacuation. Day 53 14.16 It is silent on the bridge of the USS Vertigo when Lieutenant Commander Matz reports another planet called Dalox has experienced a similar accident as on Kronex, but this time the damage is not as large. Dalox is still in range of the USS Vertigo's long range sensors. It is clear now more Romulan planets are involved in a rebel action using some form of the genesis technology... or is the romulan Senate just not telling the truth... Players: Nadine Peeters USS Iceberg Deep outside Federation space the USS Starshine, under command of Captain Hendry Stokes, and the USS Iceberg, under command of Colonel Crow, are confronted with a Romulan warbird called Trerix. Without warning two other Romulan warbirds appear and destroy the Trerix. While abaord the USS Iceberg the senior officers discuss the situation, aboard the USS starshine two officers enter cargo bay 3 where on other already was checking on a Romulan power generator. These three unknown officers are handling this more than top secret little Romulan toy. One of them seems to be the leader of the three. "That was unexpected. I thought we had a deal with the Romulans but apparently some other Romulans had to intervene. Captain Stokes has his orders and does not know what we have here. He still thinks that we are holding a Romulan operative here to exchange for a Federation operative. I hope he doesn't ask questions." Unknown to the three conspiritors... The USS Iceberg has already scanned the USS Starshine completely and has discovered the Romulan power generator. It seems up to Colonel Crow and his staff to decide what to do about the Romulans and the Romulan power generator aboard the USS Starshine. Furthermore the crew of the USS Iceberg has sent probes to the Romulan warbirds which attach themselves to the Romulan ships. The Romulans can be followed even when they cloak. Colonel Crow has an idea about what to do next. "The Romulans didn't attack us, but it is nice to know where they are and what they are doing. We'll take the USS Starshine with us and let the Captain explain a few things along the way." And indeed the Romulan ship cloak and change course. But from a distance the two Federation ships follow them. Colonel Crow is the senior officer and in that authority he calls Captain Hendry Stokes. But Captain Stokes does not seem to be able to help Colonel Crow to say the least. "Colonel. I am afraid I cannot help you. I have received orders to transport a group of three scientists to this sector. I was not allowed to ask any questions. I am just doing my job. I don't know what these three scientists are doing on my ship. I have asked but I was sent away. I am under orders not to ask questions about this mission. I thought you knew what was going on Colonel. I don't know whether I can help you." But the patience of Colonel Crow has ended... "Transport the Romulan device and the three scientists over to our cargo bay and we'll figure out what is happening and why. Captain Stokes, just lower your shields and we'll take that problem of your hands and you can go back to Starfleet Command. What do you say?" Players: Jan Theys USS Colorado/USS Cinebow The USS Cinebow is in orbit of the planet G-09 Alpha. There is a population of about 17 thousand and about 200 so called Elders, descendants of space travelers who landed on G-08 Alpha about a thousand years ago and have kept most part of their technology. Unass and Dalell, two leaders of the Elders are tranported aboard the USS Cinebow. WHile they are aboard the USS Cinebow, massive quakes and volcano eruptions commence. These natural phenomena are so strong they could destroy the entire planet G-09 Alpha. A Brodaren trade ship is only an hour away from G-09 Alpha and its Captain asks if the USS Cinebow needs any help. The Brodaren tradeship is huge and can transport the entire population of G-09 Alpha easily. But it seems that every minute is going to count. Captain T'Gor orders to start evacuating G-09 Alpha; Maybe the Brodaren tradeship is going to be to late. The quakes and eruptions on the planet are getting really intens... ------------------------------------------ Aboard the USS Colorado, Lieutenant Jeffrey Wayne in command has his own evacuation to take care of. On the planet Camberra there are still a few huindred people waiting to be rescued. These people are the survivors of the crash of the freighter Elephant and their leader is a man called Banks. But then the USS Colorado is contacted by Captain Goya, of the vessel Dumarr of the Dumarr region; It is explained that the energy wave on the planet Camberra is in fact a life form, which lives on dead materials like a starship. This energy life form will take all ships closeby and eat it, leaving the people on the planet as survivors... Mr. Banks can only confirm what the Dumarr have explained. Just as things seem to be ok, the energy life form has spotted the USS Colorado and starts its way from the planet towards the ship. Lieutenant Wayne only has about ten minutes to complete the evacuation... In the following minutes Lieutenant Wayne cannot do anything then wait. It is hard to make the tough decisions. If the evacuation is not complete before the energy life form reaches the USS COlorado, Lieuetnant Wayne will have to order to break orbit and jump to warp to escape the energy life form. At this moment he is very sorry he lost his Captain, Captain Walker and First Officer Commander Sonak. Both of them were killed in a shuttle accident. At least that is what Lieutenant Wayne believes... ------------------------------------------ But unknown to Lieutenant Wayne, his Captain, Captain Walker and First Officer, Commander Sonak are still alive, but doing under cover work, dressed and changed into Vulkans. Captain Walker calls himself Sokar. Admiral Mifuné asks Captain Walker and his fellow officers to go to Romulus and spy on the Romulan Senate. It is well known that there is a group of Romulan rebels who have the genesis technology. These Romulan rebels are dangerous to the peace in the Alpha Quadrant. The Romulan Senate explaines that they have nothing to do with this and that they are hunting these rebels, but Admiral Mifuné believes that the entire Romulan empire knows about this and all Romulans are in this together. Captain Walker must find prove for this. Players: Johan Michielsens, Conny Parmentier USS Alice Cooper Now that there is relative peace on Angel one most people are already going back to their homes. Nobody knows exactly what is going to happen next but they seem to have confidence in Angel One, Leader Beatta III and Marco Danno, leader of the male group "The Rising Sons". If a male and female can work together on this important issue of the Angel One society, changes can be expected. As for the leading females, they know that everything is better than some kind of civil war. They know they have to give up some things, but will also gain some things. Unknown to the people of Angel One, the Romulans and even some Cardassians had other plans with this planet. Close to Angel One the USS Alice Cooper-B, the USS Lyon and USS Doorway are moving closer to Angel One. The Romulan warship D'Ladex is moving closer too, but at slower speed. It is clear to Captain Kalee that there is something strange going on with the Romulan warbird, but it is not clear what it is exactly. Sensors indicate that there are small weapons fired aboard the Romulan warbird D'Ladex. Unknown to the Starfleet officers, a mutiny lead by Lieutenant Larek makes progress against the D'Ladex Commander T'Norak, but who has control over the transporters abaord the D'Ladex almost has control over the ship. It is Commander T'Norak and his officers who have control over the transporters first. Commander T'Norak gives his orders. "Transport them all these mutineers to cargo bay 2. I will have a word with them and then we will execute them all! After that we will take care of Angel One... Players: Crew of the USS Alice Cooper Ovion (Hirogen Hunting Vessel) The planet Fanaro is heavily defended. But the Hirogen and Tok'ra have a new trick to see what the defenses are of the Goa'uld planet. According the spies on Fanaro the Goa'uld Cader is still on the planet and although this is only a minor Goa'uld, the planet Fanaro will be used as an exercise for the Tok'ra. The new trick is to come with two Ha'tak vessels on remote control, accompanied by the rest of the Tok'ra fleet which is cloaked. On arrival at Fanaro, the two unmanned Ha'tak ships are send closer to Fanaro. At first nothing happens, but then the Hirogen sensors abaord the hunting vessel Ovion detect the first Goa'uld ships, coming from behind the planet. They must have lifted off when the two Tok'ra Ha'tak ships were in sensor range. But the surprise is for the Tok'ra and not for the Goa'uld and Jaffa... "This is the Goa'uld system lord Kelpok. give your code now or you will be destroyed." It was unknown that the Goa'uld system lord Kelpok was on Farano. Kelpok is much more powerful than Cader. The Tok'ra assemble and make a decision. They will fight Kelpok's troops and tryu to destroy his fleet. This will cost a lot of casualties, but the damage that can be done to the Goa'uld system lords is worth it. The two visible Tok'ra ships are send full speed towards Kelpok's fleet. Before Kelpok realises what is going on the two Tok'ra ships ram several ships of Kelpok and the Goa'uld system lord is not very pleased. Thinking this was only some stupid suicide action of some free Jaffa, Kelpok is ready to retreat his fleet, thinking this is the end of it. But he is wrong. Without warning Tok'ra Ha'tak vessels decloak and start firing on Kelpok's fleet, destroying 12 Goa'uld ships in less then twenty seconds. But the fight has just begon and the Tok'ra fleet is outnumbered 3 to 1. The Hirogen technology helps indeed. Weapons and shields of the Tok'ra vessels are superior. But the Goa'uld Kelpok also has a surprise. From the planet his entire fleet rises... more than 300 ships of all kinds. When the Tok'ra see this fleet coming, they know this battle is over. "so you thought you could destroy the mighty Goa'uld system lord Kelpok? Did you really think you could do this. Who do you think you are? My fleet will crush you." But before anyone can answer, a new strange thing happens. At least 50 Hirogen battleships decloak surrounding Kelpok's fleet. Although Kelpok's fleet is more in numbers, the Hirogen ships outclass every Goa'uld ship a dozen times. It is the Alpha Hirogen Donar who opens a communication channel with Jotarn and Horkan. "I respect that this is your prey, but we would like to join this hunt. It has been a long time that we had such a good prey." Horkan and Jotarn know exactly what to do. They give permission to the Alpha Hirogen Donar to join the hunt. They inform the Tok'ra to stay out of the battle. This battle will be for the hunt of the Hirogen. This prey is for the Hirogen... The Ovion moves forward at high speed and gives the sign to open fire. Only six minutes later the battle is over. Prisoners are made and treated according Hirogen hunt rituals. The planet is taken by a great number of Hirogen hunters. No Jaffa is still free. Kelpok is killed, Cader is killed. It was a bad day for the Goa'uld. Jotarn explains to Alpha Hirogen Donar about the Goa'uld and the Tok'ra. Jotarn also explains that this is only the beginning of the hunt for Goa'uld. "Jotarn, Horkan, I want to thank you for letting us joining this hunt. It was a great hunt indeed. We would like to join this hunt for Goa'uld." Not all Tok'ra are happy about the brutal methodes of the Hirogen, but they realise a fleet like this makes the Tok'ra alpost invulnerable... Players: Thomas van Rhee USS Oregon After a week of exploration in the Gamma Quadrant the USS Oregon crew finds a planet almost completely destroyed, Opal III. Lieutenant Edgington thinks a very powerfull enemy did this and she suggests to contact the people on the planet. Maybe an evacuation of the planets population could save them. Captain Adriano agrees and nods to his First Officer Commander Lafitte. Lafitte orders to open a channel and start general communications in all languages. At first nothing happens. Most of the officers on the Oregon bridge believe the communication systems on the planet Opal III must have been destroyed. The situation is to serious to send an away team or a shuttlecraft to the planet. Captain Adriano will not allow that. So the calling continues and the waiting as well... Captain Adriano, First Officer Lafitte and Chief of Security Lieutenant Archibald "Archy" Mann go to the Captain's ready room to talk about the situation, leaving Lieutenant Cathy Edgington in command of the bridge. 52 minutes after the first call, when hope is almost given up, suddenly there is an answer. "I am Cratona of the Kstra. Please listen..." "This is Lieutenant Cathy Edgington abaord the USS Oregon. I will call my Captain." "No do not call your Captain. Your Captain will contact my government and I do not want that. My government is not to be trusted. I believe there are traitors in our government. And then another voice... "Officer Cratona, what are you doing?" Cratona again... "Nothing sir. I am just running a diagnostic here sir." The other voice again... "All right then. Report if you find something." Cratona seems to be more than a little bit nervous. "Yes sir I will..." And after a short period of silence Cratona speaks again. "USS Oregon of the United Federation of Planets. You must help us. The Drovandi attacked us. We have defenses, but our government did not use them. We could have defended our planet successfully, but the government did not deploy our defenses. They are traitors. They may not know I am speaking with you. Help us. Get me aboard your space ship... I must go now..." Ensign Carl Rothery at the operations station reports that he has located the signal of Cratona... Cratona of the Kstra tells Lieutenant Edgington that the Drovandi attacked Opal III. Cratona clearly has problems with following orders or she has a problem with her conscious. Whatever the reason is, Lieutenant Edgington reports this information to the Captain immediately. The Captain is better equiped to deal with Cratona of the Kstra. Players: Cathy Edgington Earth Alliance Starship (EAS) Terradyne Junak, Genok and Frino are three planets used by Romulan rebels who are prepared to do anything to restore power to the Romulan Empire and to the Romulan Empire alone. That includes using the devestating genesis technology some former Maquis stole from the Federation. But not only the Federation is in danger. These Romulan rebels want it all... The Romulan Senate does not approve but are still in the phase of gathering their forces for a large offensive. :: onboard the EAS Terradyne :: "Flight Deck to Bridge, all Starfurys, and Ships accounted for. All ships have docked and are ready for Jump." "Bridge, acknowledge." Draan Marr truns to the Starfleet General and speaks softly, "General, sorry that we were not able to board the Romulan ship, but we do have the computer files of that ship. Let us take a look to see what we can what their plans are, motives, or whatever." Jaust nods at the Earth Alliance Officer. The two are looking at the files for hours when suddenly over the comm channel, "Bridge, set course for sector 354 by 63 by 122. Bring Jump engines on line and Jump when ready. I will be on the Bridge shortly. Marr out." A few minutes pass and Draan and Jaust enter the bridge. "Sir, approaching sector 354." "Jump to normal space" As the Earth Alliance Carrier Jumps to normal space, a Raider attack is in progress with another Earth Alliance Hyperion Class Heavy Cruiser. Drann shouts, "BATTLESTSTIONS! LAUNCH ALL WHITESTARS! ENGAGE, ENGAGE! Activate Defense Grid. Whitestar interceptor, bring us a Raider in for questioning." After an easy victory for the Special Forces Fleet the Raider is brought in for interrogation, and with in a few minutes of the interrogation being completed Draan rushes onto the Command Deck like a bolt of lightning. Jaust not far behind him signals Starfleet on his findings "Communications, open up a Jump Point and send the following on a narrow beam transmission. PCAS C1-001" "Marshall." the Comms officer says, "This makes no sense, what does it mean?" "Lieutenant, it is a code that I thought the Special Forces would never have to use. Helm, Set course for Sector 001. Maximum Burn." Not that far away... A large Romulan fleet of rebels is gathering between Junak and Genok. There are two Federation ships with theis fleet, the USS Thunderbolt and USS Recon. These are modified ships, not really standard Federation ships anymore... Borg enhanced... Undestructable... But just as everyone thought the Federation was back on its feet again and taken control of the situation Admiral Jaust abaord the EAS Terradyne receives new information from Starfleet Command from Admiral Chaimberlin. "Hi Jaust my friend. I whish I had better news, but I have not. We have reliable information that there are two cloaked Romulan ships on a direct course to Earth. Both of them have a genesis weapon abaord. I don't have to remind you of the destruction they can bring. We cannot detect these cloaked vessels. To our information they are only 31 days away from Earth. We already have begun evacuation, but millions of people... Maybe our new friends can help us. Although they have their own problems with these Romulan rebels. We can all understand. They also have to protect their own..." A few minutes later Admiral Jaust addresses FMAR Draan Marr. "... I have a request..." :on the EAS Terradyne: "Sir, multiple Jump Points forming all around us." said an excited Operations officer. Draan calmly looked at Jaust and then at the view screen where a Starfleet Admiral waited to hear what was going on with a large grin on his face and said, "Gentlemen, what you are about to see will not only tip the balance in our favor but will give is the means to locate ANY Romulan vessel, cloaked or not. Commander Manok, engage 360 viewing and relay to our Starleet friends as well." "Aye, sir!" Manok stated as he turned to his console to engage the viewer. Jaust and his commanding officer looked at the viewer in amazement. What they saw was not only amazing, but beatiful as well. Draan's link chirped. Looking at it he pushed a few buttons to engage the ship's internal Comms speakers. "Draan here, go ahead Omega Leader." "Black Omega Starfury Squadron requesting permission to board with the packages you requested." "Permission granted Omega Leader, welcome aboard." As the Black Omega Starfurys emerged from a few of the Jump Points, 3 Psi Corps Transports carring the new breed of Starfurys and two garrisons of the Special Forces Psi Cops. All of them rated P 11 or higher. "And now for the real surprise gentlemen, Vorlon Heavy Cruisers and Minbari Shar'Lin War Cruisers. And there is still one more surprise if we need it." Players: Steve Elliot DS2 RPG General Status Report August 2006 USS Earth The USS Earth has found a real paradise in the Kstrama system. The Kstrama system is controled by an automated system which takes care of the visitors. The entire Kstrama system seems to beautiful to be true. And indeed while some of the crew is enjoying R&R on Kstrama II they discover two deactivated Borg drones. Now that Commodore Steichen knows what she is looking for, she will extend the search to all planets of the Kstrama system. The Borg have been here and it is possible that they will be back. For example to use this area as a harvesting area to assimilate all kinds of different species in one "turn"... Steichen informs Ambassador K'nol on K-982. This is a serious matter. Before warning anyone and spreading fear, the USS Earth crew starts scanning the entire system. The three runabouts are sent out to Kstrama III, Kstrama IV and Kstrama V. The waiting begins, while the USS Earth itself stays in orbit of Kstrama II, most of the crew that can be missed is searching for more traces of the Borg to try to find out how long ago they have been in the Kstrama system. Doctor Numbo transports down to the planet and starts his examination. Searching for clues in the biological part of the two Borg Doctor Numbo determines these two Borg have been here at least 4 years. He asks Commodore Steichen to examine the drones neural processor. There could be information about where and when these Borg arrived and what their objectives were at the time. And most important: what was the cause of death of these two Borg. That will take a serious amount of time and the help of engineers is requested. Runabout Thames under command of Assistant Chief Engineer Lieutenant Van Sand lands on Kstrama V. From orbit sensors registred Borg technology. The sensor logs are checked and double checked. When the away team steps out of the runabout close to the coordinates, it seems this planet is a paradise as well. Almost is the away team distracted by a large group of tourists who try to drag the Starfleet offciers with them. But Lieutenant Van Sand stays focused, even when some of the children try to drag him around in their game. About a kilometer further the three Starfleet Officers look in horor at a crashed Borg Sphere, half down into the surface. The sphere is big, really big. But to their amazement the officers see the Tourists picknick very close to the Borg ship and even as they do not detect any Borg activity inside the ship this looks more than a serious danger. "Lieutenant Van Sand to USS Earth. Commodore, we have found a crashed Borg sphere. It is at least half in tact, but there is no Borg activity inside the ship. At least not that we can detect. We could go inside, but only if you order us to do so. I don't understand... These tourists are just having their picknick here. There are at least 70 people here from all kinds of different species, and apparently there are children as well. they don't seem to mind about the Borg. I have the impression that these people do not know what the Borg are. They see this as a special attraction of some kind, like we would go to an amusement park on Risa. What are your orders Commodore?" Before Commodore Steichen can answer First Officer T'Lok has a new view on things. "However unlikely, it is of course possible that this system has a defense against the Borg. It could explain that this Borg ship was disabled and crashed and why these tourists don't mind." Chief of Operations Lieutenant Harry Dankers shakes his head. "One thing is for sure. These Borg didn't come here on vacation." Commodore Steichen has a decision to make. "Use the information of the neural processors of the Borg drones. With these nodes and the ship we can tap into the Borg Collective. We can maybe even track other Borg ships or even the entire collective. There is only one down side. We have to activate at least a part of that Borg ship. It could call other Borg to Kstrama..." Players: Christine Steichen Starbase 369 Commodore Van Nieuwenhove has sent the USS Sunrise to Romulus. The small Defiant class ship travels in stealth mode and will only be detected close to the Romulan capital planet. Captain Helmut Ganger in command of the USS Sunrise has his orders. He will contact the Romulan senate or a representative of the Romulan Senate upon arrival. As the USS Sunrise crosses the Neutral Zone aboard Starbase 369 the entire fleet of Starbase 369 is on yellow alert. But after a few days with no news yet from the USS Sunrise, still on its way to Romulus, everyone in Commodore Van Nieuwenhove's fleet is starting to relax again. Although the yellow alert still stands, duties seem to become routine. The fleet is deployed. The perimeter is secured. But then a message from Starfleet command comes in that at least one cloaked Romulan warship with a genesis device is on a direct course to Earth. The yellow alert changes in red alert. Starbase 369 is located exactly between Romulan space and Earth. But how to detect a cloaked Romulan vessel? Commdore Van Nieuwenhove deploys his ships in such a way that a tachyon network is set up to block any cloaked ship. But there are only six ships, including the freighter USS Carry, under command of Commander Jeffrey Dunn. If this Romulan ship makes a small detour it can evade and escape the tachyon net. But apparently the Federation has new friends with the technology to detect cloaked ships. A general view plan is relayed by these new friends to all Federation ships and facilities. On the main viewer of Starbase 369 a Romulan warbird becomes visible. That ship is only a few lightyears away from Starbase 369, already on a course to go around the tachyon net, set up by Commodore Van Nieuwenhove's fleet. But unknown to these Romulans, everyone in Starfleet can see them... This Romulan cloaked ship passes close to Starbase 369. This ship has a genesis device aboard. The Romulans aboard this ship do not know the Federation ships and facilities can see them. Commodore Van Nieuwenhove will surprise this. Catch it, transport the crew to his ships and take them prisoner. He will examine the Romulan ship personally. Players: Geert Van Nieuwenhove USS Thunderbolt Deeper in Romulan space there is the USS Thunderbolt and USS Recon joining a group of Romulan rebels. There are about 200 Romulan rebel ships, all with at least one genesis torpedo abaord. But will this be enough for Commodore Keuleers to threaten the Romulan Senate and take over power in the entire Romulan Empire. It is not yet certain whether the Romulan Senate is behind these rebels or not. Together the small fleet proceeds to Romulus. Unknown to Commodore mechels, even in this fleet there are Romulans still loyal to the Romulan Senate. While on their way on some of the Romulan ships mutinies start. While on these ships small weapons fire is detected some other ships approach and open fire on these particular Romulan ships. Most other Romulan ships take a run for it leaving the battling ships far behind them. At this point the federation crew do not really understand what is going on with the Romulans. It seems like complete chaos. One of the Romulan ships hails the USS Thunderbolt, but it is not clear from which ship the call comes from. "Help us Federation ships! Help us!" What help is needed and for who is not clear. Just as Master One has located the ship from which the call came an explosion occurs on that ship. Before there eyes the bridge crws of the USS Thunderbolt and USS Recon see the Romulan ship explode... A shockwave follows... It is the all destructive genesis wave... The Romulan ships which have made a run for it earlier, when the battle begun, are safe, but the two Federation ships are in the middle of it and are hit by the genesis wave. The battling Romulan ships are already destroyed. But apparently the Borg addapt fast, as Master One explains. "The genesis technology was already known to the Borg Collective when they assimilated a lot of Starfleet officers and more than a few Captains at Wolf 359. We have already addapted to that technology. You do not need to worry." There is emptyness in space, except for the two Federation ships, USS Thunderbolt and USS Recon, everything is destroyed... The remaining Romulan rebel fleet, now 187 ships approach... Commodore Mechels has new orders. "Everyone can make a mistake. We will forgive these Romulan rebels. We have now showed our power. Maybe they will follow us now and do what we say... Maybe not..." Players: Helena Straetman,Caroline Keuleers,Willem Keuleers, Lieselotte Keuleers, Wouter Keuleers USS Walang The USS Walang is traveling through the Scaton Nebula where more than a few species are mining. But it doesn't take long before the first threats and the first fights begin. Every species present wants to have their part and they will destroy anyone who comes to close. The USS Walang gets as much resources as the ship can take but evades the fights. Starfleet Command is looking at the situation, but has not sent an answer yet. More and more species seem to have discovered the Scaton Nebula. Although most of them are peaceful, some or not. Some of the species who are not that advanced to defend themselves are driven away by others. Although the Scaton Nebula contains resources for all species linging closeby, it becomes clear that some won't give up anything and want to keep all for themselves. So the inevitable happens... Six ships of a species called Grotjoins enter the Scaton Nebula. These are big ships, probably warships. A message from the Grotjoins is sent out to all ships in and around the Scaton nebula. "This is General Ghoon of the Grotjoins military forces. You will all leave this nebula immediately or you will be destroyed. In the name of the Grotjoins Empire I clame this Nebula." Apparetnly the Grotjoins are well known to some species. They leave immediately. But other species are not convinced. they start communicating with eachother and al earlier conflicts are forgotten. They group themselves as one block against the Grotjoins. The USS Walang is also contacted. "I am Hsta. We could use some help here. These Grotjoins mean business. They can blow up this nebula and nobody wins. We must destroy them. You must help." USS Walang Tactical Chief Lieutenant Patrick Kant reports. "Captain. We can take one of these Grotjoins ships easily, even two, but not six. If we want to fight, I recommend joining Hsta and the others against the Grotjoins. That will give us a good chance. The Grotjoins ships have enough explosives abaord to start a chain reaction which will indeed destroy the Scaton Nebula. We have to move fast." "We will just wait and see what happens next. If necessary we can always join the fights. We'll keep ready and prepare for that." Players: Marianne Loogen USS Vertigo Day 54 12.06 Aside of Junak, Genok and Frino, Dalox, Herton, Baledex, Virtuna and Bonolu are added to the list of planets in Romulan space where Romulan rebels have their basis. All Romulan ships in Federation space which were a threat have been captured or destroyed. Day 55 00.49 the Klingons have had an attack on one of their planets as well by a Romulan genesis torpedo. the Klingons do not think this is funny and declare war against the Romulan Empire. Strangely enough, the Romulan Senate does not try to prevent war with the Klingons. Maybe it is an indication the Romulan Senate does know all about the genesis technology and these romulan reberls are not rebels at all. But maybe the Romulan Sneate just doesn't know what to do. The Romulan fleets are assembling and are deploying. There is no doubt that they are preparing for war. Day 56 19.14 The brand new Klingon Vor'cha battlecruiser Qui'Tu, under command of the notorious Captain K'Mada, leaves the Klingon fleet to meet the USS Vertigo. Because Lieutenant Commander Matz is a weapons specialist and knows everything about how to detect a genesis weapon and she is half Klingon, she is invited to join the crew of the Qui'Tu to help the Klingon fleet in the war against the Romulans. Commodore Slater gives permission and Lieutenant Commander Matz transfers to the Qui'Tu as a Federation advisor, changed in a Klingon uniform. This way the Romulans cannot know Matz is a Starfleet offcier. As a real Klingon she will not be suspected by the Romulans in case the Romulans do a bio scan of the Klingon ships. This way the Federation can still stay out of the war. Probably not for long that is... Players: Nadine Peeters USS Iceberg Deep outside Federation space the USS Starshine, under command of Captain Hendry Stokes, and the USS Iceberg, under command of Colonel Crow, have some problems with Romulans. But as the last Romulan ship flees away there is another problem. Aboard the USS Starshine there are three scientists who are controling a Romulan power device. When Captain Stokes of the USS Starshine arrives aboard the USS Iceberg he speaks to Colonel Crow alone. At the same time the three scientists and the Romulan device are also transported aboard the USS Iceberg. "Colonel Crow, I am Captain Hendry Stokes. I am under orders of Admiral Tilly Sheffield. I don't know much more than you. The only thing I do know is that these three scientists had to be transported aboard that Romulan ship. I do not know why, or what the device is what they have. As I did not trust this assignment I have done some research as well. I could not find anything about these scientists in any of our databanks. I already have serious doubt that the names they gave were their real names. That is why I have ordered them to stay in that cargo bay. If they would have left the cargo bay for whatever reason I would have my officers kill them on sight. Now maybe you as a marine will have more influence on them to let them speak the truth. I would like to invite you to join me to question them." A few minutes later Captain Stokes, accompanied by Colonel Crow and XO Lieutenant Colonel Hawk, enter cargo bay 2 where the three scientists are locked up. The device doesn't seem to do anything. One of the scientists, apparently the leader storms up towards Captain Stokes. "Who do you think you are? What is the meaning of this. Why aren't we on the Romulan warbird Trerix. Where is Commander Nerak? Who are you?" With this the scientist points his finger to Colonel Crow. But Crow stays calm as always. Lieutenant Colonel Hawk doesn't think this situation is funny at all. He grabs his phaser just at the point when the scientist is two meters away from Captain Stokes. "That is far enough. One more step and this marine will kick you so hard, you will have pain for a century." Players: Jan Theys USS Colorado/USS Cinebow The USS Cinebow, in orbit of the planet G-09 Alpha is doing a large evacuation of the Naden of the planet with the help of sophisticated space travelers Unass and Dalell called the Elders. A Brodaren ship has offered assistance as well. Time is precious when Lieutenant Ally Jones addresses Captain T'Gor. "Captain the Brodaren is deep space cargo ship, their ship can handle the larger part of the Naden." Captain T'Gor sees the logic in this request. "Unass how do you feel about the help Brodaren have to offer." But it is Dalell who speaks. "They will ask for compensation for the assistance they offer, don't ask for it before they have helped us." I was to be expected a compensation could be asked from traders like the Brodaren. Captain T'Gor understands. "Lieutenant Danto inform the Brodaren that we except their assistance, and inform them of our gratitude for their help. "Aye sir." Just in time the planet is evacuated. With the help of the Brodaren and their powerful transporters the entire population of G-09 Alpha has been tranported to the Brodaren ship. The Brodaren didn't even ask for any compensation. Shortly after the successful evacuation of planet G-09 Alpha and the relocation of the people of that planet, new orders come in on the USS Cinebow. Captain T'Gor assembles his senior staff and explains the orders. "Please be seated. As some of you already know some Romulans have the genesis technology. The Romualn Senate has told us that this is about a small dissident rebel group of Romulans and that they will be in control soon. Yesterday the Klingons were attacked by a genesis weapon. One of their planets was destroyed. The Klingons have declared war on the Romulans. The klingons do not make a difference between some Romulan rebels and the other Romulans. We seem to be at war soon as well. Our first priority will be defending the Federation. I want your readyness reports to see in what shape this ship is." ------------------------------------------ Aboard the USS Colorado the evacuation of the mining planet Camberra has been completed as well. Just before the energy entity hits the USS Colorado the ship has jumped to warp and is clear. The Dumarr are also in the clear. Lieutenant Wayne again thanks the Dumarr for their help and advice. But now it is time to drop off Allen banks and his people. "Where are we heading for captain." Lieutenant Wayne is still not used to being called Captain. "The Colorado is bringing you and your crew home. My first officer has send a message to your home world Zolamad. When they receive our message we are half way to near the Romulan Neutral Zone." As Lieutenant Doran reports. "Captain is Federation outpost just outside the Neutral Zone, they can remain they for altleast 4 days. That is the time before the crew leaves the outpost." "There you have it, Mr Banks. That is the best we can under the circumstances." Banks is more than pleased. "Tank you Captain." And positive news is coming in from the Zolamad. Captain message coming through from Zolamad, they are sending two ships." And so it ends well indeed. Allen banks and his people are taken back to their homes and the USS Colorado is called back to Starbase 295. On their way the Colorado Lieutenant Wayne informs the other officers about the situation with the Romulans. "I don't know whether there will be a new Captain waiting for us at Starbase 295. But the situation is serious. Some Romulans have the genesis technology. The Romualn Senate acts as if they don't know anything about it or they will not do anything about it. They just say that this is about a small dissident rebel group of Romulans and that they will be in control soon. Yesterday the Klingons were attacked by a genesis weapon. One of their planets was destroyed. The Klingons have declared war on the Romulans. The klingons do not make a difference between some Romulan rebels and the other Romulans. We seem to be at war soon as well." ------------------------------------------ Unknown to Lieutenant Wayne his Captain and First Officer are not that far away. On route Captain Walker now calling himself Sokar has transport, but not a very efficient one as the ships Captain Carla Odessa explains. "You are Sokar, I assume." Captain Walker is not ready yet to say who he really is. "That depends." But Captain Odessa seems to be well informed. "I know you are Captain Walker of Federation starship Colorado. There have been a chance of plans, we heading for starbase 295. Our cloak is failing, and I'm not risking my ship for some damn Federation mission." This changes the entire objective of Captain Walkers mission. He has to inform some people immediately. "I need to send a message." "That can be arranged for you give me five minutes." A change of plans... So sudden. Captain Walker addresses his First Offcier. "Sonak inform the others." Only a few hours later Captain Walker and his team are picked up by the USS Standard which brings the team to Starbase 295, where the Vulcan Sokar is again transformed into Captain Tom Walker. The team is split up. Only a few days later the good old USS Colorado arrives at Starbase 295 Captain Walker already has read all reports from Lieutenant Wayne so he is up to date, but lieutenant Wayne has no idea that his Captain is still alive. The reunion of the officers is a happy one. Lieutenant Wayne who waits for his fellow officers in the tranporter room cannot believe his eyes. "Captain Walker, Commander Sonak, I cannot tell you how happy I am to see you. At first I thought this was a bad joke or something. I have seen you being killed in that shuttle accident... with my own eyes. What I want to say is... Captain Walker I stand releaved. Please feel free to take command of the USS Colorado... Sir." Players: Johan Michielsens, Conny Parmentier USS Alice Cooper Now in orbit of Angel One the USS Alice Cooper-B, the USS Lyon and USS Doorway are setting up a secured perimeter. The Romulan warship D'Ladex is moving closer but it is still unclear to what is happening on that Romulan ship. Thanks to some friends of the Federation who are willing to share technology, the federation is now able to see any cloaked ship. Captain Kalee of course uses the technology and realises that there is only one Romulan ship coming towards Angel One. Strange thing is that this Romulan ship, identified as the warbird D'Ladex, has dropped to impulse speed. At first Captain Kalee was convinced the D'Ladex was only waiting for reinforcements, but when sensors detected small weapons fire abaord the D'Ladex, Captain Kalee decided not to take any action yet. Aboard the D'Ladex the mutiny of Lieutenant Larek and his men who are opposed against the use of the genesis technology seem to have lost the fight for the ship. Commander T'Norak and his loyal officers have control over the transporters, transport the mutineers to a cargobay where Commander T'Norak plans to execute them immediately. On his way through the corridors to the cargo bay, something strange happens. Commander T'Norak and his men are suddenly feeling weak, dizzy... Some of them just fall on the floor. Within a minute they all are on the floor heavily breathing. Apparently the ship's doctor has picked the side of the mutiny, spread a gas through the ship and is now on his way to free Lieutenant Larek and his men. This mutiny is not over yet... Players: Crew of the USS Alice Cooper Ovion (Hirogen Hunting Vessel) Jotarn and Horkan welcome the Alpha Hirogen Donar and the other Hirogen. A fleet of now 53 Hirogen ships are in orbit of Gundrota, the base planet of the Tok'Ra and now also the Hirogen bas of operations. Huge planetary shield generators are set up and a double shield is installed at the stargate. The Tok'ra are very happy with the coming of the Hirogen fleet. It makes them feel comfortable. It is as if they get their life back and finally after a few thousand years can live in peace, without an immediate threat of the Goa'uld. But this feeling of peace is short... The entire Hirogen fleet moves behind the moon of Gundrota. The Tok'ra know what this means. The planetary sensor system has detected three Ha'tak ships. The trap will be set and will close at the right time. But there is something new. After several tests this will be the ultimate test of the planetary shield. When the three Ha'taks arrive there seems nothing to stop them. Without hesitation they open fire as the start of a large bombardement. But the blows end up the shield. Apparently the Go'uld could not detect this kind of shield. The Hirogen technology is completely alien to the Go'uld. They are doomed. This was a good and positive test. But the test is done. The irogen fleet and the Tok'ra fleet is closing the trap. The Hirogen tranporters transport the Jaffa and on Go'uld to the planet surface in a secured area. It is the Goa'uld Letek who is most surprised when he notices he is no longer on his ship. The Tok'ra take the ships and add them to their fleet. Some of the Jaffa who are on the side of the "free Jaffa" take the opportunity to kill Letek and prove with this act that Letek was a false god. Most of the Jaffa are confused and do not know what happened but the group of free Jaffa grows and more and more the Jaffa are convinced that the Goa'uld are false gods. When they are approached by the Tok'ra there is more confusion at first, but when the Jaffa ask to be sent to the group of free Jaffa, the Tok'ra hesitate at first as the relation between the Tok'ra and the free Jaffa are not really good, but when the Hirogen offer to bring the Jaffa, the problem is solved. Gundrota is now strong enough and far advanced in technology. The Hirogen can start their hunt on the Goa'uld. The fleet of 53 ships breaks orbit. After almost two weeks they drop of the Jaffa at the base of the free Jaffa where they are welcomed. On their way back to Gundrota a Goa'uld mothership is detected. But even the highly advanced Hirogen sensors cannot dtect any life form aboard. The ship is at drift but main power is still on line. No escape vehicles are used... Jotarn thinks this ship could become a nice gift for the Tok'ra. But some other Hirogen are not sure. They want to board the Go'uld mothership to see what happened to this ship and why there is nobody aboard. Knowing your prey is one of the first priorities of any Hirogen... The Goa'uld spy Karnok has told about an artifact, possible from the Ancients, that is located on a planet called Zipaya. There are a lot of Jaffa on Zipaya. A group of Hirogen will go to Zipaya by stargate and will try to find this ancient artifact. Players: Thomas van Rhee USS Oregon After a week of exploration in the Gamma Quadrant the USS Oregon crew finds a planet almost completely destroyed, Opal III. The USS Oregon is contacted by Cratona of the Kstra who acts more than a bit suspicious. Cratona tells that the Kstra have been attacked by the Drovandi, his government cannot be trusted as the planet could have defended itself, but the government did not want to do anything about the attack of the Drovandi. So says Cratona... Captain Roberto Adriano is informed by Lieutenant Degington when he steps on the bridge followed by his senior staff. "You did well to call me Lieutenant Edgington. This is a very strange development. Why would the government of Opal III not contact us or not want to speak with us, while apparently a lower clerck of some kind can and does. Something is behind this." Then he turns to Cratona of the Kstra on the main viewer. The sound is back on and Cratona can hear Captain Adriano. "Mister Cratona, I am Captain Roberto Adriano. You must understand that I cannot verrify what you are telling and I cannot make decisions accordingly." Cratona is getting more nervous by the second. "But you must believe me... Most of my people live under the ground to protect themselves against the drovandi, where they are safe for the Drovandi scans. They treat us as cattle... They eat us... Don't you understand..." But then Cratona is interupted by his superior. "Cratona, have you finnished that diagnostic? I am waiting for the results. Hurry up. I want the results on my desk yesterday. Get on with it. Now Cratona." Cratona almost breaks. He can only whisper. "Help us please..." Than the connection is terminated. Creatona's location is already determined. An away team is standing ready to go, but Captain Adriano is not planning to do anything yet. A full hour passes by. There has been no more word from this Cratano. Another hour passes... Nothing... "Captain." "Yes Mister Vancouver." Chief of Operations Lieutenant Commander Jake Vancouver reports. "Long range sensors detect a ship sir." Chief of Security Lieutenant Archibald "Archy" Mann who stands at tactical next to Lieutenant Edgington watches with a smile while the Lieutenant pushes some buttons. Lieutenant Mann lets Lieutenant Cathy Edgington report. "Captain. We are being hailed. It is the Drovandi sir..." Players: Cathy Edgington Earth Alliance Starship (EAS) Terradyne As the Minbari and the Vorlon join the fleet, Admiral Jaust can only thank FMAR Draan Marr. Some of the cloaked Romulan ships on their way to Earth have already been intercepted and destroyed, without to much diffculties. Some of these Romulan ships have been captured, the crews put in the brig and the genesis devices aboard dismantled. But of greater concern for the Federation is that there were 17 of these ships in total, already deep in Federation space. As some Federation ships are already on their way to Romulan space or even to Romulus, it seems that war is almost inevitable. Half of the Federation Council members believe that the Romulan Senate knows all about the activities of the so called rebels in their empire, so only the other half wants to give the Romulan senate the benifit of the doubt. In the middle of the political game is Starfleet. Most of the officers of the Admirality and especially the C-in-C of Starfleet Command, are getting impatient. But then there suddenly is a second problem... In this entire situation it is very strange that the Romulans only target the Federation. The Federation is their worst enemy as they also have the genesis technology. The Federation can completely destroy the entire Romulan Empire... So it would be illogical to think that... "Admiral Jaust, there is a message for you from Starfleet Command." "Thank you. I will take it here in this room in private." "I will patch you through." In the room next to FMAR Draan Marr's office, Admiral Jaust looks at a terminal where a familiar face appears: Admiral George Kandalar. "Hi Jaust. I am afraid this is not a social call. There is little time, so I will tell this a bit blunt. About two hours ago the USS Sentinal whitnessed a large explosion in Klingon space." Admiral Jaust cannot believe it. Not the Klingons... "George, you don't mean that Praxis... ?" "No Jaust, it was a planet called Zu'dran. It was completely scratched and all life was terminated. The shockwave was one of the genesis type. The shockwave itself was so devestating it damaged the ship from which the genesis device was launched. It was a Romulan ship. It was captured by the Klingons, but there were no susrvivors. All Romulans aboard that ship were killed. But apparently the Klingons have been able to restore a lot of the database of the ship. According the Klingon High COuncil this is an act of war. they do not care whether the Romulan Senate knows about this attack or whether it was a rebel group, or whatever happened that could lead to this. At 14.36 the Klingons have declared war on the Romulans. they are assembling a huge fleet as we speak. The Romulan Senate have assured us that they have nothing to do with this and they ask for our help. The Federation Council is talking about this new developement, but I do not expect a resolution soon. Your orders are to inform FMAR Draan Marr and assist him and his fleet in any way. Maybe he can help... I must say we are getting a bit desperate here... Good luck Jaust." "Good luck to you to George. Good luck to us all..." A few moments later Admiral Jaust addresses FMAR Draan Marr to inform him of the situation. ::In Landing Bay 6 on the EAS Terradyne:: "Jaust, my friend", Draan says, " Here is the new breed of our fighters The Peacemaker Class Starfury! These Starfurys are armed with the new Zion Cannons. I do not want to go into too many details about them as you never know who or what is around." Jaust nods his head in agreement as the to leaders make their way back to the Command Deck on the Command Ship of the Earth Alliance Special Forces. Jaust stops Draan and says, "My friend I need to ask your help on a most sensitive matter. The communication I received from Starfleet a few hours ago was, shall we say not good. The Klingon Empire has gone crazy. They are destroying ANY Romulan ship weather it has a Genesis device or not. 17 at last count were accounted for, thanks to your teams effort. The main threat to us in Starfleet is the advancing threat of the Klingons to near Federation Space. Is there anything that you can do to help?" "Jaust, there are always things we can do to help each other. I will attempt to get the Klingon, Federation, and hopefully the Romulan leaders together in a neutral place like the Terradyne to see what we can do to end this with out too many lives being destroyed." Jaust extends his hand to the Earth Force Officer and walks with him to the Command Deck where Draan has some thinking to do. After a few hours of talking to Earth Gov and Jaust, Draan sits in his Command Chair, which is in the exact center of a very large and beautiful Bridge. Draan pushes a few buttons on the console next to his chair, and a metallic boatswain whistle sounds to get the attention of the entire ship. "Attention on Deck!" Draan says "As of this moment the fleet is on Yellow Alert. By now most of you have heard the recent good news and not so good news. The good news is that this Special Forces Team has to date recovered or destroyed 17 of the Genesis devices the Romulan Empire had. The no so good news is that a race called the Klingons has gone a killing spree of Romulans and is threatening our friends in the Federation. In recent conversations with Earth Gov and the President of the United Federation of Planets, we are going to attempt to have the heads of the Federation, Klingon, and Romulan governments onboard the Terradyne. Security Threat Level 1 is now in effect until further notice. Flight Deck, ready the following Whitestars for immediate launch, Draconia, Interceptor, and Yamatto. Captains of these ships will report to the Command Deck for briefing. That is all for now." Draan and Jaust walk into the Briefing Room awaiting the Captains. As they enter Draan and Jaust stand to greet them with respect. "Please be seated." Said Draan. "Gentlemen, thank you for coming. Your mission is not an easy one ahead. You are required by any means necessary, short of starting war to bring the three leaders of the Federation, Klingon, and Romulan Governments to this ship. You will each be receiving 5 Psi Corps Special Forces Telepaths and a full squadron of the new Peacemaker Starfurys with qualified pilots. Captain Rice, Take the Yamatto to Earth and bring the Federation President with his aids back here. You should have no trouble as they are expecting you. Captain Z' Tan, Take the Draconia to the Klingon Home world and tactfully get the Klingon Chancellor back here. If possible, avoid combat. According to the Federation records the Klingons are a warrior race and honor is at the heart of everything they do, also they have weak minds which should prove an ease for your Psi Cops to "suggest" things to the Klingons. Captain Natius, your mission may be the most difficult of all. You will take the Interceptor to the Romulan Home world and bring back the Romulan Praetor. He is executing you. Be warned that the Romulan Senate is infiltrated by Roumlan spies loyal to the Tal'Shi'Ar and have surly notified any ships loyal to them of your mission. That is why you will also have the Black Omega Starfury Squadron with you. Your Telepaths should be able to "convince" any Romulan to allow you by. If you get into a situation, your are authorized to engage. Good luck Gentlemen. That is all I have for you. Report to your ships and launch at once." Players: Steve Elliot DS2 RPG General Status Report September 2006 USS Earth Deeper inside the Beta Quadrant, The USS Earth has found a real paradise in the Kstrama system. The Kstrama system is controled by an automated system which takes care of the visitors. But after a serious investigation the USS Earth crew finds some deactivated Borg drones and later even a crashed Borg sphere. Apparently the tourists on these paradise like planets of the Kstrama system do not care about the Borg at all. The USS Earth is far away from the Romulan-Klingon-Federation war, so priorities have to be set here in the Kstrama system. The USS Earth scientists and engineers on Kstrama V, under command of Assistant Chief Engineer Lieutenant Van Sand, analyse the neural processor of some of the drones found. They also activate a small part of the crashed Borg sphere, without activating any drones. The data gathered from these operations makes the Starfleet officers present more relax. The Borg sphere has crashed on Kstrama V 106 years ago. But the Borg sphere is in very good condition. There is much to learn here, but some risks have to be taken... How many precautions can be taken before a huge sleeping giant will awaken? Playing with fire can lead to a huge disaster... The sleeping Unicomplex wakes up. Extra drones are activated. A group of lost drones has to be brought back to the collective. Automated systems start up. Interesting for the collective is the reason why a Borg sphere has crashed in a system called Kstrama. Apparently the technology in the Kstrama system is superior to the technology of the Collective. But that was more than a hundred years ago. the Collective has addapted to much more than something that can be found in the Kstrama system. Unknown to the Starfleet officers, aboard the Borg Sphere a computation drone has been activated due to the presence of non Borg humanoids. The computation drone has called the Borg Collective just in time as then the activity of a Borg drone is detected. But it is to late. Deep in the Borg Unicomplex help is being organised in a matter of seconds. As this situation is not considered as a threat, only one Borg cube is dispatched to the Kstrama system. USS Earth Security officers are able to locate the computation drone and neutralise it. Calculations are being made. If a Borg ship has been sent from the Delta Quadrant, it will take at least a month to get at the Kstrama system unless. But... "Commodore, there is a transwarp conduit openening three light years away from the Kstrama system. The Borg are coming Commodore." But Assistant Chief Engineer Lieutenant Van Sand, inside the crashed Borg sphere also has been busy with his team. "Commodore, we have tapped into a part of the collective. We can see about two hundred ships, twenty planets, lots of data and some ships on route to inhabited planets in the delta Quadrant on a mission to assimilate the population. We can also see one cube coming at transwarp speed to the Kstrama system. It will be here in 1 hour and 23 minutes." Commodore Steichen tries to warn the tourists about the Borg and their assimilation techniques, but there is not one tourist who wants to listen. Some even are upset, because they are very pleased the Borg are coming. Those particular tourists have heard about the Borg and they finally want to see them in action. Now it is time for the Starfleet officers to be upset... The Borg are coming, and there is probably nothing to stop them. The USS earth moves closer to Kstrama V in a defensive position, ready to escape if necessary. As long as the Borg don't see the USS Earth as a threat probably nothing will happen. Maybe they will just retrieve their drones and leave... As the Federation officers are transfered back aboard the USS Earth the count down begins. While tension rises on the USS Earth, more tourists gather from other Kstrama planets to Kstrama V, probably to watch the spectacle. All of them seem very pleased, even excited. Exactly 1 hour and 23 minutes later the Borg cube exits the transwarp conduit and sets course to Kstrama V. But as soon as the cube enters the vacation resort all power of the cube decreases and finally the Cube has absolutely no power left. A minute later the cube enters the atmosphere of Kstrama V, slows down to a very low speed and crashes softly next to the Borg sphere which crashed there 106 years ago... On the planet surface thousands of tourists start cheering, shouting, applauding and have the time of their lives celebrating... Commodor Steichen stays calm. "We are going to examine the cube, and try to use it to our advantage. What would our priorities be? It is clear that there is a defense system which protects the Kstrama system, even against the Borg. We will try to find the makers of this defense system." Players: Christine Steichen Starbase 369 Cloaked ships have only one disadvantage. They do not have shields while cloaked... the Romulan warbird is cloaked, passing close to Starbase 369... It is the cargo ship USS Carry under command of Commander Jeffrey Dunn who passes the Romulan ship at a close distance. To the Romulans the freighter USS Carry is not a dangerous obstacle as the USS Carry almost has no weapons. The Romulans have the idea that the USS Carry is just starting another trip to deliver supplies. Commander Jeffrey Dunn does an excellent job by flying casual at low warp as usual. It is a comple surprise for the Romulans aboard the Romulan ship Vradanex when the ship is boarded by Starfleet Marines, hundreds of them in a matter of seconds. At the same time the genesis torpedo aboard the Vradanex is transported to the USS Carry. After a few minutes the entire Romulan crew is beamed aboard to the closed cargo bays aboard the USS Carry. The Vradanex itself is taken to starbase 369 space dock by the USS Carry's tractor beam. The operation is a big success and only minimal resources were used. Commodore Van Nieuwenhove can be very pleased. The Romulan Commander, Gnok, is interrogated. The only thing he wants to reveal is that he is under orders. If this is true, that would be a strange thing. Only the Romulan Senate can order a Romulan Commander. It is of vital importance to find out whether the Romulan Senate is behind this Romulan rebel issue. Because if it is, that would take this conflict to a totally different dimension. Even under a mindmeld of one of the Vulcan security officers Commander Gnok does not reveal more. But it is revealed during the mindmeld that somebody has been altering Commander Gnok's brain beyond repair. The damage to Gnok's brain is permanent. After interrogating the crew of the Vradanex, it becomes clear they only followed orders from Commander Gnok. Some of the senior officer only knew that it was a secret mission. The interrogation has ended for now. The first reports of the intelligence officers and engineers are coming in. "Commodore, according the flight data this ship came directly from Romulus. The files are genuine. The last contact from the Vradanex is with Romulan senator Merdak. There was no contact with anyone after that." "This Romulan Commander Gnok is probably brainwashed. Or his mind is somehow altered. He will not help him. Contact the Romulan Senate. We will act as if we know everything and show them your prisoners. We will say our prisoners confessed. This is of course a bold game of poker, but we have nothing to lose." Players: Geert Van Nieuwenhove USS Thunderbolt In Romulan space a small fleet of 187 Romulan rebel ships with genesis technology aboard accompanied by two Starfleet vessels, USS thunderbolt and USS Recon are on their way deeper into Romulan space. Unknown to the Commodore Mechels and his crew, Klingons who are in war with the Romulans have detected this Romulan rebel fleet and the two Federation ships. The Klingons do not worry about these Federation ships, but the Federation council itself has been addressed with the issue. Starfleet sends out the USS Sensi which has great stealth abilities and is under command of Rear Admiral T'Noc. But it will take the USS Sensiat least a week to come into sensor range. If Rear Admiral T'Noc is able to make it. The war between the Romulans and Klingons continues, even as their representatives are sitting together at the negotiations table. These negotiations do not seem to worry the Romulan rebels. Their plan is set up. Their idea is that the Romulan Empire should again be the dominant power in the Alpha Quadrant. These Romulan rebels are trying to get as much other Romulans to their side and help them. But there also seems to be somehting wrong with these rebels. Aside of this fleet of 187 ships there are only about 20 other Romulan rebel ships, but those are spread out over the entire Romulan Empire. More strange is that apparently on a lot of Romulan warships the last few weeks a lot of mutinies have started. It seems to be chaos in the Romulan ranks. But one thing is certain. There will not be a lot more Romulan ships joining this rebel fleet, except for those 20 which are on their way to a rendez-vous point. But the main problem still has to come for the Romulan rebels. The Sixth Klingon Battlegroup has taken one of the Romulan rebel planets, Kuranak, not knowing that this planet was a Romulan rebel planet. The Klingons find vital information about the Romulan rebels and inform the Klingon High Council. But the Klingon High Council does not want to share this new information with the Romulan senate. And the Klingons do not seem to have plans to withdraw out of Romulan space. They do not target the Romulan rebels only, but all Romulan ships and facilities. The most strange is that on all ships of the 187 Romulan rebel ships there seems to be a discussion of what to do now. A spokesman is chosen. Commander T'rona of the Romulan rebel warbird Krenedex has to do the job. "Commodore Mechels. You know we stand behind our cause to overthrow the powers in the Alpha Quadrant with our destructive weapons. But we think we first have to remove the Klingon filth out of Romulan space. It is to show our power and to gain the turst of the Romulan people. We would like it if you would accompany us." Players: Helena Straetman,Caroline Keuleers,Willem Keuleers, Lieselotte Keuleers, Wouter Keuleers USS Walang The USS Walang is traveling through the Scaton Nebula where more than a few species are mining. But some want the nebula for themselves. The Grotjoins, under command of General General Ghoon have calimed the entire nebula. But the Scaton nebula is so big, that it is impossible for the fleet of six Grotjoins ships to be everywhere at the same time. Although some species have taken the threat serious and ran, lots of other species like the fleet of Hsta who want to share the nebula decide not to take that Grotjoins threat. Although Captain Hendriks is asked by the Hsta to join a large fleet to fight the Grotjoins, she does not and waits to see what happens. In the mean time the USS Walang continues mining. Of course the Grotjoins can ignite the entire nebula or try to destroy it. That way nobody wins. But the cargo bays of the USS Walang are almost completely filled. And so the fight begins. Six Grotjoins warships agains 49 mining and light cruisers of 14 different species. The Grotjoins notice that their threat has not worked and that they are in trouble now. But their ships are very powerful against those mining ships and this fight will end in a bloodbath. But to be sure the Grotjoins fleet retreats and picks a new spot in the nebula from which they can oversee the battle. By coincidence the Grotjoins fleet retreats in the direction of the USS Walang, which at the same time moves towards the Grotjoins fleet, just because the Federation ship is moving to a new mining field. Although the USS Walang does not participate in the battle, the movement of the USS Walang to a big mining field and also towards the Grotjoins fleet is mistakenly interpreted by General Ghoon of the Grotjoins that the USS Walang is moving against his fleet. The USS Walang is a much bigger and much more powerful ship than his own ships and General Ghoon decides to flee. His fleet leaves the nebula and escapes a possible destruction. Captain Hendriks is contacted by the Hsta. "Captain Hendriks of the USS Walang. What a great battle move. You really have those Grotjoins running. That was absolutely beautiful. We did not even lose one ship, not even one crewmate. We did not have to fire one shot. You can be sure we will be singing the hero song for you Captain Hendriks of the USS Walang. You really..." The Hsta keeps talking and praise Captain Hendriks' cunning battle manoeuvre. Captain Hendriks tries to explain that this was all a coincidende and that she never intended to join the fight and that she only wanted to mine a new field, but Hsta is so happy and rambling with a waterfall of words she cannot even interupt. Apparently Captain Hendriks is a hero now. An hour later every other species of the 14 has expressed their gratitude. Even the species, who had left the nebula to avoid battle are returning and they also thank Captain Hendriks again and again. Apparently the Grotjoins are well known for their violence and surpression of other species. The following day all of the mining fleets have been reinforced by battleships. Thos mining fleets are safe now, even if the Grotjoins return. The Scaton nebula has become an example of how So many different species can work and live together in peace. The USS Walang has been filled with all kind of resources. Maybe it is time to go. Players: Marianne Loogen USS Vertigo Day 56 21.13 The Klingon Battlecruiser Qui'Tu under command of Captain K'Mada has a guest aboard, Lieutenant Commander Matz, half Klingon, to help the Klingons searching for Romulan ships with genesis technology. The Klingons will of course destroy these ships without question. Day 57 14.52 The Qui'Tu has already destroyed three Romulan warbirds with a genesis device aboard. Captain K'Mada finds it strange that these Romulan ships are so far from Junak, Genok and Frino which are the three planets used by Romulan rebels, according the Federation. Calculations prove that these Romulan ships cannot have come from Junak, Genok or Frino. They needed at least two months more. Day 57 15.09 Captain K'Mada decides to go to Romulus to spy on the Romulan Senate. Captain K'Mada believes that this story about rebels in the Romulan empire is a big fat lie... Players: Nadine Peeters USS Iceberg Deep outside Federation space the USS Iceberg, under command of Colonel Crow, has some problems with Romulans. While in pursuit three scientists have been taken aboard from the USS Starshine, with a Romulan power device. It is clear that these scientists have something to do with the Romulans. While the USS Iceberg is following those Romulan ships the three scientists are interrogated. All tricks in the book are used to make them tell the truth. "We don't know what the device is or does, but that's something we will find out. as they do not help us I'll tell them that we will bring them back to the two warships of the Romulans and hand them over to them without the device. Let's see what happens." The scientists are interrogated further and threatened as Colonel Crow has explained. It is Doctor Graladi Masolani who is the first to give up. He is completely exhausted. "Stop, stop, enough! The device is designed to counter the genesis wave. As soon as a genesis wave is detected this device will generate an anti genesis wave. It is still a prototype. The Romulans have developed it together with some Federation scientists... yes yes... us. We have been doing this. All Romulan ships and facilities will have this kind of device and then they are safe from genesis weapons." Colonel Crow realises this could change the balance of power in the Alpha Quadrant. he contacts Starfleet Marines Head Quarters and explains to his old friend General Fujimori what has happened. "Colonel Crow. You did an excellent job. Currently there is a peace conference aboard a neutral ship with aside of the Federation, there are the Klingons, and Romulans. We hope for peace of course. But with the discovery of this device, things could change. I am sure the Klingons will not be happy about this. As you know the Klingons are in war with the Romulans... and they are winning. We are not sure anymore this is about Romulan rebels. More and more clues point the way to the Romulan Senate. That indicates that at least a few of the Romulan senators know about these rebels. Maybe these Romulan senators are behind all this. So keep following these Romulan ships. Keep me up to date. General Fujimori out." As soon as the communication channel is closed, Atad has a new report. "Colonel, the Romulan ships have set course to a planet. That planet is designated as Ghiana II. We can hide ourselves in orbit of Ghiana III. In stealth mode we will not be detected by the Romulans. But we can see what they are doing. I will launch some satelites in orbit of Ghiana III as well. So we can monitor the Romulans." As soon as the plan is set in motion, the Romulans, are in orbit of Ghiana II. Apparently there is a Romulan colony on Ghiana II. But it seems to be a very peaceful colony. there are no large weapons, no defensive platforms in orbit. Scanning even further it seems these Romulans on Ghiana II seem to be just farmers... Players: Jan Theys USS Colorado/USS Cinebow While aboard the USS Cinebow all senior officers report the status of their departments to Captain T'Gor, Captain T'Gor has to set priorities. ------------------------------------------ Aboard the USS Colorado the entire crew is very happy to have Captain Walker and First Officer Commander Sonak back aboard in good health. Captain Walker tells the entire story with the Vulcans and Romulans and the undercover operations. Walker ends the story to the senior staff. "That's all there is to say, I wish they was another way. I read your report Lt. Wayne, you handled the Captain's chair as every Captain would. Your not after my job are you Wayne." But Lieutenant Wayne has experienced that sitting in the center seat is much more difficult as it looked. It is certainly a job someone cannot do alone. "No Sir, I had great help." As the meeting comes to an end, everyone can speak freely. "Mr Sonak, do you have anything to add." "No Captain." Then Captain Walker gives new orders. "Very well. Bridge this is the Captain, inform Starfleet command that the Colorado will join the 4th fleet. Best speed." "Otherstood Captain." And so the USS Colorado travels to the Romulan-Federation neutral zone. During the voyage of six days new reports come in, especially from Starfleet Command concerning the war between the Romulans and Klingons. the Klingons are winning for the moment and have already invaded Romulan space with a lot of success. But it is well known that the large part of the Romulan fleet is still to far from the Klingon invasion force. The biggest battle between the romulans and Klingons still has to come. At the same time the romulans, Klingons and Federation representatives are negotiating a treaty on a neutral ship, but it seems only the federation is really interested in peace. Arriving at the Neutral Zone, the USS Colorado has arrived first at the rendez-vous point. Still six ships have to arrive. But it will take at least nine days before the taskforce will be complete. An immediate surprise awaits the USS Colorado crew as sensors detect a Romulan escape pod. The Romulan officer in the escape pod contacts the USS Colorado. "Help me Federation ship. I am Sub-Commander Vorax. I have been thrown out of our ship. Help me and I can give you very important information about the Romulan fleet." Players: Johan Michielsens, Conny Parmentier USS Alice Cooper The USS Alice Cooper-B, the USS Lyon and USS Doorway are in high orbit of Angel One, monitoring the Romulan warbird D'Ladex coming to Angel One at very low speed. It is unknown to the Federation crews what is happening on the Romulan warbird. But at this speed it will take at least three more days to get to Angel One. It is known to the Federation that at least some Romulan ships have a genesis weapon aboard. This could present a danger to Angel One, but at this time there is no indication the D'Ladex has indeed such a weapon aboard. Far away from Angel One, the Klingon invasion force is moving rapidly towards Romulus. Romulan space hides several genesis dangers, but with some Federation weapon specialists, the klingons do not have to be afraid for an attack with this kind of weapon as they can recognise it before the Romulans can use it. It is unknown to the Romulans that the Klingons and federation work together on this... Also unknown to the Federation is what happens on the D'Ladex. The mutiny of Lieutenant Larek and his men who are opposed against the use of the genesis technology by their commander T'Norak, almost comes to an end. T'Norak has been able to control the transporters and transports the mutinies to a cargo bay. But unexpected, the ship's doctor takes side in the conflict. He releases a gas and puts commander T'Norak and his men asleep. A few minutes later the doctor unlocks the doors of the cargo bay releasing Lieutenant Larek and his mutineers. Players: Crew of the USS Alice Cooper Ovion (Hirogen Hunting Vessel) A small group of Hirogen soldiers prepares to go through the stargate to a planet called Zipaya, where an artifact of the ancients should be hidden. The defenses of the Goa'uld on zipaya are expected to be serious, but the Hirogen technology is way more advanced. the group consists of Horkan, Jotarn, the Alpha Hirogen Donar and four of Donar's security officers. When the last chevron of the stargate is engaged and the wormhole is established, a hirogen probe is send through. This probe is so small, it will not be seen by the Jaffa if there are any at the gate. As soon as the telemetrie of the probe comes in, the Hirogen group sees that there are at least 20 Jaffa guarding the stargate on Zipaya. They are all turning towards the stargate, making themselves ready for an attack. But these Jaffa have never seen Hirogen warriors. Before they step through the gate the Hirogen cloak themselves. Invisible enemies are marching through the Stargate. The Jaffa guarding the stargate on Zipaya are totally surprised. the fight is short and the Hirogen kill their prey easy. While the small group advances into the nearby woods a Jaffa patrol discovers the killed Jaffa at the Stargate. the alarm is given. Jotarn scans the area. He discovers at least six thousand Jaffa are coming their way. No problem for the invisible Hirogen... Deep in the forrest a large castle is the home of the powerful Goa'uld Fernetara. Fernetara is furious that his Jaffa have failed to guard the stargate. He sends more and more Jaffa of his army to the gate and spread them around his fortress. Fernetara curses, calls his First Prime and gives his orders. "I want these intruders caught. You will bring them before me and they will bow for me. Don't fail me." "I will do as you command my lord." The First Prime assmebles his men and joins the Jaffa who are already searching for the unknown enemy. At the same time the small Hirogen group has already walked through the Jaffa defenses. At the wall of the castle Jotarn scans the castle. "There is a small room where the artifact is put on a shrine." Without waiting the Hirogen group uses thier site to site transporters. A few seconds later they materialize in the small room. The Hirogen security officers post themselves as guard, staying cloaked, while Jotarn Horkan and Doran study the artifact. It is a golden device, with some inscriptions on it, a few emeralds and some buttons. Horkan makes the call. "We will examine the artifact here and now. If there is any danger we can fleet back to Gundrota." Players: Thomas van Rhee USS Oregon Gamma Quadrant the USS Oregon crew finds a planet almost completely destroyed, Opal III. Cratona of the Kstra contacts the USS Oregon accusing the Drovandi of a planet scale attack but he also accuses his own government not to have defended the planet. Cratona's action seems suspicious to say the least. Captain Roberto Adriano decides to wait when the contact with Cratona of the Kstra is lost. nothing happens for hours until suddenly a Drovandi ship is detected. Unknown to the crew of the USS Oregon there is a dispute among the crew of the Drovandi ship called Hudlra, under command of Scipper Gstlo. Apparently the crew of the Hudlra is not pleased on how it is payed. In fact the crew hasn't been payed for over two months and most of the men serving on the Hudlra are starting to get angry. Some even think about becoming pirates. But even Scipper Gstlo is getting agry. He hasn't been payed either. He makes a last attempt to convince the leaders of his governement to reach an agreement on paying his crew and himself... Players: Cathy Edgington Earth Alliance Starship (EAS) Terradyne Earth Alliance Starship Terradyne, FMAR Draan Marr in command. The idea of bringing representatives of the federation, the klingon Empire and the Romulan Empire together to talk about peace, was a good one. Not entirely willing to cooperate are the Klingons, but still Chancellor Dormek has come with an assistant. The Romulan Praetor D'Reven also brought his assistant and the President of the United Federation of Planets, Kime Nosugref is accompanied by the Starfleet C-in)C and Admiral Jaust. Sitting at the same table as the Romulan Praetor is for Klingon Chancellor Dormek more of an insult and he immediately starts with a list of demands. "The entire Romulan fleet will be dismanteled, as compensation the Neutral Zone between the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Empire will move towards Sectors 14566 to 15468,..." The Klingon list of demands is long and it is clear again this will not be an easy negotiation. It is also clear that the Klingon delegation is not prepared to lose face over this conflict. the Klingons have already taken and occupied a small part of the Romulan territory and it is clear they are not planning to leave. they are surely in the better position to negotiate as they are winning the war against the Romulans. The Federation President seems to have a lot of patience as the Romulan Praetor and the Klingon Chancellor are trying to convince eachother that they are right. Even when Klingon Chancellor dormek bombs the table with his both hands Federation President Kime Nosugref doesn't even look up. It is not clear whether he is not interested or that he is planning to let the other two waiste their energy on eachother first. The Federation is not yet in war with anyone, but there have been several threats and the Federation cannot ignore that. It seems that little by little the Federation is chosing the side of the Klingons. After all, the Federation and Klingon Empire were attacked by Romulans without any provocation. either the Romulan Senate and/or Praetor knew about all this or if they didn't know and this is about Romulan rebels, the Romulan Senate has not done enough to stop those rebels... Then a disturbing report comes in. It is the Klingon Chancellor who gets a mesage from one of his Captains deep in Romulan space. Apparently at least two Federation Starfleet ships have joined a group of Romulan ships, which seem to have the genesis weapons aboard. These ships are identified as the USS Thunderbolt and USS Recon. The Federation President orders Admiral Jaust to investigate. When Jaust returns to the negotiation table, he has little to report. "We cannot contact those ships mister President. It is a strange matter indeed. These two ships also seem to be modified. There are not exactly standard Starfleet vessels sir. I will send a ship to investigate. That will be the USS Sensi. The USS Sensi has great stealth abilities and is under command of Rear Admiral T'Noc. We will get a report from T'Noc within... a week sir..." FMAR Draan Marr finds the Romulan situation a bit strange. And he gives his orders to his own security officers. "There is something wrong here... The Romulan Praetor acts strange. Either he knows more about those rebels or... Take Praetor D'Reven aside alone and interrogate him. use any means necessary to get the truth out of him. Oh well, let those diplomatic skills of these three run as they go. There is probably no sollution for this problem. The hate of the Klingons towards the Romulans is to high and the Klingons are probably taking advantage of the situation and using it as an excuse to crush the Romulans once and for all. We will not interfere..." Players: Steve Elliot DS2 RPG General Status Report October 2006 USS Earth Beta Quadrant, Kstrama system, a true paradise. The Kstrama system is controled by an automated system which takes care of the visitors and defends the system against unwanted intruders. Two Borg ships, a sphere and a cube have crashed on Kstrama V. The Kstrama defense system has taken them out. This is of course a perfect opportunity for the Starfleet crew to study the Borg, without being in danger. Several away teams enter both ships and start their study, while Commodore Steichen herself tries to make contact with the makers of this system. But that is not easy. Opening a channel Steichen hails the makers of the Kstrama defense system. She gets a strange reply. "For complaints about the Kstrama Resort, please use frequency 449. For donations and other financial issues, please use frequency 166. For questions on how to establish communications with your homeworld, please use frequency 948. For security, please use frequency 100. For all other issues, please use frequency 333 to contact the life operator." Quickly it is determined that security is the service needed. "You have called Kstrama Security. There is nobody waiting for you. Please wait while a connection is made. The line is now open. You are connected... This is the Defender. What can I do for you?" Now that was easy enough. Commodore Steichen explains that the Federation would be very interested in the defense systems the Kstrama have against the Borg. While Commodore Steichen starts some kind of negotiation with the Kstrama Defender, a new report come is from the surface of Kstrama V. "Commodore, this is Lieutenant Commander Sora Mil. We have reason to believe a large Borg fleet is on it's way here." But just at the moment Lieutenant Commander Sora ends her report several transwarp conduits open. A few moments later the entire Kstrama system is surrounded by 106 Borg ships. Some of those ships are probing the Kstrama border, but as soon as one of the ships enters Kstrama space, it is vaporized. The defense system clearly works. "Commodore Steichen of the United Federation of Planets. Are you still there?" Commodore Steichen explains to the Defender that she has seen the Kstrama defense system in action. Of course the Federation is interested in obtaining this technology. The Defender does not seem to be disturbed by the request. "No problem. As you are not Borg, the Borg defense system technology can be yours, for no more than ten different plants of your home planet. We will care for these plants and breed them. What do you say. That is cheap, isn't it? I cannot go any lower with my price. You must understand. Oh, did I already tell you that this technology cannot be assimilated by the Borg? Otherwise it would become useless after a while, wouldn't it? Now please understand that you may not alter the technology, you may duplicate the technology but only for your own use of the United Federation of Planets, and you may not sell the technology. Only the United Federation of Planets, which you represent may use this technology. Look, I make you a deal. If you also take the defense technology against the Brontrordens, I can make a total price of 15 plants of your home planet. Now you must understand that this technology can only be used for planets, not for starships or other space facilities. The technology can only use the energy of the planet as an energy source. OK, I see some doubt here..." But there is no doubt. A few moments later 15 plants are taken out of the arboretum and put on the transporter padd in transporter room 2. The exchange is fast. The plants are transported out and a large crate materializes. In the crate there is a large device with some kind of padd with the instructions how to install the device in the core of a planet and how to produce and duplicate the device. Also in the crate is a smaller device with technology to neutralize the Brontrordens... Players: Christine Steichen Starbase 369 The Romulan warbird Vradanex undercommand of Commander Gnok, has been invaded by Starfleet Marines. The crew has been taken prisoner, the genesis device aboard ahs been taken. After investigation it appears that the mind of Romulan Commander Gnok has been altered. The last contact the Vradanex had was with Romulan Senator Merdak. Commodore Van Nieuwenhove uses his intelligence officers, his diplomatic officers and some obscure elements to contact the Romulan Senate directly... The Romulan Senate: Issue 16 on the agenda: integration of agricultural activites on Gterok IV. Speaker is Senator Kerdonek. "... and therefore my dear fellow Senators we can only approve this motion as, to say it simple, we need food for our people. The war with the Klingons takes a lot of resources. And also if you..." Senator Kerdonek is interupted by a military officer appearing on a large viewscreen. As all Romulan Senators expect more information about the war with the Klingons, they are so amazed to see a Starfleet Commodore. "I am Starfleet Commodore Geert Van Nieuwenhove of the United Federation of Planets. And this is one of my prisoners." The Romulan Senators watch the screen while two Starfleet security officers bring Romulan Commander Gnok of the Vradanex closer. Apprently Commander Gnok is recognised by some of the Romulan Senators. the Senators start talking among themselves until the First Speaker demands order and silence. While there is still some background talking, Commodore Van Nieuwehove continues. "We have a full confession." Now the background talking changes into shouting. Now it is Commodore Van Nieuwenhove who may be surprised. As he wathces his viewscreen with his senior staff, he sees a Senator shouting above everyone else. It is Senator Likarek "You see Merdak. Your plan has failed as I said it would." But Senator Merdak doesn't give up easy. "Likarek, you fool. They have no confession. The mind of this Commander Gnok has been altered. He does not know anything. He only knows his orders." More shouting towards Senator Merdak disturbs the order. Senator Likarek, an ambitious Senator, takes his chance to eliminate his political opponent. "This is all your fault Merdak. Guards! Arrest that man!" But even the guards are confused. In the moment the guards are thinking of what to do, Senator Merdak has a disruptor in his hand and fires the weapon, hitting Senator Likarek in the shoulder. More weapons are drawn and a serious firefight begins. Then the connection between the Romulan Senate and Starbase 369 is broken. Commodore Van Nieuwenhove sees a nice oportunity. "Now is the time to strike and destroy those treacherous Romulans once and for all. We will send our fleet to help the Klingons. Kill them all, or something like that." Players: Geert Van Nieuwenhove USS Thunderbolt Deep in Romulan space two Federation ships, USS Thunderbolt and USS Recon are escorted by 187 Romulan ships. All these Romulan ships have the genesis technology aboard. Commodore Mechels has a plan to throw out the entire Romulan Senate and take over the Romulan Empire. "I will order the Romulan rebel fleet to accompany us to Romulus and take over the Romulan Senate. The Romulan Senate is probably to busy with the war against the Klingons. Now is our chance. Of course it is possible the Klingons will arive at Romulus before us..." It is a race against time as the Klingon fleet already is advancing rapidly. Expected is that some of the Klingon ships have already reached Romulus, being cloaked, they could slip through the Romulan defenses. While on their way the Borg drones aboard the USS Thunderbolt seemed to get a little nervous. Although the crew of the USS Thunderbolt thought it was because of the upcoming battle, that was not the case. The more the small fleet comes to Romulus, the more the three Borg seem to consult with eachother. But also the Klingons seem to be first. A large fleet of about 1400 Klingon ships is on an intercept course towards the fleet in which the USS Thunderbolt and USS Recon. Just at that moment Master One, addresses Commodore Mechels. "Commodore, there is somehting wrong with the force. History will be changed. It involves a large part of the Borg Collective. We must advice you to abort this mission, Leave Romulan space and set a new course. Commodore Mechels only has one order. "We will drop everything and try to find out what the problem is with the force. Wherever the Borg jedi masters take us, we will follow them." Players: Helena Straetman,Caroline Keuleers,Willem Keuleers, Lieselotte Keuleers, Wouter Keuleers USS Walang The USS Walang is traveling through the Scaton Nebula where more than a few species are mining. The violent Grotjoins are driven away and the nebula returns to peace. Captain hendriks wants to take the opportunity to get to know these species as they are unknown to the Federation. All 28 species are invited on the USS Walang. All send a representative and during a big dinner the different species not only get to know Captain Hendriks and the federation, but also eachother. Some of the species never met. Of course the main subject of the talks is the Scaton Nebula, where all can mine for any resources they need. While close to the Federation a war between the Romulans and Klingons is expanding the moment that the Federation has to chose sides in the conflict gets closer. Captain Hendriks is informed through Station Kirie 1. But there is not much she can do at this yime to help. Abaord the USS Walang the different species become more and more friendly with eachother. Some of them even make official treaties. Especially the less powerful species are very happy to be able to join at the table of the more powerful ones. As Captain Hendriks explains about the Federation and the planets which are united in this Federation, the idea comes up for those species in the Skaton Nebula to join up as well in some kind of Federation with diplomatic relations, a Federation High Council with representatives of every species... It is a joyful day and once again Captain Hendriks and the Federation has been taken as example. Only a week later a space station at the edge of the Scaton nebula is build. It will serve as the neutral place where the now 42 species will gather and meet to talk about their objectives. The Federation already has a name as well: The Scaton Federation. The first problem comes up when the violent Grotjoins also want to join the Scaton Federation. In a very short time, the species of the Scaton Federation have gained a lot of progress and prosperety, and the Grotjoins don't want to be left alone and behind. Before making a decision a representative of the Scaton Federation addresses Captain Hendriks. "Captain Hendriks, All members of the Scaton Federation have agreed to let everyone join as long as the Scaton Federation laws are subscribed and executed. You have seen first hand how violent the Grotjoins can be. We would like adive from you as you are much longer a member of a Federation. What must we do?" Captain Hendriks does not have to think long. "This is not our Federation. Let the Scaton Federation decide for themselves. As long as the Grotjoins live by the laws of the Scaton Federation, there is no reason why they cannot join the Scaton Federation. If they become violent again, the rest of the Scaton Federation members are much stronger to control any violence. Of course only if all Scaton Federation members agree." Players: Marianne Loogen USS Vertigo Day 59 23.12 On its way to Romulus the Klingon Battlecruiser Qui'Tu under command of Captain K'Mada, with half Klingon Starfleet Lieutenant Commander Matz aboard, receives a message initiated by Commodore Geert Van Nieuwenhove, who has made direct contact with the Romulan Senate. the Romulan Senate is accused of all kinds of things, but part of the Romulan Senators start a fight, even a fire fight. Then the connection is closed. Day 59 00.08 It is not certain what has happened in the Romulan Senate, but Captain K'Mada doesn't take any chances and continues the trip to Romulus. Day 59 16.49 The cloaked Klingon Battlecruiser Qui'Tu arrives at Romulus. The Qui'Tu is the first Klingon ship to arrive at Romulus. But the surprise is huge. Apparently there are firefights in several cities on Romulus. Romulans are fighting Romulans... On the Qui'Tu, the Klingons cannot believe what they see. Lieutenant Commander Matz suggests to Captain K'Mada to have a party. Captain K'Mada fully agrees. Although there is honor to be gained in this war, apparently this war is over... Players: Nadine Peeters USS Iceberg Deep outside Federation space the USS Iceberg, under command of Colonel Crow, is in pursuit of two Romulan ships which take the USS Iceberg to a planet called Ghiana II. The USS Iceberg hides behind a planet closeby, Ghiana III to see what the Romulans are planning. On board the USS Iceberg is a device that can counter the genesis wave. This device could be a major shift in power in the quadrant. Strangely enough the population of Ghiana II seem to be all farmers. There is no significant level of technology. The hours pass and the Romulan warbirds in orbit of Ghiana II have not made a move. It is as if these two Romulan warbirds are protecting Ghiana II. But it is not clear what could be a threat to the Romulan population on Ghiana II. There are no other ships on long range sensors... Players: Jan Theys USS Colorado/USS Cinebow The USS Colorado patroling the border of the Federation-Romulan Neutral Zone intercepts a Romulan escape podd with Sub-Commander Vorax who claims he wants to defect. Captain Walker is still waiting for six Starfleet vessels to join his patrol group. ------------------------------------------ Far away from the Colorado, the USS Cinebow has a new destination as Captain T'Gor explains. "Lt Danto inform Starfleet Command that will join the 6th fleet at starbase 295." Tactical Chief Lieutenant Nethor Danto makes the call and waits for confirmation from Starfleet Command. "Starfleet has acknowledged sir." "Helm, best speed to star base 295." "Best speed, aye commander." Wondering if the Colorado is in the erea Lt. Jones searches for the whereabouts of the Colorado. But the USS Colorado is not. Starbase 295 is under command of Rear Admiral Geoff McTrom. The Admiral is assembling the 6th fleet for a mission to enter Romulan space if necessary. The 6th fleet will be under command of Rear Admiral McTrom himself and will contain 16 ships. One of those ships is the USS Cinebow where Lieutenant Jones has the order to investigate how the sensors can be improved so cloaked Romulan ships can be detected faster. While the fleet moves at high warp towards the Neutral Zone, Lieutenant Jones comes up with some tachyon sensor improvemnents. But when the fleet arrives at the border a communication is received by all the ships. It is a direct communication connection between Starbase 369 and Romulus. The Romulan Senate: Issue 16 on the agenda: integration of agricultural activites on Gterok IV. Speaker is Senator Kerdonek. "... and therefore my dear fellow Senators we can only approve this motion as, to say it simple, we need food for our people. The war with the Klingons takes a lot of resources. And also if you..." Senator Kerdonek is interupted by a military officer appearing on a large viewscreen. As all Romulan Senators expect more information about the war with the Klingons, they are so amazed to see a Starfleet Commodore. "I am Starfleet Commodore Geert Van Nieuwenhove of the United Federation of Planets. And this is one of my prisoners." The Romulan Senators watch the screen while two Starfleet security officers bring Romulan Commander Gnok of the Romulan warbird Vradanex closer. Apprently Commander Gnok is recognised by some of the Romulan Senators. The Senators start talking among themselves until the First Speaker demands order and silence. While there is still some background talking, Commodore Van Nieuwehove continues. "We have a full confession." Now the background talking changes into shouting. As Lieutenant Jones and the rest of the USS Cinebow bridge crew watch the viewscreen, they see a Senator shouting above everyone else. It is Senator Likarek. "You see Merdak. Your plan has failed as I said it would." But Senator Merdak doesn't give up easy. "Likarek, you fool. They have no confession. The mind of this Commander Gnok has been altered. He does not know anything. He only knows his orders." More shouting towards Senator Merdak disturbs the order. Senator Likarek, an ambitious Senator, takes his chance to eliminate his political opponent. "This is all your fault Merdak. Guards! Arrest that man!" But even the guards are confused. In the moment the guards are thinking of what to do, Senator Merdak has a disruptor in his hand and fires the weapon, hitting Senator Likarek in the shoulder. More weapons are drawn and a serious firefight begins. Then the connection between the Romulan Senate and Starbase 369 is broken. On the bridge of the USS Cinebow the officers, even Vulcan Captain T'Gor, are staring at the viewscreen. The image of the Romulan Senate is replaced by the stars in space. After checking it is clear that this was a real communication, sent on all frequencies. Only moments later the sixth fleet is contacted by some Romulan ships in the Neutral zone. They ask for help. Not far away are three Romulan warbirds. Captain T'Gor asks his officers for advice. Players: Johan Michielsens, Conny Parmentier USS Alice Cooper The USS Alice Cooper-B, the USS Lyon and USS Doorway are in high orbit of Angel One, monitoring the Romulan warbird D'Ladex coming to Angel One at very low speed. Aboard the D'Ladex Lieutenant Larek has started a mutiny against Commander T'Norak because Larek does not agree to deploy a genesis weapon. Lieutenant Larek and his fellow mutineers are able to take over the ship and throw Commander T'Norak and his followers in holding cells. At that time the D'Ladex comes to a full stop. Just at that moment a communication comes in on the Federation starships, on the d'Ladex and on Angel One itself. It is a direct communication between Federation Starbase 369 and Romulus, captital planet of the Romulan Empire. The Romulan Senate: Issue 16 on the agenda: integration of agricultural activites on Gterok IV. Speaker is Senator Kerdonek. "... and therefore my dear fellow Senators we can only approve this motion as, to say it simple, we need food for our people. The war with the Klingons takes a lot of resources. And also if you..." Senator Kerdonek is interupted by a military officer appearing on a large viewscreen. As all Romulan Senators expect more information about the war with the Klingons, they are so amazed to see a Starfleet Commodore. "I am Starfleet Commodore Geert Van Nieuwenhove of the United Federation of Planets. And this is one of my prisoners." The Romulan Senators watch the screen while two Starfleet security officers bring Romulan Commander Gnok of the Romulan warbird Vradanex closer. Apprently Commander Gnok is recognised by some of the Romulan Senators. The Senators start talking among themselves until the First Speaker demands order and silence. While there is still some background talking, Commodore Van Nieuwehove continues. "We have a full confession." Now the background talking changes into shouting. One Senator is shouting above everyone else. It is Senator Likarek. "You see Merdak. Your plan has failed as I said it would." But Senator Merdak doesn't give up easy. "Likarek, you fool. They have no confession. The mind of this Commander Gnok has been altered. He does not know anything. He only knows his orders." More shouting towards Senator Merdak disturbs the order. Senator Likarek, an ambitious Senator, takes his chance to eliminate his political opponent. "This is all your fault Merdak. Guards! Arrest that man!" But even the guards are confused. In the moment the guards are thinking of what to do, Senator Merdak has a disruptor in his hand and fires the weapon, hitting Senator Likarek in the shoulder. More weapons are drawn and a serious firefight begins. Then the connection between the Romulan Senate and Starbase 369 is broken. Players: Crew of the USS Alice Cooper Ovion (Hirogen Hunting Vessel) A small group of Hirogen soldiers prepares to go through the stargate to a planet called Zipaya, where an artifact of the ancients should be hidden. The group consists of Horkan, Jotarn, the Alpha Hirogen Donar and four of Donar's security officers. Deep in the forrest a large castle is the home of the powerful Goa'uld Fernetara who ants the intruders very bad. But at first his Jaffa cannot find the Hirogen, who have already entered the castle and are at the point of examining the artifact. With the Hirogen universal translator the inscriptions on the artifact are easily translated. TRANSPORT CONTROL OF THE LOCATION OF HOME GATE CONNECTED There are extended instructions how to connect the device to the stargate and how to activate it. But it is not really clear what the device does exactly. There is only one way to find out and that is to try it. But first the Hirogen assault group has to return to Gundrota. Getting out of the castle is the easy part. But there are other options. The fight at the Stargate is short as the Hirogen do not take any prisoners, most of the Jaffa protecting the stargate are killed or heavily wounded. Apparently the Hirogen do all this for the hunt and they return to Gundrota very pleased. Horkan gives the artifact to the Tok'ra for them to use or to examine. At Gundrota 9 more Hirogen ships have arrived, making the total Hirogen ships to 61. And there are more to come... Players: Thomas van Rhee USS Oregon Gamma Quadrant the USS Oregon crew finds a planet almost completely destroyed, Opal III. Cratona of the Kstra contacts the USS Oregon accusing the Drovandi of a planet scale attack but he also accuses his own government not to have defended the planet. Cratona's action seems suspicious to say the least. When the Drovandi are detected by the USS Oregon's long range sensors it is unknown what these Drovandi are planning to do. But it is to soon to see whether the Drovandi ships have powered up weapons or defensive systems. Unknown to the crew aboard the USS Oregon, the crews of the Drovandi ships seem to be extremely busy. Apparently the crew and Scipper Gstlo have not been payed by the Drovandi government. On the two other Drovandi ships about the same is about to happen... Strike... But Scipper Gstlo, in command of the small fleet is able to convince his crew to do one more mission before returning to the Drovandi homeworld, and before they will start a major strike. This Drovandi mission involves the planet Opal III... Players: Cathy Edgington Earth Alliance Starship (EAS) Terradyne Aboard the EAS Terradyne a Klingon delegation under leadership of Chancellor Dormek, a Federation delegation, under leadership of the President of the United Federation of Planets, Kime Nosugref, accompanied by the Starfleet C-in-C and Admiral Jaust, and a Romulan delegation, under leadership of Praetor D'Reven are negotiating some kind of peace. During the negotiations the Romulan Praetor acts strange. FMAR Draan Marr orders to take the Romulan Praetor aside alone in a seperate room to have a serious talk. But during the interrogation of Romulan Praetor D'Reven, FMAR Draan Marr is called to watch the viewsreen in the room. "Sir. You must see this sir. The Federation has been able to make direct contact with the Romulan Senate. The connection has been established from Federation starbase 369 and Romulus." FMAR Draan Marr turns and looks at the small screen in front of him. The Romulan Senate: Issue 16 on the agenda: integration of agricultural activites on Gterok IV. Speaker is Senator Kerdonek. "... and therefore my dear fellow Senators we can only approve this motion as, to say it simple, we need food for our people. The war with the Klingons takes a lot of resources. And also if you..." Senator Kerdonek is interupted by a military officer appearing on a large viewscreen. As all Romulan Senators expect more information about the war with the Klingons, they are so amazed to see a Starfleet Commodore. "I am Starfleet Commodore Geert Van Nieuwenhove of the United Federation of Planets. And this is one of my prisoners." The Romulan Senators watch the screen while two Starfleet security officers bring Romulan Commander Gnok of the Romulan warbird Vradanex closer. Apprently Commander Gnok is recognised by some of the Romulan Senators. The Senators start talking among themselves until the First Speaker demands order and silence. While there is still some background talking, Commodore Van Nieuwehove continues. "We have a full confession." Now the background talking changes into shouting. As FMAR Draan Marr watches his viewscreen, he sees a Senator shouting above everyone else. It is Senator Likarek. "You see Merdak. Your plan has failed as I said it would." But Senator Merdak doesn't give up easy. "Likarek, you fool. They have no confession. The mind of this Commander Gnok has been altered. He does not know anything. He only knows his orders." More shouting towards Senator Merdak disturbs the order. Senator Likarek, an ambitious Senator, takes his chance to eliminate his political opponent. "This is all your fault Merdak. Guards! Arrest that man!" But even the guards are confused. In the moment the guards are thinking of what to do, Senator Merdak has a disruptor in his hand and fires the weapon, hitting Senator Likarek in the shoulder. More weapons are drawn and a serious firefight begins. Then the connection between the Romulan Senate and Starbase 369 is broken. Players: Steve Elliot DS2 RPG General Status Report November 2006 USS Earth The USS Earth under command of Commodore Christine Steichen is at ease in the Kstrama system. The Kstrama system is secured by the Brontrordens who have technology to nullify all kinds of technology, including Borg technology. Several ships of the Borg have already tried to invade the Kstrama system and more ships are on their way. In total there are almost one hunderd Borg ships surrounding the Kstrama system. But the vacation paradise on the planets of the Kstrama system is save. The people who are coming and going are traveling through Kstrama subspace corridors to their home planet. This technology is so advanced that it is indeed obvious the Borg Collective made it a priority to assimilate this entire system. Commodore Steichen wants to stay a little longer. "I figure we need the vacation. Might as well enjoy it now. We're certainly tying up plenty of cubes to earn the break. we won't worry to much. This is a nice vacation. we will stay where we are and enjoy ourselves." Commodore Steichen has several other ideas, which came upi when she received the Brontrordens technology to nullify all Borg technology. As she consults with her senior staff something comes up already. "How about exploring what passes for the borg entertainment systems? For mental health of any higher intellegence, dreaming and playtime must be important. This might be adapted into a weapon of sorts that could be used to twist the borg's perception of reality. The systems used to run this project are physically and communication isolated from all other systems on the ship. I'm thinking of turning the next cube into a stand-up comedy club..." This results in smiling officers. But the get to work. Several teams are sent to the crashed Borg cube on Kstrama V. Their mission is to infiltrate the subcouncious mind of the Borg and try to turn the Borg into good humanoids again. This could be spreading throughout the entire collective. But the first reports are not that good. It seemes to be necessary to activate a large number of Borg drones to be able to upload any program into their personal systems. At the same time the report comes in that some of the Borg transceivers have been taken from the cube, long range sensors detect two Federation ships just outside the Kstrama system. These ships are the USS Thunderbolt and USS Recon. But there is something not right about these ships. Both ships have a large amount of Borg upgrades. the USS Thunderbolt even has at least three Borg drones aboard... Players: Christine Steichen Starbase 369 Under command of Commodore Geert Van Nieuwenhove a fleet of six ships, USS Mexico, USS Starmaker, USS Napoli, USS Cruiser, USS Sunrise and USS Energy is heading towards the Romulan Federation Neutral Zone. The plan is to join the Klingon forces which have already been in war with the Romulans for some time. After the incident in the Romulan Senate it is no longer clear who is leading the Romulan Empire. But one thing is certainly clear. The entire Romulan fleet has regrouped around Romulus. Even the ships which seemed to have been in the hands of Romualn rebels have joined the large fleet of about 1100 Romualan ships. It only proves again that the entire Romulan Senate conspired against the Federation and Klingon Empire. The Klingons are assembling their major invasion force of about 900 ships close to Romulus as well, preparing for the ultimate strike. More Kingon ships are on their way, but the main forces under command of Klingon General Drak are willing to attack now for the glory and honor of the Klingon empire. Slowly the large Klingon fleet starts moving forward. Weapons are powered up. Most of the Klingon ships are cloaked and move faster to other positions. The Federation has 400 ships on route to Romulus, but if the Klingons advance like they do, those Federation ships will be to late to join the battle. Aboard the USS Mexico, Commodore Van Nieuwehove's flagship everything is being prepared for battle. Some of the Romulan scout ships have already been detected by long range sensors. While proceding to Romulus the fleet of Starbase 369 arrives in orbit of the last planet before reaching Romulus itself. The planet is called Gulok, is uninhabited and very important because of it's resources. And the first plan is to hold the planet. While the Federation starships take as much resources from the planet as possible, a small Klingon fleet joins them. When a Romulan scout ship is detected, the Klingons do not hesitate and jump to warp towards the Romulan scoutship. The Nebula class USS Napoli has the best sensor array of this fleet. Lieutenant Commander Grywold Husnoff, Chief of Operations aboard the USS Napoli is the first to report that the Romulan scoutship has a genesis weapon abaord. Without waiting for Captain Charles Verdun's orders Husnoff tries to warn the Klingons for the danger. But it is to late. All 19 Klingon ships are destroyed in a few seconds... The Romulan scoutship is destroyed as well. Commodore Van Niewenhove orders his fleet to the far side of the planet Gulok. With this extreme manoeuvre he saves his fleet. While the genesis wave hits the planet Gulok, all of his ships are saved. But the attack of that one Romulan scoutship gives an indication of what awaits the Klingon and Federation fleets. Commodore Van Nieuwenhove only has a few options. "We will wait for Federation reinforcements. We will be attacked by the Romulans... But we will hold our position, until more Federation and Klingon ships arrive." Players: Geert Van Nieuwenhove USS Thunderbolt Under order of the three Borg drones from the future the USS Thunderbolt and USS Recon are on their way to an unknown destination through a transwarp conduit. While the crew is guessing what is going on the three Borg drones aboard the USS Thunderbolt have a meeting. This meeting happens through the link they have with eachother and although this meeting seems to last an hour, it only takes a few milliseconds. Apparently Master One does the most of the talking. "We all know the options. We have to convince our opposition that we are the good and right ones. If this goes wrong there will be no future for us and the entire collective will either be destroyed or will end up in a totally different timeline. The future will not be as we know it. We may not even be here. It is fascinating to see that only a few life forms can change the entire future. But if we are no part of that future, it has all been for nothing. We know there is a crossroad on the timelines at this time and location. So it is crucial we are there now." The USS Thunderbolt and USS Recon have crossed the Alpha Quadrant and entering the Beta Quadrant. "What can we do Master One." "The only thing we can do Two is to try to convince our opponent by letting her see the future. She will se that the future is good for all life forms and that the Borg are there to protect the galaxy and not to assimilate it. Every life form will be free from the Borg threat and any other threat. Peace will be, and no more fighting or wars. If she does not listen we have to let her go. We cannot intervene. Our first directive is to let all species decide for themselves what they should do." "Whatever the cost Master One?" "Whatever the cost Two." The USS Thunderbolt and USS Recon have arrived at their destination. The Kstrama system. The Kstrama system is surrounded by 102 Borg ships of all kinds. There are spheres, cubes and even a few tactical battle cubes. But these ships seem to be waiting at the border of the Kstrama system. In orbit of Kstrama V there is the Federation vessel USS Earth, under command of Commodore Christine Steichen. Master One explains. "The Kstrama system is managed by a species called Brontrordens, a peaceful species. The Brontrordens have developed a defense system with which they can shut down all technology, even Borg technology. If you enter the Kstrama Sytem all the Borg upgrades will be deactivated, even us three, as we are Borg drones. You will be on your own. This is a turning point in the time line. If the wrong decision is made here, it could lead to the destruction of the galaxy. Our prime directive is to help all species. But we are from the future. The Borg of this time only want to assimilate. They will not be able to enter the Kstrama system. Commodore Steichen aboard the USS Earth and her crew are working on a way to change or disable the entire Borg Collective. We do not know whether this is good or bad. We don't know whether we should stop her or maybe stopping her will change the history to the worst. It is a big decision and we need your advice as a free species. The force is strong in us so maybe we can survive a change in the time line, but that is not certain." Players: Helena Straetman,Caroline Keuleers,Willem Keuleers, Lieselotte Keuleers, Wouter Keuleers USS Walang Captain Hendriks and her crew are whitness to the building of a huge space station in the Scaton Nebula, where now almost 50 species have joined in the Scaton Federation. All these species help building the station, which will serve as a facility for all members of the Scaton Federation. Building this station is a huge task, but with the united efforts the station grows rapidly. It doesn't take long before the first ambassadors and their staffs settle in and although the station is not yet completed, not long after that the official Scaton federation Conference Hall is opened. This hall will serve as the place where all representatives of the Scaton Federation will join together. The Scaton Nebula is so large that the enormous station looks like an insect on a planet. Even the violent Grotjoins now realise that trying to claim this entire nebula is foolish. There are so much resources in the nebula to last for a thousand millenia for all species in the Scaton Federation. As the Scaton Federation station seems to build itself, the USS Walang scientists and engineers start to study the building methodes of the Scaton Federation. They come to a very positive conclusion as Chief Science Officer Lieutenant Commander M'rdak reports to Captain Hendriks. "Captain, we have been studying the way the Scaton Federation builds in space. The station they are building is almost completed in a matter of weeks. Starfleet would need three years to build a station like this. We have analysed their way of building and we are convinced that we can build a small station, let's say for 50 people, in a matter of weeks as well. I do suggest we ask the Scaton Federation first, before we start building." The Council of the Scaton Federation explains that building a seperate station for Starfleet is not needed and the Starfleet officers are welcome on the Scaton Federation station itself, as long as the Starfleet delegation is not bigger than 20 people. The Scaton Federation will be honored to have a Starfleet presence on their station. After all, Captain Hendriks is still considered some kind of hero. But their is one agreement that has to be followed. Weapons are not allowed on the Scaton station, although the station itself has weapons and defensive systems. Captain Hendriks can only agree to this peaceful initiative. Two weeks later not only the Scaton Federation station is fully operational but the 20 Starfleet officers, under command Lieutenant Lory Caldano and Ambassador Z'qo, transport to the station to start a friendly relation with the Scaton Federation. Ambassador Z'qo is one of the Vulcan scientists traveling with the USS Walang. The Ambassador is much more than capable to handle diplomatic relations with the Scaton Federation. In addition one Runabout is assigned to Lieutenant Caldano and her officers, equiped as a small science vessel or for mining purposes. All is well until Chief Science Officer Lieutenant Commander M'rdak has a new report. "Captain. I have some fascinating news. I have been calculating how long this nebula can provide resources. In that study I have been using our ship's sensors to measure the dimensions of this nebula. I have compared the results with the results several weeks ago and last week. I can only come to the conclusion that this nebula is growing. And I do not have any natural or chemical or any other explanation for this result." Players: Marianne Loogen USS Vertigo Day 60 03.12 The cloaked Klingon Battlecruiser Qui'Tu under command of Captain K'Mada is still in orbit of Romulus. The first Romulan ships have arrive. These ships do nothing. Day 60 14.57 The Romulan fleet in orbit or close to Romulus has grown to 497 ships. There are 14 cloaked Klingon ships close to Romulus, not enough to make a major attack. The major Klingon forces are still to far away. Day 62 19.42 The fighting among Romulans on their capital planet has stopped. It is not clear yet who has won or what exactly has happened, But at this time the entire Romulan fleet is heading to Romulus. There are even some Reman ships already joining the Romulan fleet. The Approaching Klingon fleets are twelve days away, but they have slowed down. The total number of Romulan ships around Romulus is 1826... and growing... Players: Nadine Peeters USS Iceberg Two Romulan warbirds have arrived in orbit of Ghiana II. Hidden behind Ghiana III to observe the Romulans is the USS Iceberg. As the Ghiana system is far out of Federation space Colonel Crow has to make the decisions himself. "I will let Atad make the probe and hope that it will not be detected by the Romulans. I will also send an away party to the surface and find out what the hell is going on there. Just wait and see." A probe is sent, but the probe does not detect anything strange. There are no hidden power generators or any other complex technology. It seems that indeed this is a Romulan colony of farmers and traders. So the question remains. What is going on here? An away team is prepared. The officers under command of Major Bell are altered to look like Romulans and are dressed like the Romulan farmers. At the same time Atad and some of the engineers install a cloaking device on one of the runabouts. The runabout only has twelve minutes to drop the away team of and get back to the USS Iceberg. The Cloak will have no power after twelve minutes. The drop of is a success and the first report from Major bell comes in. As the communication channel is masked with static Major Bell has to speak very slowly. "Mother Goose, this is Bell. We have arrived safely. We are now going to one of the villages. Report back in 30 minutes." The 30 minutes seem to last a day... Then Major Bell has a new report. "Mother Goose, this is Bell. We cannot find anything strange. These really are farmers. there are no Romulan military here and no Remans. Everyone seems to be very happy. The scientific level of these Romulans is very low. They do not have steam engines. It seems like time has stopped here. At school children learn to read, write and simple mathematics. History lessens, literature, art all seem to be at least a thousand years old. There have been wars between clans, peace treaties, and about two hundred years all these Romualans live together in peace with eachother. It is as if the ancestors of these Romulans have been born here a thousand years ago. They do not have any knowledge about space travel or Romulus and Remus. Maybe we should contact the Romulan warbirds in orbit to ask what is going on here. But my first instinct says that we should leave these people alone. We could stay longer but I don't think we will discover much more. What are your orders sir?" "We will contact the two Romulan warbirds and ask what is going on here. Let's try it the hard way and ask them what the hell is going on. I'm sick of waiting,it's not in the marines way to wait and see. So let's find out!" Players: Jan Theys USS Colorado/USS Cinebow The USS Colorado patroling the border of the Federation-Romulan Neutral Zone intercepts a Romulan escape podd with Sub-Commander Vorax who claims he wants to defect. Captain Walker is still waiting for six Starfleet vessels to join his patrol group. "Lt Wayne put a tracker beam on the Romulan ship. And scan the ship. Transporter room 1 this the captain speaking, we have a Romulan ship, see if you have a lock on the passenger." "Adams here captain, I have a lock on." Apparently Captain Walker does not trust the Romulan... "Proceed, transport our guest to the brig." "Aye captain." But not only the Romulan himself is interesting. "Captain the romulan ship has a cloaking device onboard." "Interesting Mr Sonak. Bring the ship into the cargobay. Put a team togther and see what else you can find." Then Captain Walker contacts the Romulan who introduced himself as Sub-Commander Vorax. "Sub Commander Vorax my name is Tom Walker, captain of this vessel. You will be brought, transported to the Colorado I will meet you in few moments." "I look forward to that!" But Captain Walker also has to file reports about this incidents. "Lt. Doran contact Starfleet about the Romulan." "Captain do I tell Starfleet about the cloak." "No." A few minutes later Captain Walker meets Romulan Sub-Commander Vorax who is under guard in the detention block. "Are you the highest ranking officer abaord this ship? We do not have much time. All of this was a setup, a trap. The Romulan Empire only wants that the fleets of the Klingons and Federation start a war against the Romulan fleets. If all Klingons and Federation fleets are together for a big attack the Romulan fleet will use the genesis technology to destroy the entire Klingon and Federation fleets and take over the Alpha Quadrant. It will be easy for the Romulan Empire to take over the Klingon empire and Federation if the those fleets are destroyed. I do not want to participate in this mass murder and enslave the federation and Klingon Empire. You must call back your fleets before it is to late." ------------- The sixth fleet under command of Rear Admiral Geoff McTrom is contacted by some Romulan ships in the Neutral zone. They ask for help. Not far away are three Romulan warbirds. Aboard the USS Cinebow, Captain T'Gor asks his officers for advice. The advice to Rear Admiral McTrom is much appreciated, especially from the scientists in the 6th fleet. Most of these scientists have knowledge about how Romulan behaviour in crisis situations. Apparently the romulans are in some kind of civil war. Some Romulans are fleeing from the violence. But there could be Romulan spies among those fugetives. It might be dangerous to help them... It will not take long before the Romulan warbirds will open fire on the fugitives. As Chief Tactical:Officer Lieutenant Nethor Danto reports. "Captain. The Romulan warbirds will be in firing range of the fugitives in 16 minutes, that is if they are indeed fugitives. There could be a lot of Romulan spies on those so called fugitive ships." Players: Johan Michielsens, Conny Parmentier USS Alice Cooper The peace has returned on Angel One. In orbit are the Federation vessels USS Alice Cooper-B, the USS Lyon and USS Doorway monitoring the Romulan warbird D'Ladex coming to Angel One at very low speed. Aboard the D'Ladex Lieutenant Larek has started a mutiny against Commander T'Norak because Larek does not agree to deploy a genesis weapon. Lieutenant Larek and his fellow mutineers are able to take over the ship and throw Commander T'Norak and his followers in holding cells. At that time the D'Ladex comes to a full stop. The D'Ladex also receives the communication between the Romulan Senate and Federation Starbase 369. The crew of the D'Ladex is shocked. even the locked up Commander T'Norak is really upset. he asks to speak to Lieutenant Larek. But Lieutenant Larek does not trust his Commander any more. Commander T'Norak asks Lieutenant Larek to surrender the ship to the Federation. But Lieutenant Larek does not see that as a positive thing to do. but the talk is not over yet and then COmmander T'Norak explains his real orders from the Romulan Senate. "Larek, listen to me. I have received orders to make a permanent base on Angel One. there are three more warbirds on their way with special trained forces. They will occupy Angel One and establish a base close to Federation space. The troops will not be discovered. These troops are all Romulan females..." Players: Crew of the USS Alice Cooper Ovion (Hirogen Hunting Vessel) At Gundrota the total fleet of Hirogen ships is now 61. Horkan is considered as the leader of the Hirogen. Several smaller fleets of minor Goa'uld are attacked and destroyed. Due to the power vacuum after the defeat of Anubis, only lower and minor important Goa'uld remain. But according the Tok'ra there are at least 700 planets still under Goa'uld influence. Most of the people living on these planets are very primitive. It would be wise to destroy the Goa'uld without involving the the local populations. It will not be easy, but all Hirogen are ready to start hunting. Several ships have already been sent out to scout new hunting grounds. The morale of the Hirogen has increased. Once they thought they were no use anymore. They even tried holographic programs to do their hunting, but now they have found an enemy and prey, almost equal to them. It makes the hunt so much more interesting. So the Hirogen start feeling as so many years ago. They paint their face, search for the most adequate weapon, like the talon and other blades. They have restored old values. The Hirogen at Gundrata are again proud. And they seem to thank Horkan and Jotarn for all of that. The Tok'ra themselves also have done a good part of the defenses. The Tok'ra scientists have found some of the secrets of the Ancient artifact. They have been able to let it work partially. Touching the artifact on the right spot, has it make a projection of several star systems: Andrata, Bolnara and Crion. It is well known that Adrata is a Goa'uld stronghold of the Goa'uld Lutana. Bolnara is a planet with a primitive population, and there is little known about Crion. It is sure that all three planets do not have a stargate. But still the Tok'ra think that there must be more artifacts build by the Ancients on these three planets... Players: Thomas van Rhee USS Oregon Deeper into the Gamma Quadrant the USS Oregon has found a planet almost completely destroyed, called Opal III. Cratona of the Kstra has claimed that the responsible for this event were the Drovandi and that the government of Opal III did not resist while they could. A Drovandi ship is approaching Opal III. It is not clear yet what its intentions are. Unknown to the USS Oregon crew there is some trouble aboard the Drovandi ship, which has reduced speed. Aboard the Drovandi ship Scipper Gstlo is in command. His crew and he are in trouble as they have not been payed by their government for several months. At first the crew wanted to do a last job and then return to the Drovandi homeworld, but later, they changed their minds. Some of the Drovandi crew think they will not get payed even if they do a last job for their government. Some even say that they would like to take the ship, and start working on their own. So that way they might be considered pirates, but at least they will have food and some money to spend. The discussions are heated again, and there doesn't seem to be a decent agreement among the crew. Scipper Gstlo wants to hear all sides and all ideas. Currently he can still keep the peace aboard his ship as the Drovandi are rather civilized. Aboard the USS Oregon, the Drovandi ship is monitored closely. Players: Cathy Edgington Earth Alliance Starship (EAS) Terradyne Aboard the EAS Terradyne a Klingon delegation under leadership of Chancellor Dormek, a Federation delegation, under leadership of the President of the United Federation of Planets, Kime Nosugref, accompanied by the Starfleet C-in-C and Admiral Jaust, and a Romulan delegation, under leadership of Praetor D'Reven are negotiating some kind of peace. After the broadcast of the communication between the Romulan Senate and Starbase 369, a few Federation battlegroups, even the 369th fleet of Commodore Van Nieuwenhove is on its way to the Romulan border. Most of the Klingon fleet is still 14 days away from Romulus, but more and more Romulan ships gather at Romulus, probably to make a last stand against the Klingons. The Romulan Praetor does not reveal any new information. And although FMAR Draan maybe hopes to catch the one responsible who has attacked one of the planets under the protection of Earth Dome. At a certain moment, when FMAR Draan Marr receives a message from one of his officers Romulan Praetor D'Reven seems to smile behind FMAR Draan Marr's back... At the same time the at the negotiation table, the federation delegation and the Klingon delegation seem to agree with eachother on more than a few issues. The Romulans should have seen that coming. It is strange. It looks like the Romulan Empire wants to destroy itself or... They have a plan... Players: Steve Elliot DS2 RPG General Status Report December 2006 USS Earth Commodore Mechels has put Master One in command of the mission. Something is very wrong with the force. The Jedi Master Borg droids have felt it. The USS Recon and USS Thunderbolt arrive at the Kstrama System, a paradise for all kinds of species to go on a peaceful vacation. The Borg have tried to assimilate the Kstrama system for centuries, but the Collective has never succeeded. Not long before the USS Recon and USS Thunderbolt arrive at the border of the Kstrama system a Borg cube has been disabled by the Kstrama defense system after which the cube has crashed on Kstrama V. The entire Kstrama system is surrounded by all kind of Borg ships, spheres, cubes and even a few tactical cubes. The Federation satrship USS Earth is in the safe zone of the Kstrama System. Commodore Steichen in command of the USS Earth, has tecnology to stop the Borg. Commodore Steichen and her officers start developing a daring plan to lure the USS Thunderbolt and the USS Recon into the Kstrama system. "All their Borg technology will be nullified if they do. But the Federation technology will still work. The USS Thunderbolt and USS Recon are Defiant class ships. We should not underestimate their capabilities if it comes to a fight. Maybe we can convince the Brontrordens that these two ships are renegade ships of the Federation. So the Brontrordens will stop them, until the USS Earth has left." After Commodore Steichen explains the situation to the Brontrordens, the Brontrordens start their investigation. They find that as well as the USS Recon as the USS Thunderbolt have been upgraded by very complex Borg technology. Nothing the defense systems cannot handle. The Kstrama will be safe. But the Brontrordens can only believe Commodore Steichen as The USS Recon and USS Thunderbolt apparently cannot be trusted as safe. So the Brontrordens send a commercial message to lure the USS Recon and USS thunderbolt into the Kstrama System to see what the real intentions are of these two ships. At the same time the Brontrordens inform Commodore Steichen that the Borg technology and the Borg drones aboard the USS Recon and USS Thundrbolt are to complex in comparison with the current Borg level of technology. There are three borg drones aboard the USS Recon and USS Thunderbolt. The Brontrordens can only come to the conclusion that these Borg drones come from the future. While Commodore Steichen and her senior staff talk about how to handle Commodore Mechels, it is Commodore Mechels who contacts the USS Earth. He asks to speak to Commodore Steichen. Players: Christine Steichen Starbase 369 In orbit of Gulok, a planet deep in Romulan space is the 369th fleet undercommand of Commodore Geert Van Nieuwenhove. A small Klingon fleet has been destroyed by one Romulan scoutship, which launched a genesis weapon. Enemies of the Romulan Empire are warned. The Romulans do not think this is a laughing matter.After the shock of losing 19 Klingon ships, realising the 369th fleet could be a next target, Commodore Van Nieuwenhove gives his orders to be battle ready. Aboard the USS Cruiser, Captain Helena Martsci in command, the young crew gets more nervous by the hour. Most of the security officers have more trouble with fellow crewmembers than with a possible Romulan threat. But it is Captain Martsci who suggests to setup automated pulse phaser cannons in orbit of the planet Gulok. Although it is a good idea, the work takes a long time... to long. It is again Lieutenant Commander Grywold Husnoff, Chief of Operations aboard the USS Napoli who has the first report on new contacts. "Multiple bogeys, heading 235 mark 29, bearing 45 mark 7, possible Romulan warbirds. There are 9, 10, 11, no make that 12, I repeat 12 Romulan warbirds. They are coming straight at us. They didn't even bother to cloak..." "Red alert. Battlestations." As the Romulans approach, the 369th fleet is deployed in a defensive pattern Alpha 6. If the genesis weapon is detected, the entire 369th fleet will jump to warp and give up the planet Gulok. But the genesis technology is not detected abaord the Romulan warbirds. The Federation fleet at Gulok is outnumbered, but with the two Defiant class ships, USS Sunrise and USS Energy, there is a tactical advantage for the 369th fleet. Those two ships jump forward as if they want to take on the Romulans all by themselves, but it is only a trick. When the USS Sunrise and USS Energy are almost in firing range of the approaching Romulan ships, they turn around. Some of the Romulans See their chance to eliminate these stupid Federation vessels. They speed up and come closer and closer... Only seconds before the two Defiant class ships are in their grasp, four Romulan warbirds are destroyed by mines, layed by the USS Sunrise and USS Energy. But the Romulans don't give up that easy and a few minutes later all ships close to the planet Gulok are engaged in battle. The Romulans take heavy losses. But three warbirds are on route to the USS Cruiser. there is not much Captain Martsci can do. She has been forced to seperate her ship from the rest and is now cut off from her fleet by three Romulan ships. She knows she doesn't have a chance... Captain T'kon in command of the Galaxy class USS Starmaker has seen the trouble the USS Cruiser is in. T'kon orders to make a warp jump, getting his ship almost next to the USS Cruiser. It was the logical thing to do. But the Romulans have already fired everything they had on the USS Cruiser, which is at drift. The USS Starmaker fires everything she has on one of the Romulan ships which is destroyed. But the other two are able to fire and destroy the USS Cruiser. Most of the crew of the USS Cruiser has been able to save themselves with the escape pods, but Captain Martsci is not one of them. For the other ships there is more positive news as they are destroying the Romulan ships one by one. But in another run the USS Starmaker is able to destroy the two Romulan warbirds, which were already damaged. With this act the USS Starmaker is heavily damaged itself. There is a warp core breach in progress. Captain T'kon can seperate the saucer section of his ship and bring his crew into safety. While the last Romulan ship is destroyed, the 369th fleet assembles around the USS Starmaker's saucer. In these times of war a Galaxy class saucer is not worth saving. While further away the battle section explodes in a huge ball of fire, the USS Starmaker crew is beamed out from their saucer to the other ships. After saving all useful materials, resources, torpedoes and shuttles, the saucer is destroyed. The escaped crew of the USS Cruiser is also picked up. This was a difficult victory... Later that day 9 Klingon battlecruisers arrive at Gulok together with 2 Federation ships, Prometheus class USS Enchant and USS Harbour. Commodore Van Nieuwenhove can only come to one conclusion. "This is a good day to die, as the Klingons say. But it is not us who have to die. Let the Klingons have fun with the Romulans. We will keep the planet Gulok as a base of operations." Players: Geert Van Nieuwenhove USS Thunderbolt Commodore Mechels has put Master One in command of the mission. Something is very wrong with the force. The Jedi Master Borg droids have felt it. The USS Recon and USS Thunderbolt arrive at the Kstrama System, a paradise for all kinds of species to go on a peaceful vacation. The Borg have tried to assimilate the Kstrama system for centuries, but the Collective has never succeeded. Not long before the USS Recon and USS Thunderbolt arrive at the border of the Kstrama system a Borg cube has been disabled by the Kstrama defense system after which the cube has crashed on Kstrama V. The entire Kstrama system is surrounded by all kind of Borg ships, spheres, cubes and even a few tactical cubes. The Federation satrship USS Earth is in the safe zone of the Kstrama System. Commodore Steichen in command of the USS Earth, has tecnology to stop the Borg. The technology to stop Borg technology has been developed by the Brontrordens. Master One informs Commodore Mechels that the USS Earth is safe from all Borg activity. The USS Recon and USS Thunderbolt can enter the Kstrama System, but all Borg technology will stop immediately as if it didn't exsist. Then Master One reports to Commodore Mechels. "Commodore, we have found out that the Brontrordens have given Commodore Mechels technology to stop and nullify all Borg technology. We could use the force to get her ship out of the safety of the Kstrama defenses. Or we can just try to convince her that she should not use that technology because that would alter the timeline, and we would not exsist or worse, we could suddenly become Sith Lord Drones of the Dark side of the force. One way or the other, we have to stop Commodore Steichen from using this technology, even if that would mean, we have to destroy half of the current Borg collective or even reprogram the Borg collective to become good and helpful beings." Commodore Mechels decides to contact the USS Earth. Talk to Commodore Steichen and try to convince her to listen. May the force be with Master One... Players: Helena Straetman,Caroline Keuleers,Willem Keuleers, Lieselotte Keuleers, Wouter Keuleers USS Walang Deep in the Scaton Nebula far away from Federation space the Federation now has an embassy. It is the USS Walang who discoveres something strange about the nebula. This Nebula is growing despite the fact there is no chemical or natural phenomena to support this. There must be something else going on here. Captain hendriks wants to investigate the Nebula itself and try to find out how it can grow despite all the mining that is going on. "As long as we have time to do it we'll investigate this phenomenon, if only perhaps out of curiosity." All the officers agree. From the Federation embassy on the Scaton station a runabout is launched. From the USS Walang two more runabouts are launched. The USS Walang itself takes a position on the edge of the nebula. Some of the members of the Scaton Federation are interested in what Captain Hendriks is doing. After a short explanation seventeen Scaton Federation members send a ship out to help with this fascinating research. Although it was calculated that this nebula could provide resources for all species living close enough to mine the nebula, the news that the nebula itself is growing, even gives hope for not only the next generations, but for all times. This region of space will grow and prosper. But first it has to be determined that the growth of the Scaton Nebula is not dangerous. After the small combined fleet confirms that the Scaton Nebula is expanding, there is a combined group of astrophysisists who start working almost around the clock. After almost three days there is only one conclusion. In the core of the nebula there is a very small singularity. It seems an opening to another universe. The matter of the Scaton Nebula is coming from that hole, so from that other universe... Captain Hendriks will not do anything. She thinks it is better to let the Scaton Federation handle this. She will approve whatever the Scaton Federation will do. "But we will keep observing all that happens. If possible stand by to close the hole if necessary." Players: Marianne Loogen USS Vertigo Day 64 14.35 The cloaked Klingon Battlecruiser Qui'Tu under command of Captain K'Mada is still in orbit of Romulus. Lieutenant Commander Matz is aboard this ship. The crew aboard the Qui'Tu sees that almost the entire Romulan fleet gathers around or close to Romulus. Day 64 16.00 The Klingon fleets have come to a stop. The Klingons know the Romulans have the genesis technology and could use it against the Klingons to whipe them out once and for all. Some Federation fleets have already crossed the Romulan Neutral zone as well and are preparing to go to Romulus, but the Federation is not eager to join any battle. Most federation fleets, like the 369th fleet have taken positions around uninhabited planets which they can use as resources. Day 65 13.12 Senior staff meeting aboard the Qui'Tu. Lieutenant Commander Matz suggests to capture one of the Romulan ships which is still far away from Romulus, and then use that ship and its genesis technology on the Romulan fleet at Romulus. Captain K'Mada finds this an excellent idea and orders to set course to sector 46658 where a isolated Romulan ship was detected. Players: Nadine Peeters USS Iceberg Ghiana II... A Romulan agricultural colony... Or not? Far away from Federation space two Romulan warbirds are in orbit of Ghiana II watched by the USS Iceberg crew until the moment Colonel Crow in command of the USS Iceberg decides to contact the Romulans. But to the surprise of Colonel Crow and his crew, the Romulans seem very friendly. "Good day to you. I am Commander Darol in command of the Romulan warbird Mirdax. I greet you. Can we help you?" It is silent on the USS Iceberg bridge. Is this real or does this Commander Darol have a strange way to display a lot of sarcasme? Maybe diplomacy can give more answers to some questions. "I am Colonel Crow, in command of the Starfleet vessel USS Iceberg. Commander Darol, we have followed you here after you destroyed two other Romulan warbirds a few days ago. We would like to know what is going on and what is happening on the planet Ghiana II." "First you must know that we are of the Romulan Stirana Sect. A religious group, who only uses technology if we really need it. Our community is not very large, but we live in peace far from the Romulan Empire. You could say we are banned by the Romulan Senate. The two warbirds had to be destroyed. They had weapons of mass destruction aboard. We could not let them use those. Fighting to defend oneself is one thing, but to destroy and kill to gain power or simply because one can do it, is not our way. When we did not want to listen, they threatened us with their doom weapons. But we were able to neutralize those terrible weapons. We have a device aboard with which we can shut down all power of an enemy. We are not people who carry hate in our hearts. So we towed them far away and left them there. We knew they would survive and they probably would not dare to return to us. But when we saw that they were going to use those weapons onn somebody else, we could not just stand by and watch. If they were your friends, I appologize. I can only hope you understand why we had to destroy them. We need our ships, because we have been on the run for the Romulan Empire for a long time. We are outcasts. We had hoped to settle down on this remote unknown planet so we could finally build our peaceful society. But we have always been ready to run away again if necessary. We live in primitive circomstances. We live in peace and maybe one day the Romulan Senate realises that we are not a threat to them, they will leave us alone. But Starfleet officer, we will not betray any Romulan secrets. You can ask anything else." At that time a message comes in from Starfleet Intelligence. The message is short: All Romulan forces gathered around Romulus - Klingon and Federation fleets on their way for the final battle - End message. Colonel Crow thinks the time to let these Romulans at Ghiana II live in peace. "We will let these romulans live in peace. If their not telling the truth,we'll soon know. We'll set course to the border to see if we can help the others." Players: Jan Theys USS Colorado/USS Cinebow The USS Cinebow has joined the Sixth fleet at the border between the Federation and Romulan Empire. The sixth fleet under command of Rear Admiral Geoff McTrom is contacted by some Romulan ships in the Neutral zone. They ask for help. Not far away are three Romulan warbirds. There is not much time to think what to do. The federation could show the good side and take in the refugies, but if these are Romulan spies, this story could end very bad... ---------------------------------------------- It seems that more Federation shhips are confronted with Romulan fugitives. It is not certain if these are really fugitives or not. The USS Colorado patroling the border of the Federation-Romulan Neutral Zone intercepted a Romulan escape podd with Sub-Commander Vorax who claims he wants to defect. Despite Vorax is locked up in a holding cell, he explains he has to speak up. He tells Captain Walker that all of the Romulan actions are planned to lure the Klingons and the federation into their territory. Then if the large fleets of the Klingons and Federation are assembled and close enough the Romulans will use the genesis weapons and destroy those fleets, which will give them a free road to take over the Klingon and Federation empire. It is not certain whether this Sub-Commander Vorax is telling the truth... Players: Johan Michielsens, Conny Parmentier USS Alice Cooper In orbit of Angel One are the Federation vessels USS Alice Cooper-B, the USS Lyon and USS Doorway monitoring the Romulan warbird D'Ladex coming to Angel One at very low speed. Unknown to the Federation crews, there has been a mutiny aboard the D'Ladex against Commander T'Norak, but the mutineers under leadership of Lieutenant Larek have won and locked up their Commander. Commander T'Norak reveals that there are three more Romulan ships on route to Angel One. The three warbirds which Commander T'Norak told about all have Romulan female as troops aboard to occupy Angel One. These females can easily blend in in the Angel One matriarchy. But the Romulans are losing the war. While Lieutenant Larek aboard the D'Ladex orders to return to Romulan space the three warbirds with female troops are discovered by a Federation patrol of six heavily armed ships. The small Federation fleet under command of Captain Henry Dalton, doesn't hesitate and attacks the Romulans immediately. The fight is short. The Romulan ships are destroyed. There is only minimal damage to the Federation ships. When the USS Alice Cooper-B, the USS Lyon and USS Doorway arrive as reinforcements for Captain Dalton's fleet, the battle is already over. The USS Alice Cooper-B returns to Angel One to pick up Ambassador Jas Stevens... Players: Crew of the USS Alice Cooper Ovion (Hirogen Hunting Vessel) With a ancient artifact which the Tok'ra on Gundrota have examined three planets are revealed in a projections of the artifact: Andrata, Bolnara and Crion. It is well known that Adrata is a Goa'uld stronghold of the Goa'uld Lutana. Bolnara is a planet with a primitive population, and there is little known about Crion. None of these planets have a stargate. As there is little known about Crion, Horkan decides to take the Hirogen fleet to go to Crion to find more ancient artifacts. As it is unknown what kind of opposition awaits the Hirogen, the entire Hirogen fleet is on route to Crion. In the ten days of travel no opposition is detected. There are a few ships of people trying to escape from the Goa'uld, who are directed to Gundrota. Then at last the Hirogen fleet arrives at Crion. There is nothing on Crion that shows any technology. aside of a few largere cities in ruins, there is no sign of a population. When the first assault team is transported to the planet surface of Crion, they can only report it is dead silent. There is only the sound of the wind. For Hirogen this is a tense moment as they live for the hunt. If there are creatures living on this planet they hide very well. More Hirogen hunters are send down to Crion. The teams spread out to enter the ruins of a very old city. The Hirogen scientists take readings as much as they can. After about an hour the first reports of the Hirogen landing force indicate that there is only plant life, the ruins are at least ten thousand years old and there is no immediate threat. After a good day of exploration, the extreme good Hirogen trackers find some sort of a warehouse. There are still a lot of unopened crates and the crates and barrels which are broken because of their age and the rough weather on Crion, reveal several unknown devices and artifacts. Players: Thomas van Rhee USS Oregon Deeper into the Gamma Quadrant the USS Oregon has found a planet almost completely destroyed, called Opal III. Cratona of the Kstra has claimed that the responsible for this event were the Drovandi and that the government of Opal III did not resist while they could. A Drovandi ship is approaching Opal III. It is not clear yet what its intentions are. But the Drovandi crew has not been payed for some time. It is not certain what they will do when they arrive at Opal III. On Opal III, the government has a secret meeting. Half of the capital city on the planet has been destroyed, most of the smaller cities and villages have been destroyed. The population of Opal III is getitng restless. The Government has announced nobody may use any communication systems. The government explain that this is for the safety of the population. The Opal III military is reduced to about 10 percent of what it was. Two of three Generals have been killed. The Government claims that they did not know who attacked Opal III. Cratona of the Kstra has been arrested. He has tried to contact outsiders in orbit of Opal III. He will have to face the accusation of high treason before a tribunal... Players: Cathy Edgington Earth Alliance Starship (EAS) Terradyne Aboard the EAS Terradyne a Klingon delegation under leadership of Chancellor Dormek, a Federation delegation, under leadership of the President of the United Federation of Planets, Kime Nosugref, accompanied by the Starfleet C-in-C and Admiral Jaust, and a Romulan delegation, under leadership of Praetor D'Reven are negotiating some kind of peace. With all parties at the table there seems nothing more to be said. Apparently there is now a stale mate in the war, but it is obvious that the Federation has taken sides with the Klingons against the Romulans. Still there is hope of a peaceful sollution. Deep down on one of the Minbari heavy cruisers a creature seems to be trapped. First it was invisible, but suddenly for a short moment it reveals itself. It looks like a very big large spider. The two Minbari engineers working on this deck, recognise the creature, but before they can call for help or sound the alert, they are killed... Horribly... Players: Steve Elliot