DS2 RPG General Status Report January 2017 USS Earth/Starbase 44 The team under command of Captain John Wainis and Commander Scooby-Doo have established a link with Borg Sphere 489. Admiral Steichen will use the link as an advantage. "We will stay on yellow alert. Use this communication link to take control of the Borg on Sphere 489. We will use the sphere to spy on the Borg acivities." With a connection to the Borg Collective The Federation now has a huge advantage the Borg know nothing about. Sphere 489 is heading deeper into the Delta Quadrant. A few days Starbase 44 follows the sphere and records data. There seems to be nothing more than routine Borg directives. Three days later Sphere 489 is sent to a planet where a small colony of Species 6695 is doing scientific research. There is another sphere in orbit already. The order is... Assimilate the 611 people of Species 6695 and take over the planet... Players: Christine Steichen USS Thunderbolt/The Borg Collective Some smart Federation Admiral has sabotaged the Borg's plan to take over the Federation slowly. The war with the Sith has done no good either. The Borg need a new plan. "Start colonizing and assimilating the planets at the border of the Federation. Those planets can be used to store ships and drones. To our calculations after about two years all these planets will be assimilated. Then we are in a better position to take over the Federation if we still want it." The Borg are conquerers. But it has not been easy for some time. The setbacks are more than a few. Now there is again a new report which is very disturbing. While a part of the Borg Collective was traveling through a number of gateways and were defeated in the last battles, the Sith have taken advantage of the situation and captered at least six Borg planets. The Sith receive the support of the local populations of non assimilated planets. The Sith are seen as liberators and many join the Sith Empire's armies... Not knowing anything about the Dark Side... But the people on planets who thought they would be free after the liberation of the Sith soon realise the Sith Empire is not better than the Borg Collective. Many have to work as slaves. A rebellion against the Sith Empire starts on several planets... Maybe the Borg Jedi can make use of this rebellion... Players: Family Keuleers USS Walang The Trsterts, Zolo, Hunanan, Musks, Yu are working as fast as they can to upgrade the Federation ship USS Walang, under command of Captain Hendriks. As some of the upgrades are not entirely familiar for the USS Walang crew, the Captain needs some extra help. "We will ask Starfleet Command for advice." "Captain Hendriks, this is Admiral Malrek of Starfleet Command Engineering. You are so lucky. Grab this chance to get as much upgrades to your ship as you can get. We can use a ship like yours in the fleet, especially in these troubled times. Go for it." So that was clear enough. The upgrades to the USS Walang continue. Captain Hendriks receives orders to travel to the border of the Delta Quadrant. An invasion of the Borg is expected. More ships will be sent to the border, but the USS Walang is the fastest ship there is now, so the ship arrives at the border of the Delta Quadrant while the last upgrade is completed. Only a day later the USS Walang already receives a distress call from two cargo ships who say they are in trouble... Players: Marianne Loogen USS Vertigo Day 460 14.00 Senior staff meeting aboard the USS Vertigo. The USS vertigo is still on its way to the planet Nestjame. This is the first meeting for Commander Matz, promoted to the rank of Commander. Matz will be more active being in command of the night shift. Day 460 22.00 Night shift begins. Commander Matz is in command. Day 461 06.00 Morning shift begins. The night has been very successful for the astrophisycs department. Studies have been done of three stars without planets and a pulsar. Players: Nadine Peeters USS Atlantis The USS Atlantis is on route to an unknown destination. Captain Tom Walker and his officers have not even told the crew where they are going. There are only a few people at Starfleet Command what this is about... Players: Johan Michielsens, Conny Parmentier Ovion (Hirogen/Ori/Replicator Vessel) Three city like starships have been completely finished by Horkan's Replicators. But the number of smaller Replicator ships has already increased to more than twenty thousand. If or when Horkan will come out of hiding his fleet will be ready for any hunt... Players: Thomas van Rhee DS2 RPG General Status Report February 2017 USS Earth/Starbase 44 Some of the crewmembers of the USS Terra Nova are concerned about the Borg. One of the new officers aboard, Ensign Jenny Lopez, coming from Starbase 44 has told her department head, chief engineer Marc Soma, that on Starbase 44 someone had been able to make a link with a Borg ship and control that ship. This conversation was overheard by the barman of the ship's lounge who told to Junior Lieutenant Kiki Lerten that Starfleet had a Borg ship, which was hidden in secret. Although Lerten didn't believe it, she told her friend Junior Lieutenant Franco Dolta that there was an invasion of the Borg again and that Starfleet kept it hidden. Ensign Anton Luna who heard this told to his security team to keep ready for Borg attacks. Some of the members of this team told some medics... Three hours later The USS Terra Nova Captain Tommy Kerk had to call his senior staff to the conference room to make them stop this gossip about the Borg... But... On Starbase 44 a team under command of Captain John Wainis and Commander Scooby-Doo have indeed established a link with Borg Sphere 489. Unknown to the Borg collective Starfleet is following this Borg ship. Sphere 489 is sent to a planet where a small colony of Species 6695 is doing scientific research. There is another sphere in orbit already. The order is... Assimilate the 611 people of Species 6695 and take over the planet... Players: Christine Steichen USS Thunderbolt/The Borg Collective There are no Borg left on Federation facilities because you have lost contact with the home Borg. This plan did not work. The Borg continue with the new plan: colonizing and assimilating the planets at the border of the Federation. "We will send weapons to these planets which are considered rebels against the Sith. Once they free themselves of the Sith troops, we will assimilate them. The Borg drones have made these weapons so the drones have already addapted to these weapons. Assimilation will be easy. No mercy for any rebellion or the Sith Empire. We will destroy them all with our new deathstars." The deathstars are on their way, but there will be a lot of collective work to regain the planets which were lost. When the first Sith planet is destroyed by one of the deathstars, it is clear that the Borg will have to split up their attacking fleets to gain mor space faster. Of course with those tactics the Borg forces will be spread out and could become easier targets for the enemy. On the border of the Delta Quadrant, the Borg only detect a few Federation ships patrolling the border. Still the Borg have to be sure. Maybe they could send a scout ship into Federation space. If that ship is detected by Starffleet, Federation defences will surely become huge at the border. That would not be a good thing. So a scout mission should be done very carefully... Players: Family Keuleers USS Walang The two cargo ships which send out a distress call show some suspicious behaviour. Captain Hendriks knows what to do. "We will investigate first. This could be a trap. The distress call is suspicious. We will go to these ships but we will activate our defensive and offensive systems. We will keep your new weapons ready to fire." But when the USS Walang intercepts the two cargo ships, it seems the two captains of the ships are not willing to cooperate. It is as if they need help, but they do not want help from a vessel of the Federation... Players: Marianne Loogen USS Vertigo Day 461 14.00 Senior staff meeting aboard the USS Vertigo. There is not much new to report except for a few technical problems. Day 461 22.00 The USS Vertigo is still on its way to the planet Nestjame. Daily routine can be boring, but not for the crew of the USS Vertigo. Especially the science department and astrometrics are already asking for more personnel. Day 462 13.48 Just before the beginning of the late shift Commander Matz is sitting in the center seat waiting for Commodore Slater to arrive on the bridge to take over. Tactical reports a ship coming into sensor range. Players: Nadine Peeters USS Atlantis Captain Walker apparently has not told all of his crew where the USS Atlantis is heading. As usual there are lots of crewmembers who speculate about their destination. In the astrometrics lab three officers are working. Ensign Trona looks at the latest updates. "I know where we are going. Look. This must be it. Here. Sector 44685. Do you see it?" Lieutenant Gart is not convinced. "You are just guessing Trona. That can't be it. It is to far away from our current course." It is silent for a moment. Lieutenant Pnot has the last word. "Come on you two. If the Captain wants us to know where we are going, he will tell us. Keep your focus on your work." Players: Johan Michielsens, Conny Parmentier Ovion (Hirogen/Ori/Replicator Vessel) There is nobody left chasing or searching for Horkan and his Replicators. Horkan and his friends now has all the time and space to prepare for whatever they want to do. Will it be a huge hunt? Will it be some kind of revenge on the Federation? Will there be something totally unexpected? One thing is sure. The number of ships and technology will probably unstoppable. The three city ships are patroling the rgion. There is nothing to report.... Players: Thomas van Rhee DS2 RPG General Status Report March 2017 USS Earth/Starbase 44 Borg Sphere 489 starts the assimilation of a colony of Species 6695... Admiral Steichen gives her orders. We will not use Sphere 489 in any way to prevent the assimilation of this Species 6695 colony. We cannot risk to be detected by the Borg Collective, being able to control a Borg ship... The advantage is to big. We cannot afford to lose this kind of advantage." ... At the other side of the delta Quadrant Cube 1655 is dispatched. After a flight of about ten seconds cube 1655 cloaks and sets course towards Federation space. It will take the cube about 14 days to travel to the border of Federation space. Unknown to the Borg Collective Cube 1655 is followed aboard Starbase 44 through the link with sphere 489. This link is now proven to be extremely useful. As cube 1655 is cloaked and the Borg don't really need a cloaking device, this must be an extreme vicious plan of the Borg and the Federation is most likely the victim... There are six Federation vessels on deep space missions between the Delta Quadrant and Federation space. Players: Christine Steichen USS Thunderbolt/The Borg Collective At the border of the Delta Quadrant the Borg Collective is making preparations for an invasion of the Federation. The invasion will not happen very soon, but the first steps have been made. The Collective has to be a bit more careful as the last plan was countered by the Federation... So there is a new plan. "We will sent one cloaked scout ship into Federation space to see what kind of defences the Federation has. If this ship is discovered, we will do everything we can to assimilate one starfleet ship to gain as much information as you can. If we have enough information, we will send the ship to a starbase and have it selfdestruct inside a base , so the Federation will find out nothing of our plans and thinks it was a terrorist action from a sith padawan." And so it happens. Cube 1655 crosses the border of the Delta Quadrant and travels unseen towards Federation space. The voyage will take about ten days. The Collective is a little behind of its original scedule. But assimilation processes are already back on their way. The assimilation of the 611 people of Species 6695 and taking over that planet is just the start. Apparently the Sith have suddenly disappeared. There is no trace of them. Even the planets in the hands of the Sith have been deserted. The assimilation process in the Delta Quadrant continues in a very easy way. The Borg Collective is gaining one system after the other. Maybe the Sith are terrified of the new Death Stars... But there are decisions to be made... Dilemmas... Cube 1655 detects a trade ship of Species 889. If the cube assimilates this ship there could be some interesting technology added to the Collective, but cube 1655 has to decloak and the position of the ship will be uncovered. It is possible a long range sensor post in Federation space will see it... Cube 1655 still has to travel at least a week until it reaches the Federation border. If it is detected by the Federation the plan is doomed to failure... Players: Family Keuleers USS Walang The two suspicious cargo ships have to undrgo the orders of Captain Hendriks in command of the USS Walang. "Board the cargo ships and inspect the cargo and crews." Several security teams are transported to the cargo ships. The search begins. A few moments later one of the Trsterts and a Hunanan enter the bridge of the USS Walang. They are in a hurry. They shout... "Get them of those ships now!" Players: Marianne Loogen USS Vertigo Day 462 14.01 A Nestjame ship has contacted the USS Vertigo. No Nestjame ship has gone this far in space. Day 462 19.34 Lots of information between the Nestjame and the USS Vertigo crew has been exchanged. Cultural information, science, ... Day 463 04.51 Commodore Slater has had contact with the Nestjame government. The Nestjame seem very friendly. Players: Nadine Peeters USS Atlantis Captain Walker apparently still has not told his crew where the USS Atlantis is heading. And still there are lots of crewmembers who speculate about their destination. Ensign Broadhurst, Ensign Koral and Lieutenant Maars are scanning the region around the USS Atlantis for any anomalies. The three do not know where the ship is heading. Ensign Koral seems to know something. "I have heard we are going to sector 44685. Ensign Trona told me. She was working in astrometrics." Ensign Bloadhurst laughs. "You know what is in sector 44685? Ghostships, and a lot of them. We are on a ghost hunt." Lieutenant Maars has no clue and he doesn't seem to care. "Wherever we are going, I am ready for it." Ensign Koral tries to convince his fellow officers. "You'll see. Sector 44685." Commander Sonak has heard the conversation between the three young officers. "Don't you have anything else to do?" The three officers continue their scans in silence... Players: Johan Michielsens, Conny Parmentier Ovion (Hirogen/Ori/Replicator Vessel) Horkan's builders have completed a fourth city ship. That ship joins the patrols. The builders are still building, so it is not yet clear what Horkan's plans are. There have been some time shifts, but it did not have any influence on Horkan's community... Players: Thomas van Rhee DS2 RPG General Status Report April 2017 USS Earth/Starbase 44 Cube 1655 is traveling from the Delta Quadrant to Federation space for a recon mission. Unknown to the Borg Collective the Federation has been able to use Borg technology on a found assimilated ship to link with the Collective through Sphere 489. So the Federation knows Cube 1655 is on its way. It is Admiral Steichen who has become the task force commander which will take on the Borg if necessary. "We will ask Starfleet to keep all ships out of the way of this cube 1655. Although it is cloaked we can follow it through our link with sphere 489. Cube 1655 still has to travel a week before reaching the Federation border. We have a week to get a serious fleet together to stop this cube 1655." Then suddenly a message from Starfleet Commodore Guillaume Mechels comes in on Federation channels. The Commodore asks for information concerning the Borg and what the plans are against the Borg. But one of the officers following Sphere 489 through the link, has something strange to report. "Admiral, this Starfleet Commodore Guillaume Mechels... According the Borg drones on Sphere 489 he is leading the Borg. He is the Borg King... I think this is a Borg deception of some kind..." Players: Christine Steichen USS Thunderbolt/The Borg Collective The Borg are as diabolical as they will ever be... The Borg King, Starfleet Commodore Guillaume Mechels has extended plans... "We will ask the Federation for advice." This may come as a surprise, even for many drones, but the plan will soon become clear. "We will let only the Jedi Borg search for the Sith. Keep our fleet ready and we will build more ships for the assimilation project of the Federation." Now that is clear enough for the entire Collective. There is no answer from the Federation yet, but there is an answer from the Jedi Borg. "We have found a small group of Imperial soldiers on a deseted moon. Apparently they have been left there while the Sith took a run for it. We have not made contact with these soldiers... We could take them prisoners or assimilate them to find out shere the Sith are." And the there is a strange report from Sphere 112 connected to Cube 1655. "There are six Federation ships in the region of our cloaked Cube 1655 which is on its way to the Federation. These six ships changed course away from Cube 1655. Although Cube 1655 is cloaked and has not even been in the sensor range of these ships it is strange all these ships changed course around the same time. It is unlikely but possible the Federation has found a way to see cloaked Borg ships. Although the chance of that is 0.0004 percent, we thought we should inform you." Players: Family Keuleers USS Walang The crews of two cargo ships in danger are rescued by the USS Walang. "Call our teams back and transport the cargo ship crews to a cargo bay. Save them too from whatever danger they may be in." The Trsterts, who recognised the threat, explain. "This is something we recognise. It is a form of magnetisme that blocks all energy. We call it the Nullifier. We have searched everything and everywhere, but we could never find a cause. It starts with a protostar. That is the only thing we know. By the Way, did I mention we should leave this region immediately before we are victims of the Nullifier too..." The USS Walang speeds up out of the area to Starbase 997 where the crews of the cargo ships are transfered. The question is whether this Nullifier can be found or predicted. The Trsterts have never found the cause of the Nullifier, but they have managed to make a sensor array which can be used locally so the Nullifier can be detected before it gets really dangerous. It is the only thing at this time the Trsterts can offer. There is of course the possibility to produce these sensor arrays and spread them all over the ships of the Federation so at least ships in a dangerous Nullifier region will be warned... And then the main question remains... What causes the Nullifier... Players: Marianne Loogen USS Vertigo Day 464 06.00 USS Vertigo senior staff meeting. Commodore Slater is very pleased with the performance of his officers and crew towards the Nestjame. First contact was a great success. Day 464 06.12 Regular duties resume on the USS Vertigo. Day 464 14.00 USS Vertigo senior staff meeting. It is clear now that the Nestjame are not as advanced as first thought. But the Nestjame are eager and they are determined to advance. They don't ask for technical help. They want to get there on their own. Players: Nadine Peeters USS Atlantis The USS Atlantis is still on its way to unknown regions. Captain Walker is the only one aboard who knows where what and how... The crew is still speculating, but it is clear all these ideas are far away from the truth... Players: Johan Michielsens, Conny Parmentier Ovion (Hirogen/Ori/Replicator Vessel) Expansion, expansion, expansion. There is no limit to Horkan's expansion. The day is getting closer the huge armada of ships and city command ships will be launched. The question is, who will be the first victim... Players: Thomas van Rhee DS2 RPG General Status Report May 2017 USS Earth/Starbase 44 Thanks to the link with Borg Sphere 489 the team under command of Admiral Steichen has discovered that a Starfleet officer, Commodore Guillaume Mechels is leading the Borg. "We will give Starfleet Commodore Guillaume Mechels false information. It is good to know who the Borg King is, but we cannot risk the lives of good people to try to do anything against him, not knowing it will be successful. We will make other plans concerning the Borg. We will take over some more ships." The orders of the Admiral are executed. Within a few days the team of Captain John Wainis and Commander Scooby-Doo have set up links with 16 Borg ships. The information coming in from the these ships is big news. "Admiral! Admiral! You should see this. Look here. This concentration of Borg ships. They are planning an invasion Admiral. This is really serious. I think we are in trouble..." Players: Christine Steichen USS Thunderbolt/The Borg Collective After contact with Starfleet, information is received about fleet movements, exploration of ships, deep space missions and much more. The Borg King, Starfleet Commodore Guillaume Mechels gives his orders. "Let the Jedi Borg handle the sith. We will follow their advice." "Let Cube 1655 continue the voyage to Federation space." And so it happens. The Jedi handle the Sith and report their progress. Cube 1655 contniues on its way to Federation space. A plan will be set up. But what will take place first? Maybe it is better to assimilate more people to have more drones. There are billions of billions of people in the Federation. If the Borg want to assimilate them all, they will have a lot of work... Preparation is the key. The Borg can be very efficient, but nothing can be overlooked... Players: Family Keuleers USS Walang Captain Hendriks is confronted by a situation where a so called Nullifier has become a real threat. A phenomenon called Nullifier can shut down all power, on space ships, facilities and even on plannets... Captain hendriks knows that this is serious... "Contact the Federation Council, warn them about the Nullifier and advice to give all Federation ships a sensor array to prevent any danger of the Nullifier." But with the extreme advanced Kirie, Trsterts, Zolo, Hunanan, Musks, Yu abaord the USS Walang Captain Hendriks has an advantage. "Start a search for the cause of this Nullifier. This will not be easy and you will need at least 100 ships exploring in deep space. With advice from the Trsterts and Starfleet Command. We need all the data we can get. It's everyone's concern anyway." The Kirie, who do not need space ships to travel through space, are sent out to find traces of the Nullifier. The Kirie themselves cannot be hurt by the Nullifier so they are not at risk at all. That is the first advantage. But then there are also about a hundred Starfleet ships who join the search although this can be a dangerous operation. Someone has to be in command of these 100 ships. Therefore Starfleet Command contacts Captain Hendriks because she knows more about this Nullifier than anyone else. "Captain Hendriks. I am Admiral Hyondar. Hereby you are promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral and you are ordered to take command of the 100 ships in search of the Nullifier. We will call your task force the 100. You can stay on your ship or you can take a starbase to coordinate this search. That is up to you. That is all... Good luck" And so the search begins... Players: Marianne Loogen USS Vertigo Day 468 12.00 The USS vertigo has left the Nestjame. The daily routine has taken over on the ship. Day 473 07.23 A message is received from Starfleet Command. A cloaked Borg cube is on its way to the Federation and will pass close to the USS Vertigo. Six other Federation ships have already changed course away from the Borg ship. The cloaked Borg cube cannot be seen by the Federation ships. Day 473 07.25 USS Vertigo Chief of Security Commander Matz suggests to commodore Slater to have a closer look to see what they are up against... Players: Nadine Peeters USS Atlantis The USS Atlantis is still on its way to unknown regions. But all journeys end one day. On the bridge of the US Atlantis... "Captain we have a arived at the coordinates given by the admiral." "Thank you, any sign of any ships!" Lieutenant Jones checks again. "No captain. One moment... two ariving, no four ships ariving from the Federation the Pegasus and the Excelsior, the other are the Vulcan ships the Sarek and the Vollar." Captain Walker nodds. "Thank you." But Jones has something to add. "A fith at high warp. It's the Enterpise, Captain Picard is hailing us!" Walker is surprised. "On screen. Captain Picard this a surprise!" On the main screen Captain Picard appears. "You look good Tom, you've been busy. Lost for nearly two years, picked up some new friends!" Walker has an answer. "We do what we can on the way the Atlantis is great ship for a dragmout Class, we have warp 14 so we have to. You have my parents and the admiral!" Picard confirms. "Yes! Stand by, we don't have time for a visit. Hope to hear from you Tom. They will be ready in 10 minutes Picard out. Walker makes preparations for the reception of the arrivals. He says good-bye to Captain Picard. "Untill next time. Senior officers full dress, report to transporter 1 in 9 minutes. Players: Johan Michielsens, Conny Parmentier Ovion (Hirogen/Ori/Replicator Vessel) Horkan has a huge fleet now under his command. But he seems in doubt to what to do with it. Then information is intercepted that the Borg have sent a cloaked cube to the Federation. This could indicate that there is a large war plan of the Borg set in motion. It is not sure though whether Horkan will intervene... Players: Thomas van Rhee DS2 RPG General Status Report June 2017 USS Earth/Starbase 44 Borg Cube 1655 is on its way to Federation space. The ship is followed on Starbase 44 by a team of specialists under command of Captain John Wainis and Commander Scooby-Doo through a link with 16 Borg ships. But when it is discovered that there is a gathering of a huge Borg fleet not far from the border of the Delta Quadrant, it is clear that there is more to this than just one Borg ship coming towards the Federation. Players: Christine Steichen USS Thunderbolt/The Borg Collective Cube 1655 continues the voyage to Federation space. The Borg King unfolds his plans. "We will wait with any attack. We will try to get cube 1655 as far in Federation space as we can. Cube 1655 is cloaked. Maybe we can even reach Earth. If that is possible we will try to assimilate Earth. If this works we do not need many ships to conquer the Federation. Of course it is not certain this will work. But it is worth a try." But there is also a plan B... "We will be as diabolical as we can be. We will have cube 1655 stand by and send a borg sphere to try to assimilate Earth as a diversion and we will let in the mean time cube 1655 assimilate the colonies in the solarsystem which is far more efficient and takes away the Earth support structure." But will it come that far? Borg cube 1655 has not yet entered Federation space. Earth is still far away. And because Cube 1655 is cloaked it cannot use transwarp speed. Sphere 114 is dispatched to the Federation with only one mission: assimilate Earth or create a serious diversion. Nut it is a bad day for the Borg. When cube 1655 and sphere 114 are only two days away from Federation space they lose all power and both ships stop. None of the Borg drones are functioning. There is no data coming in from the two borg ships. It is as if something or someone has just drained all the power from the Borg ships. The last data of cube 1655 and sphere 114 indicates that they are not attacked, there were no other ships near the Borg ships... All contact with cube 1655 and sphere 114 is lost. If the Federation has a new kind of weapon, this could even be the end of the Borg collective... Players: Family Keuleers USS Walang Captain Hendriks has been promoted to Rear Admiral. Difficult decisions are waiting now... Players: Marianne Loogen USS Vertigo Day 473 07.30 Commodore Slater in command of the USS Vertigo likes the idea of having a closer look at the cloaked Borg ship on its way to Federation space, like Chief of Security Commander Matz suggested, but a message from Starfleet Admiral Steichen is an order not to do so and to keep away from the borg cloaked ship. Day 473 07.40 The USS Vertigo has changed course away from the Cloaked Borg ship. Daily routine continues. Day 474 06.00 The USS Vertigo is on its way to a planet called Skonnera. There could still be a civilization... Players: Nadine Peeters USS Atlantis After a short meeting with Captain Picard, Captain Walker in command of the USS Atlantis calls his officers in full dress to transporter room 1. Some of the officers are still on the bridge and hurry to their quarters to change their uniforms. The officers who take over the stations, are a bit surprised. Something big seems to be going on... Players: Johan Michielsens, Conny Parmentier Ovion (Hirogen/Ori/Replicator Vessel) Horkand and Jotarn are the last of the Ori priests. They have real power and a huge fleet of Replicator ships. With the technology they use, they are able to follow all their potential enemies. When they find out that the Borg Collective is sending a cloaked Borg ship to the Federation, Horkan and Jotarn are a bit surprised. This could lead to a large scale war. They decide to do nothing about this. War is good for business. A strange concept for Jotarn and Horkan perhaps, but in this case it is appropriate as they are planning to pick up the pieces after this war and take over the Galaxy... Players: Thomas van Rhee DS2 RPG General Status Report July 2017 USS Earth/Starbase 44 Admiral Steichen still uses the link between the captured assimilated ship and the Borg Collective. Aboard Starbase 44 an entire team is now following more than 60 Borg ships. Most of these ships are in the Delta Quadrant, but the data which is coming in gives Admiral Steichen and Starfleet Command a huge advantage. At this time the borg Collective has no idea that Starfleet is spying on the Borg. Admiral Steichen explains. "It is clear the Borg are planning a large invasion of the Federation and this one cloaked ship, cube 1655 is only on some kind of recon mission. But to defeat the Borg we will need all the help we can. We will use the Barzan wormhole to send a ship to the Delta Quadrant and ask Species 8472 to help us..." The USS Montreal is dispatched to the Barzan Wormhole. It takes the USS Montreal three attempts to end up in the Delta Quadrant. This is a dangerous region of space, but there are no Borg ships anywhere near the USS Montreal. "Creating a portal to fluid space... Portal established. Sir we have contact with Species 8472." It only takes a few minutes... One of the six volonteer betazeds, Lieutenant Lienna, has made contact with Species 8472. It is a surprise for Lienna to see that this individual of Species 8472 is calm and even friendly. He offers help... Players: Christine Steichen USS Thunderbolt/The Borg Collective With Borg cube 1655 and Borg sphere 114 lose all power without apparent reason The Collective has to make a new plan. "The Borg have lost battles in the past against the Federation so be careful. We will keep 20 ships ready for an attack on the Federation. That should be enough. As soon as Cube 1655 and sphere 114 have restarted we will send the 20 ships to assist and go to Federation space. But we will keep them planned as scheduled. we will use one to create a diversion and we will use the others to assimilate the earth support system." And there are more plans and more orders. "This situation is more than unusual. Something has neutralized Borg ships just in a second without any warning. What is this? We will try to find out what the cause is of this danger. Maybe the sensor logs can show something. But nothing works on cube 1655 and sphere 114. Even the drones are off line... Maybe the Borg can adapt... Maybe not... If not... We will send a ship to investigate. But keep it sneaky and send some assimilated Romulans with a confiscated warbird as they can keep up appearances versus the Federation , should be plenty of those warbirds in stock after previous assimilations and after the dominion war. We will make sure that the romulans can communicate with the Federation without beeing perceived as assimilated!" Plans within plans... One Borg sphere is send to Borg cube 1655 and Borg sphere 114 to investigate the situation. But when the sphere arrives at the location, there is no good news... The two Borg ships cannot be rebooted. Far away in the delta Quadrant a Starfleet ship as appeard out of nowhere. It is the USS Montreal. Only a few borg ships are only a few days away from the location of the USS Montreal. The Borg have no clue how the USS Montreal got there. Players: Family Keuleers USS Walang/Starbase 100 Rear Admiral Hendriks has no time to celebrate her promotion. "I will Take command of Starbase 100 and coordinate our search for the Nullifier on Starbase 100. It is always better to have a fixed place to coordinate a search lilke this." 100 ships are spreading out in the Federation in search of a phenomenon the Trsterts have called the Nullifier. It is unknown what causes the Nullifier, but one thing is certain. "If your ship is hit by the Nullifier all power is gone, even life support. So you will freeze to death in space without air to breath..." The Trsterts are very clear that they do not have an explanation for the Nullifier but they do have a way to counter the effect. Every ship and facilitiy now has a seperate power generator which is not active. After the hit of the Nullifier two minutes will be enough to wait to start this generator. This way power can be restored. It will be minimum power and only enough for life support and a few minor other things, but at least the people on the ship or facility will survive and will be able to communicate. Aboard Starbase 100 there are also dele gations of the very advanced Trsterts, Zolo, Hunanan, Musks and Yu. The Kirie have a delegation outside starbase in space. The Kirie do not need life support to survive in space. It is their natural environment. Every ship in search of the Nullifier is accompanied by at least one Kirie. The Kirie can assist or defend the ship if needed. Apparently if you are looking for something you don't find it... No traces of the Nullifier have been detected. But then... There it is. Far beyond the border of the Federation two Borg ships are clearly the victim of the Nullifier. There are of course a few problems... It happened outside Federation space and... The Borg are the main enemy of the Federation... Players: Marianne Loogen USS Vertigo Day 476 14.00 There is news of about 20 Borg ships in the region, but on orders of Admiral Steichen the USS Vertigo avoids them and continues on course to the planet Skonnera, leaving the Borg ships behind. Day 479 06.00 Senior staff meeting. it will only be a few days until the USS Vertigo reaches Skonnera. Aside of some miner technical problems, the ship is in peak condition. Day 483 02.13 The USS Vertigo enters the Skonnera System... Players: Nadine Peeters USS Atlantis Some officers on the USS Atlantis are runnning through the corriors. Captain Walker has ordered them to the transporter room. But junior officers have no idea of what is going on. They know there was a short meeting with Captain Picard, but that is all. Junior Lieutenant Gino Primetti has to jump aside as two senior staff officers run by. Gino almost ends up against the wall next to Ensign Jean Buckler. "I am sorry Ensign. There seems to be something that is very urgent." "No problem Lieutenant. Whatever is going on, I don't think they are going to tell me all about it." "Indeed Ensign. They will tell us when we need to know. Although I must confes I am very curious." "You are not the only one sir." Ensign Jean Buckler and Junior Lieutenant Gino Primetti continue on their way to their stations in engineering. Players: Johan Michielsens, Conny Parmentier Ovion (Hirogen/Ori/Replicator Vessel) If you have all the time you want, you just have to be patient. Horkan just has to wait until the next conflict has ended. In this case the Borg Collective is planning to take over the Federation. It is not certain whether the Borg will win the conflict. There are some officers in the Federation who can change all of this in a blink of an eye as they have managed to establish a link between an assimilated ship in federation hands and Borg ships in the Borg Collective. Horkan has seen this. He only has to wait. Whoever wins the upcoming war, Horkan and his huge fleet will have an easy time to destroy what is left... Players: Thomas van Rhee DS2 RPG General Status Report August 2017 USS Earth/Starbase 44 Aboard Starbase 44 a team is following more than 60 Borg ships through a link between a found assimilated ship and Borg ships, of which a large group is still in the Delta Quadrant. Knowing the Federation, even with the Klingons and Romulans at their side cannot defeat thousands of Borg ships. So Admiral Steichen creates a plan to ask for the help of... Species 8472... When contact is made by the USS Montreal with Species 8472 there seems to be a friendly respons. And then Admiral Steichen has only one question. "Ask Species 8472 to come to the Alpha Quadrant to defend the Federation." Of course, it was not certain they would do this... But to their huge surprise Species 8472 agreed. It takes Species 8472 six hours to arrive at cube 1655 and some other ships the Borg have sent towards the Federation. It is extremely easy to take these Borg ships out as these ships have lost all power. It takes them four seconds to destroy them... Species 8472 informs the closest Federation ship that the Borg ships were disabled by something called the Nullifier. The nullifier is a known phenomenon to Species 8472, but they do not know exactly what it is. Just as that raises a lot of questions... Only ten minutes later Admiral Steichen receives a message from Admiral Hendriks to all Federation ships and facilities about this Nullifier. Message from Admiral Hendriks, Starbase 100. We are looking for the nullifier, some kind of energy force that will take out all power of starships. Ships will lose all power, propulsion, life support... Within a few minutes no life will be possible on that ship. We have already one hundred ships on the lookout for this phenomenon which seems to occur randomly, but it could be artifical. We also have a sollution. Included in this message are the scematics of a power generator, which can make the crew of the ship hit by the Nullifier survive and start up some of the systems. This power generator can only be started 30 seconds after the ship is hit. The effect of the Nullifier should be gone by then. Good luck. End of message. Players: Christine Steichen USS Thunderbolt/The Borg Collective One Borg sphere is send to Borg cube 1655 and Borg sphere 114 to investigate the situation. But when the sphere arrives at the location, there is no good news... The two Borg ships cannot be rebooted. Far away in the delta Quadrant a Starfleet ship as appeard out of nowhere. It is the USS Montreal. Only a few borg ships are only a few days away from the location of the USS Montreal. The Borg have no clue how the USS Montreal got there. By the time some Borg ships get close to the position of the Federation ship USS Montreal, the ship is already gone. It just disappeared. Ten minutes later several ships of Species 8472 appear closeby to Borg cube 1655 and Borg sphere 114 close to the Federation border. Species 8472 destroys the Borg ships within a few seconds. Close to the position where the USS Montreal disappeared a rift to fluid space opens. At least thirty ships of Species 8472 come through the rift and destroy the Borg ships which were sent to investigate the USS Montreal. But Species 8472 doens't stop there. More ships are coming through the rift and only an hour later the first Borg planet is already destroyed. Strangely enough Species 8472 leave a message to the Borg. It seems like a joke... "So the Borg have problems with the Nullifier..." And then it seems as if the entire species 8472 is laughing. But the Borg are a collection of many different assimilated species and a few of those assimilated species know about the Nullifier. The Nullifier is a phenomenon that appears out of nowhere anywhere in space that neutralises all power, even life support. So everyone that is on a ship in space hit by the Nullifier will be killed in a matter of minutes, freezing and without air. Now the Borg realise what happened to Borg cube 1655 and Borg sphere 114... And the Federation starship USS Montreal... They must have called Species 8472 for help... Players: Family Keuleers USS Walang/Starbase 100 Outside Federation space two Borg ships are hit by the Nullifier. The Borg are the enemy of the Federation. The Kirie, Trsterts, Zolo, Hunanan, Musks and Yu do not like the Borg either because they enslave and conquer other species... But the only ones who can help these Borg ships is Admiral Hendriks and her friends... Players: Marianne Loogen USS Vertigo Day 483 06.00 Senior staff meeting on the USS Vertigo. The only M-class planet in the Skonnera system is Skonnera III. But the planet is a complete desert. There is breathable air, the temperature is moderate and life should be possible. But there is no water... Day 483 07.13 More scans have revealed structures about two hundred meters below the surface. The structures are as big as cities. Sensors do not detect life in the structures. Day 483 08.06 Chief of Security Commander Matz suggests to Commodore Slater to transport a team into the underground structures to find out what has happened to the planet. Players: Nadine Peeters USS Atlantis Something big is going on aboard the USS Atlantis, but only Captain Walker seems to know what it is. Some officers on the USS Atlantis are still runnning through the corridors. Captain Walker has ordered them to the transporter room. But this seems bigger than it looks. Captain Walker has new orders. "Captain to all senior officers report to main hanger deck in two minutes, not transporter room 1. I repeat main hanger deck! Thank you. Walker out." Apparently this is about an important item or about an important group of people coming on board or leaving. It seems the transporter room is to small... Players: Johan Michielsens, Conny Parmentier Ovion (Hirogen/Ori/Replicator Vessel) Patience is the key to Horkan's plan to conquer the galaxy. He hopes the Borg will indeed invade the Federation and their neighbours. But at this time the Borg seem to have some problems. The ships on their way to the federation have lost all power without any cause. Federation ships are avoiding the Borg ships, so some of Horkan's officers presume the Federation has a new kind of weapon to neutralize the Borg. If the Federation indeed has such a new weapon, that could be dangerous for Horkan and his fleet, although it is a huge fleet, Horkan doesn't want to take any chances... Horkan has some of his Replicators find out what exactly has happened to the Borg ships which are dead in space. The result of the search is even worse than a new Federation weapon. The cause of the Borg problems is the Nullifier... A space phenomena that absorbs all power randomly in space. The Nullifier is well known to many species in the Galaxy but never in history of any species the cause of the Nulifier has been identified. Is it just coincidence? Does Horkan have to find a defence against this Nullifier? Is there a defence against this Nullifier? ... Players: Thomas van Rhee DS2 RPG General Status Report September 2017 USS Earth/Starbase 44 Captain John Wainis reports. "Data which is coming in from Starbase 44, through the link with the Borg Collective, reveals the Borg were planning to attack the Federation, but they now are in trouble in the Delta Quadrant themselves. Species 8472 has started to attack the Borg, helping the Federation." Admiral Steichen has come to a conclusion. "Now that the Borg threat is gone or at least less than before, we can concentrate on finding traces of this Nullifier. Maybe there is a pattern. Maybe the phenomenon is artificial... We will send out as many ships as we can with this special power generator." Almost a hundred ships of the 44th fleet spread out in the region around Starbase 44 and moving further away to the borders of federation space. They move in pairs with one lead ship and the other a little further behind as backup. But the results are not yet encouraging. It seems that when womeone wants to be hit by something like a disaster, it doesn't happen. Most of the ships of the 44th fleet in search of the Nullifier are crossing the federation border. The USS Alaska and USS Maes cross the Federation border and approach the Karawaten System. The Karawaten are very friendly and invite the newcomers to their system. They do have warp capable ships, but only about ten. They have never heard about a Nullifier. But they are willing to help looking for it in their region of space. The USS Baffin and USS Tasmania have crossed the Federation border and end up close to the Zroma System. The Zroma are rather hostile and do not want any intruders. "If you cross our border, we will consider that an act of war." The Zroma ships at the other side of the Zroma border are no match for the Federation ships... Players: Christine Steichen Starbase 88 Admiral Geert Van Nieuwenhove has returned to Starbase 88 after attending a Starfleet Command meeting. After he is transported to Starbase Operations, he asks a situation report. First Officer Captain Sigrid Johansson reports. "Data which is coming in from Starbase 44, through the link with the Borg Collective, reveals the Borg are planning to attack the Federation, but they now are in trouble in the Delta Quadrant themselves. Species 8472 has started to attack the Borg, helping the Federation." But the Borg territory is huge, so the Borg threat could still be real. Aboard Starbase 88 some of the 71 captains of Admiral Geert Van Nieuwenhove volonteer to start a search for this Nullifier. They do not believe that this Nullifier is a natural phenomena. They think it is made by someone or something. Scientists aboard Starbase 88 cannot explain the Nullifier, but do not exclude it could be a natural phenomena. The Nullifier returns every 50 thousand years in this galaxy. It suddenly appears, usually lasts for a few years and then stops and is not seen again for bout 50 thousand years. Several species; like the Trsterts, Zolo, Hunanan, Musks and Yu who have faster than light capablilities for many thousands of years have reported about the Nullifier. Through communications between the Federation and Species 8472 it even seems Species 8472 knows about the Nullifier. Players: Geert Van Nieuwenhove USS Thunderbolt/The Borg Collective Species 8472 has more and more bioships coming in in regular space in the Delta Quadrant. A second and third Borg planet has already been destroyed and Species 8472 doesn't seem to be willing to stop. the Borg are not yet cornered, but if this continues, they could be sooner than expected... "We will make a deal with Species 8472 to make peace. We will amso try to find a way to addapt to this Nullifier. Then we can make new plans later." But the plan to hurt the Federation is not yet thrown away. "We will create a humanitarian disaster somewhere and leave traces of species 8472. Then we will try to contact 7 of 9 via her implants and lure her in to cope with this. We will try having jedi borg borg to assimilate her and have her deal with the 8472’s. She will be a nice asset and might serve as a borg queen somewhere." Master One is sent to Starfleet Outpost 5447 Beta. There he meets with 7 of 9. But 7 of 9 doesn't go willingly... "If the Borg king wants a counterpart like Locutus... I will not comply..." A moment later 7 of 9 is assimilated by Master One... After trying five times to contact Species 8472, Master 3, the Borg Jedi Master asks to be transported on to a bioship of Species 8472 to make direct contact. As soon as Master 3 has been transported aboard a Bioship he is surrounded by 7 men. There is nobody aboard this ship belonging to Species 8472. The humanoids are dressed in black, with black capes. They have a lightsaber. The Force is very strong in them, but it is clear they are Sith... One of the Sith speaks. "We are here to help Species 8472. Species 8472 demands you leave the federation in peace. If you have any intention to hurt anyone or anything of the Federation, you and all Borg will be destroyed. You are completely outnumbered and outgunned." Master 3 only has a few seconds to make a decision... At the same moment the assimilated 7 of 9 has a plan to counter Species 8472... Players: Family Keuleers USS Walang/Starbase 100 Not to far away from Starbase 100 but outside Federation space, two Borg ships have been detected by a Kirie. But the Borg ships are dead in space. Apparently they have been hit by the Nullifier. Admiral Hendriks gives her orders. "Send 20 ships and a platoon Kirie to the Borg ships and investigate. This is our only lead up to now. You don't have a choice... We can investigate traces of the Nullifier if there are traces as long as the Borg ships do not have power..." The ships are dispatched imediately. "We want any trace of the Nullifier we can find. We indeed have no choice but go. We are not going to destroy them. It would mean destroying all evidence." With the new upgraded propulsion systems build by the Trsterts and the Zolo the ships and the Kirie arrive at the location of the Borg ships in only a few days. The Borg ships are still there and still they do not seem to have any power. About an hour after several teams have been sent on the Borg ships, there is still nothing found that can lead to the Nullifier. But there is something else. "Sir, there is a rift in space opening. Sir there is one Species 8472 Bioship coming through." A report is sent to Admiral Hendriks, with some more explanation about Species 8472. Species 8472 live in "fluidic space", an extra-dimensional realm. Fluidic space is a continuum filled with an organic fluid. Fluidic space has no stars, planets or nebulae. Species 8472 uses a type of organic spacecraft known only as a bioship composed of the same organic material as their pilots and typically controlled by a single pilot. Despite Species 8472's use of telepathic communication, it is not clear whether the Bioships themselves are controlled telepathically as Species 8472 has been witnessed to operate a console to pilot a bioship. At this moment The Species 8472 ship does not do anything. It seems to be waiting. The rift has already closed. It does not seem that this Species 8472 Bioship has hostile intentions. If it wanted to attack, it had already done so. Species 8472 is an enemy of the Borg and certainly not an enemy of the Trsterts, Zolo, Hunanan, Musks or Yu... But the intentions of the Species 8472 ship are not clear yet. Players: Marianne Loogen USS Vertigo Day 490 14.00 Chief of Security Commander Matz reports to the senior staff about the findings on Skonnera III. But there is not much to tell. The underground structures do not contain technology or remains of a civilization. Day 492 14.00 Commodore Jeffrey Slater Gives the away teams on Skonnera III 7 days to come up with something important. Day 493 12.03 The search of the underground structures on Skonnera III continues. Players: Nadine Peeters USS Atlantis While Captain Walker's officers are running through the ship for something that seems to be very much important, some of the engineers take the time to run the necessary diagnostics on all systems. The USS Atlantis is getting ready for anything. Propulsion, shields, weapons, even the holodecks... Players: Johan Michielsens, Conny Parmentier Ovion (Hirogen/Ori/Replicator Vessel) The Nullifier is the one thing nobody seems to have control over. Pockets of space are hit by the phenomena that takes away all power. During the last two months in de Federation 44 merchant ships have been hit, and 6 Starfleet vessels. The Starfleet vessels have an emergency power generator aboard which has saved those ships and crews, but 21 merchant ships were lost. The others were lucky enough to be close to a planet or a facility... Horkan is also investigating the Nullifier, but only in the region of his conquered planets, Gundrota, Glion, Vermillon, Farano, Adrata, Litania, Gunasatomar and Slondara. Horkan's staff already has build countermeasures and emergency powergenerators. They should be safe... Players: Thomas van Rhee DS2 RPG General Status Report October 2017 USS Earth/Starbase 44 The search for the Nullifier continues. It is still not certain the Nullifier is a natural phenomena or artificial. When new starsystems are discoverd or the ships of the 44th fleet enter occupied space, most of the species are willing to help, except for the Zroma... The orders of Admiral Steichen are clear. "Leave the Zroma System alone. The Zroma do not seem to be able to construct something that can cause the Nullifier. It is clear though they have some secrets..." And so the search continues. A few days later a new report comes in from the USS Chicago and USS Channel. "Admiral. We are approaching the Sfanra System. We have already found one deserted ship at drift. It seems that not only the Nullifier has taken out this ship, but an entire planet has lost its power. Of course it is possible the Nullifier is not responsable of the power loss on the planet. We do not know if they are people living on the planet. We must enter the system to find out." Just as the Admiral is thinking about a repons, there is a priority message from Captain John Wainis. "Admiral. The Borg have found out about the link we have with those ships of the Collective. I recommend to terminate the link immediately." Players: Christine Steichen Starbase 88 All ships of the 88th fleet are equiped with a special emergency generator, that overcomes the effect of the Nullifier. Although unlikely, there is a small chance the Borg want to take advantage over all of this and hit on the Federation. Admiral Van Nieuwenhove gives his orders. "We will devide the fleet between key facilities and outposts. We will also start the search for clues about this Nulifier." It turned out to be a wise decision. The Borg indeed have a plan. But the Borg apparently do not know that the Federation has a working link with the Borg Collective so the federation knows everything the Borg are planning. It is clear 7 of 9 is assimilated. She has a huge amount of knowledge about the Federation. When a Borg cube is sent to outpost 997 to assimilate it, twelve Starfleet ships of the 88th fleet already know the Borg are coming. The ships evacuate the outpost population. When the Borg cube arrives it is ambushed by the Starfleet ships, and destroyed from the inside out... The Federation has a success because they have a link with the Borg and know everything the Borg are planning. Some of Admiral Van Nieuwenhove's officers come up with the idea to use the Barzan Wormhole to go to the Delta Quadrant to hit the Borg hard, now the Federation has the chance now that they know everything the Borg are doing and planning. Players: Geert Van Nieuwenhove USS Thunderbolt/The Borg Collective Master Three is called back. No time for foolish heroics... There is a token of good intentions. "We will ask the Federation for advice to show that we have absolutely no hostile intentions towards them and even would like to tighten relations." The question is whether the federation will believe them. And to show the Borg are innocent... "We will continue to cause events in which it seems that 8472 were the cause but be careful in leaving no trace of this. We will try to create dissent in Starfleet HQ with this. Create doubts. We will plant a seed of distrust which will cause factions to change alligiance." The plans are executed. At some empty Federation outposts the Borg leave a Species 8472 footprint as if these outposts are attacked by Species 8472. The Borg have to wait for the results of these actions. The Borg indeed have a plan now. But the Borg apparently do not know that the Federation has a working link with the Borg Collective, through a found assimilated ship, so the Federation knows everything the Borg are planning. It is clear 7 of 9 is assimilated. She has a huge amount of knowledge about the Federation and she is helping the Borg. When a Borg cube is sent to outpost 997 to assimilate it, twelve Starfleet ships of the 88th fleet already know the Borg are coming through the link with the Borg Collective. The ships evacuate the outpost population. When the Borg cube arrives it is ambushed by the Starfleet ships, and destroyed from the inside out... The Federation has a success because they have a link with the Borg and know everything the Borg are planning. 7 of 9 discovers the link between several Borg ships and the Federation... Apparently the Federation had a link with Borg ships through an assimlated ship for at least six months. They knew exactly what the Borg were doing or planning... Players: Family Keuleers USS Walang/Starbase 100 Confronted with a bioship of Species 8472 Admiral Hendriks on Starbase 100 gives new orders. "Contact the Species 8472 ship.We want to know their intensions, don't we." The pilot of the bioship has a request. "We know that you are looking for the Nullifier. The nullifier cannot hurt us. Whatever or whoever the cause of the Nullifier, it is weak. And the weak will perish. Let us join you in the search of the Nullifier. The weak must perish..." Players: Marianne Loogen USS Vertigo Day 493 14.00 The search of the underground structures on Skonnera III continues. Commodore Slater ordered the search to end in 6 days... Day 498 14.00 Senior staff meeting on the USS Vertigo. Nothing has been found in the underground structures that indicates any trace of civilization. Commodore Slater is not disapointed, but he can only state the obvious. There could have been something interesting on Skonnera III, but it is gone now... Last day of the search begins. Day 498 18.12 Biologists and exobiologists ask Commodore Slater for an extra week on Skonnora III to have more time to study the plant life on the planet. This gives the other teams a week more to search the underground structures. Players: Nadine Peeters USS Atlantis Far far away from the USS Atlantis the USS Lancer is hit by the Nullifier. A pocket of space around the USS Lancer takes all the power away from the US Lancer. But the crew is prepared. They waith 30 seconds and then start the emergency generator. Two minutes later the USS Lancer is already operational and continuing its course. It is the thrid time a Starfleet vessel is hit by the Nullifier. Aboard the USS Atlantis preparations continue. Players: Johan Michielsens, Conny Parmentier Ovion (Hirogen/Ori/Replicator Vessel) Horkan's fleet is now ready to start exploring again. The defence against the Nullifier is installed. The first few days after sending out scout ships only one ship is affected by the Nullifier. The crew on the ship keeps calm. The Replicators aboard use their ability to overcome the nullifier with success. A few minutes later the ship is completely operational... Players: Thomas van Rhee DS2 RPG General Status Report November 2017 USS Earth/Starbase 44 The USS Chicago and USS Channel enter the Sfanra System. They have found a ship in the system that is at drift, probably hit by the Nullifier. There are no survivors. But also a planet in the system has lost all power... Admiral Steichen has a bigger problem. Captain John Wainis has informed the Admiral the Borg have discovered the link between the Federation and several Borg ships. Admiral Steichen takes a decision. "End this link imediately. Retreat part of our ships which are searching for the Nullifier for defensive missions in case the Borg decide to attack something..." Part of the 44th fleet is called back and is now patrolling key areas. But there are still a large amount of ships searching for the nullifier. The USS Franiker and USS Oregon are having a meeting with the Klopjertan who have had trouble with the Nullifier a few timpes already. The USS Chicago and USS Channel have entered the Sfanra System and ask permission to send away teams to the planet to investigate the planet where all power seems to have been shut down somehow. If this is the work of the Nullifier, this problem becomes a lot larger... The USS Goliath asks permission to be bait for a possible hit of the Nullifierin an area that is hit by the Nullifier more than average, so with the USS Dallas as backup, they should find a trace of the origin of the Nullifier. Players: Christine Steichen Starbase 88 A large group of the 88th fleet is now looking for the Nullifier. Most of the Captains of these ships report they have completed their search in their assigned sectors. Some of them ask Admiral Van Nieuwenhove permission to cross the Federation border and continue the search outside Federation space. There is a new plan. Ships of the 88th fleet have a new mission. "Use the Barzan Wormhole to go to the Delta Quadrant with a big fleet to help Species 8472 with their war against the Borg." But when the ships of the 88th fleet arrive in the delta Quadrant the Borg have made peace with Species 8472, one way or another. Nobody knows exactly what has happened. And there is some more bad news. Admiral Steichen in command of Starbase 44 had to terminate the link between the Federation and the Borg ships. The link was discovered... But then there is also good news. A Klingon ship arrives at Starbase 88. The klingon Captain wants to meet with Admiral Van Nieuwenhove... He has a proposal. "I am Captain Klag of the Klingon Empire. I have heard that the Federation uses the Barzan wormhole to travel to the Delta Quadrant to spy on the Borg. I, Klag of the House of Mettel, propse you or some of your officers can join us on our Cloaked ships so we can spy on the Borg together. They are also a threat to us..." Players: Geert Van Nieuwenhove USS Thunderbolt/The Borg Collective The assimilated 7 of 9 was very successful. She discovered a link between the Federation and Borg ships. This way the federation could see all the plans of the Borg for many months. That explains the bad results the Borg Collective has scored against the Federation lately. But the Borg can use that link to their advantage. "We will use the link between the Borg ships and the Federation to our advantage. We will send false information to the Federation through this link." But the Borg are to late. The link has been terminated as soon as it was discovered. Just before the link was terminated the Federation sent a message to the Borg. "Seven. We will come and free you. Just like in the old days." And there is that other problem... "We will make peace with Species 8472 whatever the cost. This Nullifier is a bigger problem. We will try to find the origin of the Nullifier." Ships are sent out. Peace is made with Species 8472 who apparently are also looking for the Nullifier, although the Nullifier cannot harm any bioship. But the war effort against the Federation is not forgotten yet. There is a new plan. "We will focus assimilation efforts on smaller colonies and outposts surrounding the Sol system and establish a foothold…" But that is easier said than done. The first attempts of this plan fail. A larger fleet of Federation ships of the 44th fleet has stopped the attempt succesfully. The borg ships were hit by the Nullifier and the 44th fleet only had to destroy them... Maybe the Nullifier is a Federation weapon after all... Players: Family Keuleers USS Walang/Starbase 100 Species 8472 has offered their help with the search for the Nullifier. Now the question is whether the motives of Species 8472 will be enough to convince Admiral Hendriks to join up for the search for the Nullifier... Players: Marianne Loogen USS Vertigo Day 503 14.00 Senior staff meeting on the USS Vertigo. All biological life forms on Skonnora III have been catalogued and stored into a holodeck program. Nothing has been discovered in the underground structures. Day 504 6.00 As there is no further knowledge to gain by the USS Vertigo crew on Skonnora III, Commodore Jeffrey Slater in command, decides to travel to the next system. Day 504 6.09 All away teams are back aboard the ship. The USS Vertigo is ready to leave orbit of Skonnora III. Then a powersignature on the planet draws the full attention of the USS Vertigo crew. Players: Nadine Peeters USS Atlantis Starbase 111... "Admiral. These are the latest reports in our region." "Are there any urgent cases in this report Commander?" "Most of these reports are scientific discoveries. But there is one of them which reports the situation of a smaller fleet under command of Captain Tom J. Walker, USS Atlantis. I cannot explain some of the reports of the USS Atlantis sir. My level of security clearance is not high enough." "OK Commander, I will have a look at it. Dismissed." The Admiral lays down his padd and looks at his terminal screen. He starts reading the latest reports about the USS Atlantis. After a few seconds he seems to be shocked... Players: Johan Michielsens, Conny Parmentier Ovion (Hirogen/Ori/Replicator Vessel) Several of Horkan's ships have been hit by the Nullifier, but safetymeasures kicked in and the ships continued on their way. But although there is only a minor problem with the Nullifier for Horkan's people it is beginning to be disturbing. Something has to be done about this Nullifier... Players: Thomas van Rhee DS2 RPG General Status Report December 2017 USS Earth/Starbase 44 A part of the 44th fleet has already made first contact with several new species in their search for traces of the Nullifier. Not all of those species are happy to join the search and some are even hostile, but in most cases this is a start of a huge cooperation. The USS Chicago escorted by the USS Channel are in the Sfanra system which is clearly hit by the Nullifier. Admiral Steichen has new orders for the two ships. "You can send away teams to Sfanra and investigate the planet." "Acknowledged Admiral. We will keep you posted." The first 24 hours there is nothing important to report from the Sfanra System. But then there is something new... "Starbase 44 this is Captain Louis Bohn on the USS Chicago in the Sfanra System. Our teams have found the remains of a civilisation, which was hit by the Nullifier not this long ago. But there is something different here. There are some powerplants that still work. It is not clear whether they have automaticly started after some time after the Nullifier hit or if someone has restarted them. If we can... One moment Starbase 44. I am getting new information. There are three ships approaching this system. They claim to be inhabitants of the Sfanra System. They asking for our help to rebuild their society. Admiral These people need our help. They have lost almost everything..." And then there is a new offer to join up with another species. A Ferengi ship has arrived at Starbase 44 with an offer to help searching for the nullifier. But like the Ferengi always want this deal to be profitable for them. They ask for 200 Starfleet personnel to help, but if they do not find anything in two months or any Ferengi ships is damaged during the search for the Nullifier, the 200 Starfleet crewmembers will be held as slaves as compensation... Players: Christine Steichen Starbase 88 There is a tempting offer from the Klingon Captain Klag. Admiral Van Nieuwenhove takes the oportunity. "I accept the Klingon offer and have some of my officers join some cloaked Klingon ships to send them to the Delta Quadrant through the Barzan Wormhole and spy on the Borg. They can use a datastream to communicate with the Alpha Quadrant." Almost 100 volonteers join the Klingons and set course to the Delta Quadrant through the Barzan wormhole. A few days later there is a message from Commander Guy Sop from the Delta Quadrant asking permission to build a small outpost on a small planet in the Delta Quadrant. "Sir, we can build this outpost in a few days with the help of the Klingons. The outpost will have a cloaking genrator so the Borg will not detect us. But it will be a permanent base of operations in the Delta Quadrant. We can start building right now if you want." Having an outpost in the Delta Quadrant close to the Borg is of course tempting. Bt the danger of assimilation is of course also real. And there is a new offer to join up with another species. A Ferengi ship has arrived at Starbase 88 with an offer to help searching for the nullifier. But like the Ferengi always want this deal to be profitable for them. They ask for 200 Starfleet personnel to help, but if they do not find anything in two months or any Ferengi ships is damaged during the search for the Nullifier, the 200 Starfleet crewmembers will be held as slaves as compensation... Players: Geert Van Nieuwenhove USS Thunderbolt/The Borg Collective Maybe it is time for the Borg Collective to search for the cause of this Nullifier first, before they make any other plans. But maybe some targetted assimilations can lead to more information. A search in the delta qudrant could also be useful. Is time runnning out already or is the problem of the Nullifier not really a problem at all? Players: Family Keuleers USS Walang/Starbase 100 The search for the Nullifier seemed simple, but it is surely not. Even with the help of Species 8472 the search could be a serious effort... Players: Marianne Loogen USS Vertigo Day 504 06.09 Yellow alert aboard the USS Vertigo. Shields up. The powersignature on Skonnora III is getting larger. Day 504 06.10 A probe is sent to examine the powersignature on Skonnora III. USS Vertigo scientists and engineers cannot explain why they have not seen this when they were on the planet. Day 504 06.11 It seems the powersignature on Skonnora III has many simularities with a Federation transporter signal... Players: Nadine Peeters USS Atlantis Aboard Starbase 111. The Admiral has read the reports about the USS Atlantis and does not really know what to say. He is not even sure he is allowed to share this information with anyone else. Images show the coridors, the bridge and main engineering on board the USS Atlantis. Officers are running through the corridors... Most crewmembers jumping aside to let them through... Players: Johan Michielsens, Conny Parmentier Ovion (Hirogen/Ori/Replicator Vessel) Horkan has sent out more ships to find the Nullifier. He has intercepted communications from the Federation, Klingon Empire and even the Borg Collective who are all searching for the Nullifier, now even the Ferengi... Players: Thomas van Rhee